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Hi I'm new. What happens on 6/21?


Triple witching day. Monthly stock options expire on the same day as the quarterly stock index futures and stock index options expire. Busy day for the market. RK has a lot of in the money options in GME expiring.


Does that mean GME should go up on 6/21?


Hard to say. It’s usually a volatile, high volume trading day. The way things have gone recently I would guess the price will go up and down and we’ll have a few surprises between now and then.


What’s to stop RK from rolling his position if things change? Genuine question, I’m locked in either way at this point


Long live physical media


Ok let’s read this! Don’t panic! Let’s read first! Than we decide if we panic or not! https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312524156636/d614527d424b5.htm


Theres 0 risk when u invest what u can afford to loose




This is amusing: “ Risks Related to the Offering  The market price of our common stock has been extremely volatile and may continue to be volatile due to numerous circumstances beyond our control. The market price of our common stock has fluctuated, and may continue to fluctuate, widely, due to many factors, some of which are beyond our control. These factors include, without limitation:      •   “short squeezes”;      •   comments by securities analysts or other third parties, including blogs, articles, message boards and social and other media;      •   large stockholders exiting their position in our common stock or an increase or decrease in the short interest in our common stock;    “


Why can’t some mark genius tell us the avg cost to borrow per day and how it equivocates to $’s per share per day….. That is a huge key as it eats away at their profit as they know it’s not going to zero. So some math will make sense that if they hold for say 10 days at say 150% borrow fee that they automatically are paying for “X” per share for say 10 days. That is huge info and possible confidence


Another one: “  These broad market fluctuations may adversely affect the trading price of our common stock. In particular, a large proportion of our common stock has been and may continue to be traded by short sellers which has put and may continue to put pressure on the supply and demand for our common stock, further influencing volatility in its market price.”


RC’s dilution machine in full force. Could see 20 tomorrow before bounce.


They didnt announce! It is a rumor for now…


They 100% were unloading shares today. Will take more than 1 trading day to unload 75 million tho


Bro lmao better hope this was the dilution, otherwise its gonna tank more when they actually do it


How much cash would GameStop need to acquire/partner with Valve?


It's not gonna happen. Acquisition won't at the very least. There's a reason that Valve isn't a publicly traded company; Gabe wants to maintain control.


Gabe can have as much control as Elon does with Tesla


Which is to say, less control than he has now. No reason to go public if you don't need funding, really. Just right now Elon is trying to convince shareholders to approve his exorbitant pay package. He has a lot of control, but still has to answer to shareholders.


DFV starting the live stream acting like a zombie. Is he hinting zombie stocks could come back to life?


Two other important questions: (1) How many of the 75 mil new shares have actually been sold? P BTW says here they “recently sold another 45 mil” in May. You need to get approved for this I am sure so if they do that they won’t have much of a new explanation other than the one they gave in May. BTW, they should have offered discounts for purchasing the new stock because that is crap.  This seems like BS to me because I am pretty sure you need to give very good reasons for this kind of additional number of stocks and it can’t be “I want to steal some money from some suckers”. I am also not seeing any annoucement on their website so probably the answer to my question is a big fat 0. So, (2) is anyone smart here to explain if this is a good thing or a bad thing? 


Ok the short interest is 68 million shares. The 75 mil should cover them. Lets make some math: At 305,300,000 that is 22,4% and at 380 it is 18%. But it is the same thing in fact because what is shorted is still effectively the same number, so given the history unless they cover their positions their risk has not decreased significantly.  I think it is them pushing down… so they both cover their asses and they also drive the price down.  Can someone check me please to see if this right? 


This is the answer I’m trying to find out based on the percentage of cost. What is it costing them in terms of dollars and cents per share per day to hold we know it won’t go to zero so it should help set some floor over 10 to 20 days as an exam, I just don’t know how to do that


I am on it! I have some other shit to handle but I have a few hours to waste on this today so everything I find, I will share.


People have posted here that some sort of announcement will be due to say if they’ve sold new shares and explain what they’ll be doing with the cash.


Is this a rumor kind of situation? Can we trace where this originated? And if so does it matter that much? At this point no! And it is in the interest of the shorts to say sell now before they cover us. 


But that aint my question! My question is whether they already sold them and since they didn’t announce the answer is 0. 


