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Don’t stop. Say more.


I feel like this is so true of most “boss babes” like B


I’ll happily spill any tea yall want 🤣 my brother was ‘friends’ with one of her friends so I know a little ahaha but yeah from what I saw and heard was she was horrible to everyone, like nobody could stand her and I remember the girl her dad SA’d that whole family treated her terrible, acting like the whole situation was her fault. It was f**ked up I literally have no clue how she got a following on social media, she is an absolute clown of a person and has the most evil heart. People need to unfollow her. I follow A’s family and they’ve been posting some tea about how awful B is lmao so happy to see everyone turn against her, she deserves it !! I feel bad for those poor kids


What kind of things are his family posting?


I want to know this


Can you DM me their handles??


I would like this as well


Me too!




Thank yew. Starting to see some sympathy posts for her and like her ugly, mean personality shines through her social media. She way she spoke to and treated A on their drunken live was very telling of how little she respects him. I can also tell how financially manipulative she’s been!


Agreed saw a few sympathy posts and I’m sorry but it takes two to tango, she’s at fault just as much. And her mean girl attitude has shined through time and time again.


I saw the episode of super nanny and A (at least at the time) treated her like shit, very rude and disrespectful, calling her names and everything, so I think it’s both of them. They are toxic for each other and both need to work on themselves


I don’t disagree at all. I just don’t want to dismiss her behavior because they’re both equally toxic AF


Absolutely! I watched the episode yesterday, and I saw the way B manipulated the situation there with the Nanny - seemed to highlight A's flaws in a way where it sort of detered attention away from her own faults. Totally worked in her favor, too - They really did a decent job of making him look like the "bad" guy. She's very manipulative - plays the victim pretty well, but she can't fool us all. We see right through it! I hope they both have grown into better parents since the show. It looks like A has his priorities straight, and B's just focusing on her "hot girl summer" 🙄


Yes, and we all need to remember reality tv isn’t real. There’s a sub I saw one time with former reality kids (super nanny / wipe swap / etc) saying that most of what you saw in their episode was fabricated or exaggerated


I’ve met her before and she was…. less than nice.


Yeah to be clear, I don’t think Anthony is faultless in the divorce, but I do think Beth is the bigger issue. I think she antagonizes him and belittles him to the point of him yelling at her or something. She’s trying her hardest to paint him in a bad light saying he moved from the kids and she doesn’t know when he’ll be back. I’m Sure he’s keeping in contact with the kids while he’s gone


Yes, not saying A is innocent by any means but narcissists like B will push and push and push and when the other person snaps they’re now the victim and totally blameless.


Exactly this. Like she made him work on himself so hard but her idea of working on herself is getting procedures done and taking selfies at the gym. And then when their issues come to light again she obviously hasn’t changed a bit, so if I were him I’d run too. Giving Beth her perfect opportunity to play victim


Nailed it!


Yeah a long time ago when I listened to a few of their podcast episodes it really showed their true colors. A was constantly making racist remarks and acting like he was SO gangster. I grew up in the same area as them and it’s not… They both came off fake as hell. Idk how people don’t see through it either. I also find it hilarious she insanely overpaid for a basic ass house in Mesa that was flipped all shitty. That’s probably why she won’t sell/move because she’d barely ever break even.


They don’t own their house. Someone in another sub looked it up and confirmed they aren’t on the deed


Which sub 👀




I’ve met her once too at a meet and greet at a boutique in Phoenix and she wasn’t very nice. Kinda dismissive and acted like she’d rather be anywhere else but around her followers.


After her recent lives this does not surprise me AT all


ohhh i went to school with them from 2010-2014 too


Don’t leave us hanging!!


Anyone who went to school with her knows she was the worst lol


My only problem with Beth is the way she is dealing with her divorce and literally teasing her followers with half baked truth and information. She ll just give a glimpse of something going wrong, suddenly preach on therapy and about being real and having real problems and suddenly gaslight you for being curious some other day or ask questions on what happened. Bitch don’t say it then! What is with these 5-10 min lives and fake AMAs! It’s literally like watching porno clip that wants you to pay for the full version. At least with porn you know you ll get the whole thing if you are willing to pay but with her…you only get gaslit. People who are hate following her, including myself are to be blamed as well. She needs to be cancelled, all influencers of this breed need to be cancelled. I am sure she has an understanding with Anthony on the side or maybe a legal contract on staying quiet regarding all her activities coz why not. All of this is just for engagement and Anthony understands too, his alimony will come from this CRAP as well. So BOOO on us who are following her still or any of these influencers. I know it’s addictive, but it’s a mess.


Seriously, it’s time for everyone to unfollow


Definitely, if you google Instagram anonymous viewer, a million will come up and you can watch there without her using your follow for leverage for brand deals


When that divorce post went up, I most definitely hit that UNFOLLOW button! 😂🙌




Yes!! Agreed. I was thinking people can email her management and let em know her new self isn't what engaged people from the begining, we dont like her attitude and how much she's changed and im sure once enough ppl un follow and email them they'll tell her to tone her shit down and humble herself to keep her team and her income flowing. 


Not surprising honestly. I think there's a degree of narcissism that comes with "influencing". They're obsessed with themselves and want everyone else to be.


Tell us more lol