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Elmo just keeps taking jabs this year, man…


JP hopped up on bennies again confirmed.


What the fuck is wrong with this guy


Short answer: mommy issues. Long answer: severe mommy issues.


Also drugs. And experimental medical treatments in foreign countries


There was nothing experimental about it. He flew out to Russia because that's where he found a doctor willing to take his bribe to commit medical fraud, and record Peterson as having suddenly contracted treatment resistant life threatening double pneumonia at some point between leaving the airport and arriving at the hospital, that way he could be placed in a medically induced coma and not have to be conscious during the withdrawal period of his benzodiazepine addiction. If it was actually an experimental treatment, then there wouldn't have been any need to lie about the reason why the induced coma was being preformed. And, you know, there would have actually been an experimental component to it. But there was none. It was nothing more than Peterson not wanting to go through the same withdrawal period which he had shamed countless others for not wanting to go through, and every doctor in the developed world that he went to telling him that they're not willing to preform it for such a reason. You know why? It's because some degree of brain damage is virtually guaranteed when a patient is placed in an induced coma. It's a last resort, used only when the patient would otherwise die, for a *reason.* That's why he dropped out of public view for a year after doing it, so that he could relearn how to walk independently and speak without a slur. It's also why he's had no control over his tear ducts since he came back, and why he's been unable to tweet in coherent sentences despite spending almost every waking hour on the platform. The man legitimately chose to inflict permanent brain damage on himself because he didn't have the willpower to kick his drug addiction no matter how much support he was provided with, and since then he's done his best to make it everyone else's problem.


Holy shit, is this legit? To save my lazy ass do you have a source handy?


This is more news-y, but highlights the general points of his Russian detox trip: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/jordan-peterson-treatment-russia-1.5456939




Goddamn. Getting off the drugs would have been easier.


Most people think they can't get off the drugs they're on. Once you actually do it, it's really the easiest part of getting life back on track.


Umm clearly it's the apple cider. Duhh


Also his clown wardrobe.


You're gonna want to hear the long answer on this one


hello Freud


It always ends up being mommy issues somehow.


Actually answer: Horny for grandma


Yeah ever since the public lost interest in him he‘s just using X all day. Although caring about other peoples religion shouldn’t be viewed as something bad. Damn, I miss old Sesame street.


I think his ties might choke him unbeknownst to him, like Mr. Mackey from South Park.


Dudes gone nuts. He had a good thing going awhile back with some genuine good advice and pointing out problems with the left but now he's just putting his fingers into pies without understanding how they're cooked. Or how it was all baked by god in the end. Damn shame.


Nah he was always a weirdo he just hid it behind a calm demeanor and reasonable sounding life advice. The drug addiction and nearly dying to that all meat diet just made him drop the facade.


He also came to popularity during the 'gamergate era' where people were making fun of 'crazy colored femnazis'. I mean he literally threw a fit about pronouns. Meanwhile he had other staff at the university he thought horrified for reached complete bs science in his psych class


>I mean he literally threw a fit about pronouns Lying through his teeth about the contents of [bill C-16](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Act_to_amend_the_Canadian_Human_Rights_Act_and_the_Criminal_Code) -an amendment to add gender identity to the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination in Canada- is literally how he rose to public prominence. He was virtually unheard of prior to this point, and told such absurd lies that the Chairman of the Canadian Bar Association himself felt the need to [write an open letter explaining how laws actually work and why Peterson's claims were bullshit.](https://www.cba.org/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=be34d5a4-8850-40a0-beea-432eeb762d7f)


Not convinced by the letter. It state that biological man in women's bathroom posed no danger because "Of the many risk factors identified by research, using a public washroom is not one of them". Sure, but what if somebody identifying as woman, but male can now enter a woman's bathroom. There are now cases of rape in woman's bathrooms


So you think it was the law against using a women's bathroom that was holding the rapists at bay?


>So you think it was the law against using a women's bathroom Just so that we're all on the same page, [I'd like to point out that there was no such law.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/1bck0cb/the_tweet_was_deleted_shortly_after/kuke19f/) No law pertaining to the status of public restrooms was either established or abolished by Bill-16.


Not what I'm saying, the argument in the letter is that few women were raped in the bathrooms so there's no danger


No one needs to uproot their whole lives just to sneak into women's bathrooms. Time and time again you'll find if a man wants to rape a woman in a bathroom/locker room he'll just walk right in, there's nothing stopping them. Just let trans people live their lives, they're not trying to invade spaces, they're just trying to be themselves.


