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Here for the comments šŸæ


Same šŸ‘‹here somešŸŗ


All religion is made up bullshit.


Brave take around these here parts.


Stunning and brave


Bra actually identifies as stunning and brave. Its pronouns are stun/bra


Sounds painful




On Reddit? LOL




Jesus is a very well documented historical figure who was witnessed being crucified to death and then found alive three days later.


> Jesus is a very well documented historical figure who was witnessed being crucified to death Fixed


You couldā€™ve at least ā€œfixedā€ it by adding the word I missed when trying to say ā€œwell known documentaries historical figureā€ lmao You do know one of the key tenants of the entire Islamic faith is that a lookalike was crucified in Jesusā€™s place, right? This is because Islam cannot be true if it were the case that Jesus were the one on the cross because there was overwhelming documentation that the real Jesus was seen days following his supposed death. Islam doesnā€™t even argue that Jesus wasnā€™t seen after his supposed crucifixion. They know the evidence that he was seen is overwhelming, so to explain that they go as far as to say there was an imposter crucified in Jesusā€™s place. In other words, the worldā€™s biggest religion and competitor to Christianity admits Jesus was seen after his supposed death.


Lmao or you could believe neither and actually listen to actual historians, from whom you claim ye draw yer sources, who think he was killed but never ressurected because he was just another upstart prophet killed by the Romans.


So you think he was a real historical figure, but you disagree with some of the claims made about him?


As is true with practically ever historical figure- especially the further back you go.


Thatā€™s the crux of my argument. I believe Jesus did do extraordinary things, but Iā€™m not even trying to prove that right now. However, people actually donā€™t think Jesus existed which is ridiculous lmao


Well, then on that fact we're on the same page.


Jesus is mythology just like his pal zues.


Nope, historical documentation exists for Jesus and not Zeus. Thatā€™s objectively incorrect.


But as the son of god? Or just some random.


We just moved the goal posts, but I will say this argument is 100x less ridiculous. Jesus existed and started a religion that his closest friends were willing to brutally die for. If you donā€™t believe the accounts of Jesus are accurate, thatā€™s up to you. But he did in fact walk this Earth, make those claims, and start a religion that is practiced by over a billion people still today.


Brainwashing at its best. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Dude, Iā€™m literally just reading mainstream history lmao Your response is the type of response that someone uses when they realize they donā€™t know as much about a particular topic as they thought they did, but they want to still be willfully ignorant and save face. Weā€™re online, bro. No oneā€™s going to embarrass you for asking questions and wanting to learn more. Your comment is just silly and flies in the face of objective reality.


Sure, bud, whatever helps you sleep.


But but but, it's documented.... In the bible.


If it is written bible, it MUST be true 100% Proof: trust me bro.


You mean that thing thatā€™s translated and fkd up and the Catholic Church controls what is released for historical scripture and for sure would NEVER be edited or altered by humans?


Again read the link I just posted above. These facts are peer-reviewed. enjoy.


Iā€™m just reading historical accounts found throughout the Roman Empire during Jesusā€™s time bro. Iā€™m not going to just blatantly disregard history like that lmao


A prophet born in nazareth name Yeshua? Yeah, that sounds right lol. Shame that the Census of Quirinius happened 6 years after the supposed birth of Christ and his birth and death dates are based enfirely off of pre-existing pagan holidays. Hit me with a source on these "Roman historical accounts," please, because you're blatantly disregarding history lol


Jewish historian Flavius Josephus and Roman historian and senator Tacitus for starters. Not to mention that Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are the confirmed authors of the first three books of the New Testament, and 3 of them went on to be brutally executed for refusing to say Jesus wasnā€™t legit. This is not controversial stuff, you guys! These goal posts are not hard to reach- You should move them and say while there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus existed, the accounts are exaggerated and he was not really the son of God. THAT argument makes 100x more sense lmao


They are not the confirmed authors by any stretch of the imagination, and the current scholarly consesus is that those books were written between 68-110. Tacitus was also born in 56 lol.


