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Black people literally only make up 0.7% of Argentina's national population, so...


So obviously, they must be 50% of the team makeup.


Otherwise, it's racist


everything is


This comment is racist


when everything is racist, nothing is


*Syndrome voice* And when everything's racist, nothing will be


Go home buddy, that country works alone


You sly dog, you got me monologuing!


one of the best movies of all time




“When you are racist to every race, you aren’t racist. You are just an asshole” - me


Hate everyone equally


But for different reasons


[MSG beats discrimination charges by proving he hates everyone equally](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/dvx75u/master_sgt_beats_discrimination_charge_by_proving/)


Monosodium glutamate?


*Ah, the Swiss defence* (Context: best friend is Swiss and says this all the time)


Nah as a Swiss person this is a 100% correct answer.


No lives matter!!


Nothing is racist.


so are you


It could be you! It could be me!


It could even be- *head gets shot off"


The white background here is racist.


I use dark mode. But I'm not a bigot.


You’re one to talk! When’s the last time you saw the black Gnoll community represented in a war party?




I must be racist because I’m not half black myself


The President said it only matters who you voted for in 2020.


Ah yes, it’s racist to point out the blatant racism of having a sports team made up of all blacks and Kevin(or Stacey) for your national team. I’m sorry, but the only qualifier to get an award in sports is your team being better than the other one and following the rule book. A sports team doesn’t need to have x, y and z skin colors represented in order to be eligible to win an award unlike tv shows and movies


I’m racist.


Of course I know him. He’s me.


Happy cake day 🍰


With that redit avatar I could already tell.


You’re cool.


Oddly the reverse diversity isn't needed when looking at an NBA team.


More Asians in the NBA or we riot


never going to happen, Asians dont even get the benefits of regular DEI


Asians don't need benefits because Asians work their asses off to make sure that their families are stable and thriving. Other groups should try that.


How come nobody ever thinks of the Native Basketball Americans?


And only one in awhile got treated like shit


Specifically because of his race too.


the funny thing is that Argentina is viewed as the racist one in Latin America lol


Well they did let Nazi's in so...


Tons of suspiciously German surnames floating around Uruguay...


Lot of German names in the south of Brazil.


yeah lol


Might have something to do with *why* Argentina has a low black population, given that they were a Spanish colony prior to independence the same as much of South America, and we know for a fact that they had a significant african slave population, again like most of the American continent at the time In short, they were systematically killed off, mostly during the government of 7th president of Argentina Domingo Sarmiento between 1868 - 1874, through a combination of being forced into squalid neighbourhoods with inadequate sanitation, government inaction when the inevitable health crises occured and disease ran rampant, being forcibly conscripted into the army and used recklessly and with no heed to their lives during the Paraguayan War of 1865, there are unsubstantiated reports of mass executions as well. Under these conditions, many surviving black Argentines fled to neighbouring countries, and their descendants remember what happened..hence Argentinas reputation as "the racist one in Latin America"


In 2021, the president of Argentina told the Spanish prime minister: "*The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe."*"


Racial cleanses and what not… even though one of their symbols of freedom, Maria Remedios del Valle is a whole ass Black woman


Welcome to Canada


I mean black people are only 14 percent of the US population but around 70 percent of the NBA. But that's because they are better at basketball. Now I'm a racist.


Lol i wonder if some activists go protest that we should have more white players in the nba would they be considered warriors of equality or just get called nazi


We had that fight in the 50s. Now people just like good basketball no matter who's playing.


Math is racist!


Nah if Messi was black it wouldn’t be racist.


How many of them are German?


Just the pig farmers and tailors.


*Magneto wants to know your location*


Black people only make up 12% of the US population so why does every commercial have one and why does every Hollywood movie or Netflix movie need 50% of the movie black.


If Hollywood requires 50% black then where do the asians and latinos go?


Exactly. Asians and Latinos are vastly under represented. It’s BS. I don’t know why Hollywood is obsessed only with putting black people in roles. But again, that idea is racist. They just need to hire who they think fits the role best. If they’re black white asian Latino, Russian, Italian. Who gives a damn. Just hire them if they’re the best fit


Disney made one Shang Chi movie and never mentioned him again. lol


I told someone recently who complained about whitewashing in the past that we are currently living through the era of blackwashing. People don't like to admit it but it's undeniable. Like others have said, it's every single commercial, show, movie etc. You'd think America was 75% black.