It took them most of a week to sell the 45m last month, we’ve got much higher volume than last time, but it’s still going to take at least a week to filter in the new 75m being released, IF they have released them. Seeing the price do what it did today I’m assuming that they are filtering in, but until we get an update from GME, nothing is certain.


Btw if i am saying something obvious to everyone else it is ok! I am glad when I land on the obvious on my own!


You’re doing great and better than me!


Ok! So right now this is very likely just a panic. People are dropping the stock because someone lauched a rumor which is kinda fair because it also went up because the kitty said meow.  Ok this has very little to do with math and more to do with an exercise in influencing behaviour.  This is awesome! I shit you not! 


Not sure as I was in other stocks last time. It if kitty plays hide and simple n4 the 21 he has to know he may get sued. Just saying. Not saying he is a good or bad guy but common sense I would think. We need to know the math per share based on the borrow rate how much dollars and cents it cost my per day the shorts loose holding. Tjat will tell allot. Not all but a lot. Also why the early release on #’s. Obv like everyone else they file for is being able to issue as ALL do- which he knew they would do so I am a little lost as to the strategy


Ok, I think we can calculate that even if the numbers will be just estimations, and we do three scenarios varying in optimism/pessimism. Let me try finding some number than extrapolate, and get my mother on this because she is better at math than I am. Do we have the numbers from 2021? Because if we do we can make some guesses what this A-holes did. 


The people panicking are the ones that haven’t seen this episode before. To the original HODL’s, it’s a rerun, this is like that episode of the Honeymooners where Gleason dressed up as a spaceman, or robot or some stupid shit. I haven’t even been in this game nearly as long, but a little research and a fuctional frontal lobe tell me it’s an episode of Seinfeld I’ve seen 14 times already….. but I’m still gonna put the remote down and at least watch until the next commercial. 🤷🏼‍♂️


@Gr8Hortoni67 (sorry this was such a hard thing to type) am I wrong when I am saying that the short interest might actually be larger than that number I found? From today and Friday???? 


From what I’ve gathered (and take it for what it’s worth, I’m a full regard who’s just hypnotized by this shit), as soon as word came down that there were more shares, they shorted the shit out of it even harder. So that number I think is still a bit shy.


Oh yeah, look: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312524156636/d614527d424b5.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312524156636/d614527d424b5.htm) "These broad market fluctuations may adversely affect the trading price of our common stock. In particular, a large proportion of our common stock has been and may continue to be traded by short sellers which has put and may continue to put pressure on the supply and demand for our common stock, further influencing volatility in its market price." "Up to 426,217,517 shares (as more fully described in the notes following this table), assuming sales of 75,000,000 shares of our common stock in this offering." Look at the first 3 risks they see ( I am having a blast) -“short squeezes”; - comments by securities analysts or other third parties, including blogs, articles, message boards and social and other media; -large stockholders exiting their position in our common stock or an increase or decrease in the short interest in our common stock; I am also hypnotized and pretty stupid, that is what I am worried about! I might be having to much fun to see this objectively, but whatever, I didn't lose much if I do, I am increasingly thinking that I won't.


I’m glad to see there’s more that sticks in my brain than the 1989 Detroit Pistons roster and random LetterKenny Quotes. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdMvc1w2VlFOpRC)


Panic is a problem here! We should keep everyone stoked and pumped! I am super new here, but I didnt bet my fortune on this so I am bit more relaxed, and stocks can go up and down, but now think of this a bit more logically, the kitty (omfg, now this has become an excellent joke) didnt exactly do a great job on Friday or maybe I am missing something!  But, tbh, what makes me super stoked is that, I am sure this case study can be the basis for so many doctorate papers  in multiple disciplines. Btw, am I an ape or a hiena? I still dont grasp the jargon. 




There is a lot of negative sentiment as many people are new or 3 years is their cap for patience or they’re a contrarian ass that gets off on thinking they’re better for having an opposing opinion. RK (kitty) did just fine in showing his presence, his position, and preventing any accusations of illegal wrong doings. He had to be careful not to blatantly influence the financial decisions of others and he was also clever not to present himself as an expert. If you like the stock, you’re an ape.


He ll be sued if he sells before 21st. Just saying. Lot of newbs so yes being positive is key. I wonder if anyone can figure out how the bottle fee affects the share price dollar and cents per day of the short holders.