Yes they are, relative to what else is considered true by the same standards. Books about Socrates were written over a hundred years after his death and no one questions his existence. Anyways, those are just TWO sources, but how the fuck did they know to talk about the same guy?? Even if they were young or werenā€™t alive at the exact same time Jesus was alive, clearly word about him had spread. Do we really think there was this massive conspiracy among historians from across the Roman Empire to make up a story about a guy pretending to be the son of God? Guys, this is not controversial šŸ˜‚ The dude existed. You donā€™t need to believe everything about him if you donā€™t want If he ISNT real, how the hell did an entire religion surrounding him get started anyways lmao


They are not. The only source that is used to say they are is the bible itself, and some documents from several hundred years later. This is a recurring theme throughout the recording of "historical" religious figures, not a conspiracy. I'm pointing out that we do not have eyewitness testimonies. I am not calling into question the existance of a man named Yeshua claiming to be the son of god, which is something I made clear in my first comment. You're pulling a strawman with that. There have been several people that claimed such a thing throughout history. As for your socrates argument, we have writtings directly from him. None from Jesus.


Iā€™m not trying to strawman you, I have like 6 different debates going on with people who actually donā€™t acknowledge his existence and may have misread your initial comment. Today, all Iā€™m trying to argue is that Jesus existed. Shockingly, this is going over most peopleā€™s heads


so you just believe it because its written somewhere? Also ive never heard about anyone actually witness that, all i hear is about the madeup bible story


Well, when I look at what else I believe in history around that time, I realize that most events have as much or less support than there is for Jesusā€™s existence. This means that to discount the evidence for Jesusā€™s life, I would have to admit I distrust most of history by the same standard. Thereā€™s less documentation for the existence of, for example, Socrates and his life was written about one hundred years after his death, yet people widely believe in his existence. Itā€™s crazy how ignorant society has gotten on this topic. It used to be well known knowledge that Jesus existed, but people would argue that the miracles were magic tracks and his crucifixion actually happened to a lookalike (this is a core tenant of Islamic belief actually). Jewish historians, Socratic historians and historians from other backgrounds all have accounts talking about a man named Jesus who claimed to be the son of God around that time. As it pertains to the Bible, the Bible is a collection of stories written by different confirmed authors. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are confirmed historical figures who wrote what became the first four books of the New Testament and wrote of their time spent with Jesus. Of those four, three went on to be executed in brutal fashion for refusing to denounce Jesus. These executions are historical knowledge. Makes you wonder who would die for something made up, doesnā€™t it?


Im gonna be honest I wont read all of that but I quickly flew over your text. If i understand correctly youre saying that Jesus existed in the past is a fact, which it... isnt? We dont even know if he existed at all, let alone that he can do shit like he is told to do. I personally think he existed but I highly doubt he actually did all the things the bible said he did. Also if we believe anything historical theres most likely proof for that, like ruins of buildings, or bones on battlefields.


Iā€™m obviously not going to communicate with someone who wonā€™t take 45 seconds to read my messages. The amount of evidence that shows Jesus existed makes it a historical fact. Josephus and Tacitus are two of many non-Christian historians from that era that you can learn more about Jesus from. The argument that the stories are exaggerated and Jesus wasnā€™t truly the son of God is 100x less ridiculous than saying he never existed.


šŸ‘šŸ½ Ok and what evidence? Its so overexaggerated that idk what actually was supposed to be happening


Dude, Iā€™ve sent you multiple historians. If you actually are serious about learning more, PM me and I will happily teach you more, but right now youā€™re not filling me with confidence that you actually are open to learning more.


And here ya go. If you're too lazy for the peer-reviewed stuff just read the short version. [https://www.kingdom633.com/2016/06/01/arguments-for-the-resurrection/](https://www.kingdom633.com/2016/06/01/arguments-for-the-resurrection/) Enjoy.


The guy whose mom was a virgin?


And cured cripples, multiple fish and bread, turned water into and wine and resurrected himself from the dead! Reality is fucking weird, my friend.


So he was a witch?


No, witches could never resurrect themselves. Thatā€™s what makes him the son of God


"Funny memes" at it again with the gutter trash from Facebook.


Sounds about like Christianity. We'll make you Christian even if it kills you.


