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She's the Monsterverse version of How To Train Your Dragon's Bewilderbeast. Pretty much down to the plotline.


I hope she gets fleshed out more. The idea and design are \*cool\* , but they dropped the ball on making her interesting. I hope for more.


She’s just a weapon for Skar King to use…and has zero personality. That’s not bad, lots of secondary or third tier monsters in Godzilla films have simply functioned like that. Just a design and a line or two of backstory. Like they wanted Evil Kong to ride a big Kaiju so they invented her. 


Nah, she has a good personality but it only becomes apparent at the end when she’s freed. For most of the movie she’s just being tormented by Skar King and forced to fight, but when she’s freed we see a more gentle, innocent side that wasn’t there before. It’s kinda sad if you think about it, since Shimo seems to be a gentle giant it only makes her suffering at the hands of Skar King much more upsetting.


I suppose, but it’s barely there—


Well yeah, it’s only at the very end of the film. If Shimo has another role in the next film, I guarantee you we’ll see much more of her personality.


Also so Godzilla could have something to fight.




Same, Shimo felt more like a puppy than a prisoner. I know it's because Shimo's been imprisoned for many millenia but it still felt like her intelligence was on a lower tier than the other main Titans.


She was a plot device. Her introduction was done really poorly. Granted they couldn't do it properly, because they couldn't show her fighting Ghidorah because of licensing. And I guess the narrative structure didn't lend itself to flashbacks, which the movie really really needed.


Respectfully disagree. I can see the logic behind your opinion, but IMO she was handled amazingly well as a sympathetic villain, and I loved that she got a happy ending. Also, she cute as hell. https://preview.redd.it/kjceoarfq9xc1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9171017cdcdce8fe1912f00a8ec4bce0a5c679a9


Ice puppy


So, having seen the movie twice, I can definitely say that Shimo’s design is a bit lacking, and I wasn’t totally sold on her being that much of a threat. At least not to current Godzilla, who shrugged off being frozen seemingly pretty easy. I imagine that a much younger, much weaker Godzilla struggled quite heavily, but the film itself left a little to be desired regarding her power. I think what also hurt Shimo a bit was just how all over the place the movie felt at times. Everything happened over like what, 2 days? Three? And like what was Skar King having the other Kongs build in his lair? I’ll just have to get my hands on the novelization


>And like what was Skar King having the other Kongs build in his lair? Probably buildings, temples or just statues for himself. Given how their tech level seems to be around caveman, so unless they were going to utilizing magic then I doubt it would be anything beyond that.


He's just a big King Louie.


More like King Cruel-ie... amiright?


She had no marks to show from it, and Mothra needed to save Godzilla from being a Godzillicle . His most powerful beam yet was sustained on her for like ten seconds and she tanked it lol. Never mind her judo tossing him across Rio with one paw. She was holding back from going all out and doing the bare minimum due to the crystal inflicting devastating pain on her. It’s like an exposed nerve being pinched


All fair points I suppose. As much as I liked the movie as a whole, to me it felt the weakest of them. A lot going on while also not having enough going on, a lot of hype surrounding Skar King and Shimo while not giving them all that much to work with as villains. Just things that stood out to me that, while they are issues, don’t detract from me liking the movie


I totally get it, I like that we don’t see her at her full extent. In my eyes, her unleashing her all after soaking up that much damage just makes me wonder wtf she can do offensively. Like when giving 100%


I think if we had Shimo and Skar King pop off like Ghidorah did (since Shimo was the cause of the last ice age), then it would have smoothed things over a lot better and amped up the stakes. But I suppose that’s me being spoiled by how bonkers Ghidorah was and how much of a visceral effect he had


The big nose always made me think of Charlie from Smiling Friends. I don’t hate her, but she was really just a waste. And then probably one of the worst ‘MacGuffins’ I’ve ever seen, if we can even call it that. No story for the gem, no lore, not even a name. just a magic blue stone


I like her, but I fear her roar doesn't fit with her design.


I have the sawn problem with shins roar. What a horrific design but has the goofiest roars. Lucky minus one got it right loud, spine chilling and commanding.