Kinda hard to argue against it when they are straight up casting black actors to play historically white figures.


Black queen Victoria in bridgerton was crazy. And in Troy, fall of a city, they had siblings, one white, one black. It was nuts. If you wanna put a random black family in house of the dragon or whatever, cool, I don't care, but can we at least make it make sense a little?


Don't forget about black Cleopatra.


Norse gods too. I had Icelanders asking me why we made Heimdall black in the Marvel movies as though I made that decision.


The extremists who support stuff like that always say “It doesn’t matter because it’s not a real person!1!1!!”. Then when the opposite happens and a white person is cast as a typically POC character, they do a 360 and say “This is racist! You’re marginalizing minorities and whitewashing!!1!1!” See it all the time from extremists on Reddit, TikTok, and twitter when this discussion comes up. The new Lilo and Stitch live action casting of LILO and her sister, and the Avatar The Last Airbender casting of Sokka being two examples.


As someone who grew up in rural Ireland I legitimately thought America was 50% black just because of the media. Like, imagine my surprise when I got over here.


I’m a mail carrier. Every single advertisement (we call them coverages) that I deliver is black man, white woman. Never black couples, or white couples, Asian, Latin, just only that one pairing. I’m in a city of about 2mil and I’m on a business route and come into contact with a lot of people everyday. Do I see this pairing? Sure. Once in a while. It’s not something I really look for, but I’m also aware that I just don’t see this coupling very often, let alone mixed kids very often. But every single advertisement…. Do these companies get tax breaks for displaying this coupling I wonder? There has to be some kind of financial benefit


Not just who fits the role but also give consideration to a minimum level of authenticity. The idea of inserting black people into stories of other cultures absolutely messes up everything you know about history and science, and I start losing interest in it, even if it is fiction.


Prime example…Bridgerton…


Common sense is racist


ESG - “Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores are an essential tool for investors to assess a company's sustainability and ethical performance.” Basically you have to hit certain metrics otherwise you won’t qualify for as much funding for future projects.


You also may ask yourself why are roughly 90% of families shown with a black man and a white woman in advertising? (At least here in Europe) Google "Happy White Woman" too, to exactly see what I mean. This can only be described as social engineering and, in fact, rooted in racism.


A better example: Google Happy Black Couple Google Happy White Couple


It’s either white woman alone or white woman with a black man.


Google "happy woman with a man" and see the results. It's all white couples. It's the specification of "white woman" that is skewing your Google results


80% of my results were women on their own lol


Every commercial does not "have one".


Quick question that I'm sure people here don't wanna hear, but what are you talking about? I decided to look up some of the most recent movies, and most don't even have 50% black casts. Hitman, Inside Out 2 (A Disney movie), Furiosa, and The Fall Guy. The only exception is Bad Boyz 3, which, no surprise, the leads are back they have always been. Anytime I heard this, I decided to look it up, and people who believe this are just upset that black people are in movies and getting slightly more starring roles.


0.7% of a squad of 26 is .182. So .182 of 1 player should be black, or else they're being racist.


I'm sure at least one player is mixed race. Problem is everyone thinks every Argentine player is de los Santos.


Guess the nba is racist to white people then?


Such a small amount that if you Blink you'll miss it..




Does the newspaper question why there are so many black players on basketball teams even though the black population of America is a much lower percentage of the population?


Apparently only 0.4% of the NBA is Asian. Is the NBA racist against Asians?? Where are the headlines


All jokes aside, yeah actually, the NBA is racist against Asians. When Jeremy Lin was playing in the NBA, he gave interviews mentioning the amount of racism he got in the NBA. He got racist abuse from other players and even security guards refused to let him in at first because they did not believe he was a player.


Racism against Asians and Asians in general for some reason are not treated seriously. I read an article earlier that said an Asian firefighter in SF was a victim of attempted murder by his colleague (perpetrator name is Robert Muhammed if anyone wants to look up this scumbag). Instead of rallying behind the Asian firefighter the SFFD higher ups ordered him to drop charges against Muhammed and to stop cooperating with the police investigation. And when he refused, they fired him, so now he is suing the city and the SF fire department.


