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Price anchoring at 5 grand 🤪.


"sToP prICe AncHoRInG" ... proceeds to anchor price


Hahahahahha people are thinking too small…. 5 grand!!!!! That’s a joke! Get the fuck outta here


This idiot would sell at 5k. The stock is worth $300,000,000 per share


5k by end of year, beyond that. We'll see


Rookie numbers! Try, $69,420 🚀🚀🚀


Rookie numbers! Try, $69,420,000 🚀🚀🚀


Such a joke, can I remind some people holding companies like Berkshire have 620,000$ stock value ? PHONE NUMBER ! AND SOME PEOPLE TO JAIL ! And even at that number, they won't get my shares.... No Cell No Sell


Start at Berkshire


End at Uranus!


CNBC will make bank. All because Cramer said that he'll s\*\*\* a horse's d\*\*\* live on TV if GME does a MOASS. CNBC will charge by the microsecond to watch that LP. Calls on CNBC after or during the MOASS. That concludes my DD on CNBC on a GME forum... because of what GME can do. Watching that scene will be priceless! .


You're thinking too small too. My sell number requires 6 digits minimum...


For 6 digit stock price, I'll touch SOMEONE ELSE inappropriately. Anything short of that and I'm grabbing my own diamonds and playing with em like a fidget toy


Absolutely fair 🚀🚀


pEOplE Are tHiNKinG TOo smaLL, iT’l HiT 5K FErSurE. People don’t know about the infinity squeeze and it shows


The new scrubs maybe that's okay we didn't have them before whoever decides to stick around will be extra


No one knows. After the hell I've gone through financially waiting on this... I'm holding for blood.


Not people, hedgies trying to manipulate early exits. We’ve seen it before.


Running for the exits the fire alarm has been pulled.




Think bigger


You are truly an Ape 🦧🚀🚀 LFG


Think he missed two zeros


My goodness, no one that has been around will ask for a handful of thousands. By this time 3 years ago my expectations were already well beyond that.


Who cares, never selling. Even when the price looks like this ♾️


If we don't sell infinity


LOL. I think you should look in the mirror when you think others are thinking too small. International phone numbers. And that's if I sell at all.


Posting so I can come back to the post to encourage me to hodl as the price climbs :)


💎🖐️ my friend, as far as this 🚀 can go


If gamestop market cap reaches that of nvidia or apple were talking 9k a share. This course is set much higher than that!


Prices you set its pretty good, but its to low. % same as 21 sneeze is like 2500. But there was no short squze. I think personally think that 10k is pretty good. But we will se. Im never selling all my shares. Maybe somehow we will hit 7 digit. Who knows, right ?


You shills need to get out of this sub. No apes are selling for $10k when we can ask for several million


If there was no short squeeze last time, why did GameStop say that it was in their annual reports?


Sec report my guy. Shorts hide in swaps.


The SEC also refers to it as a squeeze; the entire premise that “there was no squeeze” came from someone during one of the hearings indicating that “some of the run up was just retail buying” and these subs took that and mega ran with it switching it to “no shorts closed their position”.


Watch Richard Newton on YT he nicely showing that short not closed. But remember. Make decision on your own. As for me I like the stock.


Or you could even trust the source aka GameStop themselves when they revealed that their stock had immense price volatility due to a short squeeze and that it isn’t some farce because RC has our backs… It’s so bizarre to me that everyone will strongly turn their heads against everyone outside of their confirmation bias, including basically anyone who was a previous idol here. We don’t need to fantasize and play pretend 24/7, it’s lead to extremely bad “DD” with foundations not set in reality. You could maybe argue not every single short position was closed in January/feb of 2021, but you cannot deny that it wasn’t a short squeeze. GME 20x in less than a month from it and that’s with platforms cutting the ability to purchase it. It didn’t 20x because of retail, we don’t have enough funds for that or you’d have seen GME consistently shooting up without reprieve because people have been buying ever since. Not everything is crime when GME tanks, and not everything is 🚀 when the price goes up. Literally anytime someone steps outside of the echo chamber here, they are banished - there were dozens of members, mods, DD writers etc who all were banished if they ever challenged $1M share pricing, that options were viable (and look at where we are now 🙃), that shorts never closed, or even that the US Govt wouldn’t step in to save the stock market from collapsing from the “multi quadrillion payout”… they weren’t some paid shills from the SHF for not believing in that lmao There is a reason people express that these subs are deluded and it’s because we’ve backed off from being able to challenge ourselves to exposing that people here truly eat crayons.


Just made my first call option. Anxiety MAXED! $125 seems like a cake walk when traveling to the moon. 21st can’t come soon!


