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Bethanie started to change when she befriended her influencer friends. All of a sudden she went from love the body you have to do whatever makes you happy, plastic surgery etc. She lied about the ozempic, claiming she was sick and didnt know what was wrong with her šŸ™„ She desperately wants to be like her influencer friends and Anthony is still himself despite the money they have. He didnt fit the influencer husband type and she no longer wanted to be with him. I feel bad for the kids because she js the laziest mom, Anthony did everything for those kids.


I think this is what it is too. He doesnā€™t fit that influencer look and she wants to fit in so bad. The lying about ozpempic is what solidified it for me. And youā€™re right. The kids were his responsibility, so this should be interesting.


So all that time she was making it seem like she was shitting uncontrollably and having all those stomach issues was from ozempic and not an illness?!??????


Yes!!!! Wild right. And then she admitted it and we were like ohā€¦. Ok.


Thatā€™s just so special wow


Wait. When did she admit to taking ozempic?! I missed it!!


Yes! Hereā€™s the post link [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0fPV1CvbVq/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


DANG. Makes me so sad.


This needs to be higher up. There was a major shift when she started hanging with these new influencer friends. I remember one night in particular they posted about going to downtown Gilbert and Anthony not being allowed in the bar and he got upset and left. He went on stories the next day and said it was because of his clothes or hat they wouldnā€™t let him in. Which honestly doesnā€™t surprise me since Gilbert is so whitewashed. It appears all their problems started when she wanted new friends that were so unlike their family because like you said, A has always still been himself through the years.


I know they had their issues like all couples do but I donā€™t think it mattered how much therapy they got and positive changes A made, she wants a certain lifestyle and husband and Anthony doesnā€™t fit that mold.


Exactly. All she cares about now is image


I remember that incident and I think they talked about it on the podcast.


What bar was this? Gilbert is white AF but itā€™s not high end by any means.


Probably whiskey row, some security guards take their job way to seriously there šŸ¤£


So true. But the shit Iā€™ve seen in Gilbert. I cannot imagine a bar nice enough to reject someone in a hat šŸ˜‚


My thoughts exactly too! Once she gave up their real couple friends and befriended all of the influencer girls, that was it. Sheā€™s so wishy washy and I donā€™t really believe sheā€™s as body positive as she used to be. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she goes in for more procedures after this divorce.


She already said she has been talking to a spa about started an ozempic like drug. She tagged them too so itā€™ll be sponsored


100% sheā€™s trying to keep up with the jones. Sheā€™s jealous and chasing a life she wishes she had if she didnā€™t have kids.




Exactly what I think.


I absolutely think this is what it is too. She's getting all this surgery, extentions, etc She looks great don't get me wrong, she feels great too I'm sure, gets more attention from men online, thinks she can and should be doing "better" for herself. Anthony wouldn't have been able to do anything at that point, he can't all of the sudden match new attention from good looking men. Marriage is hard, temptation is hard too, I've been married 24 years and its not easy when temptation is a good looking man who is saying all the right things applying pressure but that's still what you agreed to, that's the whole point is to stay when it's hard.Ā 


Do I think Anthony is a saint? Nah. But I do think Bethanie is a master manipulator. I think she gaslights the sh*t out of him and uses her status as the breadwinner to control everything. I think so many šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©get ignored and have been their whole relationship. I know their age gap isnā€™t huge but why was a college girl still hanging around her old high school 11 years ago? I think Bethanie is still very much the 19 year old she was when she became a mom and expects Anthony to forever remain the high school boy she could control.


Honestly this is so trueā€¦ their age gap isnā€™t huge but in high schoolā€¦ she was 2 years ahead of him no?? Thatā€™s odd.


My Husband and I met in high school we started dating my sophomore and his senior year and he was also 2 years older than me .. once he graduated he NEVER came around school again not even to pick me up lol I was able to convince him to come see my senior year final cheering event (sat there uncomfortably the whole time lol) and he attended my senior prom, that was it. just those two minimal events and he still till this day says it made him feel like a creepster lol he had to sign some paperwork to attend prom being he was over 18 and it was like pulling teeth to get him to do it haha


Bethany is having a fake glow up. Sheā€™s still gross no matter how she poses or how many procedures she gets.


Yeah.. i agree. and itā€™s sad because I actually used to like her! Then she started getting all full of herself. And Iā€™m all for getting work done to make yourself feel better, but itā€™s how you behave after. She just got gross


Her skin is so gross and she is a lazy person overall.


She needs to wash her face more often and probably her bedding.




Haha. She for sure looks like sheā€™s gross in person!


I've know her in person and her skin is so gross and full of acnešŸ¤® I can't believe she shills out codes for skin care.


She is the ick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Anthony definitely has his issues which they have been open about and Iā€™m sure there is plenty they keep between them but Bethanie screams narcissist to me . She is also extremely vain for someone that preaches body positivity and love the body you have she sure does everything she can to change the way she looks . Sheā€™s gonna have an extremely hard time because he was the one that took care of the kids and the house . She is the laziest mom who literally doesnā€™t know how to do shit but show her flat ass on instagram . Also I noticed the headset Anthony had on while video chatting in the pic she showed maybe heā€™s at like a truck driving school / job in Dallas ? Idk it seems weird he had to go to Dallas for job


Perfectly said!!


ALL of this!


"Flat ass" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Bethanie has lost so many friends throughout the years, remember when she was constantly reposting Kassidy Bingham for Milo? Was that all for show? Because She will do another for clout. She doesnā€™t even follow her anymore- she is a shit person.


Her friendships have all been curated by whatever management team sheā€™s with at the time. When I started following she was pretend bffs with Meg Boggs, Katie Crenshaw, and Desiree Fortin during the height of the body positive movement. She changed management and never mentioned her alleged bffs ever again.


How does she afford and a management team and support family with 300k followers? No other plat forms?


This! They definitely donā€™t make that much money




Something ainā€™t right lol she doesnā€™t have any major brand deals, I believe itā€™s all act and they are broke AF- influencers are a dime a dozen in this day and age


100% she was posting about Milo to seem important and close to a friend going through a traumatic experience. Then once Milo passed it was time to move on to someone else. She is a narcissistic, manipulative, and so insecure.


I remember Kassidy posting about how a ton of her ā€œinfluencer friendsā€ disappeared once he passed. She used his story to just repost and gain more followers


Exaclty! Which is DISGUSTING. Bethanie is a bitch. Plain and simple. She can act like this super likeable, relatable AZ influencer but underneath her mask is a mean girl who hates herself.


Omg I totally forgot that I found Bethanies page through Kassady Bingham!! I just checked and they both donā€™t follow each other


I listened to their podcast for a bit, and I always got the vibe that she was super rude to him. The way she spoke to him was degrading and she always acted like he was an idiot. I feel bad for him. He definitely has his own issues but he seems like a genuinely good dad and down to earth guy, unlike her.


Yup šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ He's the one that worries about their kids while she's off at some "influencer" event. That's why she's been leaning on her sister and "repaired" her relationship with her mom, so she has someone to help.


Yes totally agree! Had the same exact thoughts the few times I listened and it totally turned me off to her (podcast and instagram). She herself sounds so freaking dumb and rude on top of it. Super illogical and just stating inaccurate things.


10000% she so badly wants to be Kendall


In the life it was like she hated him and just wanted to dance for the camera