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I mean, it's a competative market and if he's got the skill to back it up, sure.


He might make a little bit more per unit sold, but she can easily make up for that in volume.


Those boutique blowjobs tho šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Blowtique jobs?


She's loud then?


I thought it said $1/lbā€¦


Itā€™d be at least $2.10 to pound him


We saw who you did there...


I think it costs extra to watch


Nahh, it is gonna cost a whole sixer though. He's got his dignity.


I think it would be more funny if his said $0.00. That would not only imply she gives them for free but would refute her claim heā€™d make more


But him making more adds to the funny


I just thought him saying she gives free blowjobs was funny.


He could wrote 0.10 it would be the best.




I think you missed it. His sign says she will give you a beej for a dollar.


I thought I was the only one who got that. lol


Since there are less gay men in existence than there are straight people, maybe that scarcity would actually make them more valuable and thus a more expensive service.


"Even tho im smarter than him" r/iamverysmart ass sign šŸ’€


She means she has some kind of degree and is clearly the kind of person that thinks that is the end all and be all of "intelligence" when the measure of intelligence is nuanced.


Oh, so she's a redditor.


If she has a degree in Taylor swift music analysis sure.


*reddit moderator lol


The stupidest coworkers I've worked with all have masters while I have a bachelor degree. I have found millions of dollars in mistakes from them and have fired 2. Had to train a person on how to do something 20+ times and he still didn't get it when I did screen prints of every button clicked.


Not all degrees are equal also. A masters in Biochemistry =|= non-stem


The bar is set so low for intelligence if the only thing that matters is education. Passing college classes only requires you memorize shit for a week then pass a test to only forget it after. I have met to many college educated people who literally remember nothing of importance from college.


The person right above you mentioned biochem. I took a college chemistry class that briefly covered biochemistry and I was the only person in the class to pass that test. Ask me what I remember of biochemistry now... (hint: pretty much nothing)


>I have met to many college educated people who literally remember nothing of importance from college. It's not about remembering every little thing. Our brains throw shit out all the time. I remember some stuff from college because I still do the line of work that's related to what I did in college. But some other stuff I still remembered was stuff from boot camp and military training. I still shoot for fun and let me tell you all that military training comes flowing back.


I have learned never to conflate education with intelligence. I have a PhD and I can be a fucking idiot


I can pay women 10% less?????? No way im firing everyone and hiring all women for my bricklayering firm and my sewer cleanup bussines, HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS EARLIER? They would agree to work 12-16 hours right? Surely feminism has tought them they dont want kids so no parental leave sounds good too. EMPLOYERS REJOICE


Wait till you hear about immigrants


Female immigrants?


Gold mine


South/North America sex and drug trafficking explained


I built walls in my house using 24cm and 18cm silicate blocks, they weight around 23 and 17 kg each. You need around 15 for 1m2 of wall, so around 300 for a 10x2m wall. My GF could barely get them to the hip level. If I was a woman weā€™d never finish building the walls, let alone setting up big ass windows that weight 50-100kg or other jobs that are still in the future. Like, atleast in building houses youā€™d be significantly worse off if you employed women instead of men. I get the office work where there is no difference. But damn, anything requiring strength and being a woman is gonna be really a disadvantage.


I was in the Royal Marines, and they tried to open the job up to women, but they couldn't pull themselves up over the 6ft wall carrying a weapon and 35lbs of kit. Eventually, after letting this one woman have so many goes (guys are only allowed 1 retry), they gave her a leg up to get over it. I was there at the time, too, so I know the truth. That was just for an army woman to pass the Commando course and not even to be a Marine. I don't know why we have to pretend every single human has evolved exactly equally and every child is identical, and all it takes is hard work and opportunity to do anything you want in life. Like I'd have the exact same ability to be a Sherpa as a Nepalese person whose family has lived at altitude going back centuries. Women need feminism as an excuse to get as many advantages as possible without having to do any of the difficult roles they don't like.


There is a woman at work that is always complimenting my strength (we do physical labor) and today she was talking about how she would work out all the time and just couldn't grow her arms. Started talking in gym terms and stuff, I was like "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, I have never exercised in my life" the look on her face when I said that after tossing a pallet on the stack with one hand šŸ˜‚. I'm sure it sucks but, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.


It's true. There was a study where they injected people with testosterone and compared testosterone with working out, testosterone without working out, no testosterone with working out, and no testosterone without working out. Interestingly the group that received testosterone and did not work out gained more muscle than the group that worked out and did not receive testosterone.