#♾️ is my number


Ahahhahahahaha 5000?? I believe YOU think too small


5000? I believe YOU think too small


5k 🤪😜😛😝😂🤣🤣🤣 I'm waiting on a phone number 🚀🚀🚀🚀🪐🛸


Listen, selling is for the weak, and if you are weak, by all means, sell your piece to be strong again. But I AINT SELLING. i can hold this line until im dead.


Bought 25 more today!






You spelt sneeze wrong


Shills are in early today


No cell no sell is not a meme. I’m serious


Let's make kitty happy on today's live


My number is $350…. I won’t sell there.. that’s just my number


But why are you thinking it could go that high, what would drive it to that high of a price??


lol you got downvoted for asking a legit question. One that no one can really answer. I mean, they CAN answer, but the answers aren't based in fact. They'll hit you with "bruh, shorts HAVE to close eventually. When they do, they'll have to pay what you ask.". Uh-huh. They've "HAD to close" for over 3 years. But they haven't. But for some reason, they're just going to now? Sure, the biggest SHF's and banks will just decide to go ahead and collapse. "It's been a good ride, boys. But I think we'll go ahead and turn in now. I mean, FFS we HAVE to cover..." Lol. GME got restricted in 2021 when it was running up in the high 300s. Literally turned off all ability to buy. And no one. Did. A. Thing. During or after. "Congressional hearings" (lol) found no wrong doing. But for some reason, it's going to be allowed to run to 2500, or 5K. Lol. Get a grip. 5K would make GME the 7th highest market cap in existence, in front of Berkshire Hathoway and Meta. Uh-huh. Totally possible. (Except no). Look, I DO believe GME is going to eventually get to broadcast a turn-around that NO one is going to be able to excuse away with bullshit MSM narratives, and something's going to give at some point, and the stock will climb. And no, I couldn't give you any sort of educated guess as to where. But 2500?... 5K? nope. At least, not any time soon, and most certainly not as a result of a squeeze... Just keep holding. And be sure to DRS your shit. Peace. Now if you hold on a minute, I'm sure I'll be meeting you in downvote land here in a minute because logic, lol.


Thank you for the awesome response 🥹💖... I'm just trying to think logically about what will cause this price to pop higher than before. I'm sure we'll have a few answers after the live stream tomorrow. Part of me is convinced it will be meme videos.... I'm not sure we'll actually see/hear from HIM... But I trust lol


Yeah, he certainly has no obligation to actually show his face. All these folks in here who preach "DFV will never leave us" or "...is coming to save us"... lol. Dude is doing what's best for him. And hey, I'm not bitter. That's what he should do. IMO the only reason he's doing the stream is b/c it's 5 years to the day since he did his 1st yolo GME stream, or so it seems someone researched. (it seems he started touting GME mid 2019). I'm not sure there's going to be too much more to it. But hell, we'll see. MSM will have you believe the price hopped a few weeks ago and just now just b/c of RK's appearance. But that's crap. They're trying to put it on him to take away the legitimacy of the price action, just to keep anyone on the fence thinking it's all just crazy superstonk hype. Last time, a few weeks ago, the price had been climbing (doubled, in fact) for a week BEFORE RK posted his tweets. But MSM screamed "RK tweets drives meme stock frenzy!". The fuck it did. Now if his call options affected the price, and are affecting it now?... sure, maybe, as there are millions of shares in play... But...millions of retail buyers storming in to buy simply b/c RK is showing his face? I doubt it. But again... WTF do I know... We'll see.


He’s doing it for fairness, love and respect! Transfer of Wealth… you did not figured out yet who’s Wealth but soon you guys gonna understand. If somebody would care only for himself, would have post a fok fat position, said something like “ I think Im gonna execute/exercices” and sale through the hype, make millions and millions and “Fuk You, Bye!”(something what plenty between us would do…)


I may not have so many wrinkles as you, however, why I believe GME gonna hit thousands is this: we been here for about 4 yrs, we been through hell and back so many times and now, finally, thousands snd thousands of Calls can be executed/exercised(whatever is the term) meaning millions of shares Must be bought by the hedges and We Have the shares ! Hedges must buy! If No shares to buy available and the buy orders are piling up, the price must go up( new offer for me to convince me to sell my shares)! Each of us decides what is a fair offer for his shares after 4 yrs of hell!! I hope most of us will consider thousands as a fair price for 1 share! That’s what I believe, however, how I said, Im not a “wise one”. Peace🖖🏻




Word. Thanks. (Lol, the downvotes are still coming, though...)


You realize the stock had a 4:1 stock split right? $2,500 is the equivalent of $10,000 per share presplit. You need to reevaluate that number… they absolutely killed the stock at $500… no way this breaks $1,000 presplit or $250 current price…


I’m just an ape and this is absolutely not advice, but I think $300 is the *realistic minimum* high. $1000 is my dream… and boy oh boy imagine going even higher 🤤