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I caught a bit. Her putting on makeup and ignoring the hundreds of questions about the breakup. She literally said, "I keep seeing the questions, and I'm not going to share anything that might hurt my kids." Like????? You share so much of their lives all day everyday, and nowwww you start clamming up? Definitely a red flag and attention ploy. šŸš© Her voice also sounded TOTALLY different a few times! It was so weird.


Sharing your kid being potty trained on the toilet won't hurt them but she draws the line at talking about her divorce šŸ™„


Exactly!!! Showing kids in bathing suits, potty training, putting them on TV, posting every location they go. It's creepy to me that a random stranger could see these kids and go, "Oh, that's one of the Garcia kids" and know intimate details about their lives...creeps me out so much, especially now that I have kids of my own.


No real tea. She was very dodgy about the questions, but people really tried. Things I learned (according to her): She asked for the divorce, and he chose to move to Dallas as a result. Sheā€™s not planning to sell the house. She loves it and is going to keep it. Sheā€™s thinking about putting E in preschool when the other 4 return to school in a month. Not sure much else sticks out. It was meh.


Not going to sell the house she doesnā€™t own šŸ˜† ok, Beth šŸ‘šŸ»


What do you mean she doesnā€™t own? Is she renting?


Somewhere else on here I was told that someone In Anthony's family owns it


Lmao. She said she wants to live there forever šŸ˜‚


Give šŸ‘Ā us šŸ‘ the šŸ‘ teaaa šŸ‘Ā 


Who owns it?


The same people that owned their last rental property


How do we know this?! I thought they bought this one on their own!


Really?! It was a family member or something, right?




That was their last home, they own the one they are living in currently. They bought a couple years agi


Not according to the county tax accessor


What does it say? Idk how to go and find that info lol


Whatttt?! Thatā€™s crazy!


How do we find this info? I keep seeing people say it


If you can find their current or previous address you can look up on the county tax assessor site. The names on the deeds for each property (the former rental and the current residence) are the same.


She was complaining about having to get/pay for a sitter whenever she wants to do ā€œsomething funā€ now and kept saying, ugh single mom problems!!! SMFH.


Making those kiddos feel like such a burden to her and itā€™s only been two weeks. I feel for the kids.


She will have the two older ones babysitting them all soon enough!


https://preview.redd.it/i3q5d0pw389d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab193feb07ea65da93ab6eb3d5f1e4d8eac5110 Sheā€™s drunk and live again rn hahahaa ā€œsingle mom with my kids 24/7ā€ this woman has been out and about more in the last two weeks than I have in the last 10 years of parenthood


I forgot one thing. Someone asked her how she knew it was time to divorce. Her answer was basically that one day she woke up and realized she didnā€™t want this anymore. And then when she told her family and friends their response was like, ā€˜duh, of courseā€™ as if they have been waiting for her to wisen up.


Idk I feel bad for Anthony. Remember he never liked her new influencer friends when she first started hanging out with them a couple years ago and it caused problems in their relationship. Bc I think he knew these women she so badly wanted to associate with would be the end of their marriage. He saw how bad she wanted to be liked by them, and it was more than she wanted to be loved by him. And he was exactly right. I wonder how long it will take for them to set her up with a guy they approve of?? Also, she is hanging out with a friend you rarely see anymore. And I saw her live tonight talking about the people on Reddit have no lives, blah blah blah. But I think she saw how the consensus is that her personality has changed bc her identity now revolves entirely around Kendall and sheā€™s purposely hanging out with former friends so she looks less pathetic.


lol so the day after the cringe Cabo lives she came to this realization? Interesting


Did you see when she showed she already ripped out the double sink (his side) and put her vanity there???


Was it the one that kept falling out of the wall because their co tractors rushed the remodel šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She said the kids were with Anthonyā€™s family all day and she hired a babysitter for the night so Iā€™m trying to figure out the ā€œsingle momā€ part


ā€œI have my kids 24/7ā€ https://preview.redd.it/wtouueocv79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363a33060c9baa7309f19c81197c0a89c3f61f2f


She hasnā€™t been a single mom at all. Clearly it shows.šŸ¤£ The kids are always off with someone elseā€¦so she can ā€œgo outā€. Remember itā€™s ā€œhot mom summerā€now.šŸ¤”


Someone asked when she was gonna visit Tucson and she said she couldnā€™t handle the drive with 5 kids and went on to complain about actually having to drive herself now lol.. the struggle šŸ« 


I get so annoyed when females complain about pumping their own gas. Like my mom is like that but sheā€™s a boomer. Iā€™ve seen other Arizona influencers who make their husbands get their gas every time. Thatā€™s just really strange to me. Itā€™s so simple and mindless.


Iā€™m assuming she lost all help from Anthonyā€™s family when she asked for the divorce right? Wasnā€™t the nanny they had Anthonyā€™s little sister or something like that? I assume she wonā€™t help her anymore. I wouldnā€™t.


Idk she has said theyā€™ve been watching the kids recently


Theyā€™re still helping, or so she says. I hope they are, honestly. Beth is going to be shitty either way but if Aā€™s family is in the picture at least the kids have SOME stability in their lives rn


Iā€™m thinking the help is more so trying to see the kids than actually helping Bethany like how you said for some stability


In her second live she was drunk and read the question ā€œdid the cringe Cabo live cause your divorceā€ and she just laughed and was like whyyy did I read that out loud. It was so cringy. She kept hinting that she has a crush on someone too


I saw it. I asked prob 20 times if Mexico was a goodbye trip or if they already were planning on divorcing šŸ¤£ only real tea was that sheā€™s the one who asked for the divorce and Anthony moved to Dallas after that. She doesnā€™t know when heā€™ll be home. Anytime she wants to do something she needs to hire a sitter. Really boring honestly


She also said that Anthony didnā€™t cheat on her and that everyone could put that theory to rest. And then Kendall commented saying that they were open to other theories but then quickly took it back and said she was kidding.


This doesn't seem like it would be good behavior to be putting out if you're about to go thru divorce/family court. Doesn't anyone in her life tell her this?


Hope A is getting receipts of it all


She was fixating on her nose. Next procedure I guess. Sad because I think sheā€™s pretty and her nose is perfect.


Sheā€™s live again nowā€¦