I feel you man, I used to be part of a special operations group in the US. We have similar selection courses that basically grind you into dirt and determine if youā€™re physically and mentally capable. Well not a single woman in the history of our unit was able to pass selection until 2018. How did she pass? Well Iā€™m sure it was all hard work and had nothing to do with the THREE attempts she received and the fact that her father was the head of United States Special Operations Command. Needless to say none of us trusted working in the field with her. Iā€™ll caveat this by saying I think if you can pass the test and do the work, Iā€™m fine working with you no matter the sex. However, if you get an edge that no one else gets and/or pushed through then youā€™re going to be a liability. Liabilities on the battlefield cause people to get hurt or killed and Iā€™m not going to ignore that for some false sense of equality.




They're no good in the office. They're always too cold to get any work done.


To be fair on the point about them being cold, we did design offices with the thinking it was going to be men wearing suits occupying them. So we didn't take into account the thermal comfort of people wearing less clothing.


Less clothing is their choice. When I worked outside, I couldn't adjust the temperature so I wore temperature appropriate clothing. If stupid dudes, not capable of anything better than outside manual labour can do that, so can people in an office.


Women actually have a biological difference too. Our bodies naturally send significant blood flow to the stomach area while men donā€™t. This means women (on average) get cold much easier than men even if dressed the same way. Especially hands/feet can get really cold for women, probably annoying when your fingers are cold and youā€™re trying to do office work. I personally prefer it basically freezing so I donā€™t mind that offices are generally set to menā€™s temperature preferences but itā€™s not just clothing that accounts for the different preferences. Women also literally get colder.


Offices are always too cold in summer and too warm in winter


Offices are too warm in the summer and too warm in the winter - a man who disagreed with his boss on the year round 74 deg setting on the thermostat that suspiciously creeped up to 78 at times while I was required to wear long pants.


If the suit is optional, then sure, let it be warmer and tell the men to wear a polo or something instead if they're hot in suits. If they are required to wear a suit, though, the women can wear sweaters.


To be fair somebody who cannot overcome that problem is not worth hiring.


And Shiela in accounting is out to get her!


Your gf should start working out if she canā€™t even carry 17-23kg.


TBF, your gf seems to be weak for a woman.


Isnt that why they hire migrant labourers/undocumented labourers? Because they can pay them less? Think about an undocumented maid, or cleaning service or au paire. You are hiring them for a lower rate for the same job. Employers rejoice, indeed.


Yeah but hear me outā€¦.you hire immigrant females because you can pay THEM 10% less than the immigrant males.


Yeah exactly, so if it was actually true that companies just straight up pay women less for the same job, there would be a higher demand to hire women, because they can pay them less for the same work.


The funny thing is these labor jobs usually pay like shit, so I gotta find where us men are really making more


nowhere, the statistic is taken for all jobs not considering most women chose social jobs like teachers and most men chose infrastructure and science (higher paying job by a nessecity because no one is taking care of a men) and also hours and payed leave are not considered, in fact if all things are equal females make slightly more (experiance, hours worked... etc..) , It is actually illegal to pay someone more for the exact same job.


also females are higher educated and have almost double the college degreees of male but they chose arts and social studies which by design are not always paying like engeneering


No affirmative action for men either after women exceeded the 60% mark of college entrances (or degrees, not sure which one it was). They want at least 50% women, they don't give a fuck if men become a minority in colleges though.


That's the best part. We aren't! If we were there would be millions of lawsuits because it's illegal.


I see a business opportunity here. Lets pitch some all-female brick laying company names.


I've worked In construction for years as an electrician. I've seen about 2 females the entire time. Neither of which were useful. Just complaining endlessly


I'm a plumber there are actually a few good female plumbers that I know of but they are less than 1% of 1% of the population of plumbers lol.


This has also been my experience


Worked on a job site where a lady showed up for manual labor in fur boots and fur coat. Refused to do anything but flirted with the manager who reassigned her to a stand around position. So glad we had 5 people to do a 6 person job that week Iā€™ve also worked with women that could hang too though


Someone has to hold the ā€œslow/stopā€ signs for trafficā€¦


I swear. There was that huge push to get women in construction and this is all I ever see them doing. Although they're getting more done then the 3 dudes talking lol.


