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Yeah, this is why you just don't talk about the stock. They'll notice your lambos when the time comes.


This. Made the mistake of doing this and i keep hearing so hows it going with a spiteful tone.


Great point. I generally just avoid talking about gme (or Reddit in general for that matter lol) and if I do, it’s with heavy disclaimers that I know I’m gambling here but I’m mainly just having fun with it and I considered the money gone the moment I bought shares. If nothing else I paid for one hell of a ride.


Me too


This. lol I got some expensive ass tickets to the ride that never ends


Yep. Meanwhile the people I told was coming from a mindset of trying to help them and having me not ending up on the moon alone when this all settles. FFW 3 years and it’s the same condescending comments, and the ones that have bought have already sold. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yep exacty


You can lead an ape to water but not force it to drink. Let them drink from the stream while you sip water from your private mountain spring out of a GME chalice.


I love my GameStop shirt but I wear it with discretion


Same :D  I only wear it, when I expect people to not know. Or at least to not understand what it means to me.


Problem with gme being covered so much is when it happen every single person that knows you own shares will know your rich. We won't be able to hide it from everyone im our lives unfortunately.


mf talk lambos and shit. But doesn’t that mean you sold? IM HODLING FOREVER! GONNA NAME MY FIRST KID HODL




This is the way.




THose aren't homies, We're your homies now




I cant help but stare at the wheel turning but not the car lol




That controller not plugged in


Look at me! I'm the homie now!


The last 2 paragraphs. 🥲 I’m with you My ape. Just wait till this Christmas. “How much you up” they’ll ask. And you can say “just up”


them: "20%... 10%" me: "20,000%" 🤞




That will send shivers down their spine as you proceed to calmly sip on your $10,000 bottle of wine




This guy fucks


Lol, i think you ment %55378008, but my tits are jacked


Yeah that's the difference between GME and any other investment. It's LIFE changing. A lifetime opportunity. I used to be more a daytrader but with GME it's different 🚀


"How much you up" they will ask "More than your phone number in percent" you answer. HOLD THE LINE


WE are apes. WE are your family. ride or die brother..holding till 🚀




This is the way.


whenever I tell people that I am in GameStop, the first thing I do is I ask them how long they’ve been following the situation, and how closely. Then I tell them that i’ve been heavily researching and paying attention to the situation for the past 3 1/2 years. I know more than them. Unless you’ve been actively reading the information every single day, you don’t know what you’re talking about. And if they give me any pushback, I ask them to explain the situation. No matter what they say. I’m ready for it because I know more about the situation than they do.


I love the idea of asking "tell me what you know about the situation" and just nodding along, smiling and simply replying "ok."


Dood smells his own farts out of a cup while listening


Right there with you brother. I love this stock and I am not going anywhere


No ape left behind. Ape help ape. 🦍🦍🦍


First time in my life someone calling me stubborn is actually a compliment. I am stubborn. No mfer is more stubborn than I am, and Mayo Man will learn it the hard way. I will stubborn my way until I get paid what I’m owed, all the prosperity and youth WS robbed my generation of in 2008 and since then.


With interest and time won’t cheap


- All my friends having emigrated was already expensive; - Me having to stay 17 years out of my hometown and away from my family was already expensive; - me missing my nephews growing was expensive; - me only being able to start my own family in my mid-30’s was already expensive; - me working for minimum wage and for scraps for years although having a law degree was already expensive; - me living in a country where IMF had to intervene was already expensive; - me still not owning a house is expensive; - holding is the least I can do and, in comparison, not expensive at all.


The most successful way to get more shares is to buy them when they cost less. A company with now 4B+ cash, plans to acquire more businesses, and change their operating structure, has almost 0 chance of going out of business. Realistically there is a strong chance of a dividend or share buyback if there's a merger, so a great time to DRS more shares for the long haul.


If tcgplayer.com hadn't been bought by eBay I could have seen gme buying tcgplayer


Adding to your comment , gme must have a massive customer list worth something.... I'm sure this info is out there somewhere. Also I read about a snowboard company back in 2005 switched to a tech company but still sold their core product/service. I don't know the name of ceo and Co but saw him on an interview years ago. That's what gme right now reminds me of. They become a tech company who happens to supply games.


