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I just watched and omg its like still her natural voice but the WAY she is talking is giving KENDALL


forsure.. if i was kendall it would give me major ick šŸ¤£


She totally just copying her, I feel bad for her.


Itā€™s giving performative


She needs to make that money šŸ’°ā€¦ lawyers bills and spousal support coming her way. She has been posting a lot lately on her feed.


Canā€™t wait to access their public court records šŸ’…šŸ¼ this divorce is going to be messy! (Honestly for the kids sake, I hope itā€™s not. My parentā€™s divorce was horrific. But these two are so toxic so itā€™s going to drag)


She looks so different here


Omg I am so glad people noticed this as well! I came on here after she posted that earlier and no one had said anything yet. Iā€™m more of a lurker than a poster šŸ˜‚ itā€™s sooo fake sounding and completely different.


The drunken version of her from the live is the non-curated her. This is totally curated and gives fake vibes.


she wants to be liked so bad


I couldnā€™t get through that all the way. Annoying.


Feel free to school me if Iā€™m wrong but is the church she attends a proponent of reproductive freedom?? Itā€™s almost unheard of. People who say they are liberal and then go to churches that are surrounded by conservative people who think abortion is murder really irk me. Her stance changing on religion is just so random and hypocritical to me. I was kind of thinking Anthony was just going to church to try and win her over and show what a ā€œchanged manā€ he was out of desperation. I know a lot of dudes who f*ck up and then try to use religion as a manipulation tactic. I was just shocked she fed into it as wellā€¦.but if her besties go to church so does she, am I right??


Who knows what she even believes. She posted this to be controversial. To drive engagement. She didnā€™t mention any way to get involved. Any organizations people could support. She didnā€™t even mention how important it is to register to vote. Sheā€™s going to lose a few followers and act like sheā€™s a martyr so that people will buy gluten free potato chips or the makeup from her GRWM or whatever sheā€™s shilling next.


She is horrible at influencing. Her posting a pic of a water jug with Kendall at the gym today saying, ā€œI got us a code!ā€ cracked me tf up. So lazy. So why should anyone buy this water bottle?? Care to share why itā€™s special, Bethanie?? Iā€™ve never even heard of it before. Iā€™m concerned for the people who click her links and make purchases.


I think she was the last to get on the church train again and only did it for Anthony. Also, she has talked for quite some time about reproductive freedom and being pro-choice, it's nothing new.


Oh I know that. But it just doesnā€™t mesh with the church shit is my point. Iā€™m glad she is still sticking to her guns with the reproductive freedom and hope she ditches the toxicity that is organized religion 98% of the time.


she hasnā€™t even posted anything about going to church , highly doubt sheā€™s still going . she doesnā€™t even know what she wants . as a fellow christian we do not support pro choice , she just wants to be liked by everyone thats why she ā€œsupportsā€ it


You could have just said ā€œwe donā€™t support choiceā€ ā€” gets the point across nicely. Agree with you that sheā€™s probably not even going to church. Everything she does is for attention.


i said what i said , not sorry you guys get offended for other people thinking differently šŸ˜‚


Whoā€™s offended


Another grifter.


Sheā€™s losing followers fast


So ridiculously fake


Word salad