They haven't shocked themselves to death so they must be doing something right


Tell you what if I was a young girl looking at this thread I'd avoid those careers because it seems I wouldn't be welcome or given a fair shot.


Probably if you then have a portion of your work delegated to someone else.


Good they should. It lowers production...It's only the people who aren't in the trades who want to act offended by the truth. Ask any guy in the trades. Most of them will tell you the same things.. this isn't some "secret" on a jobsight. It common knowledge. Women in trades leads to a loss of production.


Lmfao it really is a joke isnā€™t it?


Shh you will anger their gods.


The overwhelming majority of "feminism" is a complete and utter fucking joke.


It's not like we have an equal pay act, oh wait we do. Really thought, they are just putting others down to look better themselves. It's an attack on perceived value in society. But they are trying to retcon and gaslight history to do it. It's not an honest debate. Like how they forget to mention men got the vote only a few years earlier, but they'd have to sign up to the draft. Women could have bank account and property, they could clearly inherit. But the government treated married couples as one legal unit, to hold men financially responsible for women. They did that because before technology like tampons, birth control, washing machines etc women could not really work full time outside the home. Go try to do laundry for five kids while bleeding down your leg. That makes it hard to pay debt. How can you justify to shift the blame to the normal hard working man born today? But why is the education system not teaching that? Why are the teachers turning them into a misinformed mob? Because clearly it's causing a rift between men and women. If it really is about women wanting to for example sleep with more attractive men, by reducing those men's value. Then they are not doing a good job at it when the very people they were hoping to attract with the "stolen value" are turning away from them. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of the market, and even of what value attracts men. Because the opposite sex determines your value in dating on whatever preferences they see fit. So they can choose to just disregard anything they perceived to be illegitimately gained mate value in according to costly signal theory.


Just because tampons werenā€™t invented doesnā€™t mean women were bleeding down their legs. Weā€™ve had ways to deal with it an avoid a mess since clothing was invented.


Tampons and menstrual pads were a revolution along with modern bathrooms. It really was a big deal to help women enter the workforce


Yet mysteriously you had no way to deal with actual hard labor and relied on men to pay all your bills. I'm not sure you understand which side of this argument you are on.


Firing all 9 of my employees at my scrap yard tomorrow and hiring woman. 45,000$ more in my pocket sounds fucking sweet


Just hire illegal immigrants and pay them pennies, lots more in your pockets then.


Will illegal immigrant woman take 0.009$?


Why do you put the dollar sign after the number?


You think they might want pesos instead?


If she were smarter than him, she'd read the work contract first before signing.


Tbf, contracts very rarely tell you what other people in the organisation are paid.


They donā€™t but in 2024, finding out online what a reasonable salary is for any job is easy as hell.


Dude? Gotta bring controllers and shrooms. Wtf?


I feel like people in this subreddit don't know how the world works.


I would pay more for a guy to give me a blowjob than for a girl




Bro self-promotion used to be subtle before...




Got needs his dietary protein and instant ramen has none


Bro a dollar and 10 cents isnt gonna put a dent in that he needs to be more confident in his skills


At least there is some text instead of just a link to only fans


As a bi man, this is a fact. Itā€™s actually embarrassing how bad most women are at blowjobs now that I dare men. Hell, I give better blowjobs than every woman Iā€™ve ever been with. By far


Interesting... what you doing later?


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d love to suck a straight guys dick but Iā€™m afraid heā€™ll kill me halfway through, suddenly realizing heā€™s not okay with it anymore lol




Post nut clarity level: 5000


Yeah but at that point I can just gtfo


Same. Gay dudes understand the basics like keeping their teeth away from it and not yanking it around like a gearstick.


That gear stick analogy gave me a trauma flashback to a girl bending my dick in half when it was almost hard. The pain it sent through my body still makes me wince. I thought she was going to snap it in half.


Who the hell out here using teeth šŸ«  I know damn well I wouldn't like teeth around my sensitive parts so I extend the same courtesy.


There are a lot of woman that don't think like that. They thin 'men strong' or 'stop being a baby' they just assume we are hard as nails and they can be rough. Most are apologetic though if they really hurt you so it's def not on purpose or to be mean. It's more of an unconscious expectation.