I will kill you! -Achmed the Dead Terrorist


*I kill you!


*me kill you!


*Silence! I kill you!


Historically Christianity is just as bad, but then again historically most all religions are just as bad. Conclusion, religion is bad and we donā€™t need supernatural superstitions anymore and need to get rid of all religions.


Yawn. Judaism and Christiany did it first.


Bop into Askmiddleeast and sort by controversial. This meme isn't far off.


Where funny?


look down, in pants.




You are correct in a general sense. However, I feel like religion attracts a disproportionately large number of assholes.


It doesnā€™t attract more, it just gives them ground to stand on.


I still stand by my original premise. In my experience it attracts and retains assholes at a higher rate than the population at large. Probably no way to empirically test this hypothesis but I 100% stand by it nonetheless. Lol.


Thatā€™s not true at all Christianity isnā€™t a hateful religion


You can't possibly believe this.


Christianity is THE MOST hateful religion in the US, what are you talking about?


Your avatar is decked out in Uncle Sam gear, Iā€™ve seen all I need to.


This comment is funny because African Americans overwhelmingly are Christian compared to other races in the US. https://www.prri.org/research/2020-census-of-american-religion/ Not that youā€™re going to look at it anyways. Also thereā€™s plenty of pew research illustrating more if you care to learn. We get it, a lot of you hate religion, particularly Christians, thatā€™s fine. Again, you have the freedom to say you dislike/hate a group, itā€™s okay, but please donā€™t make up stuff.


God destroying earthā€™s population except for Noah and his Zoo Cruise linerā€¦


Dude new market for cruises tho, zoo cruises! Think about it who doesnā€™t want to go on a cruise when thereā€™s a chance that a lion could escape and youā€™re trapped with everyone on board. ā€œItā€™s like the titanic but itā€™s full of bears!ā€ - Will Ferrell


Todayā€™s event: Outrun a rhino on the Lido Deck!


Yeaaahh dude! It could even be a game show


Like Survivor but with Mai Tais.


Yeah weā€™ll have that extra in jurassic world that was running away from dinosaurs holding 2 drinks be the host




Also Christianity.


No religion is for peace. It is for power and abuse.


These people and "devout" Christians really should hang out more...


They would k$ll each other


And maybe thatā€™s why they should hang out together more.. preferably far from everyone else.




How dare you?! You should lose your job and never be hired again. In fact, you should go to jail for posting this hate crime! \-An American enjoying their 1st amendment (In case its needed ... /s)


No offense but this meme can easily be applied to Christianity too.


From when the 14th century?


Right because there have never been violent Christianā€™s. Iā€™m not a fan of any religion but memes like this are fucking painfully stupid.


Main difference is that the Catholic Church has had a reform.


Was the reform less violence more touching kids?




That was a good one lol


Except most religions don't have a strict top-down structure that can be systematically reformed- see Protestant Christianity or Sunni Islam. Never mind, as alluded, it's literally *just* the Catholic Church, not necessarily any of the other Christian Churches- it's the Protestant movements, especially in Africa, who cause the most violence, and they don't have a Pope to tell em not to


Lol what about christian, hindi, jewish, even buuddhist fundamentalists? Same shit, different name. Extremism in all colours is just trash. OP as well btw.


I love how everyone around here pours so much hate onto religion "X" while citing the extremists who make all of the other followers of said religion shake our heads and wish they didn't associate the religion with their views. Thank you for pointing out the extremist point. Too bad I had to scroll so far to see it.


Buddhists are my favourite example. Their religion's founder probably did the fucking most of any prophet to future-proof that his words wouldn't be abused to justify violence... but people still do lmao It truly says something about society, bottom text


Maybe take your political hang-ups somewhere people care.


I wonder how many mass shooters in the United States identify as Christian. We should start calling them out on their violent religion the same way they do with Islam in the media.


I think mass shooters identify as mass shooters, thats their preferred identity. Please be respectful.


Oh. You're a Christian disrespecting Muslims but we are so supposed to be respectful toward you. Haha. Nope.


who said i was Christian? lol. I identify as LORD/GOD. Please be respectful and use my preferred pronouns.