>Sure, but what if somebody identifying as woman, but male can now enter a woman's bathroom. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else identifies as; there's no law against that. It's perfectly legal for someone to go into the other side of a public restroom, so long as they're not creating a public disturbance. That's how it's worked here in Canada since long before you were born, and it remains completely unchanged. What's more, as I'm sure you understand perfectly well, anyone who's going to commit a crime as heinous and severe as rape will have absolutely no compunctions about breaking a law which says they're not supposed to be somewhere at the same time, anyway. >There are now cases of rape in woman's bathrooms I'm sorry, but your reasoning just doesn't hold up; no law pertaining to public restrooms was being added or abolished. Absolutely nothing about the legal situation regarding public restrooms was changed as a result of Bill C-16, so it doesn't make any sense that such cases would start to arise at a statistically elevated level than they had been previously. Like, think about what the prohibited grounds for discrimination already were prior to the passing of this bill. It was "race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, **sex**, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability, and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered." Sex itself was *already* on the list, and has been since 1977. So adding "gender identity or expression" to the list changes absolutely nothing about laws surrounding public restrooms, even indirectly, because any context that the list of prohibited grounds for discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act would have applied to was already preventing discrimination on the basis of sex. And for any context in which that's *not* the case due to the CHRA's lack of applicability, it would remain not the case because changes to the CHRA don't matter to situations in which that section of the CHRA don't apply.   And if all that weren't enough, then finally we've got the fact that Bill C-16 is something that was passed 7 years ago. And since that time, there's been no indication of any kind of statistical increase in the kinds of situations you're worried about. It doesn't get much more clear-cut than that.


[https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate](https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-67613441](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-67613441) https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/reflections-on-the-impact-of-gender-self-identification-policies-in-the-canadian-correctional-system/#:\~:text=Since%20the%20passage%20of%20Bill,surgery%20or%20hormones%20are%20required.


No mentions of bathrooms anywhere, your first link isn't from Canada, your second link isn't from Canada, and your third is an opinion piece. So what are you trying to say, here? Is the reason you didn't actually write anything because you already knew that you were embarrassing yourself with this manipulative dishonesty, /u/GaG51? Hell, it looks like the first one was straight up investigated already, found to have been false, and then *admitted* to have been false by the claimant. Did you not even read it?


He came back WAYYYY too sooon.


"reasonable advice" I'm not an American and I find both the American right and left mentally deranged. But to me his advice was just a useless bunch of fancy words that in the end amount to "clean your room" or some basic shit that anyone with two functioning brain cells can deduce; I believe he became popular because compared to all the crazy feminists and mysoginists he *sounded* sane,but if you judge him objectively he wasn't anything special.


He's been pointing out "problems" with the Left because he's been spouting fascist ideas since forever. The obvious brain damage from the coma I guess.


He hasn't been doing it forever. That's the point.


I feel the exact same way. Liked his 2nd book, didnt see the incoming right wing nuttery. Boy, was I wrong.


He's a classic liberal. His thoughts and ideas are only considered "right wing" by todays standards because the left keeps moving goal post further and further into insanity (same can be said for the right). 2 decades ago he would be like any other liberal of the time


He's accusing a muppet of being a member of Hamas.


Classic brainless magat talking out of his ass


What the fuck is wrong with people who listen to him seriously 😭


>So-called “Conservative ‘intellectual’” >Look inside: >trying to start shit on Twitter with A PUPPET FROM A TV SHOW FOR YOUNG CHILDREN


Kermit the Frog vs Elmo


the biggest muppet vs. the cutest muppet


He used to be a respected psychologist. I used to watch his university lectures on YouTube. He has an interesting series on the archetypes in Pinocchio. Now he dresses like two face from Batman and is scream crying at puppets in a different way. I hope I never get famous for one thing I say, and then think that everything I say is righteous.


Respected by whom?


You don't get to be a university professor with published works if no one respects your intellect. His demographic has certainly shifted.


I know plenty of published professors who are fucking morons. Getting a degree and then submitting works is literally what you’re required to do as an academic. None of this tells me who in his field of any notability or worth respected his work. All I remember of him is that he became famous originally for being a dumb shit who didn’t want to refer to people by their preferred pronouns because “cultural Marxism”.


You seem to be very angry and confused


Clinical Psychologist btw.


I feel bad for his patients...


People need to lay off Elmo man. He's had a rough year.