I am not sure I am liking it for the same reasons, but I initially thought this is a nice reply to a fucked up systems that swallows us and now I am here for the fun! It is true my “position” is insignificant, so it is easy for me to say that, but monkey see, monkey do! Here, I am reading this now. Their first risk is “short squeezes”. Lol you can’t invent this shit! This is great! https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312524156636/d614527d424b5.htm#supptx614527_2


As someone who has a BS in psychology (game theory) and MBA, I’m with you on the fascination with this social experiment along with its implications. I do have some skin in the game… been here since 2021 and I believe in it and it’s fun to be immersed in the event. Welcome to apehood!




i went to my local gamestop and i saw one of the employees use a short ladder. i kicked the short ladder and he fell the to ground. i started to make apes sounds right in front of face, then i said "NO SHORT LADDER; APE STRONGER TOGETHER." we both laughed


10/10 Shitpost


DFV's YOLO updates have nothing to do with reassuring us that he hasn't sold. Anyone who has been here *knows* he didn't sell, whether it was after a massive run-up or a monumental rug-pull. It's to let us and the shorts know that he hasn't executed yet and that we will be well above $20 come 6/21, regardless of what happens in the interim.


I was zen with or without him anyway.


This is the way.


The offering isn’t a dilution. The offering is getting paid back for a stock that’s already been diluted via naked shorting. It’s the only way GameStop gets the money back for all those years of being naked shorted. I think RC and RK both have figured out the cycles and RC will keep issuing into these run ups to generate an imbalanced amount of cash considering what the “fair value” of the stock is based on fundamentals. Heck, if RC has figured out these cycles, he has a fiduciary duty to issue stocks and sell into the run ups. The moass is a slow squeeze and you’re seeing it play out every time GameStop issues shares into these run ups. Each time they issue into a run up the water in the room gets a little higher.


I have seen this explanation a few time now, and this seems to make the most sense to me. Either way, it decimates the short thesis completely and objectively; if GameStop reaches $5b on cash, which is well within reason, they could apparently net an additional income of $235m/year just on interest alone; this sets them up for literally Berkshire status in the coming years. There really is no bear thesis here at all, whatsoever here. All of this, in addition to what this commenter explained. No brainer investment.


I’m hoping RC goes on a acquisition spree


How can RK exercise his options? He needs 240mm in cash


Sell his shares while exercising to provide liquidity and in total he would have like 12m shares and some cash


That’s a lot of m&ms


Can someone please explain to me why after hours is on green and within on red? Is there a volume thing? 


Bodes well for mine and the rest of WSB’s puts


Dude, I have no idea what you said! 


Been a common pattern lately. Probably has to do with crime 🤷‍♂️


Bumping this because we need to know


SO I'm looking at after-hours trading and it says today's volume was 130M and the price did nothing but drop all day.


Volume ≠ the price goes up lol


Somethings happening




The weird 36 price point on the charts at close


Bananas price action going on right now


The un-manipulated price is trying to peer through




It’d be super dope if they published articles hyping up our resilience


It's not much, but I just bought 100 more


Maybe that’s what made us jump to 25 hell yeh borther


what about the random jumps above $36


Yeah woh wtf


She's like a geyser that's ready to erupt


And so is the stock


my puts are printing today


Genuinely not a good idea from a TA stand point but I wish you luck sir!


puts in your momma




The earnings report was submitted early, last week…


Well, seeing as they were planned for the 11th, they were released early, and today is the 10th, I'm not predicting much of anything to happen today.


You, sir, live inside of Kitty's eight ball!


Just talked to Shrek. He said he's on his way and he's been taking his vitamin v (Viagra). "Eating them like candy" were his exact words.


Added two more 🌙 tickets




One more moon ticket for me. I wish I could buy more 😭


I was out to double my cheesburger money. Bought back in at 31 this morning around 3am. Woke up to a $200 loss. Have no money to average down. Im upset with myself.


Dfv Was potentially worth a Billion on paper and is back down to around a couple hundred million... this beeyotch paper hands is crying about 200... hahahahaha. There is a lesson there


Im not crying. Im upset that im missing my own calls. Im helping others make money and missing my ability to quadruple my share count. This isn't a opportunity you ((we)) can fuck up on and not have regrets. Ive been in this for years. Before wallstreet bets and before I had any idea who RK was. Please see your way out the door. Adults talking.