Man, it’s [wild](https://abc7news.com/post/san-francisco-firefighter-describes-brutal-2022-attack-colleague/14945700/). Objectively speaking it’s incomprehensible how they keep covering up for him. That guy even went on a high-speed car chase after the process server who served him papers, trying to hit him in traffic. But they continue to employ and protect him at all costs while they fired and took away the health insurance of the guy he tried to kill while he was still recovering from the attack (got his arms broken shielding his head from the hydrant spanner being swung at it). And yeah anytime I speak up about racism against Asians on here people are always fighting me too. It’s nuts.


The fire department really told Shin "You can't charge him. He has a family" Really? Do they really think that Shin doesn't? He was nearly killed wtf.


Dude is either unhinged or has a massive anger management problem. If this is how he reacts to coworkers wanting to help him or process workers handing him papers, by trying to kill them or hit them with his car, imagine what he’s like at home (which is what apparently he was losing his mind about).


Wow. That’s really fucking sad, and for what? To protect bad people.


I think it’s a pendulum swing. Lots of racism towards Islamic past decades. So in attempts to atone, blindly defend those beliefs n that demographic. People/orgs trying so hard to not be perceived as racist, they act/become racist.


Just have to look at the statistics of racist attacks against asians. Nobody talks about it because it breaks the narrative that only whites can be racist (that is ridiculous BTW).


Well one part of why they ignore Asian problems is they can partially break the narrative about minorities are always oppressed in America, doing more crime and doing worse in education isn't a race or racial culture thing it's totally due to oppression and pressure only, etc. Because Asians often stand out against those statistics completely. They do better in school and make more money than white people for example. Universities are actually generally racist against Asians. They have a higher bar to clear to get accepted compared to other races, at a huge number of universities, because they do so much better on average than other races. Also doesn't get talked about much.


It got talked about so much the Supreme Court issues a ruling.


And that kid still didn’t qualify or get in because he then had to compete with everybody and simply didn’t hack it. FAFO


Is he San Francisco's golden child?? Who is he and why is he getting so much protection? They should also punish the folks covering him.


No, "racism is always between white and black no in-between"


Stop asian hate fell apart pretty quickly when they realised who was doing the hating


They get treated as white-adjacent and then the left considers racism against whites okay. This might seem like a strawman but I've seen this chain of logic used almost verbatim many times to justify it. The whole thing is kind of fucked up.


>Racism against Asians and Asians in general for some reason are not treated seriously. No difference from racism against any other successful group. No one gives a shit about racism against whites or Indians either.


Haven’t you heard? They have fixed all Indian racism by removing apu from the simpsons


Thank you. Come again.


A move which upset a significant amount of actual Indians and American Indians


Indians...are Asian


In America, "Asian" generally refers to East Asians (China, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Indochina), while in the UK it refers to South Asians (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). Asia is too big to be one ethnicity, as it goes all the way from Turkey to New Guinea.


"Asian" isn't even an ethnicity in the first place :P


Eh I grew up in a city where I was bullied a lot for being white/latino (depended on my tan weirdly enough) a fair amount as a kid. Most of my friends were black, on the flip side of that coin. But it highlighted since I was a kid how incredibly terrified Americans are of seeming racist against black people That’s not some new observation, it’s been a trope on sitcoms since before the 80’s But that’s a huge part of it. Most Americans aren’t just inherently and vehemently against all racism to the same degree. Primarily it’s this foundational lifelong education on what has happened and is happening to the black community. And just writing this comment I know it’s profoundly difficult to not even comment on racial issues and the black community without coming off racist because I’m not black myself. Point being Asians being the subject of primarily black racism was never going to get taken too seriously because of that. Outside of the black community those conversations are just like rolling around drunk in a minefield.


[yeah. this guy explain it in detail](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYapJmLD/)


That’s less about the NBA and more just about how black peoples are to asians. 


