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Yeah. I dont give a fuck about the noise. I'm just buying and holding. 


Time to average down fellas


You’re right! I’m sooo close to almost averaging up!


I averaged up 4 times on Friday 😒😂


This is the way




Ooh we got a lucky ape over here. Some of us now are averaging up!


This. I doubled my shares today and just waiting for launch.




Can confirm, has worked out thus far


Hang in there! That’s all~


People get emotional because they already picked out the color for their lambo.


You never sell the bear skin before the hunt


Don't skin the bear before it's dead!


Nope Porsche GT3 RS


What if the wife wants a minivan instead? Insurance, safety, practical, etc. lol


Let her boyfriend buy that shit for her.


A refined man of culture, I see.


Nope, long travel my Tacoma. Yours goes fast. Mine goes *anywhere*


Amateurs Tesla Roadster = 0-69 in 1.69 seconds 


Lamborghini will sell you one in the future as well. Somethings in life are worth the wait




![gif](giphy|UnVtPebYT38pW) I know shits real emotional right now…


I picked one out 84 years ago


The zen master said, “


I hodl and buy out of spite. I hope those market manipulators lose billions. I’m taking my stocks to the grave.


i have to wait for next month to buy more :(


OP also doesn't have to read everything and stay on Reddit. Just put the phone down for a bit lol


That's great but when there is a bunch of misinformation and rabble rousing going on new investors get scared or don't understand the play and that's when we crumble the whole play is to Buy And Hold


That's what I do.


I don't even know why we need bullish anything. Look at the weekly candle charts, we are up huge from the $10 range not that many weeks ago.


Literally , and $20 to $67 ? Did people forget we got a measly 2 weeks till June 21st deadline for RKS options ? Do you think he’s gonna exercise at such low price like he stated in his live ? THE DUDE KNOWS .


Ironic you are asking people to stop the theories while coming up with one yourself lmao.


💯 love the irony! It's natural and fun to speculate on the strategy. Not sure why OP is getting so upset about speculation... That's literally what this forum has been since inception. We won't know until GameStop let's us know, so I'm fine with breaking out the tinfoil as long as it's not FUD. In fact, my theory is that GameStop didn't sell at all yesterday and this was a trap. They could have faked the shorts on the offering news knowing they would go all out with DFV provoking them. I'm waiting on GameStop to provide a statement that ATM offering complete... Similar to last time. I think this was the point... The algos operate on any information provided, not necessarily factual info. DFV even faked out the algos twice! One of the largest dump of shares was exactly at noon when the Livestream was SCHEDULED to start but didn't. Then at the end he triggers the algos to sell by announcing the end of stream... RK literally says "watch this" and then fake it out. 🤣


I have the same thoughts, but my conclusion is probably the opposite from yours. The share offering will continue next week and the price will continue to drop next week. The drop yesterday was solely based on the news of the offering itself like you said, algos trading. Similarly to the last time, I expect GS to announce its complete only on Friday. Why I say this? When I predicted they were doing the offering based on the price action, I noticed it was already completed on Wed, but they chose to only announce on Friday for some reason. I don't see why next week will be different. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/s/7LLwbGx0Z1


This is all an assumption based on what they did last time. The algos operate the same way... On incomplete information. This was the point of the RK Livestream... To call out how easily the algos can be faked out.


True, they always say past results doesn't guarantee future results. But it's always a good reference point.


![gif](giphy|4QFAH0qZ0LQnIwVYKT|downsized) Fuckin nailed it 😂


I know right. Ive started getting nausea now. I just dont open my portfolio because i have no plans of selling. So i just lurk on reddit. But now i cant open reddit even because theres a 100 similar posts .


You can unsub and you will no longer see the posts. A lot of people want to see them and talk about them. It's not their jobs to monitor your mental health and limit what they talk about for your benefit


Yeah, I’m not even following. I’ve been numb for 3 years. I hold bc I’ve already said goodbye to the investment; these shares are just part of me now. Truly.


