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Doing your victory lap a bit early, we're still 3 weeks away from him getting sentenced to a slap on the wrist


And there is going to be an appeal


Which will take 20 years probably




All they had to do was apply the law equally to everyone, regardless of status or wealth, but no they want to protect the rich from any and all meaningful consequences so kudos to them, now we go the way of the Roman republic


What's the point in having money if you're still gonna get treated like us normies?


You're right, better let us hold on to the money too


>but no they want to protect the rich from any and all meaningful consequences When you switch the target audience from minimum wage R voters to the moneyed elite instead, the "if they can go after Trump they can go after anyone!1!1" warning makes more sense. Setting aside Trump cronies in the justice system, I think there's a real hesitancy to meaningfully punish Trump because it sets a precedent of the rich and powerful actually facing consequences for their actions.


Oh no not consequences


They will keep appealing until they get a GQP in the executive to pardon his crimes.


Good luck with that in NYS. As I believe these were state level felonies.


Friend, I don't think that will dissuade them in the least.


Well the president cannot pardon state crimes, so the executive office that would have a say in the pardon process is the NY governor, which is unlikely to be republican any time soon.


You only referenced his NYS crimes. I didn't. I wasn't referencing just his NYS crimes, but you are welcome to think whatever you like.


Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about the crimes he currently stands convicted of, e.g. those for which he was convicted in NYS


Yeah, you made an assumption there. You don't work in my community.


I am sorry I feel like I'm missing some key information. What is your community and what bearing does that have on the topic? And how was it presumptuous to think we were discussing the crimes for which he was convicted?


Let alone the appeal which given how the trial went, is sure to be overturned.


Sadly, it seems you're right.


How so? Facts don’t care about your feelings snowflake.


Nice bait


So, you admit you’ve got nothing.


No one wants to bite dude


your victory lap? is justice served not a victory for all.... i guess not with cultists in our mists.


I hasn't been served yet, probably never will be, not on Trump anyway


The trouble with cultists in the mist is they're so hazy and hard to make out at distance.


I take that back tbh, they are not in the midst, they are actually right infront of us and they’re calling themselves MAGA.


They're also serving on the bench and letting Trump get away with violating gag orders and sleeping in open court




This post somehow manages to be both too early and too late at the same time. Commendations for the accomplishment, I guess.


He's never going to see a day of prison.


Yeah, despite the individual, the USA jailing an ex-president is terrible optics. Won't happen in a million years.


Plus the travesty this would turn into prosecuting every single opponent. This was already a really bold move that had the potential to turn realllllyyyyy ugly. Sending him to prison will make sure this shit never goes away and always bites us.


Good riddance? You really think we're rid of him?


Has to die eventually


I pray that his chud sons and his dorky daughters don't take the helm of the republican shit ship.


They luckily cant draw the same crowds


Oh my sweet summer child. Just wait until someone tries to martyr him and claim his children have every right to run things in his place like some kind of looney dynasty. Too many idiots already think he was sent by Jesus to clean everything up, and that mistakes happen and he's only human, but obviously knows best. They won't care that his kid don't have the same pull -.-


Still baffles me how all these god loving conservatives trust an orange dude who divorced multiple times, proven to pay porn star for sex while his wife was preggo, and not even trying to pretend that he is nice in any given way as the second coming of Jesus


Most of the most fervent believers never read the Bible, and even if they did, several "heroes" in it are also power-hungry, violent sex pests. There's a song some (somewhat) known Christian singer made as a pro-trump song about how "god uses imperfect men" that I'm not going to look up again because it's already giving me a headache to remember. It's one of many such sentiments regardless.


Not to mention he was a new york liberal who praised and donated to democrats and wanted the Clintons at his wedding.


I honestly doubt that have the same pull of audiences. If repubs set up Don Jr. After his dad dies, it'll be an instant loss for them. Willing to bet money on it tbh.


Haven’t heard a reference the “chud” in a long time. Cool movie!


His daughter-in-law is already co-chair of the RNC.


In the summer of 2020 I met a neighbor of a friend of mine. The guy was maga and said "something big is gonna happen. The vote will be overturned". I asked him what if the vote wasn't overturned and he said that one of the trump kids will be the next republican president. I couldn’t stop laughing at that point. Buwahahahaha


Cheney is still alive...




The conspiracies that are gonna come from his inevitable death are gonna be insane. Bro could die of OLD AGE and people would turn him into a martyr.


He already is a martyr. It's insane how a politician is worshipped unconditionally over there 😅


That’s a horrible illustration.


Seeing the dislikes... why do people connect a non-sided criticism with political message That art looks like middle schooler's homework


haha right?! Thank you! I wouldn't care if it was my own mother featured on the cover, if it was this bad i'd say the same thing.


Who needs perspective??


Thank you! The idea is there but the execution is terrible.


Time is a weird magazine to use. Definitely doesn’t hold the same weight it used to. Shit the last cover of Time was Homelander for god sakes


I can't really make out what it is that's being hit.


Dems are popping champagne before the elections like they did in 2016. If anything this is rallying up his base of supporters and turning it into a fundraising event, making the Trump Campaign stronger. Seriously, Republicans wont give a fuck if Trump is a convicted felon. He’s a white man at the end of the day. Also with Biden alienating the progressives, it really seems like they went all in on this conviction.


Biden is a white man too, of course. I don't think it's as much about race as about 'owning the libs' while nursing their own (not entirely undeserved) sense of resentment.


