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Knew very little about this movie. Seeing Macha Godzilla kill The Iron Giant was not on my bingo card tonight


Yeah imagine someone telling you in some movie mechagodzilla would fight the iron giant and Gundam


Now imagine if they could have used MORE of the source material. So instead of Mechagodzilla Vs. Iron Giant and Gundam it was, Kiryu Vs. Leopardon, RX-78-2 Gundam, Raideen, Minerva X and ULTRAMAN!!!! THAT would have been so awesome to see, in an (arguably) s@#$ movie and book.


Hey! Don’t bash the first book. It was cool, retro, and great to catch all the references.


Fuckin chaiyo and their bullshit kept ultraman from appearing, god I resent that company so much




He also goes on to fight RX-78-2 Gundam straight after this bit. The only thing missing is Godzilla taking a bite out of Optimus Prime.


Like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime.


And then Shaq came back covered in a tire track


And Jackie Chan jumped up and landed on his back And Batman was injured and tried to get steady while Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete, but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped- Indiana Jones took him out with his whip.


Then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind And he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find 'Cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist Then he jumped in the air and did a somersault While Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault Onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air Then they both got hit by a Care Bear stare https://i.redd.it/bl4u1dkrvj9c1.gif


I memorized this song in 4th grade and can still recite it for some reason? So many more important things ive forgotten.


This song is a part of the memeternet's birth. It's important.


It was the ultimate orgy


It's been a while since I read Ready Player One but it was even crazier and freer to cross franchises. The bad guys also had Voltron, the main Characters used an evangelion mech and Supaidaman. Then Ultraman showed up. It was a fun light read.


Macha Godzilla? Is there a tea variant now?


Next up would be Mocha Godzilla


Mucha Godzilla. There’s so many Italian Godzillas. To Much-a Godzillas, you could say.


Kinda made me sad tbh, I love the Iron Giant :(


I remember seeing this in theaters with my friends and I flipped out once I heard the theme song. Made the fight so much more epic.


I too saw it with friends but they were video game nerds not Godzilla nerds like we all are and they had no idea about the theme and what was going on. Was severely disappointed in them.




This is such a silly and absurd thing to say. Imagine seriously trying to convince someone they are uncultured because they don't know a godzilla theme... I have to assume you're literally the comic book guy from simpsons


Dude get a life




It's interesting. I feel like Mechagodzilla in GvK looks more like this than this looks like any previous Mechagodzilla


Designed by the same guy too


In the book version, it isn't just any old generic undersized Mechagodzilla; it's Kiryu! Shoto identified Nolan Sorrento's mech as the third (and, at the time of the book's publication, most recent) Mechagodzilla.




I would also like to add, in the book the fight was Kiryu Vs. Leopardon, RX-78-2 Gundam, Raideen, Minerva X and ULTRAMAN!!!! Instead of Mechagodzilla (that looks like the Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla II poster ver one) Vs. Iron Giant and RX-78-2 Gundam.


Still we should run like it is mechanical godzilla II


It was always weird to me that the book - and to a lesser degree, the movie - was all about 70s and 80s nostalgia, but we get the most modern, at least at the time, iteration of Mechagodzilla. It should’ve been Showa. Hell, Heisei Mechagodzilla would’ve felt more fitting.


Love Kiryu


This straight up puts a smile in my face


In the book mechagodzilla fight ultraman, not iron giant


Probably couldn’t get the rights


Yup, the production happened around the time Tsuburaya was in some legal rigmarole so no bueno on the Ultraman cameo. Not that Gundam and the Iron Giant are second-rate (guess which franchise has FOUR 1:1 STATUES across Japan and China) but it's clear from how the RX-78-2 was scaled and how it moved that it's very much a stand-in for a different thing. That said: directly inspired every versus prompt I've posted here since.


There is an interview or article about Steven Spielberg He only got so many rights because he was Steven Spielberg


Yep, a company called chaiyo from fuckin Thailand or whatever the hell collaborated with tsubaraya around the time of the showa era on a shifty ultraman movie, and then on I think the era of DVD they tried claiming international rights to ultraman media and caused a whole lot of headache for tsubaraya that only got wrapped up a few years ago, that's why all the current ultra shows physical release have been so plentiful recently, until now chaiyo was polluting with their shifty copies


I was always a little bummed that it was an original design and not any of the previously existing MechaGojis. That said, it IS a lot of fun, and the fact that the Gundam he fights is damn near perfect makes up for it


> the fact that the Gundam he fights is damn near perfect What's amazing is that it's the base Gramps, which, while a miracle of engineering, is deffo the base-tier among protag suits. The ceiling on Gundam-types is high; Daito would be spoiled for choice even within Universal Century. This fight did directly inspire every versus prompt I've posted here so I'm grateful for that scene cuz it made Gundam vs MechaG (and by extension, Gundam vs every cyborg kaiju) supremely credible and usable as battleboarding fodder.