If I had a nickel for everytime Elmo was publicly violated this year I'd have two nickels But it's weird that it happened twice


Ok what'd I miss?


Larry David attacked Elmo on a morning show a few days ago.


What the f*** how do I miss that that's awful 😫


Jordy B. Peterman must be back on the benzos


Never came off


Islam = Hamas? Yeah it's gonna be a very long "conflict".


With one fourth of the world and rising...




"Up yours, woke moralists."


What’s wrong with his followers?


Just from personal experience every JP fan I've met seems so out of touch with reality.


Nowadays I wonder why I used to like this guy. Maybe it was his voice pitch that was catchy. Started reading his book and after 100 pages, all I got was that he's preaching bible. I'm like bruh, you're a clinical psychologist.


- Kids mascot wishes a happy holiday to followers of a major world religion - "I support genocide" That's a very normal and reasonable response


Chat is this real?


Last I've seen it posted with Fake news flair


Yeah, this seems to be a spinoff joke based off a similar "screenshot" of him attacking Elmo.


What a frail piece of shit.


what a psycho


3,000+ upvotes and countless “what is wrong with this guy” comments for a fake post


Wait is this actually fake (I swear on God I didn't know)


yea it’s fake. it’s believable but not real




Used to give him the benefit of the doubt because a lot of what he said made some level of sense to me But this? Yikes dude. Kind of doubt it is real tbh


Its either you completely disagree or disagree with 90%. People are like that there isnt anyone who is 50/50 probably cause their emotions makw them escalate from good to bullshit or because of fame.


Stop posting fake stuff here.


I'll never understand the right and their fight with fictional characters 🙄




He's still mad at Elmo I see




Dude leave Elmo alone


this guy is on another level mentally


Elmo is 3 and a half and can't read yet. How's he tweeting in another language?


I don't understand how to read Twitter. Is the comment above or below the actual reply? One has a date and time and the other just says "3h". Is the 3h in relation to the top post, like 3 hours before the tweet from Peterson?


Him sending a racist, genocide supporting tweet as an answer to a sesame street character is peak JBP


I don't believe this is real.


Maybe, but he has been publicly beefing with elmo for a few months now


Most of the earlier examples were fake though.


Really? I've seen at least a video of him talking about hating Elmo that I know is real


Yes, he's a weirdo that seems to feel the need to comment on everything. He has called Elmo a "bloody horrible whiny puppet". But the "screenshots" of completely incoherent outbursts against Elmo are fakes meant as ragebait/jokes. At this point it's basically a meme.


Was he feuding with fucking Elmo?


We DO NOT call Elmo names. There's a line. IDC who you are.


Hamas is a terrorist. But their action sure tell us who are the worse devils.


Bro is beefing with a fucking puppet 😭


Imagine being so fucking delusional that you are calling Elmo "scum" 


Proof that this world wants to add war and other bad things like politics to everything


The B is for Benzos


I never realized, what is his profile picture?


I remember someone photoshopping a bunch of JP tweets to be replies to something else. This might be one of those?


Oh. Wow.


The Right: "Protect the children!" Also the Right: *attacks a beloved children character online in a senile rant*


If he’s lumping in all Muslims with the behaviour of some bad Muslims then I have bad news for him about white people


Kermit needs to give Elmo a break.


This was not a real tweet it was a faked tweet posted to r/ToiletPaperUSA and reposted out of context


Wuh oh, Jordan’s got his hand in the benzo jar again


It's not Elmos best year.


Oh okay so wishing a happy Ramadan is now speaking support for Hamas? It's almost as if the rhetoric around Palestine is rooted in Islamophobia and bloodlust.


ah yes the entire religion is hamas


Feels fake


It's real He deleted it, though




Whys it say from earth?


Because Elon added that ridiculousness so it shows on every single tweet.




Wait a minute. This piece of shit is proclaiming that Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, should never win this conflict and we're... giving this piece of shit flak for that? Are people really so braindead from tiktok that they want Hamas to win?


He is replying it to a puppet character that posted the equivalent of Merry Christmas but for Muslims. Essentially an incredibly racist sentiment of hating on anything Muslim related by painting it with the brush of terrorism.


Oh ok. Thanks. It's early and I couldn't determine what the outrage was.


Is this real? Did he really tweet that?!


No, just people trying to create a holy war


This makes no sense even for me as an Israeli person


I know JP is a total clown but can we agree that Elmo is the scum of the earth?


As. If.


This is Jordan's best tweet. Fuck Elmo.


Wait did Elmo do?