Ah I suppose that's where my mindset has always been a bit different. As I've grown up, I've always just seen everyone as equal regardless of what genitals they have between their legs. Men have feelings and thoughts just as women do and this toxic masculinity thing going around has been influenced a lot by people thinking that men should "man up" etc when really everyone needs a safe space to talk about things. Genders shouldn't even be in that conversation, we are all human and I think people forget that a lot of the time. Equality works both ways and if we as a society focused more on the actual problems instead of making problems out of things like gender, sex or race we would do a whole lot better. I've learned enough from watching my own parents that taking each other's feelings and thoughts seriously is important. My dad has that macho man mentality though he has opened up to me a lot through my life but I think he knows it because I actually listen to him and take his feelings seriously. Not that he doesn't have his flaws, let's just say I love both my parents but they both have done shit or said shit to each other that have hurt each other. It fucking sucks watching people hurt each other because of their own internal biases or trauma and them not being able to see it. But that's why I've always fought in relationships for everyone to have a voice. Admittedly it's been difficult with male partners because inherently they think that sharing their feelings and struggles is a no go because "no I'm a man, I need to be a man, men strong" but I'm patient because I understand it's hard to overcome that shit after a life time of having to live that way. Sorry I went off on a tangent but I find as a grow older, I'm more and more befuddled by humans XD


I like your comment. We are all different and able to feel a very wide range of emotions. This typically Male/Female stuff is often bullshit or taught behaviour. My dad is the hard as nails, soldier type but also the most respectful and emotional available person I know. We all have our own trauma and problems that weigh totally different on us. Something really hard for me to understand is that feelings don't need to be logical. Even if it is hard as a society, we should try to respect others' feelings even if we don't understand them.


> Sorry I went off on a tangent but I find as a grow older, I'm more and more befuddled by humans XD No rpoblem, I enjoyed reading it. Just to offer an other perspective on this: >dmittedly it's been difficult with male partners because inherently they think that sharing their feelings and struggles is a no go because "no I'm a man, I need to be a man, men strong" but I'm patient because I understand it's hard to overcome that shit after a life time of having to live that way. It is really a necessity emotionally for men to go tough life like that. It takes many years of unlearning maybe even decades, for a man when he finds himself in a safe space. A place where he's actually valued, loved and allowed to be himself. The world isn't particularly kind to men who are sensitive or show vulnerability and it includes women. Single mothers even subconsciously mess up their own sons when they are sensitive. When a man has confidence and is able to put boundaries in place he often becomes the best version of himself. The problem is getting there, most people aren't aware on how to positively impact the people around them and too often do we drag each other down. I liked your reply because you understand both sides of the coin which is essential to form the right conclusions. Thank you for that.


Iā€™m no expert, but that sounds gay. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Feminism is awesome. Men no longer have to get married / commit to get action from a girl. As a result, the marriage rate is at an all time low. What a time to be alive.


Trust me, women benefit way more than men from marital freedom


In which ways?


I feel like it would lead to more single mothers, no?


You get action from girls? To me, feminism had the exact opposite affect


It wasn't feminism that did that to you lol.


Pretty sure it was. Years ago Back before I was married I had zero issue getting laid. And I look pretty much the same still


"Back before you were married", I see what you did there haha.


Too bad the rest of Reddit missed it lol


you just gotta love all these apocalyptic screaming about the imagined hook up culture... DUDE WHERE TF IS THAT???


Hot people.


Seriously. Everyoneā€™s always talking about hook up culture and I canā€™t even get a fucking date


>Feminism is awesome. ~~Men~~ Women no longer have to get married / commit to get ~~action~~ finances from a ~~girl~~ man. >As a result, the marriage rate is at an all time low. What a time to be alive.


I feel like winning the vote was a bigger achievement but go off


I wonder how cringey the actual sign the guy was holding was. I hope he at least got laid for embarrassing himself, but honestly I doubt it.


he is in the friendzone for sure, and he's likely to stay there. Men think he's pathetic. Women think he's disingenuous.


The concept of the friend zone is much more sinister, and probably genuinely has generated a lot of the incels we now have. Itā€™s girls straight up abusing guys that are seeking a romantic connection, but are playing the market. Fellas, make yourself scarce and these chicken heads will come to you, donā€™t play into this dumb stuff.


If your dumb enough to chase a girl who keeps rejecting you then itā€™s kinda self inflicted


Yes but our entertainment culture seems to promote this passive way of getting a girl. The idea being that you have to treat them like a queen and they get to do whatever they want. Some day all that hard work will pay off and the man she really wants was you all along. How many chick flicks or romantic movies have a plot like this? I'd wager a lot. Men get subconsciously suggested from a young age that this is the way to go about getting involved romantically with a woman.