Sure pal, but do yourself a favor and chill with the desperation and all around whiny bitch panicking F.U.D. once I close that door Hahahah


You'll live.


Rockafella putting in $200 to a junk stock. Just buy some lottery tickets.


I’d give him the time of time…


Try 800


Yeah, this week screams potential of breaking below 20. Whatever personal belief you have and however long you have been here, the company and the crooks put us on the shelf. We really want to rely on Financials with a meme stock?


It’ll be okay


I want to add that I have owned DRS shares for 3+ yesrs now. So I was selling my recent chunk I purchased to flip up and down which I have Fomo fumbled on repeatedly. I quit drinking 10 months ago and feel like chugging a bottle of tequila right about now.


I’ve been hodling along with ya… bought my first for $328 after the RH buy freeze screwed me and everyone over. Averaging down ever since and it’ll be worth it


Yes, you understand. Its crushing. Could have bought and sold three times. Had a couple hundred shares and be setting pretty. While spreading out my entire portfolio to sure thing long term gain stocks. So yah. Im upset.


Extremely undervalued stock, bargain of a lifetime in return for this quality




I had a friend who was making close to 350,000 a month working as a crook. They are 10000 steps ahead of us.


Lol somehow it’s the SHF fault we down big… twice


I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would sell for a loss anyways?


Cause stop losses and risk mitigation are key to investing and trading?




I have been guilty of this… I think it’s greed and fear that makes us poor folks sell for a loss. We are fearful that we will miss out on the boom and we are greedy but don’t have money to add more shares at lower prices as it goes down… So we sell at a loss in hopes to buy more shares at a lower price later before the moass happens. It backfired on me too many times, so now I am HODL with less shares than I would have had and still at a huge loss. But I still have some and waiting for lift off. ![gif](giphy|4ml290TZ35zOM)




I guess but that’s kinda lame.. when I put money in I consider it gone to grow or die


It's like pulling up a flower bud because you don't see a rose yet


Except that your flower bed won’t disappear if it doesn’t grow a rose. The money you put in will.


That's literally how flowers work.


It is way worse, it is going in the pocket of those pieces of shit who spend your entire yearly salary at a table.


Love this analogy


It’s kind of consolidating…?!


If the price drops to under 20$ doesn’t that make DFV’s exercising of the calls worthless?


Anything under 25 is pointless since his cost basis is just above $25/share


Well, not pointless. At 23 (say), he loses about 40%, and at $19.99, he loses 100%. There is a difference between those two things.


exercising calls gives him shares. They might be more expensive than he intended them to be, but he gets his shares.


If the price drops below $20, it’ll be cheaper to buy shares directly than exercising the option.


this is true. But he would also be limited by the shares available in the market, actively driving the price up as he buys up the orderbook, while exercising options will give him a guaranteed price. There are multiple factors to consider. RK is an experienced options trader. He will have put some thought into it.


Of which he would only have the 24m to do right? Not the 120,000 or however many calls to sell and then use to exercise. My understanding was the calls would uncover naked calls to increase demand and force shorts to cover. But without naked calls to force, it will take news to drive demand?


Please explain more! ![gif](giphy|jpVuGo0JkAXJiuNNK7|downsized)


100 million shares volume. This could be very good if those 75 million offered are sold.


10% of the average volume is the limit. (166+51+73+207+278)/5 = 155m avg. 155m/10 = 15.5m shares GME can sell today. past 3 days before that were 22-28m volume, so the Friday and Thursday trading days allowed for even fewer shares being sold. So even if you take friday as 15.5m and today as 15.5m sold, the maximum number of shares GME could have sold in the past 2 trading days would be 31m, not even 50% of the 75m they can sell.


Good nugget of info. Miss these vs all tin foil lately


They don’t have to do it all at once


still... 2 days with a maximum of 15.5m per day would still be less than 75m They only announced it end of last week, so there weren't that many trading days where they could have sold shares.


Except as described below, a Form 8-K must be filed **within four business days after the occurrence of a reportable event**. For purposes of counting, day one is the first business day after the day on which the reportable event occurs. So they could have started offer even BEFORE report.


could, but the volume in the 3 days prior was terribly low compared to the 5 days ending in friday.


Not going to insist but Jun 3 (165 mln with 14$ price drop), Jun 4 (52 mln 3$ price drop), Jun 5 (73 mln with 6$ drop). And now 6-7-10 Jun (total 584 mln with massive dump). My guess is they started selling on Jun 3, reported Jun 7 and will finish somewhere by 13 JUN shareholder meeting.