I just put away some money every paycheck for more shares to drs. Everything else is noise. I’ll keep buying till Gme moons or till it goes bankrupt. (Hard to see that happening with over 2 bili) Won’t bother me either way. Drs are my lotto tickets baby.


Sorry for my ignorance but what is drs?


A way for you to actually own your shares instead of a company like eToro, robinhood, e*trade, IBKR owning them for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/oEgxRxas3N By DRS-ing your shares you also remove them from the pool of shares available for hedge funds to borrow, swap and naked short sell. By doing this there will eventually be a tipping point where there are no more shares for them to pretend that exist and the hedge funds have to buy shares from individuals and that will moon the price.


This time around I had a growing feeling of buying far more. Sold off everything else I owned in regular and retirement accounts and went full ape and my brain just went, "It is done. There's no need to worry" and I've been so indifferent ever since it's great.


I play dumb and I just like the stock. What is more to this than buying the dips and holding....


I’ve no intention of selling for anything less than telephone numbers. It’s always been either food stamps or lambos for me, but I have a few words to say… The only benefit I see from yesterday’s dilution is the unwarranted hero worship of Ryan Cohen will now stop. I’ve been unhappy with him for quite a while, mainly due to 3 dilutions, a completely inept response to the botched splividend, and what looks like contempt for investors. He refuses to communicate and engage with shareholders, when most companies would give their left nut to have such a supportive base of investors. There’s an air of arrogance and ingratitude about it. The constant gaslighting of the company and its investors by MSM is also completely unaddressed. All we hear are crickets. And let’s not forget the letter he wrote to the board of towel stock, calling them out for not listening to and engaging with investors. Yet here we are… The only form of communication we get is some bullshit philosophical tweets from Larry Cheng - all filler and no substance. The GameStop Investor Relations email address never even gets a reply - I suspect it’s completely unmanned. People are rightfully pissed about the dilution announcement yesterday, and if they end up just sitting on this cash like they’ve done with the previous dilution money, then serious questions need to be asked about the timing. I’m still here for MOASS and won’t sell, but I’d also like to say a big fuck you to Ryan Cohen. Yesterday you betrayed your shareholders in an unimaginable way, particularly those most loyal of all - the DRS’d. All of the goodwill and morale that had been built up, you fucking destroyed it. Are these the actions you told us to judge you on? Also, remember when you posted a photo of yourself with Carl Ichan, a self-declared short seller of GME…. Who the fuck does that?


Very well put. As for MOASS, they clearly aren’t going to let that happen. Even though he put out an Ooops MOASS tweet if memory serves me correct. This is all starting to feel like one gigantic PUMP AND HOLD scheme cooked up by the board.


Yep, I’m fucking furious over this, but I’m gonna continue to buy, hold and DRS. This has been my life for the last 3 years. If MOASS doesn’t come soon, I’ll be voting Cohen out at the next opportunity. Even if this is all part of some grand plan, killing the DRS movement and the morale we built around it is unforgivable.


I vote the shit out for sure. Big dumpass.


This shit is spot on. 2021 og 100% drs'd here and yesterday was a gut punch. Sometimes we all seem to forget that he and the crowd he hangs with are all RICH and live in another world while we save, scrimp, do without to help this company then this happens again and again. He follows his own timeline as he as literally all the cash he will ever need while we go hungry and homeless. But I DO realize that my statement is 1 that has been made millions of times by countless serf's through history bemoaning the fact that the wealthy don't feel the pain. Just so many gut punches,,,,,,,,,,


As a counterpoint to think about, I would say it's better that the CEO is operating on a different timeline. He doesn't need to make rash judgements based on survival like some retail investors. Running a business requires critical and future thinking to continue being successful, and one cannot do that effectively if they need to think about how to survive the next day, week, or even month. Does it suck that it's taking years? Yes, but sustainable success requires a strong foundation, and the original foundation of hard-copy retail video games that GameStop was built on is not suited for our world anymore, so they've got to rebuild that foundation first.