I'm 35 years old. With any luck, I'll have at least another 40 years to watch this play out. It's the most interesting story going on in the world right now and I have a front row seat because I have skin in the game. I would've spent this money on stupid shit if it wasn't in GME and I'll never be down anything if I don't sell.


This is the community that is going to shape the world and the future. We have seen what economic corruption can do to the people of the world. We’ve seen what the corruption in our system has done to us. The time for change is coming. Im not holding for money. I like the stock. I’m holding because I want to watch the world burn. I’m holding for the Apes that can’t hold anymore. I’m holding for the family and friends of the Apes that are going to realize all the fuckery that’s been happening after the fact. Im holding because I like the color purple. I’m holding for spite.


I like what you’re saying and I get what you’re saying. But the question how can he do it again knowing? It’s a matter of survival for them. He’s a cornered animal that will try anything to escape and survive.


I didn't even realise we went to $80 the other week until it came up on Reddit one day. Haven't looked since selling in 2021 in march at ~ $300, and then doubling down after the price tanked a bit. DRS'd and just forgot I even had them. Last time I looked before that was the stock split.


Make sure you login to Computershare at least once a year though


Yeah, I do. Every few weeks I make a point of it


You got one thing wrong. There’s MILLIONS of us!


Well with 600k+ tuning in to RK the other day, there is more than i expected at this point. Given the timing, I'd say a lot of people couldn't.


You know who else has this strategy? Warren Buffett. And no one makes fun of him.




I bought at the top. It’s about… sending a message. It’s not about the money. Everything burns.


lol same here...I bought 2 shares way back at around $300, eventually bought a few more when it dropped like a stone to get my average down under $100/share...after the stock split I'm riding even at $25/share and I'm not going fucking anywhere...I'm here to send a fucking message and if I get rich in the process, that's all gravy, baby!


I feel you, friend ape. Something happened to me over the past 3 years, it's hard to describe. Intellectually, I've become so amazingly convinced so certain of GameStop's bright successful future... I think, because I've been under attack by friends and family. I rose to their challenges and studied and learned so I would be ready to reply. I do admit that it's been exhausting to feel I have to respond to them quoting every stupid thing they see in the MSM. I understand all that. I rose to their challenges and now I'm armored in knowledge and confidence. Emotionally, is what's confusing. I get excited when the price drops and I get anxious when the price rises. It's like a weird Uno Reverse of my feelings. I get almost euphoric when the price crashes as.i rush to buy more shares. When the price hit $80 in off market, I felt nauseous. I think maybe this is because I'm worried I won't be able to acquire enough shares for... whatever. It's not a rational feeling at all.


That's a completely rational feeling. Don't discount it. Knowing you could have done more is a feeling that we all have had. Nothing wrong with it but don't let it be a weight.


Thank you, kind ape.


I felt like you and won't make the same mistake again. Going to buy more the more it drops


Same! I've worked hard hard at it for 3 years, budgeting and such, but my cost basis is $22 now.


Here’s a positive for you. They couldn’t get it down below $10 and hold it. Now they are having a real hard time getting it below $25! It is costing them Billions while we spent whatever money we spent. They are getting more desperate by the day. Gill has them scrambling today to locate shares. He didn’t cash them all in. RC has a m&a to announce shortly. Plus there’s rumor of an NFT Dividend that they have to locate shares in order to make the shares whole. We weren’t wrong, we were just early. 💵💰💵💰🚀🌕


My highest is $352... let that sink in for a sec...


My wife is all in with me and even made sure when we had a chance to invest, we did. She says at this point when it happens hell yeah! If not, then at least we didn't miss anything. We just keep living life as we already are haha. She's the only one I've told other than one friend who invested and says the same thing. Can't FOMO if you're already in.


Can we buy our own GME ape island when this is done? After we moon i want to only sip the finest coctails with u lads n gals. Maybe enough of us to form a country.


What people don't realize yet is there's a limited number of shares ...and RC just demanded his millions of shares. Meaning if we hold there are even fewer shares to buy. Takes 100 shares to trade a contract hence why he posted teaching banana. Fewer shares. Takes 100 to lock in gains. More people that buy, the gains go up.


I want some lambos


You and me will have


I’m in


No, you’re the fucking best.


