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Try only remembering 6 notes from a song then finally hearing that tune at a party but forget to ask what song it is




So much pain


without love


Can't get enough


Pain, I like it rough


Cause I’d rather feel pain then nothing at all


You're sick of feeling numb


you’re not the only one




Three Days Grace. Youre welcome


by Three Days Grace


You made me a, you made me a believer


I found a track I heard ONCE in a club 25 years ago by singing it into the feature on Google to find tunes by humming them … i was floored.


I remember spending months trying to find "kids" by MGMT, it was always playing on TV shows, the radio etc but I couldn't discern the lyrics. I ended up finding it because it turned up on a FIFA game


> FIFA game 09 baby!


Feeling this - blink-182... Wasn't 25 years ago, i had the chorus stuck in my head, but I don't know the lyrics. Hummed it into Google and it found


Song that goes do do Da Do da. No, not DO. DO DA. DO DA DE


Camp town races


Download Soundhound app and open it up when you hear a song you like. Or you can try humming/singing into the app to see if it recognizes the tune.


Or Shazam


Yes and it turns out the whole song is ass except for the one lyric.


This happened to me with other song, i dont remember which tho.


This, my guy, is the textbook definition of irony.


One time I was watching a video and wanted to know the name of the song. Nowhere in the description was listed, so I went to the comments, since there's always someone who says what song it is. I started to scroll and then BOOM! I found a comment ***I MADE*** saying the name of the song and the artist, from about a year before, hahaha. I thanked my past self and still laugh about it. (It's not the only time I've surprised myself).




Every few years i search for a poem we did at highschool. There’s still only three results. Two of them are mine trying to find it, and one other who hasn’t responded to say whether they found it yet!


I hope one day you find it. Maybe you have the answer within you.


Have you checked your carbon monoxide monitors lately?


Most youtube shorts songs fit this description.


Gas gas gas comes to mind


I hope you're not talking about the Initial D song


I just remember the tune from childhood and never found it ![gif](giphy|qQdL532ZANbjy)


There's an app out there, I don't remember the name, but you hum the tune for a bit and it tells you what the song is.


Google. Its Google.


Freaking Google why you gotta be so convenient But yeah, Google is amazing at that, I've found sounds while humming just like 3 seconds


Please tell me how to do this, because I have somehow never been able to find Google image search or this.


have you tried googling it?


I was showing google lens to my family at the weekend. My brother had a unique looking hair gel that he said you could only get at this one Barbour shop. I took a picture with google lens and found a dozen places selling it for cheaper than he was buying it. They said it was handy but wouldn’t work on most things. I took a picture of the light fitting in the restaurant we were in and found it for sale then took a picture of a plant and identified the plant. It he nearly thought it was witch craft.




I scrolled down more and someone mentioned it. Shazam. The app is Shazam.


Tried Shazam but that hadn't worked either...it was a tune from childhood


try singing and the part of the song you know and uploading it on Vocaroo. Then you can post it on r/tipofmytongue. Someone else might guess it


Will try that thanks


Same man. There was a video (I don't believe it was YouTube) I watched years ago when I was like 6 or 7 l, it had a Japanese song in the background with Dragon Ball GT being what it was about. It was Goku and Vegeta with halos over their heads fighting Jiren or whatever his name was. I have been searching for that song for years but as I'm in my 30s now, I doubt I'll ever find it again. I don't care about the video, I just want the song.


I spent like almost 20 years. It was Overdrive by Katy Rose


For me it was the song The Funeral by Band of Horses. Wasn’t 20 years though it was a few days but those days were long bro


Hahah I actually had this album back in the day. Thanks to Mean Girls, I think


Partway through those 20 years, I may have just ended things if I were you. I spent the vast majority of my mental energy and Internet usage for 2 days trying to place "The Ocean" by Led Zeppelin, based only on 1.5 seconds of humming/breathing that plant does midway through.. that really did feel like my sanity was stretching a bit. But, man, that validation when you find it lol.


Tokyo Shoe Shine Boy. A snippet showed up in Tobert Altmans M.A.S.H. and I chased it for decades. I think it was a version of Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy, which is also a banger


🎵..go with him..🎵




How do you do, fellow old man?


🎶Mm hmm HIMMM."🎶


God damnit, I herrd that...


🤣... awesome


I love you. I came here for this and now I can have a smoke because I’m satisfied




Damn it...beat me to it


I Stay Away by Alice in Chains. I remember my dad playing it when I was younger and could only remember one line.


