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The pure annoyance when there was a comment not about her


Right!? That was so weird.


Anthony has flaws and no one will know what truly was going on behind closed doors and cell phones but she is absolutely no saint and has just as much toxic behavior. They should both NOT be with anyone for a long time and work on themselves (like growing up).


I agree! I noticed the immaturity when I tried to listen to their podcast and then these lives have been very eye opening lol


Yeah. They do not treat each other kindly. She especially though… it was so out in the open how little she thought of his opinions. Constantly cutting him off and mocking him whenever she disagreed. It would be awful to be in a relationship with someone who treated you that way (in public!!!! Can only imagine what it was like with no one watching) But yeah all that to say who knows how he was acting, maybe he’s just better at hiding things


I listened to the podcast and remember her saying after one of her surgeries he was basically verbally abusive to her during a vulnerable time. And if I remember correctly they also talked about super nanny very early in their podcast and that was a huge issue between them since before they were on the show


Also…… can I just say no matter how obnoxious this woman is OBVIOUSLY nothing excuses abusive behavior from her husband. So if she was being treated badly I’m glad she’s leaving him.


I agree. I’ve been on the other end of a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Totally agree with this. She’s said he’s been very emotionally abusive and stuff in the past. I’m sure that didn’t change when he went back to drinking… doesn’t give her any excuse to act this messy & put it all out there though for the world to see


She also is abusive, but she plays the victim. At least he admits to his flaws and makes an effort to be better.


Yeah, from an outsiders perspective it definitely seems this way. I hope they figure their shit out for their kids’ sake.


I've seen a lot of red flags from Anthony in their relationship since I watched the Super Nanny episode with them years ago. They talked a lot about him being verbally abusive and how much that wore her down, and I'm sure there's so much we don't know about. I'm not a fan of how B has been acting recently, but I think she's dealt with a LOT over the years and is probably relieved that the relationship is over. I think she exhibits red flags and toxic behavior as well, and the two of them have not been healthy for each other for a while. They both seem very immature; I hope they can both work on themselves to be better for their kids.


I think since she’s not in the relationship, she will go back to her old self that people actually liked and could relate to. This version of her lately could have been a response to the trauma build up?


I think that old self was completely fabricated. She is a mean girl. Every time they’ve spoken about high school I get that vibe. She thinks she’s better than everyone around her..


I think they both need therapy and healing, and probably separately. One thing that is just giving me the ick is the nonstop lives, which feels like a front that she's "ok" and "living her best life". It's clear she's hurting and she's starting to become very unhinged... she's worried about sharing things about the relationship that will hurt their kids, but the lives will hurt them too. It's just so bizarre. Also for what it's worth, I can't believe I used to enjoy her lol like I genuinely did, and now it's like a train wreck.


Yeah, totally a front!


She screams daddy issues (rightfully so) but she looks like she cares more about being out in the town, her looks and friends come 100% first. It’s time to heal, for her kids sake if anything