Running a business also requires generating profitable revenue streams other than diluting shareholders.


Yes, that is what the new foundation will do, considering the old foundation is no longer profitable. And to build that new foundation requires capital, which they are raising by selling new shares, right?  Like yeah they could have just let the squeeze happen relatively uncontrolled, but what would the end result be? The current shareholders would do very well, but a public company must do well for whoever is holding the shares, not the ones who held the shares and sold them during a wild opportunity. The new shareholders would be kinda screwed, because GME would still be in a rough spot as brick and mortar hard-copy gaming stores.  Instead, they're seeing an opportunity to build a titanic behemoth of a company, using a wild opportunity to raise capital to create new profitable revenue streams that will benefit shareholders, whoever they may be, for the long term. Would a squeeze have been nice? Fuck yeah who wouldn't want to make a ridiculous amount of money with very little effort in a small period of time? But honestly I like the idea of making a ridiculous amount of money on an unshakeable foundation, where I don't have to constantly be checking a ticker and worrying about hitting the top of the squeeze before it returns from the moon when the ride is all over, you know?


If the game plan here is changing from a squeeze to helping grow GameStop into a behemoth, many will walk - myself included. While I believe MOASS is still inevitable, if Cohen continues to dilute whenever the price rises, he’s no different to AA. Fuck these corrupt CEOs who take everything from shareholders and give nothing back.


I too think it's inevitable, and I think RC does too which is why he's showing best efforts to prevent it so no one can point fingers at the company for manipulation.  It'd be pretty dope to hold on to a hundred or so shares after though and have them become equally valuable as a stand alone long term investment after 50 years, be able to look at em and have fond memories, pass em on to the kids and whatnot. Just my thoughts on it :)


He’s not obligated to “prevent” it though, a squeeze is nothing to do with the underlying business. And none of us have 50 years to watch GameStop naturally evolve to the top. The most precious asset we all have is time. Cohen is as bad as Kenny now on my books for delaying MOASS and stealing more of our time . Even if MOASS happens on Monday, what he did on Friday is unforgivable.


Totally understandable facts here. And eventually we shall reap the rewards of his planning, I'm sure. But to endure the countless sucker punches, year after year, on almost zero information except, while being strapped into a rocket that is sitting on the landing pad, awaiting ignition, while your life slowly crumbles around you is taxing to say the least. It's a struggle I am willing to endure, and I have, since 1/21, but it's getting harder yearly. I'm actually in a good spot ATM, but I see daily posts from apes on the verge of total collapse and it's disheartening that this is even happening. That some evil people are willing to totally destroy millions of lives/families/businesses because of the need to acquire not just some money, nor million/billions, but ALL of the money.


I feel ya, it is absolutely fucked what hedge funds have been doing for years. Which is why this saga is so great to participate in. Not just for the idea of making life changing money but also to show the world how wildly corrupt the financial systems we have are, and hopefully give cause for change to better protect regular folks moving forward. I also think this is still an investment, and investment comes with risk. If one has risked too much because they thought undeniably that they'd make it big within whatever time frame and it didn't happen, the struggle they now face is one that could have been prevented, you know?  I put everything I had in this because I'm a very low maintenance person, and am in a spot in life where I'm comfortable starting from nothing again, so it made sense to me. But if that's not someone's situation and they're in over their head, I can't help but sprinkle a bit of "not the best idea there, bud" with my compassion.


Risk is nothing to me anymore. I've learned to live with very little money, no car, and a full time job since becoming homeless in a tiny home tent and that's where things are less risky for me, less money obligations. I can give up snacks and cookies, I already only have time to shower with a gallon of water like 2x a month, I'll be homeless longer, but I'm relatively comfy and I have dedication. What is risk money 🤷🏻


Yes, fuk the guy the one fuk me twice in 2 Fridays be4 openning.