Yeaaaaaahhh hey yeaaaaaaaah


Search querie: song that goes tada ta de dun


You'll be surprised, but this actually worked for me. Google has a service that you can hum a tune to and it will tell you the name of the song. Amazing.


For me it was the song Africa (Voodoo Master) I was looking for it for YEARS until a DJ on Twitch played it and I have a browser extension that can find songs that are playing in the background so I finally found it


same but i was watching YouTube... and used Shazam for the first time for it


For me it was Coldplay-Viva La vida. I first heard the song in an episode of the Simpson and that song really got me, I spent 7 years looking for it because I didn't know the title of the episode and wasn't able to look the specific song I heard but one day when I wasn't even looking, I stumbled upon a yt shorts with that song in the background and they tagged the title. I was so happy! Now I listen to the song almost everyday.


This one stands out to me the most as the most wild when that song came out here it was massive you actively had to go out of your way to not hear it


I was only 5 yo the year of the song I think I just heard it one time and it got engraved in my brain for the rest of my childhood


It took me 30 years to find blue Monday


How did it feel when you finally figured out


Well I said 30 years ago in the comments a little bit back but actually I think it was about 40 years ago trying to figure out blue Monday and it was such a relief when I finally did figure it out I used sleeping and thinking about it in order to dream about it and it finally came to me enough that I was able to use the Internet which did not exist as it does today along time ago and I was able to put in enough of the lyrics to identify it and it was such a relief and it was just as good if not better than I recall and of course I found orgies version of it too I like both of them it just depends on my mood and which decade I want to pretend to be mine set in. I think it’s remarkable that people from different age groups love that song so much it really shows just how extraordinary that piece of music is as in timeless.


Tell me how does it feel?


That should have been simple, just google "dum dum dubadubdadubaduba dum dum dum dum" EDIT: Googled that and it didn't work, obviously need to work on my onomatopoeia.


Same song for me. Oooh I'm envious. Now you get to hear True Faith.


















I spent over a decade wondering about a childhood song i once heard. No lyrics, not even the melody, nothing remembered. Just that there was something missing. And then one day i heard it. On a ranboo livestream clip. Intense reverse searching later and boom, Dreamscape by 009 Sound System.


Everyone makes fun of that song, but I always loved it. Now I almost cry when I think about the good old days on YouTube.


The national anthem of 2009 youtube and notepad


Tom's dinner for me.


One time I was at a stoplight and on one of the corners was Tom’s Restaurant. That made me think of the song Tom’s Diner. I thought that when I got to where I was going I would play it on YouTube. A minute later I was flipping through the radio station and Tom’s Diner was playing on one of them.


I remembered a song i heard in a meme edit after like 5 years, it was swimming pools


I knew the melody and maybe 2 words Heard the song as a kid in the backseat of my parents car all the time coming home from holidays. Looked for like 25 years to find it never did.... until one night I'm visiting them, and during a commercial for big brother, my mom is chatting about something, and I hear the melody. I GLUE MY EYES TO THE TV!!! My mom asked "what's wrong?" I asked what's the name of this song? She said "96 tears" very casually I opened my phone, went to YouTube and I played that song and felt like a curse had been lifted from me!!!


Why does this comment rhyme so well  I knew the melody *   and maybe 2 words   Heard the song as a kid ***  in the backseat / of my parents car   all the time / coming home from holidays.   Looked for like ***** 25 years **** to find it / never did *** until one night ***** I'm visiting them  and during a commercial / for big brother   my mom is chatting about something and I hear the melody * I GLUE MY EYES TO THE TV!!! * My mom asked "what's wrong?" ** I asked / what's the name of this song? **   She said "96 tears" **** very casually * I opened my phone, / went to YouTube and I played that song *** and felt like a curse / had been lifted from me!!! *


I didn't even try to do that lol


my autistic ass just misinterpreted your comment as song lyrics lmao


You are a treasure for the ages!!




Ken Lee


Tu li bu di bu da chu


I found Bittersweet symphony from the Verve without knowing any lyrics, just the strings


Well I've done the first half.


Omg I found a song after 15 years and it was nice


Sure, but I didn't cook it breakfast.


but was it worth it tho??? that's the real question


yes, it was like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders... I didn't know the original lyrics


I only knew the part of the song from the bully Maguire dance scene in Spider-Man 3. The song is people get up and drive your funky soul by James brown


There's a song that lost in time for me that I can't remember. No words, no melody, only the emotion.