Yup, they have a very short memory.


Remember 2016, when the Democrat Primaries gave voters the choice of 4 old white guys and Hillary Clinton and Republicans had a few latinos, a black guy, and an middle easterner. But they're still the party of racists? And in 2024 there were 3 black guys, a latino guy and a middle eastern guy. weird that a party of racists would put those in the primary isn't it?


Cue racism lol


Call me when he’s in jail


A two party system with 2 senile prospects for the 2024 elections. A whole lot of trouble is around the corner...


**Not that simple.** One wants to turn the U.S. into a Putin shared dictatorship, and whomever he chooses as vice-president, will have the same democracy ending goals. The other is also old but has morals and common sense. Should he become incapacitated, democracy and common decency will continue to march on, through his Vice-president and cabinet.


>has morals and common sense. But also continues to appease a genocide.


I don't understand this talking point tbh. Are we under the impression things would be better in Gaza under Trump? 


Sorry you're getting downvoted. My one upvote for the accuracy of your statement is all I have to offer!


Biden has morals? That's new.


There's no such thing as common sense in politics.


You still see this as a choice?


There hasn't been a meaningful choice in US politics since... Maybe Carter?


You're fooling yourself. Biden is a puppet corpse


I dunno man. One's proposing some psycho bullshit like Project 2025 and the other wants stuff like healthcare for all. One of them went on some weird rant about sharks or whatever and the other ate ice cream one time. I'd rather have the puppet corpse than some raving lunatic that will not only abandon other countries in need like Ukraine, but actively align with the enemy's ideals. If anyone is a puppet, it's that felon Trump. He literally gave away state secrets to Putin and a lot of people working for the CIA died because of that.


When the fuck did Biden ever propose “healthcare for all?”


Insulin being $35 overall. But in truth, I think I might have mistaken some policies for Bernie Sanders. Either way, cheap insulin is pretty rad.


Ah, Bernie. I'd have become a US citizen to vote for him but never did after he lost the primary.


Would have been nice. I'm Canadian myself but I can appreciate good policies. Like shit, cheap insulin is something other countries do just fine. All you need is some agar plates and some funky bacteria so it's very cheap to produce.


It's the height of the bar the Democrats are willing to offer now, sadly. Genocide, yes but cheaper insulin. Edit and, most importantly of all, nothing on climate change, or nothing meaningful.


Well, what exactly can Biden even do for that whole Middle Eastern war? He's intervening as best he can. But he's not the president there, he can't make any decisions regarding their country. Best he could do is use his position as president to try and work towards a ceasefire which he did call for several times. Besides, do you really think things would be any better under Donald Trump? No way, that jackass would back out immediately leaving a bunch of innocent people to die. Same applies for Ukraine. No matter what, I think having Biden would be way better than Trump.


Projecting as usual. Sad.


>One wants to turn the U.S. into a Putin shared dictatorship Yup, Biden. >The other is also old but has morals and common sense Not even close. Biden has no morals.


Funny and "SAD!"


Slap it baby? Hhmm


Hey look, he finally made the cover.




Trumps a jerk but at least hes out in the open with it. Biden is basically a sack of bones who gets used as a puppet to launder money. Sending billions of dollars to “fund” a war, and probs half that money gets laundered back into the machine. Corruption on all levels for both candidates, but im getting tired of the virtue signaling bs while we cant even help the citizens in our own country. Education and infrastructure crumbling, states drugged up to hell, and causing fake conflicts elsewhere to distract. Its all f*cked.


Also, i dont know how we can celebrate a dude getting busted for having consensual sex and paying or wtv and lying on some dumb stuff, while we havnt gotten one name or conviction from epstein list, hunters laptop, and the trillions lost in pentagon and in our “wars”


r/whatbidenhasdone is a great place for you to begin your journey to sanity. Or just let the spittle as you scream into the void. I’m not listening.


Fair, I dont pick sides which i guess can be a problem on its own. I just try to highlight that both parties have their faults, and it shouldnt be a A vs B conv, more so a lets get to C conv. Cheers tho, have a good day.






**Funny & Sad:** Americans in the 21st century did this to *themselves!*


Not all of us want this current system, but there's not enough of us to bring about actual change. Especially with all the propaganda *against* change. I didn't vote for the assholes in charge, I didn't do shit to myself by simply being born in this country.


Yeah America bad!!


here’s shitty a rock, here’s an evil and unforgivable hard place, here’s a nonexistent other path that will crush you from both sides! time to blame you for scrambling to the less horrible side!


Not exactly. Liberalism did it to Americans, and they at first wanted it because it seemed like a good idea, but when the mask slipped off they couldn't kill the monster. It's a honest mistake, happens to the best countries.


Don't blame me, I voted for kodos


Spoke to an old friend the other day. Pretty sure she voted for tRump in 2016 but is too ashamed to admit it. She told me she hates tRump and doesn’t know anyone voting for him (and she is a big NASCAR fan so this surprised me). Even told me her super Republican ex husband hates tRump and won’t be voting for him. This made me feel better.


What is being hit? I can't figure it out.


Now the American Right is totally gonna see the error of their ways and will totally not feel that their wishes are not represented in a supposedly democratic state, which will totally invalidate revolutionary sentiments, and all rightwingers will totally come back crawling begging for mercy and acknowledging that since the Democratic Party won in a judicial system that has not been democratically elected it can only mean that Dems are right.




Except that clown's going to be our next president.


Cry about it lol.