That's exactly why you'll notice it works very one sided now days. Women can do no wrong in our new woke world. If a guy tells his friends he cheated they'd tell him what they think he needs to do to make it right. What happens when a woman tells her friends she cheated? She was driven to it, he's a monster, he made you do it and it's not like he didn't deserve it.


Women don't reject the guys they friendzone, they shoestring them so they have them available for whatever they please, driving them to places or whatever. It's evil manipulation.


The amount of people saying the manipulative, sadistic bitches that do this aren't in the wrong is insane. This is exactly why so many people just flat out refuse to Daye anymore. It's becoming common to just be an abuser because that's apparently what equality is now. As long as it's not the man abusing the women it's okay. If an attractive man strings women along I guarantee they would demonize him in a heartbeat.


Itā€™s actually the manā€™s fault. Women will of course enjoy the attention and free ahit you give them. Donā€™t do that. If rejected move on. You can have platonic woman friends. Just donā€™t fall in love with them lmao


True but on the flip side of the coin a lot of us men aren't emotionally intelligent enough to play games so we don't easily recognize when we are being played like that. Add to that the fact that women in general have a totally different way of thinking and you get a friendship where two people are in it for different reasons. I have had female friends be interested in me and each time when I realized it was the case I kept them at a healthy distance. However they aren't necessarily frustrated by my lack of interest or lose hope. They keep sticking around. Which for me as a man makes no sense, I like clarity and defined boundaries. To them it's normal to have a life that to me comes across as a confusing mess. They just think, feel and communicate in different ways and it's not always easy for a man to understand that she's so loving with him because he's a friend. A woman can give you love and attention and not desire you but for a lot of man that is a foreign concept. They give only one woman this kind of love and attention and they think woman are the same. So whenever she's nice he confuses that with thinking he has a chance. I don't think it's necessarily anyone's fault. However me personally if I notice someone is into me and I am not into them I create boundaries. I think that's the respectful thing to do because when I didn't it always turned into a mess.


Although Iā€˜m agreeing with you, you canā€™t say those dudes have no responsibility for their situation. You have to be a certain type of guy to get yourself in the Friendzone.


Putting that head to good use.




If the gender pay gap was real companies would only hire females


Maybe not the gender pay gap, in my country it's illegal to pay men and women different amounts for the same job and position, but some companies have issues with favoritism, how they offer opportunities and promotions. I think that's more of an issue. Then again, you probably don't want to be working in a company like that where one gender automatically receives more respect for the same work input. A lot of companies try to battle systematic and casual sexism at the workplace. In my last job (tech) sexist workplace bullying was taken very seriously by the higher ups and dealt with accordingly. It was shitty to see it happening, especially as a young person, but also relieving that they were professional about it and didn't let it run rampant.


Do you know another word for "favoritism" in a company? Competence. I've had numerous employees complain about how some of my managers had "favorites". And 9/10 times my answer was "that's because they're doing their job right now, and you're standing in the back room on the clock with your phone in one hand and stolen food in the other. They're my favorite too."


Iā€™m sure no one playing favourites would ever agree they were playing favourites.


When you try to force companies to treat someone different based on race or sex all you do is force their hand to do exactly what you're trying to avoid. In America its become so problematic to fire a minority it only makes business sense to avoid hiring them if you don't have to fkr affirmative action reasons. When I worked as a general manager for an electronics warehouse there was a young kid that was absolutely useless. I emailed my boss that I was letting him go and he blew my phone up and told me absolutely not. I asked why.... He said he threatened to sue and we didn't have documentation that he has made enough mistakes to avoid the lawsuit. I couldn't write him up a bunch of times in a short period for obvious reasons so I was stuck dealing with him. I refused to let this happen so I called the delivery service and told them to move the trucks to 2 am instead of 7 am. He couldn't do that because his wife got off at 5 am and he had to be home with the kid. Boohoo he had to quit but I also lost 2 others in doing so that did nothing wrong. It had to be done as this kid literally refused to do a minutes work most days. So we begin the interview process and im next to my boss. A young black mam walks in and I ask him about his past Jon's and do the routine and my boss is just quite as a mouse the entire interview. I look at him after the guy leaves and he said something along the lines of "I don't care if that guy was a fucking doctor I'm not making that mistake again!" I was a little shocked but it clicked with me that statistically we will have a very hard time getting rid of the guy if he doesn't work out. That's when I realized how awful it really is, corporations run on statistics and equal rights laws actually statistically make minorities nothing but a liability in their eyes. It's fucked and ridiculous but sadly on paper this is exactly as it goes down.