Kingston town


the place I long to be.


Had Host of Seraphim stuck in the back of my head from my childhood after seeing that Owls of gahool movie and only rediscovered it last year when it popped up on a random playlist.


Multiple, especially if you count when I only remembered an acoustic solo or less. Guano Apes - Lord of the Board - the earliest one I can remember Monkey 3 - Icarus - almost 10 years and dozens of hours of searching for this one Slipknot - Snuff Miku - Love is War - Anti-Material Mix Miku - Nebula - HaruP Remix - First Miku Song I ever heard


there are also ,..drugs.. u never tried? sheesh bro.


Are those sneakers or reprints?


"Sitting on a cornflake".


I forgot


Taking back Sunday


That is what shazam is for. Hum the tune and it'll search for the closest matches


There was a song that had that deep, charming voice like the Editors singing about going over the moon or something related to the moon, that I heard once on the radio and never heard again and it's taking up about 15% of my brain at all times


Alors on danse - stromae I thought the line was i love guns....but i really liked the beat for it, and heard it in a 5 sec tiktok video


wtf does the caption and picture have to do with each other??


I thought the same, it either represents anger when trying to find song or overwhelming happiness when it has been found.


Heart of Courage Try it. Just in case it is that song for you.


Two steps from hell - heart of courage Thank me later


No particular song in mind, but I had this experience a couple of times when I vaguely remembered songs I heard as a child, with only recalling fragments of English text (or what I, as a non native speaker, had heard as a child). It's always a pleasure to eventually find one of those songs.


“I saw the sun, I opened up my eyes and saw the sun”


IT opened up my eyes, I saw the sun nothings gonna.. dooo doo dum to get to yUwU.. i think. thats deff how it goes. xD Same! If you find it let me know <3


Ace of Base - The Sign


No, still trying to find it. I think it may be lost forever.


"My ordinary life" by living tombstone. Also "take it off" by ke$ha. And "animals" by martin garrix. (Last one took like 5 years to find)


Literally just last week...the song was Pennsylvania 6-5000 One of my favorite songs


Have you ever tried finding a classical music piece but then you discover it a month later by chance


Oh shit. Gooey by Glass Animals. I heard it on the radio a long time ago and remembered the melody but not the words and i never heard it again. One day a few years later I'm at a grocery store and that shit is on their radio. I immediately Google the lyrics and find it. Glass Animals, everyone. They've got a few great songs. Gooey is my favorite.


I still havent found it it's 6 years already, idk it's lyrics were I'm gonna make you pay or something like that


I can hum it to my telephone and it finds it now.


Yup, finally found it a couple years ago. https://youtu.be/jWg-EMHPCME?si=nUt2bN2qBcmpS4Jh


Dragostea din tei for me. Randomly watching youtube music videos and i clicked because the name seemed interesting.


Haven't found it yet :/


Can't remember!


It took me a year to remember one song


How far we’ve come-matchbox 20 Since i found out the name about 6 or 7 years ago it’s been my faivorite song


im trying to find the song i think about but i only know "cus like"😔


An hour?? Fuck Off. I spent 25+ YEARS doing this! The only thing that saved my ass and helped me find the song was the invention of Google. Even then I spent several more YEARS on Google trying to figure out how to search for a song with only a few words. Then I had to wait for a generous population to fill in the repository of songs/lyrics on the internet before I could search for the song. *For those that need to know how to search for a song on Google with only a few words*: In the Google Search Bar type "Lyrics" (without quotation marks) then enter every single word or phrase that you can think of then search. If that doesn't help type anything that may help the search. What year/decade the song was made. Who sang the song. What genre of music it is.


For me it was the FNaF 2 song “Five More Nights” I heard it once in the third grade and I spent like 5 years looking for it and I finally found it in 2023. It was the best feeling I’ve ever had ever experienced


Astronomia, shinonoga-e-wa and racing through the night(yoasobi)


I still can't find it ;\_;


I was amazed when i realized i could hum a tune to google search it instead of having to know any lyrics


That Japanese song from the 90's with the chorus that starts with "Ohla" then ends with "Orochimaru". Been looking for that for almost 20 yrs lol


You can just Google that one lyric now lol but yes I remember


Again and Again - Basto I remembered the song from a vacation to France when we drove through Belgium(im from the Netherlands)... Also King - Years&Years


For me it was a song with no lyrics whatsoever, so it was extremely hard to find. Heart of Courage


Oh man, I went down a wild rabbit hole, trying to figure out which song went "do do do do do, do do do do do do". It was maddening. Turns out the song was "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" by Crosby Stills and Nash, for those interested.


