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The only right answer


this is the right response to the only right answer




It is objectively incorrect but it's still a good answer


What are you on about?


Computershare is not a brokerage.


Ahh lol. Gotcha, thought you were shilling AGAINST CS. Sorry for the misunderstanding dick Batman.




What makes it the best broker? Explain it like I'm a regard that uses RH and has little investing experience please.


If your shares are held with a broker, then they aren’t your shares and you don’t own 💩. Best to keep your shares registered in your name with the company’s transfer agent.


Well it's not a broker, so it doesn't really answer OP's question. But it's the safest way to hold shares, since they are held in your name (with a broker, you have what's called beneficial ownership - you're granted the rights of ownership, but it's technically owned by what is essentially a middleman)


[Here…](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/BIDbMUjOGC) from the mod pinned comment at the top of this thread. Go ahead and read all those links too (at the top of this thread)


Well for starters I love the purple donut...The color purple is associated with a variety of meanings, including wisdom, creativity, royalty, power, ambition, and luxury. It can also represent magic, extravagance, peace, pride, independence, and wealth. As with other colors, purple is the subject of [color psychology](https://www.verywellmind.com/color-psychology-2795824), which suggests that colors can have a powerful impact on moods and even behaviors. It keeps me CALM.


I used to use ibkr and commsec. Now I exclusively use computershare


Computershare strictly. I dont care what price my buys get put at, its going to be higher later than it is now.


Exactly this! I'd rather buy a share than an IOU


Solely CS now. Think I still have a few in EToro but just leaving them. Leaving them both actually and buying small amounts in CS >DRS > Book when I can.....


So DRS just allows me to register my gme stock holdings? Which shows proof of ownership? Do you register them every time you purchase? Thx again yall!!!!


Yes. DRS registers them in your name. You want it as Book and not Plan. You make that choice after the shares have moved to CS. It's really easy. It's free. For more details, check out https://www.drsgme.org/


Thx so much for the info!!!🤘✌️


No problem. But really, the problem that put it together are the ones to be thanked. I just forwarded the link


I like Fidelity well enough. They won't admit it, but after the ~~squeeze~~ *sneeze*, they reached out to the community and solicited our patronage. They don't charge ATM fees and cover any you might incur; all ATMs are always free to you. They spread your holdings across multiple bank accounts if you're using them as a checking account. They don't charge to DRS. They handle transfers to and from all other banks and institutions. They claim to not participate in PFOF. They didn't shut down the buy button during the sneeze. They're a behemoth with a ton of money and won't likely be dying anytime soon unless they aren't holding the GME they say they are. They have an official subreddit. The negatives are: They did mock us with a dumb Halloween outfit once. They don't have proper 2FA. They do it through their app, or you have to do stupid Norton stuff. They're generally part of the financial system, which appears to be unified against retail. There was a big psyop against them for a while here and in the sus sub, I think. Curious. Edit: I had written sneeze originally, but Grammarly changed it.


I'll add that Fidelity customer service seems to be very good. Knowledgeable or will transfer you to someone who is. And friendly.


I used etrade before fidelity. There's no comparison, fidelity customer service is miles better


Over the decades I’ve had company 401(k)s with the big three (fidelity, TDAmeritrade, Vanguard) and Fidelity’s customer service has always been the best. I still have my Roth there and use them for limit purchases. And then they send them to ComputerShare for me with no trouble.


Fidelity sells retail investor’s information to market makers so they have more information. They literally lend your data out so it can be used against you. This goes way back to 2021 when it was discovered, but the new wave of FOMO investors aren’t aware. But Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Can I ask how my info can be used against me?


Please see my response below.


Okay so sounds like nothing I need to worry about since I currently don't do options but also, can you do options on ComputerShare? Regardless nothing I'd really concern myself over. I just told my niece today that nothing is free. Any "free" app is collecting and selling your data. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if the brokerages that charge also sell your info!


What data of mine is used against me? The fact that I bought 1500 shares of GME?