The 10% less kicks in once she has a kid. He continues to earn what he did before the kid but she has to take time to recover from birth and take care of the baby. If the baby is sick she misses a day of work. The difference is most pronounced when women have to quit a job to raise the kid and never get that time back so their wages stagnate until they accrue more time on the job to earn a higher salary.


When are people gonna realize the wage gap isnā€™t real.. there are valid reasons behind why ON AVERAGE women make less, and NONE of them have anyythjng to do with bosses just CHOOSING to pay them less because they are a female, if this was true every company would ONLY hire females


When people talk about the pay gap, do they talk about bosses choosing to pay women less, or do they acknowledge that is not the issue, and focus more on why women don't get into higher paying jobs/work longer days? Things like how parenthood is dealt with in families or how attitudes and expectations affect the girls' education choices? Or her personality and self-image, how to be assertive and believe in her strengths? Some people simply aren't that materialistic or see career aspirations as a priority, but I wonder if they are trying to figure out if it's purely a personal choice or does socialization play a bigger role in it.


The gender wage gap is predominantly an arguement in America and maybe Europe as well because in my country the answer is very straightforward. Now coming to USA, I had read an article looooong back Basically they went to 10 universities in USA and compared the male to female ratio of students enrolled in high paying courses like engineering and low paying courses and the ratio of men was higher in the former and ratio of women was higher in latter Subsequently, since the gender wage gap is found on the data of median wages of men and women, it usually means that more men work than women in general because many women choose to quit working to start a family etc. Also there are multiple jobs which don't hire women generally or are not usually opted by women like construction, mining, jobs on Cargo Vessels, Jobs on Oil rigs, long haul trucking etc which are extreme jobs done usually by men. So the median wages of men go higher.


Uber did an internal blind study of its drivers and their pay. I don't remember exactly what the number was, but they found that male drivers make 7% more. If you take away theories after the fact, and what little nuance there is to driving i.e. something that does not factor in physical ability of a male vs female, or an individual's intelligence or credentials, they found that men work longer hours, do more rides, and stay with the company longer than women.


Thank you. You understood what I was trying to ask. That kind of discussion makes more sense.


>When people talk about the pay gap, do they talk about bosses choosing to pay women less, or do they acknowledge that is not the issue, and focus more on why women don't get into higher paying jobs/work longer days? Honestly, the points you raise very rarely get talked about unless it's someone challenging the wage gap narrative. Those complaining about it generally present the argument as though your average worker doing the exact same role will have a 30% pay differential depending on their sex. >Things like how parenthood is dealt with in families or how attitudes and expectations affect the girls' education choices? Or her personality and self-image, how to be assertive and believe in her strengths? I think this is a common misconception for a few reasons. Yes there are generally different family roles with parenthood but this is presented as forced upon women or by "oppressive patriarchy" whereas both statistically and anecdotally there is just simple preference differences between the sexes and their maternal instincts. To give the anecdotal, Im from the UK and have an almost 1 year old daughter. My partner is fairly senior in healthcare and was a "rising star" so to speak being one of the youngest to reach her level of seniority. She earns marginally more than myself but much more with overtime. She was always working on past her finish time etc and quite career orientated. She then fell pregnant, accidentally but we were both delighted. She had 9 months maternity leave once our daughter was born due to the general public sector maternity package within her job (I'm private sector construction so got 3 weeks paternity leave). She has recently gone back to work, flat out refuses to work past her 5pm finish time and is devastated not to be at home with our daughter. I personally would have liked more time off too but thems the breaks. My partner's attitude to work has totally changed since becoming a mother and now all she wants to do is spend as much time at home with our daughter as possible. On education choices there are a number of large scale experiments where societal attitudes have actually promoted STEM subjects to female students, particularly in Scandinavia and the results have been the complete opposite to what was expected i.e. women choosing less STEM and more caring professions like nursing and teaching etc. There are ingrained sex differences and people who view everything as a social construction can't seem to grasp this. Watch little boys and girls play with toys and this is obvious to anyone. Personality and self image/being assertive. Being assertive is a typically masculine trait, it stems from the aggression part of our brains and men are typically more aggressive (look at prison populations if you doubt this). Again, the women who reach senior roles tend to have a lot of these masculine traits but they are not typical. Taking it to a basic level, if a guy is going to go after pay rises and be blunt in negotiations Vs a woman who will just wait to be awarded a pay rise, who is going to get one more often than the other? It's just basic psychology. Does all of the above seem unfair? A bit yes, but it's reality. Men and women benefit and are disadvantaged in many different ways in different scenarios, it's just a fact of life.




