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Wouldn’t be surprised if she already is


Exactly this. 


She’s going to start dating so soon ! A guy complete opposite of Anthony’s looks, I listened to their podcast in the past and I think in high school she was truly in love with him but now with all her influencer friends and her life, she became embarrassed of Anthony


Agreed. I think she tried to push Anthony to have plastic surgery and he said no. If you look at bethanie even from December to now, she looks like a completely different person.


I can see her dating a white guy for sure 😂😂😂😂 but that’s IF her & Anthony actually get divorced and don’t end up back together in a couple months


No way they’re getting back together. He seemed to stay true to himself and she’s let the “fame” and money go to her head. Soon she will give HIM the ick and she thinks she’s too good for him.


Haha so true


He's going to be in his mid 20s, super athletic, and they're going to have a whirlwind romance for about 4 months and then he's going to realize what a mess she is. 


This is what i imagine too lol


Ain’t noooo way she’s getting a man who’s athletic 😭😭😭 I think if she lands anyone they’ll just want to views from her. 5 kids is a lot. She’s messy.


I wonder how this will go in the divorce (if they actually divorce) Will Anthony let the kids be in her social media? Will he get half the money? Ultimately she was able to be the breadwinner bc Anthony was taking care of the kids, she could have not done that herself.


So messy and you’re so right can’t see anyone with any athletic abilities or even some motivation dating someone who can barely get out of bed or is constantly sick with some ailments lol that shit gets old real quick


It will be a super young Mormon guy in the next few months


I could easily see her becoming Mormon.. she’s so malleable. She’s never held a real opinion in her life lol


Nooo I think she’s too wild for that lol


I think she WANTS to start dating asap but I don’t think she’ll get many takers. Not a lot of men are going to take on a newly single, not yet divorce mom of 5, who will post their every move on socials.


Girlll you’d be surprised 😭😂 Men have no standards


Yikes on bikes!


I bet she already is