Well put. This sums up pretty much how I feel as well. RC needs to come out with something substantial, convincing and ambitious very soon for me to regain any trust in him.


After this squeeze I’m selling everything


Theories is like half of the sub. It’s like, discussion, and you can have your opinion that’s fine but I think we shouldn’t try to limit discussion. If you don’t want to read theories then just turn off your phone but for some of us it’s fun in the absence of anything really else to talk about Like, chill


Respectable , i just don’t see how spreading FUD helps in any way . We got people freaking out over one fucking red day 😂 we got many days to come geez


It’s not about the red, it’s about another dilution and the timing of the news. It couldve came on any other day but it had to come on the friday to ruin everyone, especially RK’s birthday weekend


This right here. We don't know anything, just sit back and trust the process


Quit telling people how to hold. If new apes and old apes want to have fun theorizing let them. You’re nobody to tell people what to do. Apes don’t fight apes or tell apes what to do.


There are those of us who bought at $80 (320s pre split) and averaged down over 3 years. Seeing it go from $60 down to $30 ain’t nothing but a G thang. We groovy.


Those who jumped ship instead of scooping up the dip... will miss the bus. Hell, they are missing a starship. What do you think you can buy with 5 billion, they are going to acquire new businesses, tech and infrastructure. The announcement alone once the gears turn will ignite the rocket. Paper hands getting shook off doesn't worry me one bit. Remember Wells Fargo used to be a stagecoach...


No need to be rude.. Filter through fud-posts if you can't handle it 🤷 New guys will be curious and/or uncertain. Just leave it if you don't want to support them.


Ape don't fight ape


Naaa… the nuttiness of the sub is good. Keeps the Hedgies not knowing what to believe since the “crazy conspiracy” bullshit has actually panned out for years now. For example with pleasr dao teasing shit after all of our speculation Hedgies don’t know if that shit is real or not! Apes being apes is a plus. But yea… like you said Hodl


lol. Agree. Hold and buy. Focus.  BUT all the GME theories made the hedgie, big channels think we are dumping. RK acts crazier than the normal him+all the conspiracy posts. RK is successfully attracting more short interest. That’s how a seemingly weak empire fools its enemies to win the war since ancient time.  Lol. It might be “cancerous” to read. It also fun to watch. Whatever it is, we all have the same goal and same enemies.  “Stick together” 


Dip to $10 please. Ticket printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Just bought another $1k….only pu$$ies are selling! Buy and hold. Buy and hold.


It's all good.... I like the stock.


Why do we still have clickbait’y’ post titles?😭


The theories have always been half the fun 


Don’t get so worked up. If people want to run theory, let em run theory. If you want to stfu, then you know… stfu. Not a diss, but making a post to tell people their opinion is wrong — which is what you’re doing — and telling them your opinion? Which is to STFU? Bruv… just chill. Live and let live. Hold, day trade, short, long … everyone has their path.


Remember, just chill, shut up 🤫 and just chill and then comes ✈️🚀💰💎👋🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


But that’s part of the fun. Been here before the sneeze. Lurked in WSB before it got taken over by you apes. TAs, theories and big all in bets used to be the norm. That’s where ALL this came from. Now it’s just a cultist hive mind of no dates diamond hands zombie minds. If you haven’t learned how to use money from the market to invest into GME after 3 years. Then wtf?!This is just a substitute religion for you with blind trust instead of a potential way to make a few bucks here and there.


Absolutely. But I think it is more the disappointment after the hype from the past weeks. People thought we gonna moon already. Fckn chill and stfu for one weekend pls




Bruh we're buying and holding. The tinfoil conspiracy stuff is just super fun to entertain. 90% of all the theories are wrong, but it's still a great way to pass time. I'm enjoying it.


Tinfoil is what weekends are for.