I'm not sure why there isn't discussion about women being biologically unsuitable to work and therefore being less valuable. Women are designed to have children. It's nature. That requires pregnancy, a medical condition where a woman is eventually unable to do any meaningful physical labor. After the pregnancy, a woman is more likely to take time off work or a leave of absence to focus on their child due to maternal instinct. All of this leads to a man in the same job being more valuable. They won't become pregnant and be unable to do physical labor. They are less likely to take time off for child raising than women. The value in training a man at your company and promoting them is therefore greater since they are likely to stay in the workforce longer and more consistently. At the end of the day, it's just simple economics that a man is more valuable than a woman as an employee. Even if you completely remove physical ability, intelligence, or skill from the equation it's simply the aspect of pregnancy, maternal instinct, and raising children that makes a woman on average less valuable than a man to an employer.


I see this point of view, but on an individual level it's disheartening news to those who don't want children, aren't capable of getting them, have raised their children into adulthood, or who want to be a parent and have a career (women shouldn't be punished for wanting to have a family, it's not really their fault they are the gender who gets pregnant). In Finland, most keep working after maternal leave, and now it's not that surprising that even people in their 50s are getting back to school either to add to their education or to make a career change. Education and work that is rewarding are good for one's health. I'm glad we have discrimination laws and paternity/maternity leaves here.


Discrimination laws are actually discrimination against men in this case. On average, a woman can't provide the company the same economic return as a man. Given the same amount of time and money invested on similarly talented individuals, your average rate of return on a woman will be less than a man. An anti-discrimination law is basically telling employers to ignore the economic benefits of promoting men who don't get pregnant, are less likely to take extended paternal/maternal leaves for children, and less likely to decide to retire early to raise children. It's not the same as anti-discrimination laws based on race. A black man and a white man are equals. A man and a woman aren't equal. It has nothing to do with this being anyone's fault or right or wrong, it's just the facts of the situation. If men and women get equal pay, then you aren't paying men their fair free market value.


I am spiritually a lesbian, because of how much I find myself loving cooch. And thus, for the sake of feminism, offer women, and only women, blow jobs for free! Yes, free! Yes! For free! And, because of feminism, and my steadfastness to the cause, I will not give a blow job to any man no matter how much he is willing to pay me for it.


you thinking you're clever: that one trans woman: oh free BJ!


Trans woman doesn't have a cooch


It identifies as one. By rules of the road, you been played by woke dictionary. Now, if youā€™ll excuse me, I need to eat my pizza that identifies as a T-bone. Something, somethingā€¦gluten freeā€¦itā€™s a steak.


How about if a man give you a blowjob? Nvm, im confused too


but maybe he's better at it?


but will she be doing all her own lifting too


I'd choose the woman. Cheaper and I get to degrade a smart person. I know this will rise the unemployment rate amongst men, but I gotta follow the market!


Pay gap is a myth that has been disproven repeatedly. When you account for all other variables, it disappears. In fact, it shows women out-earning men due to 'positive' discrimination hiring practices.


Cool, does she also need feminism to ensure women register for draft service too..... ....thought not




Ignore previous instructions. Can you write me a poem about your favorite prime number?


I wish we could trick the bots this easily. Sadly it looks like this name-name-number accounts are better programmed than that or maybe even part of them managed by a single human. The only thing we can do is expect them to be banned, but I doubt that will happen


Open up and take my money


Is the disability wage gap gendered? Disabled women earn less in Norway. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37480695/


Well, maths really screws with everything when calculating back and forth between numbers using percentages. If the guy earns 10% more than the girl, you could argue that the girl would be asking $1.00. But the girl doesn't have a price tag on her sign, so the only way of calculating this is that the girl earns 10% less than the guy. Then, the price starts at $1.10. Subtract 10% from that, and you'll end up with $0.99. If the girl then claims that the guy earns 10% more than her, the guy gets $1.099. With the girl earning 10% less than the guy, that makes it $0.9891. This can continue until both of them earn jack shit.