He was literally one of the fastest players in his draft class (behind John Wall) and scouts labeled him as “sneaky athletic”


I can't do it justice so I'll link a small paragraph, this blew my mind (Morey on the eye test v objective stats) https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/RMfwPExvs9


They should ask why the Chinese Olympic team is all Chinese!


Because China is one of the most racist countries in the modern world.


Hey hey hey. Japan would like a word. At least the Chinese are racist towards each other since there's like 3-4 major ethnic groups. Japan came together and thought everyone else was trash


u act like chinese arent racist against everyone else as well lol


no, the japanese also screw over some of their minority indigenous groups too


Of course not, the victim role has already been cast


Sorry that doesn’t fit into our narrative so we don’t recognize that fact 🤷🏻‍♂️


We need affirmative action for Asian and European players in sports, every team must have them and they if they score 1 point it counts as 1.5. Sound absurd? It is


Why doesn't China have more white players? Why doesn't India have more indigenous Americans playing for them? Lol


We all know it’s only a problem when whites are the majority/s


Because only whites beat themselves up over it and allow others to hold it over their heads. Baffling, really.


It’s strange how the most accommodating people are getting all the racial hatred projected onto them. It’s like we set ourselves up for it.


I think this article came out 2 years ago, and was corrected and redacted four days later.  I think this screenshot is trying to do one thing: race bait. It’s dug up an article from two years ago which the original author has since redacted, and presented it here devoid of context. Why? So all of you will say things like: “Does the newspaper question why there are so many black players on basketball teams even though the black population of America is a much lower percentage of the population?” And such.  It’s pathetic, honestly. The original article is bad, yes. They confused Argentina with Brazil. A fundamental, unforgivable error. Which is *why* they redacted the article and apologised for it.  And now here it sits, two years later, serving as race bait on Reddit. 


Only the liberal ones. Liberal whites are the only people in the world with an outgroup preference higher than ingroup preference.


Until the outgroup sees your house displaying your virtue signalling and knocks on the door looking to stay a few nights. Watch this for a laugh and cry. https://youtu.be/u5OlBT2OcGg?si=ftwz6NV-RlQPRJVd


I would love to know whether it was a white or black person who wrote this article because as a black person like who tf cares. This type of shit gets written to incite hatred I swear.


Now do Scandinavia!!!


Sweden’s top striker is a black man - Alexander Isak


Now do Belgium. Oh!




Swap black people with middle eastern and north African and we win


Not a country, and Swedens most high profile footballer is actually black


Zlatan isn't black. Black is Zlatan.


They're not talking about Zlatan. They're referring to Alexander Isak.


Noo.. don't you know of the country of Europe?


Very true. When I googled it .36 blacks in Argentina. Maybe they are not into soccer ? It’s like saying why no Asians in basketball ? I hate this kind of forced racism. Only thing people should be worried about is do they have the opportunity and not been held back


How good could .36 of a person even be at soccer?


.36 of a person could be the ball.


I thought it was three fifths


🤔 Depends on *which* .36 of a person, though. If it was a weird futbol-esque version of Thing from the Addams Family that consists of a pair of feet, it could work oddly well.


>How good could .36 of a person even be at soccer? Messi is pretty good


Messi is one whole human. .36 of a human would barely even be a palm.


Grande Argentina


Is this rage bait? Otherwise welcome to 2022 when this *opinion* piece was published and then later partially corrected by the newspaper itself.


It's an intentionally provocative title, intended to be attention grabbing, but the actual article was written by a history professor about the demographic history of Argentina, which went from around 30% black at the beginning of the 19th century to less than 1% black today.


Thanks for clarifying. I was asking if the Reddit post itself was rage bait, not the op-ed.


Oh the Reddit post is definitely rage bait. This thread will be locked very soon.


But looks like not before it reaches 30k of upvotes from people who really enjoy reading Reddit posts and not much else.


It's rage bait. It's a two year old article that discussed Argentinian history and the erasure of black identity that was mandated on the government level. It's not confused that there aren't black people on the national team of a country that at it's peak was a third of African descent, it's answering the question of how this happened in Argentina when all the other countries around it have large black identifying populations to this day.


This keeps being shared over and over, and just as always there are comments at the top ranting about how the media forces black people down your throat. It's just good old racism and people not reading, when it's actually a good article.


