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She’s his biggest hater!!!


I truly think she wants him to fail in life and be unsuccessful. Like with the podcast . She wants him to depend on her and need her


She’s probably already on hinge 🙄🙄🙄


Beth only cries for herself


I'm so curious what he's up to right now. Is he actually in Dallas "for work"? How's that going to work with the kids? He's been so quiet this time around, but he definitely wasn't during their other breakup a few weeks ago.


Omg I am watching their super nanny episode and I am in shock at how bad of a job they do parenting their kids 😭😂


So true! Parenting is hard, but I honestly think B is a shitty lazy parent. She's said before A is better with the kids because they listen to him more and she gets overwhelmed. I give it a few weeks before she has some sort of breakdown, having to handle the kids all on her own.


I think she also gets a lot more help from her family than she admits. One time her mom commented on a post of Anthony’s so I snooped on her (not private) Instagram. Those kids spend a lot more time with Beth’s mom than Bethanie lets on.


I had a feeling she was leaning more on her family and mended her relationship with her mom because she was already planning to separate from A and would need help from them. She's so freaking fake.


Hopefully Ant is back in AZ by the time the kids start school. We all know she can’t handle getting them all up and ready and to school on time by herself!


Watch her start “homeschooling” aka just letting the kids do whatever all day while she’s on her phone or looking in a mirror


I wouldn’t put it passed her to do that lol