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I hope he lawyers up, he should receive alimony. I’m more convinced now that she stopped the podcast to keep him from making any money at all. And if they’re back together and she’s joking about divorce again in 3 weeks I hope she loses all her followers and sponsors.


The problem with sponsors is that they thrive on negative engagement. The only real losers here are the poor kids


he really should receive alimony. he quit his career to be a stay at home dad.


“We ask for privacy for our kids during this time even though we repeatedly post them in swimsuits and exploit them for money 🫶🏼”


How long till her bio says single mom


Bitch I’m cryin , no time


And I’ve been “teasing” this separation for weeks now 🙄🙄


Is it weird I don’t feel bad for her? I feel bad for her kids and A. She seems to only care about being an influencer. And asking for privacy? Ma’am. You put your kids on the internet while they’re going to the bathroom. Fuck off with that 🙄


I totally agree. I try to remind myself that maybe she’s putting on an act for the internet, it’s crazy to me that she continues to exploit her kids while they’re dealing with their parents divorcing. Maybe a social media break would be best for her.


I feel really bad for A….idk the whole story but i just feel like he’s been screwed over so bad


I agree. She seems to revel in his misery. Did you see her comments under his IG post?


We were all right about this one!! Everything seemed off. For their sake, I hope they truly do part ways this time. They were toxic for each other 


I wonder what happened. A few weeks ago it was “love won” and they were glad they didn’t get divorced. I wonder what happened in the last few weeks.


Ummm the Mexico live happened lol


Well yeah 😂 but she was the one that was super rude to him! So I wonder what spurred the divorce.


Well yeah 😂 but she was the one that was super rude to him! So I wonder what spurred the divorce.


I need spark notes on the Mexico live I stopped following her


SAME, pleaseee


What exactly happened on the live? I didn't see it..


Honestly I didn’t think anything of it. They were drunk on a boat, she was being a bitch, Anthony threw a necklace into the ocean…it was weird and cringe but nothing stood out to me.


Where can I find the live??


sidenote: single Bethanie is gonna be a hot ass MESS lol


Can’t say I’m surprised at all . We all knew this was coming , I am shocked she announced so soon I thought she would drag it out for weeks and weeks before saying anything . Hopefully they actually stay apart I’m not usually one to advocate for splitting up a family but they are just not good for each other . She is extremely narcissistic, controlling and lazy imo


Wow she turned comments off


Of course she did


Sure they’ve been back and forth and were just in a bad spot early in the year but then “worked on things” well enough to think they were in a spot to go on a anniversary/“we’re back” vacation so clearly the tipping point was on vacation. I personally think it was the “IM RICH!” comment that she felt she had to leave him for.


Is there a recording of the live some where?


I saw in live but I someone mentioned that there’s a portion of it recorded and put on this sub. Should be able to scroll a few back, I’ll look.




im sorry im the biggest Bethanie snarker but you thinking you know exactly what the tipping point was down to the very comment is hilarious. we don't know exactly what happened.


lol I literally said “I personally think”. Something that makes sense but just throwing the thought out there, just like anyone else’s comments would be. Obviously no one knows anything lol


He couldn’t give her a summer in Cali with her friends so she’s throwing a tantrum and divorcing him. How long till she’s dating one of Karissa’s husbands coworkers or thirst trapping on insta hoping for a celeb?


lol 😂




she’s already started with the thirst traps 🤣




So do we really think he’s in Dallas for work or was Dallas code word for he’s not here because we are getting a divorce. Hope they kept those lawyers on retainer.


“Going thru the big D & don’t mean Dallas…” (maybe showing my age here)




That is the first thing I thought of 🤣🤣 I guess I’m old too


Isn’t Anthony the primary parent? I wonder if he’ll get primary custody.


I hope so


Me too and I hope he gets allllll the child support and alimony!




Had to take full responsibility of her children for a couple of weeks? And what do you mean when you say “what happened and has happened over the years” what are you implying here ?