OP, perfecto! All of this this all of this!! Onions 🧅 it’s the onions!!


This post made my titties roar… ROARING TITTIES! I love how stubborn, resilient, and determined we all are, we will laugh at those who laughed at us. Vindication is brewing.


Did you jinx it? 😂


I think it is a bit funny how zen one becomes after 3 years! Now the movement from 20 - 60 and down again to 20 doesn’t really affect one any more. Just waiting now to see the HF on 🔥 The last thing is one is waiting for now is to see were RC will bring the firm to.???


Makes sense


You are not wrong, just early.


I'm right there with you, except I don't talk about my position with family or friends. No good will come of it. I basically didn't look at my gme position for a year as well when it was bleak and I have a lot invested in it as well lol. They cant scare me tho


Can I ask what your average price is? How long have you been holding?


One of my coworkers came up to me and asked if I'm still holding. "Yep." "It's a good play now, but it's been bad for a couple of years.' "The bull thesis was never wrong."


Its a good play now because we held. And because we keep holding it will be the best plan that ever existed.


You damn right.


I know people think I am crazy, but we saved GameStop and I am excited to see where it takes us! I am proud to be a Silver Back 🦍!💎💎💎✋


Just envision the events that will come after all this. Imagine an event you have to prove you held for 3 years minimum, then it's welcome to the yacht party. Everything is free. Everyone is an ape. Visualize success. Imagine the life you want to lead. See what you need to get it done. I had a dream a while ago. I was shopping for a new Ferrari. It was just a normal day. You never know what comes next. You hold for and with everyone around you. You don't see it, but we are all here watching and laughing with Keith together. They will pay this time. They are beginning to realize that it transcended money a LONG time ago for many of us. Fuck the money. If you believe in Ryan, believe in him, the money will always come in time. He showed us that a few days ago. Ryan woke up. Pushed a button and made $2bn for our beautiful company. We have more cash than Target and it didn't dent the stock price. He closed and locked the basement door and made us a fucking unkillabe company. He could close every store and still keep us green for years. I left "I want to believe" a long time ago. I believe. I never believed in anyone like I believe in Ryan Cohen. He is guided by a care for everyone he is responsible for and is dedicated to delighting his customers. And he is a fucking genius. If DFV bends a knee without question to Ryan, I am all in. I trust them both. I think Ryan is here for us all to win. He just sees time differently. Just like Manhattan and Oz. Believe.


So how much do you own?


Up apes up !!! It’s going to take all of us.


Suck it kenny!




I'm constantly buying in $1 increments on robinhood today at market to keep pressure instead of buying shares. Just what I'm doing idk if it helps lol.


Don't ya just love saying Kenny lol knowing his smug little wrinkled face is now going down while we moon 🚀🚀 he's so regarded it makes me smile. I'm not going anywhere Kenny until I see my money in da bank, I will keep buying more and HODL cause I love the stock Keeennneeeee boy lol 😆


My wife has asked frequently over the past 3years “what stocks did you buy with all our money? Are you losing money ? ” Uhh gameshire stopaway? And no… we don’t lose unless we sell… 😅


You are not alone dude. 🦍💪


Holding since 2021


I HODL for you. You HODL for me brother


Agree about the sadness that can hit a person at odd times. Looked at what I had saved fir retirement 80 years back, and basically concluded I'd just be getting by. Always be a gambler and a gamer, said fk it! Put everything I had into it and then they killed us taking the buy button out. So yeh I get sad sometimes, since be nice to stop working after having done so for too long already. Highs and loss, but RC back definitely brought a new high. XXXX hodler and if it comes to it, my daughters no to 💎🙌 it as long as it takes. Might be sad sometimes, but never leaving come what may. Stay strong 💎🙌🇨🇦🦍😎


Hodl ing since 2021 my ape 🚀🌑🦍💎


Hope > fear. Love wins


Im with you regards


Next week exciting. LFG


My investment horizon is forever so good luck making me sell. :)


In since the sneeze. I’m most proud of being able to wait until it was ground down to $10 to buy again. I’ve learned how to wait.


This 1000%. Now even if the price would slowly return to $10, we would all buy more until the next cycle where RK would fuck them again. Love the "I simply REFUSE to let him scam me." Are you me? 🚀


You are not alone. I'm very okay waiting this one out. You rock!


