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1. Idc if “everyone” does it, faking or paying for engagement to appeal to brands is ridiculous 2. Highly doubt she ever actually pays out.


That’s what I was thinking. She never posts winners in the channel so I’m 90% sure she’s not sending any money. Absolutely insane


Did they sell their house and move to an apartment/condo? I’ve noticed a few recent pics where it looks like they’re in a community pool liked you’d see in an apartment complex, and it looks like an apartment building in the background of the second pic? Or maybe they are just taking advantage of a family member’s community pool for the summer? (OG follower here, but unfollowed a while ago and now i’m catching up on all the drama 🤣)


So through this sub it actually came out they don’t own their current home (another needless lie on their part- it’s owned by the same family members that owned their rental) but idk about an apartment complex.


ohh crazy!! did they live in a rental house at one point? i remember them living in a couple different apartments… thought they were in an apartment during the Super Nanny days but i might be confused. And i meant THIRD photo, not second photo 😆


After the apartment they rented a house that had that casita (podcast office) which they came out and said As aunt bought and rented out to them, then they said they “bought” this house they’re in. But clearly they didn’t!


I’m so confused, didn’t they make such a big deal about their offer being accepted for this house? So it was all just a big lie? 😒


ohhh that’s right!!! I do remember that.


She said they go to the YMCA (or some kind of gym?) to swim.


She’s at lifetime fitness, she’s been super open about taking them to that pool. Which to me is a horrible decision on a mother’s part with thousands of followers. Like putting 2 and 2 together is so easy it’s scary anyone could be watching.


If I was a member of that gym I’d complain about the lady filming guests at the pool and posting to a very public platform


Yes I totally agree! I’d be so mad if I was that mom from her video yesterday!


if I was local and I knew who she was I def would say something. that's a privacy issue. there are people that don't post their children on social media for a multiple of reasons. one of them being they don't want people to be able to know their whereabouts, for safety reasons, ya know? I know this is a dramatic example but its a legit one. imagine if you have a restraining order on someone and you do your best to stay away from them but this person somehow sees you on a video on their fyp from Bethanie's reel or something.


I feel like you don't have an expectation of privacy at somewhere like Disney but at your local ymca pool you should be able to trust you won't be plastered online to hundreds of thousands.


Yeah. Not sure why you’d broadcast your kids’ swimming location to 300k people.


100% agree




I used to be in this back when I still enjoyed her content and I always wondered how much she actually gives away.