I don’t know but something about her feels sooo off. Like she is so fake and manipulative. Her whole instagram is just a bunch of lie laced with the “I am so real, funny and honest” drama. She blocks everyone the moment they make her feel tiniest bit uncomfortable by questioning what she preaches and calling off her bullshit. This proves that the mental health game is for life and no amount of therapy can truly cure you. It’s just that it gives you tips and tricks to handle stuff better but dude once you are messed up, it haunts you for life. Feel bad for her from that aspect though


I started following her because of those confessionals she used to post. I thought her family was cute, so I kept following even though she stopped doing those. now, I’ve really lost interest in her and also just about every influencer I follow


The fact that she only signed it shows it's not mutual. I think he ended it after their trip. I think he left to get mental health treatment because he had some episode on their trip. ( Hopefully not because she talked him into not taking his meds). All in all I think he was done with the BS and said he was out.


This is my thought too. I think he genuinely wants to heal from his past, be better and be good role model. I think Beth drinks a lot and instigates drama when they’re both drunk. I’d bet they got into a big fight and he said hurtful/truthful stuff and she’s gonna be the victim even if she did the same back. I don’t think she’s the person he married anymore and he still is the same 17 year old boy just trying to figure it all out.


She was for sure being mean (possibly“too”), calling him fat on live, saying she hoped he fell off the boat, etc.


She called him fat on the live?! Wow


They were live on his first and turned it off and ended up live on hers.


She called him fat? I totally missed that part.


Honestly this is really sad….she’s super annoying and she thinks she’s some hot shit….but i also think people know her true self behind closed curtains and it’s not attractive at all. This whole thing is gonna be a disaster and Anthony is gonna be f’d over so bad. These kids will prob be traumatized with her narcissistic ways. It’s gonna be awful. She’s a piece of work.


she needs engagement badly lmfao


Was just about to post this!


Now that she admitted they are separated, the pic with the children FaceTiming him is really intimate and now we know it was not just a call from work or w/e she implied. She knew posting it would get people talking and increase engagement. The children deserve respect and privacy but she’s not giving it to them.


She also spent the day drinking and probably getting a free spa treatment with her bff/cheerleader. The announcement was not sincere. I’d bet Anthony is radio silenced because he doesn’t have access to social media, not because he’s choosing not to comment.


I think B sees Anthony as a liability to her career. His mental health has been up and down, she's thrown out allegations of abusive behavior, it's a volatile situation. I wasn't able to see the live from their last vacation (I guess it was the opposite of a honeymoon... celebrating the marriage ending?), but it sounds like he made some comments about how rich they are or something, and I bet that pissed her off. I think she's been put in a place where she feels she has to choose between her relationship or her career because he's not filling the "IG hubby" role.


Filling the IG role is it!! He said he doesn’t fit in with her friends and their husbands! I wouldn’t either and understand Anthony’s world has looked very different compared to the other husbands! I hope he gets PAID!!


I think the live on the trip and probably the trip in general showed him that she does not care about him and only wants to embarrass him He probably got fed up with her acting like an entirely different person than who she is in real life


i dont really agree with this. shes literally put him on national television for years, had him as her co podcast host, constantly shows him day in and day out on IG. i think theyre both toxic and honestly good for anthony for leaving the family and getting help hopefully they can switch roles and beth can go get help next. having FIVE kids aint for the weak on top of being teen parents, your whole life shared on tv then social media + both coming from abusive / toxic upbringings. i think its time they both work on themselves and break the cycle for their children


100% agree with you


You nailed it by saying he is not fulfilling the “IG HUBBY” role !! Yes that’s exactly what is the problem in their relationship. I find Anthony to be far more honest and no bullshit guy. His stories in the past were fun and felt much more relatable than Beth’s. But he eventually finds this whole influencer business lame, implying he considers her wife’s career lame but also him and his kids rely on it. It’s a tough place to be that constantly makes you feel like a loser all along.








😱 what was the comment above?! Dm me lol


right 🤣 give us the teaaaaa ☕️


Did Bethanie comment on here 👀


I just came across this tik tok. It’s exactly what she did in her post. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNPcfPk/


She literally reposted this on TikTok 😅