Good point! The theories are good fun and most of them turned out to be true (at least the coolest ones) I can understand the frustriation about the emotiong though - although understandable


Us "2021 OGs" were the original DD writers, and you wouldn't be holding if it wasn't for the many many posts theorizing and analyzing everything. Maybe take a break from Reddit?


This lol 2021 was full of dd, tin foil hat theories, memes, gains porn, loss porn, wild bets with proof or ban 🤣 it was a 💩show. It was fun then as it is fun now. People need to relax and just enjoy it all over again.


We if reading it is so bad stop reading it


Gives me opportunity to buy more


I'm leaning forward and paying attention. RC is the only one we should pay attention to. All the rest is Kansas City Shuffle noise.


I am along for the ride. I have kept buying each dip. New to GME, but I am not going anywhere.


Especially those of us holding crypto too, 40% down ain't shit.


You have the real OGs that has been holding over 3 yrs.The ups and downs and still holding.Not scared of losing it's just money and you can't take it with you when you die.


2021 gang let’s go. Hence the name. Just sit and wait y’all it’s inevitable literally. If you were told you would have life changing money within 5 years but you just have to wait would you do it? I’ve been doing it for 3🤷🏻‍♂️


What a great time to buy 💎


I can't wait to rock my lambo in my 90s!


Theories are fun and entertaining while we ride the highs into the lows Maybe you need to stfu about your own community


It’s all good broski, majority are just chilling, and as always the weakest of character are the loudest voices


Everything is going exactly as we predicted, as we grow closer to MOASS the fud will increase


Good lord learn to have fun. We are all holding, but this ENERGY is electric!!! Let it happen. This is positive sentiment for the cause. Go be tired off the internet, we are here to FUCK. If u need rest, then do that, but dont try to stop us from exploring.


All your doing is riding an emotional roller coaster brother , I get that it’s interesting reading all these speculations but god some of you are reaching . You guys are adding to the FUD


Nah, we are hyping it up for the long run. The fud isnt going away. We will hold and buy and drs. This energy is good, keep people active, keep them invested, keep them coming.


exactly thanks ! Rome was not built in one day! Hodl and trust the process !!!! Price variations do not mean shit. If you held the stock since 2021 you wouldnt be worried about making money!!!


2 months ago we are at 10 only lol


The mind readers were out in full force.


Oh boy, we can't theorize now?


In the next 50 yrs when society reflects and dissects, I want buttfarmer42069 to be quoted. It's all part of the fun too.


Agreed. If ya gonna be paperhanded bitches go hang out on @X with Dave "paper handed biotch" portney and whine with him. Misery loves company...


So. I met three people yesterday. One named Greg one name, Michael and the last one Ezekiel. It’s a signal Boys. We’re going to the moon.


“Just hold and stfu” How about you hold and suck the fuck out of nuts? Buy more while it’s discounted FFS


I'm a shareholder, you can't speak to me like that!


You post this like you don’t have options, you can just not read it or you can leave sub if you dislike it that much I’ve been holding since 2021 it’s great to see new and old get excited let them be excited and you be zen


I like to see facts. Not theories, conspiracies or what ifs. I like this stock!


Sideways Trading




I've been in since 2021. Not alot as I'm on disability but I got a few moon tickets. Last week I got so fuding excited that I started dreaming about paying off bills and maybe being okay until I die roflmao. Then Friday hit and I was right back to zen lol. We've seen it all at this point. You new guys just need to hodl. Don't paperhand. Just be zen. It happens when it happens


The stock market is all a gamble but in this case we’ve bet everything on “GME being in the black” and as long as you don’t bet more than you can afford to lose it’s just a higher risk bet that’s fun to watch.


That’s quite the statement to blame it on new investors rather than shills we know get paid to come here and shit all over the stock.


Speculation is just another way for people to get excited and engage. It's not a big deal, let people get passionate about what they care about.


Naw, it’s ok to be pissed right now.