*You are not alone.* *I'm very okay waiting* *This one out. You rock!* \- CustomaryCocoon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


rule 1 never tell family about gme. my family dosent know shit about my shares lol, told them back in jan of 2021, big mistake😅


We fuked up their algo...no one is selling. The more they short the stonk, the more I buy.


LFG! 🔥🚀🎮


Not to mention, with the latest cash infusions... unless the CEO makes HORRIBLE decisions, which is unlikely... GME ain't going bankrupt any time soon, the only direction is up, question is how much how fast... Shorts get wrecked.


You are the best, too! A true ape with appreciation🙌 we ride at dawn and we hodl to the moon baby


Keith Gill is actually taking on the market manipulators. I suspect holding shares will be paying off in the near future just mynopinion, but all his meme posts on X suddenly made sense to me. It is a timeline of everything happening in the background of GME. The heavy shorting, market halts etc. My take in things, there will be a SEC filing that might stir things up, there will be exposure of the bears, ther will be PROOF of all illegal actions taken by market manipulators, I suspect he is working with someone to make a documentary, the two videos in his YouTube channel were uploaded weeks ago but can't be viewed yet..... Once made public all hell will break loose. Gamestop might even take legal actions because the GameStop shares marketplace value IS BEING Manipulated. There will be hearings. There will be documents. There will be something put in place to re evaluate the stock price. Blah blah blah blah....... My brain is overloaded. Keith Gill is fighting for us and fighting for GameStop and future investors. I am backing him 100%. This is bloody epic. WE ARE NOT LEAVING. (JUST MY TWO CENTS)


This is the way 🦍 strong together


And and just saying. If you watch @RoaringKitty's tweets you will realise he is taking on the market manipulators. It is all there. Fucking can't wait for the documentary, which I believe they have been making for the last three years. I may have just overkeard something in a meeting in X about someone having to be careful and on how much bigger this is than what anyone realises. I am so fucking excited. GameStop has actually noted on their financial statements that they cannot use stock price as a gauge due to the manipulation and volatility. Watch the news. It is going to be fucking epic. One day the stock price WILL be what it is supposed to be. Soooooo fucking exiting. (sorryyyy for my rambling) I am just super excited. This is going to be historic. Let's goooooooooooooooooooo


# Spite's a Helluva Drug ![gif](giphy|dVuaiKbihwlS8|downsized)


I just keep buying because its GameShire Bathstop and the play makes sense.


Hodl on tight! 💪🏼


I need it to hit just about 60 to break even. Everything else is a dumpster fire so why wouldn’t I hold on and hope.


I wish Kenny's dumb ass could take it to $10 again so I could buy even more.


RC will just keep selling shares when it’s our time to make some money… then we get bashed for not being happy for the company and trusting RC 😒


I buy $80 recurring on computer share on the 1st and 15th every month. Have done for months. I was xxx holder before I started just slowly buying and not looking. It's just my savings account.


Guys FFS you are not gonna lose with this share We may not get MOASS, we may not get any damn squeeze, but, RC and the board have over 4B in cash. RC is smart, really smart and they can make many plays from here.


One love. Kenny is gonna get Fd in the bum. And we’re never pulling out. Godspeed Apes 🦍 🚀🤌🏼


I can only speak for myself, but I am happy they orchestrated the last run up. It perked my ears up to GME and now I’m addicted. It’s nice to be around like minded individuals who don’t think, but know that the govt. hegies, etc ARE in fact trying to keep all of us people down because we’re not apart of the 1%, we were not born with silver spoons in our mouths and have to work for a living. Well here’s what I say. Fuck you hegies, I’ll keep my GME you can have the money.


9 million years later the world has ended the computers finally buy back the shorts.


Well, to be honest - he will profit on moves up and moves down by actively betting (and manipulating) GME price while you sit there holding in your basement hoping for phone numbers. That is the harsh truth and YOU KNOW IT.


I’ve been up and down so much that I’m okay if it goes to 0$ it’s not even about the money…


Yes Ken griffin the multi billionaire gives a flying fuk about some randos on Reddit …I’m so tired of these types of posts ….the delusion is real