I just remember watching this in theaters, and finding myself rooting for MG to end it all lol


Honestly love the design. Still like kiryu and the og more, but this one was solid, movie be damned. Looks like it's supposed to be modeled after legendary's Godzilla with design cues from the showa era mech.


Honestly would have been so cool if we got the 70’s version. I did smile noticing MechaGodzilla in the menu


Someone specifically wanted an original mechagodzilla, whether that be toho or Spielberg I don't know


I think it was Spielberg, based on one of the old posters


Wikizilla said toho sent the art to the designer after a unique mecha was decided upon


Ah I schnee


One of the few times where I wish I didn’t read the book first.


i finished the book, and 2 seconds later, I watched the movie. the only other time id done that was for Kick Ass. both times, it made me appreciate the book and the movie a whole lot more than if i had just done one or the other. i find most of the criticisms of the RPO movie to be kinda dumb. i would much rather watch a badass race where king kong is a villain than watch a teenager play joust against a lich


For all the movies flaws, it had little moments like this that were cool to watch.


This film never made sense to me. If the film takes place in 2045, why has their pop culture ended in 2015? No original IPs came around in that 30 years? And it's the equivalent of today's youth getting really into trying to be icons from the 80s and 90s.


It's been a while since I read the book, but I recall their pop culture references stuck to the 80s since that era was peak memories for Halliday. The movie actually modernized it to continue beyond that in the OASIS.


is it really that hard to believe that the future will just be more and more sequels to already existing ip?


Oh wow that's distressingly believable


In the book its all 80s references because thats the era he loved most, the film muddled things.


How would we know what original IPs would appear in the next couple decades of the future?


It's almost as if they could just make them up.


But like, why? It would just confuse audiences. Plus Ready Player One was based on a book.


You can startrek it where 90% of their past media is real stuff, but then you offhandedly throw in some random thing. Like when they're listing off musicians from different periods of time, like Mozart, Tchaikovsky, or Zaron the 3rd. You don't need to elaborate on it, the audience can just assume it's someone as renowned as them.


The whole point is to be filled with cultural references people understand, if it was a bunch of stuff nobody recognized then that's just regular sci-fi.


Haliday only used references from his childhood as clues for the contest. Since everyone you see in the movie/book is an Easter egg hunter, trying to win the contest, they entrenched themselves in 80s pop culture and grew to love it as much as Haliday.


I recommend you don’t start trying to make sense of Ready Player One’s plot, you’ll just drive yourself mad.


FUCK MAN. That whole scene was so goddamn good, while I really got hyped for the Gundam RX782/Iron Giant showing up, that missed opportunity with Ultraman still gets me. Daito using the Beta Capsule and you see the transformation with that budget would have been hype.


NGL I hate this movie but man MechaG was dope


Why the hate tho




don't you like CURRENT POP CULTURE ICON fighting CURRENT POP CULTURE ICON? I mean it was cool to look at for sure. like watching the end of Death Battle episodes.




It was so cool to see OLD THING running next to NEW THING.


I do like CURRENT POP CULTURE ICON fighting CURRENT POP CULTURE ICON actually I think it’s exciting


My issue is RP1 feels more like a compilation of pop culture references then a movie with something to say about our relationship with pop culture The final big set piece is Iron Giant fighting Mechagodzilla as Chucky is fucking up people in cars and we see cameos of basically every major franchise of the past 10 years (like Halo etc). It’s basically just going “oh I ‘member” for about two hours


That's the impression I got from every clip I saw and description I read. I think I'm still kinda baffled that it's a Spielberg movie.


Yeah it’s atrocious


Hated the book so I didn't even bother.


Not even Steven Spielberg could save this movie from being an embarrassing cringe fest. I rewatched it last year for the first time since seeing it in theaters and I was sinking into the couch from how cringe and corny it was.