This was discovered years ago and there were many articles on it, but here’s just a sample one copied and pasted from an old thread. TLDR: your data is the product, you are not the customer with brokerages. CS is the way. Fidelity sells your *options* order data too. Only stonks are kept in-house. Fidelity's asset book allows them to keep order flow private for stonks, but even though they charge a .65c fee for options trades they still sell your order flow data. The same is true of TDA. Everyone does it at this point, so there's not much you can do about it. That said, I think everyone should know when they're the product and not the customer. If you primarily trade options in the US there is not a broker (that I'm aware of) that does not sell your order flow to someone like citadel. Source: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/trending/IiJL9zOpAk76f_BrDunluA2


Yeah fidelity been solid so far for me personally


> all ATMs are always free to you In America, iirc > They claim to not participate in PFOF. Incorrect. Fidelity doesn't take payment for order flow for stock and etf trades.


Computershare and I have some in a wealthsimple tfsa


Wouldn't really say I trust Fidelity but Webull is essentially Robinhood 2.0 as far as I can tell


Vinnie, guy down the street.


That terry’s cousin from Craigslist, tell him he owes me 20$


If you aint talkin ComputerShare then you aint sayin nothin!


Ibkr and then book em on CS


ComputerShare is the only right answer. When the company calls Robinhood shareholders “Guest” on top of all the shit they pulled 3 years ago, that should be more than enough to convince anyone to gtfo of there


I use Fidelity and have transferred to Computer-share with no problem. I like Fidelity because they offer so many different types of accounts. I currently have 3 different ones and will be adding a fourth soon. You may already know they have a regular investment account but they also have different types of IRAs and even a HSA. My employer required me to use their bank for my HSA but I’m in the process of reducing what they send to it so I can put it in a Fidelity HSA. I want the ability to invest my money that’s not being used for medical expenses at the moment.


I use Fidelity because I read that it was one of the better ones. I'm a newer trader so no experience with the others.


I also use Fidelity. As far as I know they never shut off the buy button for GME.


Yep! The brokerages that shut off the buy button were forced to by the clearing agency, Apex Clearing, but others like fidelity, vanguard, etc. never had issues.


Im pretty sure like every broker turned it off or limited to 1-2 shares aka shut it off Edit- looks like im wrong here sorry. I could have sworn i saw screenshots of a 2,5 or 10 limit but it was 84 years ago after all so my memory is tired


No I remember being able to buy from Fidelity when Robinhood shut the buy button off. When robinhood shut it off for a whole day it wasn't a halt. It was robinhood giving a massive middle finger to their customers. Fidelity still let people buy shares during that time.


Actually I just double checked I bought my first share of GME for like $380 on January 28th during the sneeze. Robinhood shut the buy button off on the 28th. I bought my share from Fidelity that day, and I still have it. It's 4 shares now because of the split.


Nope Fidelity never limited.


If you bought through fidelity, or any broker, you have purchased an IOU for a share. It's not yours until it's booked with Computershare. Buy. Hodl. DRS. Shop.


This is true, buy from whoever (not Robinhood) but DRS and book with ComputerShare. I use Fidelity because that is where my accounts (401k, etc) have always been and I am familiar with the trading platform and am comfortable with it. I agree, shares are just IOUs until they are booked in CS.


Is there a possibility that they won't honor an IOU of one were to sell? Surely that would be illegal, not that illegal things aren't already happening.


Yes. There is a very real possibility of that. 1) If their choice is to commit a crime and survive, or honor their obligation and crumble, they will choose survival. 2) it has been made very clear that the rules arent enforced. If the rules aren't enforced, they don't really matter.


It doesn't seem likely with Fidelity but highly likely with Robinhood


Revolut (eu ape here)


Same here


Don’t use ETrade if you plan on DRS. Their systems suck with tracking cost basis and you will maybe have issues later with tax. Fidelity is decent but Computershare is the most trusted obviously.


I had to call them to get the cost basis for my DRS's I did like years ago. They were able to get it but it def took some phone time, which was super annoying.


Fidelity. One of the best brokerages because it doesn't use PFOF, didn't shut the buy button off, and it's easy to DRS via online chat (as in you don't even have to make a phone call).


