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If she had to work a full time job and take care of her kids all on her own like many single moms out there, she would have a big reality check , instead of playing dress up and going to the gym everyday and pawning her kids off to Anthony’s family


Pretend going to the gym. We know she’s just standing around


Why would anyone want to buy this ugly & basic ass outfit


Don’t say it too loud. That might be her next surgery 🙄


Nah, Anthony isn’t there to take care of her anymore


I don’t think she wouldn’t pull him back with her conniving ass if it meant her getting something like more surgery.


Ok can we not body shame though? 🥲 there’s plenty of stuff to hate on her about that I personally don’t think should include things she can’t control.


Agree.. it’s weird to me to see everyone talk about how ridiculous her filler is and that she got The jaw stuff done and the boobs and all of that but her natural butt is made fun of.. no one can win


came here to say this lol. hate on her mothering skills or her ugly outfits or how she’s a complete sell out. body shaming is so gross.


lol yeah like no wonder she constantly wants to change things….


If you’re body shaming someone… it’s a sign to get off social medias and check in with yourself. Hate when snark pages turn into body shaming accounts. That the majority of darylanns now. Body shaming someone in their third trimester is insane behavior


You guys are so lame. If you can tell, it's not about her ass or anything about her physical appearance...Most people loved her when she was all about body positivity and she was "normal" and all that crap...we dislike how she's handling all this separation...this fake persona she's trying to show. To make us believe she is happy, she is thriving, she is a hot single mom, etc. Like, girl chill, take some time off from social media, enjoy your kids, grow, learn... Just in case you guys weren't aware, this is a snark page 🤷‍♀️


Yep couldn’t agree more, but what you said has nothing to do with the size of her ass so no need to mention it. 👍🏼


Well you are still here, so it doesn't make you a better person for not commenting on her body. You are still here, in this snark page, where we chose to talk crap on an influencer we dislike 🤷‍♀️ and you can hate my comment all you like, but it's the truth so stop acting like you're better than everyone else in here.


Literally nobody is acting like they’re better than anyone else… there’s just no reason to hate on her body lol it’s not cool. There’s PLENTY to snark about that doesn’t make other people feel bad about themselves! 😅


You don't think the other crap we say about her doesn't make her feel bad? Be realistic at least.


I’m not talking about making Bethanie feel bad. I’m talking about all the other people with flat asses reading these comments lol


We have plenty of people telling us to hate our bodies already. Why do we have to be a part of that ourselves…


Ok true...if I offended anyone on here and their flat booty..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. It's ok if yours is a little smaller than most, mine is too, or if it's big and beautiful (secretly jealous of you). 🧡