I have grown to like her roar as I saw it more. It sounds like a winter wind on steroids


My personal issue is that I would’ve preferred if Shimo was intentionally malevolent like Skar King. It would’ve sold Godzilla and Kong fighting together better than what we actually got imo.


Nah, I much prefer what we got. Sympathetic villains are practically nonexistent in the Kaiju genre, and the few that do exist usually just get killed off anyways, so the way Shimo was done as a character was perfect IMO and helps her stand out amongst the Godzilla/Kong rogues gallery.


Exactly. It would have been a lot more impact full if she had been bent on destruction like Ghidorah. 


Would it really have been, though? Almost every kaiju villain is just malevolent. A misunderstood monster is FAR more special.


The only one that has been purely evil so far, besides Skar King, is Ghidorah. The rest of the time the battles have come down to dominion and/or resources. Knowing that Shimo was being forced to fight and kill made her less threatening and more sympathetic.


The main threat of the movie was always supposed to be Skar King, not Shimo. Shimo was only the weapon used by Skar King in his evil conquest. I’m also referring to things outside the MonsterVerse, too. But let’s tally the MV monsters: - MUTOs: not inherently evil, but still a world-ending threat - Ramarak: evil and hungry, sadistic in his attempted execution of Kong and the devouring of his parents - Ghidorah: world-domineering evil - MechaGodzilla: calculated revenge and wanton destruction, also evil - Skar King (the main villain of GxK): irredeemably, consciously evil That’s 4/5 of the main antagonists being evil, and Shimo’s not even one of the main antagonists.


I just think her name is bit odd


I didn't dislike her but I wish she had a better story. Don't get me wrong, I love watching giant monsters punching each other and can ignore a lot for the sake of that, but it's hard to fall in love with her because she seems a little half-baked. Like... okay, she was responsible for one or more ice ages. Could we have seen that? How exactly did Skar King chain her up? Where did that crystal come from? There could've been a really tragic story there which made her liberation at the end seem way more powerful.


Well... she was fighting being mind controlled on top of fighting a powered up godzilla.


She was only made because they wanted Godzilla to have a punching bag.


She has nothing going for her, just an excuse to reason why Godzilla is part of this film.


Felt she was just very meh. I didn’t like the crystal that controlled her with no explanation. Just felt cheap


Very lame design. Nothing really interesting to latch on to. Feels like a first draft for a monster


I haven’t watched it yet, so I can’t say. But based off Shimos appearance, it looks uninspired.


Felt like a How to Train your Dragon reject


I think that a solid concept is there but it felt like the Bewilderbeast mixed with the Alpha Titan from Ark. I think some quick fixes could be made for sure, the COD cave art made her seem a lot more intimidating than we were made to believe and so the speculative fanart was more visually interesting, there was a lot of personality in those. I dont heavily dislike Shimo but she feels quite bland as is if she’s not being used as a mounted weapon for Skar King. Also her name doesn’t really roll off the tongue that well, I kind of got used to Shimu tbh.


I wasn’t a fan that Shimo was basically an abused dog/horse.


Nope. I exist too


I didn't dislike her but I did dislike that she felt a little too cutesy. Like they wanted to show she was female so visually designed her too much that way, she looks a little How to Train Your Dragon in the face. Just makes her feel a little jarring next to the other designs.


all the mosterverse originals are kinda boring 🤷‍♂️


If they had included a bit about her being part of Ghidora's initial defeat/freezing it could have been interesting in an "allies turned foes, turned back to allies" sort of way but outside of the bomb ass lava wall reveal she was made to be a very shallow character. We got more build around knockoff Diddy Kong than the big bad's secret weapon, she simply just needed more lore than she was given


Eh, I wasn't impressed with her either. Weird that she was so similar to godzilla, they played her up to be super powerful but she really didn't do much, she didn't really have any backstory... idk just felt like a weird choice for a kaiju


I do too. Very disappointing 


Yea, she was a disappointment!


L take. I will remember your name, now every post you make will be invalid


So now someone can't even ask a question? 🤣 But who cares what YOU say? I never have, and I never will!