It's pretty clear what you are.


How is that "pretty clear"? All the Abrahamic religions are psychotic, especially Christianity and Islam , it goes with their god.


It's soooo so clear what you are too........


Inshallah brother, inshallah.


You mad bro? Itā€™s pretty clear your mad.




Thats a poor analogy because they are not doing it in the name of religion.


I like edgy and offensive, this just isn't funny.


Know what dark humor and kids with cancer have in common?- Neither gets old


Thatā€™s at least a joke. Calling this dark humor is very generous. Itā€™s just making a shitty conservative ā€œpointā€ and calling it a joke.


Dunno why youre getting downvoted, this sub isnt funny people just use this to share their hatred for a religion. Idk why the mods even allow this


Liberal here, find this meme funny AND true. So thereā€™s that.


Just like the right here in America. Wackos every where.


If we are going to play that game, we can pull all sorts of wacky stuff out for the secular far left. Maybe we should just all agree to not strawman ideological groups based on the worse versions of them


Youā€™ll be downvoted for speaking logically in here.


"Ex muslim" lmao


Islam is a peaceful religion with a good followers inmost Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia.stop thinking Islam as a religion followed by crazy people who bomb buildings and shit


There are bad apples on every tree. It's just that we hear about terrorists who are Muslim the most


The anti cop people told me one bad apple ruins the bunch so...


That's only when the number of bad apples outweighs the number of good apples


No they literally said *one* single solitary bad apple = all are bad now. This is the "logic" that birthed the ACAB movement


No, they literally said a "good cop" is bad if they don't report or otherwise act against the bad ones. Either you didn't bother to understand their arguments, or you are purposefully being deceitful.






That's missing a bit- the point being that \*keeping\* the bad apple there spoils the bunch. Ofc any organisation will have 'bad apples', the distinction is whether that organisation deals with them when they crop up, or supports them. The UK and USA police systems have a worrying history of the latter. Even actually to the point Scotland Yard themselves has complained about it- local forces and the Police Federation keep locking in bad apples into tight contracts that the Force can't let them out of. Even when the cop in question has literally been barred from police duty, they *contractually* must be kept on roster and paid a salary- which causes a lot of local Forces to just keep them workin, cause otherwise the money's wasted. In terms of Islam, what matters is whether people do or not decry violence. I have a Muslim friend who is absolutely opposed to terrorism, like any normal person. I've also seen extremists who perform apologetics for terrorists. Whether or not an individual or more systemically, a Mosque, is good or bad depends on what approach they select.


So not with cops then?


If that were the case, every apple bunch would be ruined tenfold


Unless you're not Muslim and don't follow the rules based in the quran. In which case you are an Infidel and subhuman.


It's more easy to become radical in islam because even their prophet took a dark turn three years after Qur'an many of you don't know he was the first jihadist he took up sword and slaughtered innocent jews inc women and children in The siege of Medina who he referred to as infidels. His followers don't use sword nowadays but use bomb. What is ironic is he starts most verses with Allah the all merciful why did Allah order killing of infidels. The truth is more simple 3 years after dictating Qur'an prophet at age 38 had a sever temporal lobe epilepsy that made him in a manic state the prophet who once dictated poetry in quran fell from grace and took up sword. Allah didn't create terrorist prophet did. But denying prophet even a Lil bit makes their religion crumble so thus the tomfoolery. Only in islam you can find enlightened beings like ibn arabi and satanic suicide cult leader like Osama bin Laden.


A religion that thinks to willingly kill your child to demonstrate loyalty because "god" told you to do in a dream is as shining example of obedience is, by any sane standard, "crazy".


So sharia is good is what your saying?




nah, they just don't take any bs, bow down, or compromise with other cultures, religions, or lack-there-of


No they just don't know how to co-exist peacfully


Yes every muslim is obviously a terrorist that wants to bomb you


Classic r/funnymemes not being funny. I'm just going to start blocking people who post garbage memes so I can see the one good post a month


Just go to r/meirl at this point, its mostly memes, not religion hate/boomer memes


The P in Islam stands for peace


I donā€™t agree with this meme, but yā€™all do know that ā€œChristianity is also badā€ doesnā€™t disprove the meme right?




