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How did bro think baragon was a woman


Well, Baragon is played by a woman in GMK so I can see how someone might come to that conclusion if they don't look more into it.


Fairs, but a suit actor shouldnt really be the end all be all for a kaiju’s in universe gender. The movies should really elaborate on them ngl


True. I'm now curious how often female suit actors play male kaiju? The only other kaiju I can think of off-hand who was played by an actress is Gyaos in *Gamera: Guardian of the Universe* (played by Yuhmi Kaneyama), but Gyaos in that movie is explicitly female.


Since when was Gyaos a female?


Not every Gyaos, but the three Gyaos in *Gamera: Guardian of the Universe* are. It's a plot point in the movie and part of why the Japanese government at first wants to capture them. Gyaos even makes a nest and lays eggs on Tokyo Tower towards the end of the movie. :)


Ah alr


Bsrt Simpson is played by a woman.


Yeah, but that's pretty common for child characters in animation lol


I just always thought baragon was. small cute puppy lizard with a very feminine roar i just thought ah cool girl puppy monster wen i watched GMK wen i was younger. Oopsy 


That makes sense. Historically, Baragon has been associated with his appearance in “Frankenstein vs. Baragon”, where he is the villain/ big bad. The suit was reused for several kaiju in the classic shows “Ultra Q” & Ultraman, the result being Baragon is actually more popular in Japan than kaijus like Anguirus. I’m guessing for most US audiences, GMK was their intro to Baragon, thus characterizing how US audiences see him?


I’m English so seeing the old Godzilla films is next to impossible sometimes I was lucky to see GMK because it was on tv one night and my grandparents aloud me to watch it past my bed time it was my second Godzilla movie I saw in my life 


Dw, its just a simple and superficial mistake that has no impact on anything


bro just called baragon girly and ran with it


Nah, there's actually very few canon female kaiju in the Toho movies. Of the top of my head, the only truly canon female kaiju are: Rodan's mate, Mothra, Biollante, and Megaguirus. There's a few others people speculate might be female or fanon are female, but those four are the only ones canon female.


iirc Showa Hedorah from Godzilla vs Hedorah is confirmed to be a female, whereas Millennium Hedorah from Final Wars is a male


I've heard that before as well (and it's what I believe too), but I'd like to see something more since I think Toho officially considers the Millennium Hedorah male and the Showa Hedorah...an "it"? xD We'd have to dig a bit more, I'm sure someone can point to some book or official thing clarifying.


People have been saying that lately. I've never once heard that before. I wouldn't believe in something that people are saying in the past year or so about a monster that's been around since the 70s


Is there any real reason to think that Baragon **isn’t** female? At least in GMK.


You didn’t know?


Nope not at all I literally just found out wen i posted this wen i saw GMK as a kid i always thought baragon was a girl because it looked and sounded feminine so i always assumed was one of the girl monsters with mothra






Bruh, how in the... why did you think otherwise?


i thought that Armin Arlert was a girl. my bad


If you’ll excuse me I have some images I need to delete from my computer.