What movie is this?


Ready Player One. It’s in the title lol


Damn I think I’ve seen this movie and have no recollection of this scene lol


Ight ill say it this was a better mechagodzilla than the one in the monster verse


This is what he should have looked like in gvk imo


I feel like The iron Giant is capable of a little bit more than that, not saying he’d win but I think he could’ve put up more of a fight, maybe it’s just cause he got caught with his back turned


I think in the movie it was custom made and wasn't done maybe? When you first see him boot uo he's in 2 pieces before the join together to go fight




this movie gets shit on but man is it goofy fun lol, seeing Grandpa fight mecha G was hyyyppeeeee


Literally the most dope part. After that I was done


God damn..... it drove me crazy when I saw Godzilla minus one that I knew that theme but I didn't know why I knew it.... This was why. I loved Ready Player one...saw it a bunch of times :)


It’s not every day you see Iron Giant getting obliterated by Mechagodzilla 😂


Never thought of this before but did they get Vin Diesel back to do the Iron Giant vocals in this one?


How is this mechagodziila more awesome than what we got in gvk?


Honestly this mecha G design does lowkey slap, though I still like GVK mecha G


Why'd they make the Iron Giant fight in this movie? I understand that this movie is using culture for this battle and that it makes money but the Iron Giant literally would never fight any of these people. He isn't a weapon.


It’s not the actual character. It’s an avatar using his appearance.


That doesn't mean anything at all.


Sorry for being shitty at wording things. I meant that it’s basically just a mindless robot using the appearance of the Iron Giant.


If I remember correctly he definitely was a weapon, but Hogarth brought out his good side


Exactly, to which he said that he would never be a weapon again. Ready Player One threw away the whole point of that movie and story.


The movie is fun as long as you switch off your brain. As soon as you think about it, it gets worse every second.


This movie got more hate than it deserved imo. It was a really fun watch but I understand that many people, myself included, really didn't give the tiniest shit about the whole romance thing and "can you feel this" like who gives a damn. People who didn't read the book (most of this movies audience) came to see the world, not the love story. The world building was done amazingly, although this movie was a massive cgi fest, it made sense given the setting. The whole romance was boring why couldn't they just be the 2 best gamers and that's it.. why they needed the dumb forced love story is beyond me because without it, the movie would have been focused more on the things people liked about the movie: the challenge games and seeing all the cool ways they implemented the IPs. I wish they were able to get more IPs because there were pretty awesome ones in the book that weren't used in the movie, that kinda bummed people out too.


Just got chills


Don't like this movie but I love that Mecha Godzilla design. Wish they used something similar for GvK


I wish this scene did something for me. I don’t like the design of our mecha boy and it all feels cheap.


This scene is awesome. Love that movie


Mecha Godzilla fighting iron giant, then immediately after Gundum who jumps out of Serenity from firefly. Yeah it was kick ass.


I got to see the RX-78 jump out of the Serenity to help the Iron Giant fight MechaGodzilla. WHAT THE HELL ELSE DID ANYONE WANT FROM THIS MOVIE!?!


Does anyone else think it should have just been regular Godzilla? I don’t know how this movie works, but just using mecha g as a tank isn’t especially interesting.


It's what the book did, and the book said that one of the challenges would award anyone who won with specifically a mecha of their choice


Seeing mechagodzilla vs a gundam was awesome to watch


Is this movie worth watching? Back when it just came out, it looked like cameo/reference the movie to me.


Kong is also in this movie


I never seen this move, but I dont like what they did to my boy The Iron Giant


God I need to rewatch this movie


This and when Daito become Gundam


The iron giant is a pale imitation of the real mecahnikong


In the novel was even more awesome.


Nah, man. For me it was the Gundam coming out.


He was missing the roar. Other than that, best part of the film.


Whyd that guy have to pick Gundam, not oh I dunno Unicron?


The book was.. better, but tbh the story is held back by the worldbuilding not being solid and the characters being mid. Honestly a shame because *Ready Player One* has some much potential to be so much more than what it is. *Ready Player Two* is... god awful, to say the least.


they should have played the showa mechagodzilla one


Legitimately a better MechaGodzilla design than GvK.


Kinda depicts how godzilla minus one would fight legendary godzilla just immediately gets smacked to the ground


Remember when people used this mecha Godzilla when they made stuff like “how Godzilla vs kong will be like”