Tequila was surprisingly easy to find I wonder why


I found the song Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega, DNA by googling the whistle tune, it was driving me nuts not knowing what the song was called


Despite I misunderstood every single word. But google bro knew what's happening.


You from Radiohead. I was going off of a fucking evangelion meme


Lay all your love on me


Yeah I know that feeling.. But once I have a really strange experience. When I was sleeping I have a dream about me singing a song. You know, when you sleep and there is a song or music it’s beautiful but when you wake up you realize that this is just unreal song. But not this time. I remembered words and googleed it. And it was “I can never go home anymore” by Shangri-Las! It was cool!


I spent several years trying to find the kids series called cubix which was one of my favs as a kid, was hella good when i found it, but now the mission is to find a kids movie about a girl and a black dragon locked in a mountain with a dragon seal on a gigantic door, her dad is a general and the dragon has a curse and is originally a guy. Ai, google and my own mom has no clue what im talking about, the movie is played in asia and was most likely made between 1980-1995.


The trailer music of the game Fluffy Horde. No lyrics, no credits, just this incredible awesome bass. Took me years to find it. Here it is: Cybass - Bola de Gude https://on.soundcloud.com/XLQan


Walking on a dream


That one that goes ‘Doo-doo-doo-du-du’ (I still don’t know)


It was for the glory hollywood undead couldn't remember it for a while found it and was so happy


Theres a song ive heard 10 years ago, I only remember some part of the melody, not the lyrics. I remembered the video where the music played but I cant find it anywhere (prob got deleted) Im starting to think ill forget it before even finding it...


Then you listen all the song and are "meh, in my head was better" and dump it. Because is about the search, not the finding


Yesterday I spent two hours searching for stupid meme I saw years ago, never found it.


I spent a year 0_0 Still looking for. Help: https://www.reddit.com/r/NameThatSong/s/CqpmDvkFfG


I did it once using a completely different song. I searched "That hockey song that kinda sounds like Mortal Kombat" and found it.


Ten Ton Brick by a band called Hurt


Spent years looking for "You're The Voice" by John Farnham. Didn't remember the lyrics. Just the chorus. I only remembered that the choir sang "we're not gonna..." and then didn't know the rest. So was looking for a protest song on the Internet. Wouldn't show up on any of the lists. Hummed it to one of the apps that recognize the songs and there it was!! Worth all the billions poured into AI. edit: typos


a few weeks ago found that song that was stuck in my head in the last like 10 years while only knowing like a part of its music like 2-3 seconds of it that heard in a video game back then, felt so freaking great.


Omg yes like a thorn I my head until I find it this is just great


Baltimora-Tarzan Boy


Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way




Killing Joke - The Death abd Resurrection Show.


The system- don't disturb this groove The doobie brothers- long train runnin' Strafe- set it off


Have you ever spent hours searching for a porn you beat it to a long time ago and all you remember was the bikini she was wearing?


Way to fall - Starsailor. Only remembered the first word. Luckily I knew it was on a Metal Gear Solid game, so I listened to every single song until the first word came... Took me about 3 hours.


When i found it. I swear i heard the song on repeat for about 2-3 hours.


Final chance from disbelief papyrus


Darc Marc - Dirty Rocking Bassline


Mine was Rinse & Repeat


There was a band several decades ago that toured with Sevendust. Their name was just "One". For the longest time I could only remember the song lyrics, " I will fight for my point of view, even if all that I fight for drastically differs from you". One day I remembered where it was from and was floored! Tried to find them online but they seem to have zero footprint now. So their album is forever lost to me.


You have no idea for the whole 4 years this one song has been playing in the back of my skull and yet only able to remember one or two lyrics.Bloody song finally found and damn,I my brain has a knack to remember a good shits


It was just don’t wanna be lonely, all I could remember is the amazing guitar riff in the chorus. Took me months




i did it for years, (song was heatwave by Akon)


So many songs from the mid to late 90''s pop up only to nearly drive me insane until finally I remember one lyric, the chorus or enough notes to hum into Google Search. Most recent was Luscious Jackson's Naked Eye. Just popped into my head in the shower but only the melody. That was pure torture until I recalled a rando article I read months ago that said you could find songs by simply humming it for Google search.


Dead by April - Crying Over You Jasmin - Mit Rette Element


Feel it still. Portugal the man.