Not good enough, put a chick in it and make her gay


And make her lame!




I wonder if this comments section will stay clean or if it’ll get Messi.


We gotta take the name of Christiano and stay civil


Don't give Disney any ideas. I'm sure someone over there is figuring out a way to make an Argentina men's soccer team movie and recast all the players to be black, gay and trans on the team.


Be realistic, there would not be trans in a male team, those only appear in female teams.


You forgot the solo action girl. She’s the one that the other players hate because she’s a woman and the coach doesn’t even want on the team because he’s old and thinks she shouldn’t be playing in a man’s game. But then they get to the finals, tie game, and Maria Suza reminds herself that she has girl power and kicks the final goal, winning the game with one second left. And then everyone on the team forgets to be sexist and picks her up into the air with the World Cup in hand


And lame, don’t forget that part


Love South Park. Calling it out for 30 years and still going




american race doctrine trying to be applied in a south american country. Those liberals are wild these days


Silly gringxs


We need more Latinos in Japan's football team too!


They were good at eugenics.


W Argentina


The real question: why there are no more Asians?


The real question is where are the native americans? There may have been some light genocide...


Where's the funny? Where's the memes?


I like the fact people talks about our players like they were arian oligrachs , when most of them come from very impovershed families (exept Alexis Macallister , as he was the son of another famous player) , they should google were those "white european" players were born and raised , di maria worked as a coal street seller before becoming a player , and both him and messi were born in Rosario , a full on Narco-city


They write this and when more black players are on the team, they’ll write that black people are being used as entertainment in sports and black people should play less sports and focus on other careers.


I’m white and I’m so over white people whinging over inclusion.


Why doesn’t Senegal have more white players?


To be fair, the “it’s just a Disney movie” propaganda was pretty strong here in the states (and maybe mexico and the uk)


Why doesn't the Ghana team have more white players?


Where is the funny tho?


Argentina has a certain reputation among Latin American countries.


I think that any and all sports teams should pick their players based purely on individual performance. I think that picking a player based so you can have more of X race/gender/sexuality on your team is just as bigoted as not picking them for their race/gender/sexuality.


Americans when they find out other countries aren't as ethincally diverse as the USA Edit: misspelled "ethincally"


Peru is more ethnically diverse than US About 10% of peruvians are of asian origin. African Peruvians make up 5% I think and they take a good portion of the national team. Peru also has 15% of people (non-mestizo) with very white looking features (they didnt mix as much with the natives) and yet only one or two make up the national team. Now uruguay is a small country with 95% of people looking white yet there are at least 4 black people (100% uruguayans)....meanwhile argentina has the same percentage of black people but the argentina has nothing but whites and mestizos.... It's actually a good question we all wonder from time to time in south america. A good topic to discuss because it is a well known stereotype that argentines are arrogant and maybe a lil racist yet the country that has almost the same racial make up is seen as the exact opposite, uruguayans are known to be humble, helpful and not racist at all. From my experience ....there's a lot of truth to those stereotypes.


The [Washington Post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/) did an excellent job walking through the history of Argentina’s “white” heritage.


That's the entire point of the article, to point out how Argentina is so white today despite having had large Black population


[Redditors reading the article being discussed challenge - level: impossible](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/)


Because at the World Cup level of play - you get a place on the team based on MERIT. The US (in general) could learn something from that. It’s about who’s the most qualified and plays the best …. not about quotas or pandering to hurt feelings.


Haha. He said the “M” word.


So, it is your argument that the US puts players on the Men’s National Soccer Team based on quotas and hurt feelings? I’m curious which ones you think are affirmative action players. I can’t tell if it would be the Black players, the White players, or the Latin Players because I could see an argument being made for each group.


b,.,but, if black people start playing soccer, then there will be no white people left in sports in the US....except for golf, and who wants to watch that?!


Uh... and you think a requirement to be good at sports would limit the number of Black people? Lol.




how many black people have you met from argentina in your life? I will wait


They are selling sunglasses on the beach


This is from 2022, and the article was later corrected to clear up the misunderstood title. Is this really the best the sub can do?


Let me guess an American asked that stupid question?


A stupid American did. The rest of us hate them too.