Average of the past 5 trading days today: 155m Average of the past 5 trading days fri. 103.8m Average of the past 5 trading days thu: 67.2m wed: 58m Tue: 68.8 Mon June 3rd: 43.8m In total: 496.6m, if they sold 100% of the average traded shares since June 3rd. Afaik, they can only sell 10% of that, so the total maximum amount of shares they could have sold since June 3rd, based on my understanding, is 49.6m


Jun 3 volume is 165,808,300 according to Yahoo. I counted 851 117 134 volume from Jun 3 to Jun 10 included. Maybe you can explain where your numbers are from and method of calculation?


yahoo daily candles. end of may had very low volume, those days screwed with early june average-5d-volume.


Don’t care not selling buying more ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


![gif](giphy|VBEcrU5TulSve|downsized) Me Too


Is $24 the new low for dip buying. Been resisting to go further down for 2 hours now?


![gif](giphy|0LU0q2iPSPHFUUxyet|downsized) All the B.S. I am hearing on TV. It's good to come on GME and read what all the apes are thinking. When the squeeze happens. We can all log-in and celebrate with Tendies and Bannas, Beer, Wine, Alcohol. and Dance around in our underwear. Just like the talking heads are joyously reporting GME is slipping in price after RK broadcast. and still pumping up, APPL, Nivida, and other bullsh\*t A.I. stocks.






![gif](giphy|dxOwpJvN8VEVhP1PY1|downsized) my reaction listening to the news about GME slipping


![gif](giphy|VBEcrU5TulSve|downsized) Me buying the dip


I’m depositing money as fast as I can. It’s torture waiting for it to clear


If one man's tweet can make this go to 30$ overnight that means there's still power and potential energy in this thing


cause and effect are often indistinguishable for those who do not see the full picture. Did the price go up because he tweeted or did he tweet because he knew the price would go up? Given that he bought hundreds of millions worth of options, what is the more likely scenario?


This ape gets it. DFV doesn't manipulate shit. He's just very big-brained and has figured out the timing of events that are mysterious to the rest of us, that are caused by crime committed by MM and SHF. He tweets at pivotal moments because he knows what's about to happen, rather than to cause something he'd like to see happen.


imho, 100% true. DFV knows EXACTLY how SHFs will react, before he posts anything. He's playing them.


Well, yes, but I meant more like he knows when a run-up is coming due to understanding the factors that create them, so he preemptively makes a Tweet to taunt them, by basically telling them he's figured out the cycles, and thus, knows how to beat them at their own game -- a game they're stuck playing and destined to lose.


Is this volume normal? Seems perfectly normal. /s


Bought another 100 shares now at the dip! LFG!!!




I'm at 18 shares ( ⚆ \_ ⚆ ) ![gif](giphy|KFUx0Rtz7p0HTzbJ7x|downsized)






Today has "wait to buy until we're under $8" vibes


The play is genius. RC sells to bring the price down so RK can load up on more calls. Big ole powder keg brewing here. Commenting again because it got downvoted. Downvote this one too so I get even more confirmation bias. 🖕🏼


sure buddy...


Make sure you don’t get any on the floor.


Go for a hike champ. Maybe you’ll learn something. 🍆🍆🍆


You are throwing around theories that have no basis, these theories also suggest illegal market manipulation and insider trading and they are financially the dumbest shit anyone could possibly imagine. The price may or may not go up again, and I hope it goes up up, but it won't be because this is a 69D chess game


Today is merely a battle. Won't be the last. Let them drive the price down. Keep your powder dry. Our time will come. Gather ammo! Dolla dolla bills at the ready!


![gif](giphy|lfBKXBz4ut56BDYOHf|downsized) fighting to get to the buy button GME




The only regret I have is buying too early in the morning. I would love to buy this dip :).




Maybe the MOASS was the friends we made along the way


No. It's definitely generational wealth.


I hope so


This looks like it might just be the offering?


Probably. We all kinda thought they'd hold off on issuing shares on the first offering but then they surprised us by announcing that they pretty much sold them all immediately, so they very well could've handled this offering the same way. We'll know if we see a filing soon.


How do we know the progress on that? At the rate it's going will the 75M be sold by today or tomorrow?