How many kids have been sexually assaulted in church? Iā€™ll wait.


It's gotten to the point on the Internet where I don't even know if comments like these are jokes anymore.


If you call them out, they were just jokes. Lighten up you jerk! If you donā€™t call them out, they are not jokes. Itā€™s just ā€œā€¦unlessā€ in another format.


Shite meme


Whereas most American Christians have given up pretending and go straight to hate.


I love when I wake up in the morning and it's 2003 again. Aren't you supposed to be LGBT bashing in 2023?


There are far more peaceful Muslims in the world, than there are peaceful Christians šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Genuine question: why do you post this here? Idc if you hate humans based on what they believe in, be an idiot by all means, but this is a meme sub.


Ok ok I agree, now please dont kill me.


Lol, Iā€™m not Muslim, but statistically there are many more Muslims on the planet than there are Christians, so of course there will be more peaceful Muslims.


Do you have any evidence for that bold and unlikely claim?


Google how many Muslims there are in the world and how many Christians there are.


Ok. Iā€™ll bite. Muslims: 1.9 billion Christians: 2.2 billion More Christians overall. Letā€™s check Google for murders per capita to determine rough estimates for peacefulness. Muslim countries: 85.96 per million (3 x average) Christian countries: 17.65 per million (63% less than average)


Why do they all have the same look?


I see I got downvoted, so let me clarify. Why do they all look batshit crazy? Hopefully thatā€™s clear enough concerning someone who wants to kill people because they arenā€™t Muslim.






I'm so tired of these stupid religion posts. Hurhurhur Islam bad Christian good huurhurrrrrr Low hanging fruit, all of it


We had a few peaceful incidents in India today at the festive processions of the majority cow-worshipping community


InB4 removed


Yea everyoneā€™s always saying this to me very realistic thing I deal with


Funny that the guy was actually asked about what he thinks about the meme and he is chill with it.




The Quran quite explicitly instructs that Muslims *should* try to convince others to follow Islam, but *explicitly* instructs they must not be forced to join or be judged for their choice. * Adherence by force is insincere and an insult to Allah * Only Allah has the right to judge The Sublime Osman Caliphate (before declining and falling inta despotism in the late Industrial age) was at it's time one of the most diverse and accepting nations in the world- especially compared to their European neighbours. Sure, they were an expansionist Empire, but yed want them ta expand onta ye rather than the HRE. Not to say that there aren't violent Muslim extremists- but there's also violent Christian extremists too, primarily down in middle Africa. Remember Kony2012? That Joseph Kony? Yeah, the purposely left out a mention that his 'Lords' Resistance Army' is a fundementalist *Christian* terrorist group- wouldn't have markketed the campaign so well ta middle-America if that were brought up. Of course, there's been horrific Athiest movements as well (Khmer Rouge, for instance). Capitalist and Communist, left, right, *and* centre. Ideology- religious or secular- is simply a very effective way for already bad people to make otherwise good people do bad things. The countries where such extremism is found- in the Middle-East and sub-saharan Africa- are countries decimated by imperialism and continuing economic extraction. The people are both destitute, with nothing to lose, and uneducated. It's a potent mix- and can happen anywhere by any means as lond as the socioeconomic conditions are right. So yeah... this ain't just an Islam thing.


That is not how it works...... (I am talking to you OP, you got it wrong)


Umm that's most religious people... there are just as many Christians that would stone me, Jewish same way... it's a trait of any religion that follows Abrahamic old testament... leviticus especially calls for violence hatred and you will burn in hell for eternity, and there are parts of that in quoran tora and king james....


Best part of the Bible is the reference for how hard you wanna fight for something. Noahā€™s arc. Fight like you are the third monkey trying to get on that boat, and brother itā€™s starting to rain.


Lmao šŸ˜‚


Ahmed the dead terrorist: I keel you! šŸ’€šŸ’€


Not funny at all. Says a lot about you if you think it is. Generalizations like this are not helpful by any means.


R/terriblefacebookmemes Sincerely, a catholic US citizen