Oof I probably shoulda made my joking more obvious, I keep forgetting ppl use different tones when reading in their heads 😂...though it shoulda been obvious with how extreme i was taking it


Hmm, should have made it obvious! Can't do anything now! It is what it is, now!


What's up with the exclamation points ! ![gif](giphy|b2rLe6TwuIkyQ)


Why can't I post Gif? I am not getting that option!


Because you use "!" Too many times 😂


Nice one But seriously, why am I not getting that option?


Well I'm using the app. If you're using the app then maybe it's out of date 🤔


But, I am getting that option in another sub reddit, on this Subreddit is where I am not getting that option!


I love Shimo and I want her to get a solo film where she fights Fire Rodan.




Have not seen the movie yet. But is this the same titan from the Monarch mini series?


No, it's an original MV movie Titan.


Weird. Didn’t the titan in the mini series also freeze shiz? Thanks for the clarification. Can’t wait to see the movie. Cheers!


That's a Different Titan!


I liked the concept but not the execution. Having a titan that is supposed to be stronger than regular Godzilla to the point it can bring about an ice age is interesting. The sad thing was that she was barely given screen time. In the end, she's just treated as a pet for Kong. I honestly wonder if we'll even see her do anything ever again. The problem they come to now is what is actually a threat anymore? Godzilla is shown to be able to handle any other kaiju besides her with little to no difficulty, Kong has a metal fist strong enough to stun Godzilla and it holds up against Shino's ice beam in addition to now having an army of smaller kongs, Mothra is back, and Shimo is powerful enough to mess with the atmosphere let alone cause an ice age on her own. Unless they pull something really believable, which I don't have high hopes for, there's little that can face this team.


Yep just you


I imagine she'll get more screen time, maybe even mothra style sacrifice for kong next time we see her


Wtf kind of name is Shimo? Can't not think about shamoo.


Someone else mentioned it — that she sorta exists to just fight Godzilla a bit — And really I think her being a nothing burger is emblematic of the larger issue, this was never a Kong and Godzilla movie. It started as a Kong movie. Then it morphed and Godzilla was added and I guess they needed a monster for him to fight. Shino feels weird and bland because she’s not central to story ( which is all Kong ) Honestly— Same with Godzilla. He’s basically a cool pink variant who is an extended cameo. He’s off sleeping or whatever most of the movie lol


Objectively speaking Shimo sucks and its design looks really stupid. The character itself turned out to be tragic and cute at the same time and it was totally unexpected.


Objectively speaking that’s complete BS and you’re just trying to pass off your personal opinion as fact


The post is about someone else besides the original poster not liking Shimo. Me and other people don’t like Shimo’s design. It isn’t bullshit, it is an opinion I share with others.


Now you’re moving the goalposts. First you said: >Objectively speaking Shimo sucks and its design looks really stupid. Now you say: >it is an opinion I share with others. You’re correct that it’s an opinion, the problem is you didn’t say that at first, you said “objectively” as if it were a confirmed fact, which it isn’t.


Objectively? That’s not even close to objective.


I wanted shrimo to be have at one time been the apex and froze Ghidorah


*I wanted shrimo to* *Be have at one time been the* *Apex and froze Ghidorah* \- Count-Izzet --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think she was necessary, but not executed to her full potential. Her inclusion added to skar kings story and character. Kinda just added to the fact that skar king wasn’t that powerful by himself and most of his power came from controlling others which I think is unique and interesting. It differentiates from other kaiju villains which are just power houses. I think her execution was just not to its full potential. They decided to go the route of making her a sympathetic prisoner which is a little redundant since they did that with most of the other apes. From a design perspective this meant they had to make her look powerful yet not too scary so we could be sympathetic. The result was she’s kind of bland looking. From a character perspective they had to make her more of a reluctant peaceful giant. This made it more difficult to believe that she was a rival to Godzilla. I think if they had gone the route of making her a wild ferocious beast that would attack anything, but was under skar kings control, this would have allowed them to make her design more threatening and showcase her powers more.