Theory is fun, so is hype, so is speculation and the most fun is tinfoil. If you have a fragile mind and this type of shit gets to you then I would suggest taking some of your own advice and just ignore it while holding. You will never silence theory, sharing and debunking is a way for the community to evolve and validate each other. If it's getting to you brother I suggest taking an Internet break and just focus on things good in your life. Take care friend 💪


100$ on Monday


GameStop: does IPO in 2002 OP: 2021 OG’s It’s like a dude buying his first iPhone in 2026 and saying he’s an OG iPhone owner.


So new ones are not allowed to go through what the old ones went through because we are so wise? Come on.


This is how grumpy old men are born. They forget that they were the same a couple years ago.


The man himself showed us how he was on red for the millions while having a beer and laughing about everything. What other verification that we are gonna be good do you need? Buy-Drs- HODL!!!! It’s so simple Ps: stfu too 😊


Just hold till it breaks 1 mill per share 😂


There has been a bunch of FOMO people that have recently started posting in here that are just out for quick gains. XXX holder here. 100% DRS’d. I ain’t selling.


Shaking out the weak hands is part of the process. There will always be speculators and investors looking for a quick cash grab.


ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAINS! LEAVING IN ALL DIRECTIONS EVERY DESTINATION ALL AT ONCE!! let the hedgies read them and waste money on teams of people trying to prevent or hedge for different outcomes!


2021 OGs 💎🙌


This is the way!


Thanks for posting this


I was gonna see if Lamborghini sells helicopters and pick up their boat


I just want that 2003 m5. Is that REALLY so much to ask??




Everyone is an expert.


Awwe come on one more?! https://www.reddit.com/r/roaringkitty/s/yE8pyC1G76 Straight up tin foil hat.


This is so cringe lol




Pro club member since 96’




Did I miss something?




People are so bored with their lives, they over analyze everything.


I’m new to the game and I still know the plan - if he holds, I hold. Simple as that.


Amen! 🙏


“2021 OG’s” may be the cringiest and dumbest thing I have ever read.


Speculation is just another way for people to get excited and engage. It's not a big deal, let people get passionate about what they care about.


Speculation is just another way for people to get excited and engage. It's not a big deal, let people get passionate about what they care about.


Lol. You think that's gunna happen? Never


I'm just having a beer and I like the stock. Cheers!




Just buying and holding. I mean the sentiment is relatively good! Especially in the comments of those doom posts. But i'd recommend anyone who is sensitive to FUD to just browse other subreddits


Watching this GME shit from the beginning has been fucking incredible watching you guys slowly eat each other and leave others holding the bag It's fucking great keep it going


Moasssss definitely im a diamond 💎


OP stfu we are having fun guessing to see if we are right some us like playing the game Clue


Someone had to say it. 💯


lol just hold and stfu. So cult like.


buy/hodl/drs are the meat and potatoes. theories and tin foil are the sugar coated caramel ice cream buckets that we get to enjoy until it’s time


Should be plan to keep the stock up to at least $30+ so kitty can exercise his calls ?


Me dumb ape just buy when I can and HODL to moon or 0 with a smile on my face. Crayons are food.


I have a theory on GME. It’s going to the moon just like the chart is predicting. ⬆️💎🙌


Empty vessels make the most sound.


Hold hands, No fighting! Up before down, there’s blood on the blade, they will villainize him, they’re actually really good at paperwork and found a loophole. 72 minutes of memes. It takes over an hour just to watch them. How much time was spent creating them.


Eh, I say leave them be. I’m unphased by most things on these pages at this point. Anything that feels like FUD, I just keep scrolling


Worried costs money. Being zen and hodling is free.


I watched back in 2021 but didn’t get in. Paid attention loosely since. Got in & DCA on this recent run. There are so many doomsayers it’s crazy like holy shit did you expect RK to go live and give a play-by-play if the plan? That’s a fast track to prison. Trust RC. Buy into the philosophy. Hold your shit.