As I understand it, the best method is to have a brokerage to invest/trade, and use Computershare to book shares. Computershare is not a brokerage. Fidelity>Computershare seems to be the preferred configuration among many people on here.


I only use fidelity to buy (limited money, so i try to get the most out of what i have) and DRS immediatly after purchase settles. Fudelity -> Computershare (DRS Book)




So I should drop Webull?!?


I use webull cos I’m a measly XX holder outside of USA


Buy strictly from computer share now. I don’t give SHF’s any ammo


Long time lurker, first time commenting. I have a margin account with Etrade. Currently have 500 shares and (14 ) August24 $20 calls. I’m strongly considering moving the shares to DRS, but have also sold $125 calls, then bought back at 50% gain to pick up some cash. I know that’s risky, but I figured if I got called away I still have the $20 calls to exercise. I’m not super knowledgeable, so would be open to other’s experience with brokerages. By the by, I’ve seen others debating whether etrade includes premium in the cost basis. They do not. I’ve rolled calls and exercised in the past and the premium costs are definitely not included in my new cost basis. My current August calls were originally July, but I got nervous and rolled them out. New basis is lower than the original, which of course is definitely not accurate. The same with MSOS calls I exercised earlier this year. I eventually sold everything else and am all GME at the moment, with a bit of cash in case I need to roll again.


I just talk to fidelity they ask me if I want mu shares to be physical.


Fidelity works well for me


Fidelity they never did me wrong yet with my DRS transfer.


I use Fidelity and have liked it so far.


Webull uses Apex clearing house and they are the ones that turned off the buy button.


For me. Fidelity >> Computershare book DRS, no fractional shares.


I use wealthsimple for trading and webull for the analytical tools.


Fidelity still let people buy during 2021


Fidelity. Easy interface for new apes and more reliable than webull or robinhood.


eToro and please tell me if there is a better choice for noob chilean ape please


IKBR, Computershare, and a single share in eToro


Computershare is the only one that is 100% safe because the shares are registered under your name. But that said, I have my portfolio spread across a number of brokers, I use IBKR, HL, and Revolut.


...adding to the computershare stack. buy direct and cut out the middle-con-man


I moved all of my Fidelity to ComputerShare. I have my ROTH shares in Vanguard.


Used Etrade when I started investing. Then changed to RH and don't like it. Finally changed to Fidelity till now. Some other people recommend webull too. Might try it later.


Schwab for ThinkorSwim Merrill cause linked to Boa Ameriprise cause conservative (most likely won't fcuk me over) But majority is in CS


In the long run no


I don't know if in USA there are brockers with commission? But, I prefer to pay broker some buy sell commission. Instead of free cheese in mouse trap. (IOU also free)


Computer shares and fidelity


Use a broker where you can enter the marketplace directly so your order see the lit market!


And I do this through dragnet.org?? Is this correct??


Here in the U.K. Halifax share dealing Revolut Trading 212 First two don’t allow 24hr trading


my shares are not drs, don’t know the pros & cons fully


Transfer to fidelity and then DRS to Computer Share, it’ll take you about 7-9 weekdays and then they will be safely at the transfer agent (whole shares only) and will be Directly Registered in your name. You can buy through fidelity and transfer to Computer Share regularly. Fidelity is a private company and is well funded to cover your trades until all of the shares are DRS’d aka locking the float.


Thank you!!! Much appreciated!!


Fidelity if you want more control over price. Then just initiate a transfer via instant messaging to directly register the share/s in your name. It’s what I do.


I have most of mine in computershare. But also have E*trade and fidelity


I never see anyone here talking about it, but I use Sofi


I use Fidelity. Best brokerage even though it's not perfect. ComputerShare isn't a brokerage. Also DRSing your shares from Fidelity to ComputerShare is very, very easy.


I don’t get how people can ask this question at this stage.


I agree. And all the “Fidelity is fine!” comments are killing me. Read the DD, people. It’s there to educate you, for Chrissakes.


Merrill Edge linked to yahoo finance. Buy on Merrill and research on Yahoo. BofA account so I can instant transfer into brokerage for purchases. No waiting for days to settle deposits. Only when you sell but who sells? HODL! Looks like I need to checkout CS from the comments.