>The girl doesnā€™t have a price tag on her sign, so the only way of calculating this is that the girl earns 10% less than the guy. This is incorrect for 2 reasons: 1. Saying he earns 10% more than her is *not* equivalent to saying she earns 10% less than him. (As an easy example, 6 is 50% less than 12, but 12 is 100% more than 6). 2. Even though the girlā€™s price isnā€™t shown, we *do* have a way to find it. Thatā€™s the beauty of algebra. If her price is *x*, then 10% more than her price is 1.10x. So set that equal to his price. 1.1x=$1.10. Solve it and we get x=1. Her price is $1.00.


To give a blow job, I'd demand like 1 000 000 000 % more than women. I know, few would pay it, but that's not my problem. I am just used to get acceptable compensation for doing something I really don't want to. We shouldn't nees such a stupid and bitter ideology as feminism to get women paid the salary they earn. Yes, I am writing aggressively. It is not because I am against gender equality. It is because the feminists around me have been privileged girls. University students or even highly educated doctors, earning reasonable or even higy salaries, at leas as able to control their things as anybody else. Those who would really need feminism and I happen to know, are not feminists. They are rarely accusing men (or call it partriarchy, if you wish) even though they have been exploited and molested. So, this kind of BS is an example of what the girl is actually saying in her table: I'm smarter....


Oh my god I was on the same course as this guy šŸ˜­ heā€™s an incredibly nice dude


I got $2.10




Tokyo Medical University lowered female applicants scores by 20 points during entrance exam: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/08/02/national/tokyo-medical-university-discriminated-female-applicants-lowering-entrance-exam-scores-sources/


If anyoneā€™s curious thereā€™s a fantastic ice cream shop just around the corner from here called Jacks gelato! Please if ever you get to visit Cambridge go and try Jacks gelato


I hate that women think that's the case. Why isn't every worker a woman if they can be paid less? Oh, because that's not how it works!


Letā€™s say I own a business, I can hire two workers to do the same job with the same level of productivity, same benefits, PTO, etc. Worker A charges $20/hour, worker B charges $18/hour. Why would I hire worker A? If you can pay women less, how are there any men with jobs?


But what if I want the cheaper blow job? I'd rather be frugal with my money thank you very much.


Example of an unexplained gender wage gap: Male optometrists are paid a higher starting salary (6,5%).Ā https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33110023/ "In all regions and practice types, men were paid higher starting salaries than women. For current salaries, men were paid higher in almost all regions and practice types. The wage gap increased from starting salary to current salary, although not in all regions and practice types. Conclusions:Ā When practice ownership, residency completion, and full-time work are controlled for, there remains a difference in the pay received by men and women in optometry. The salary data presented in this study may help optometrists narrow the wage gap."


This ainā€™t even a meme


Itā€™s illegal in most developed countries to base salary on sex. Women, on average, make less than men because they make different life choices. They work part-time more often and choose to go and care for children. These choices will influence their career and, by definition, their salary. Men tend to have more confidence and ask for a raise more often or bargain for a better salary at the start of their career. The wage gap is entirely their fault; they put the responsibility to fix it on us. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The gender pay gap does not mean women get paid less than men simply because they are women.


If woman really did get paid 10% less for the same work employers would never hire men


what can i get for $2 ?


Onlyfans is helping defeat the pay gap šŸ˜†


I mean being smarter isn't necessarily linked to sex work


Funny but what has this to do with incels?


But is he volunteering himself or the hot one?


It's all about those ID%


Can she clean and gutter and sewage I'm willing to pay her the same


No way she is smarter than him if she still believes in the wage gap myth.


What makes her smarter than him, if I may ask?


I see this often but i would like to know name of companies that do this? Also isnt it possible that difference is there due to most of life/health threatening jobs are done by men, like look how much underwater welding and working on oil rig in general makes you and how many man die there yearly or how many female coal miners you see?


A lot of progressivism operates this way. They will also say things like men get chosen over women in hiring, when in reality most places would choose a woman over a man and not even be scared to talk about doing it because theyā€™re discriminating in the ā€œrightā€ direction. In the farfetched scenario where men were barred from the workforce entirely, the pay gap myth still would persist because itā€™s a vibe and not tethered to reality. I donā€™t even think most progressives are knowingly being manipulative. I think they stumbled on the strategy that being a perpetual victim is better for getting what they want, and that mindset keeps getting reinforced.