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Trisha would honestly be interesting as an interviewer and as someone who had a public mental health meltdown and got actual help and has stabilized. Trisha is not perfect but she is someone who I personally think has grown and would have an interesting viewpoint and perspective to ask Gypsy the correct hard questions (like what are you doing in therapy, why did you marry Ryan, etc) instead of shallow beauty questions and fluff questions to puff her up. Also her cohost Oscar is really great and I love the way he interacts with Trisha.


i agree. trisha will destroy her but on the other hand i feel like the podcast wouldn't work they both talk about em selves every sec i don't think they can have a decent conversation.




Trisha’s in her unproblematic girl era now so she’ll probably just skim over the surface and it’s not even enough for an hour or so podcast to really get into everything. I think Trisha has been keeping it cordial with most people and focusing on her family so I doubt we’d get anything super deep except Trisha just going “omg that’s insane I can’t even imagine” over and over again.


Yea I don't think trisha would opt to do an interview with gypsy at this point. I read a comment that tana is gonna do an interview tho??


I'm still pretty new to TikTok -- who's Trisha?


Trisha Paytas. She's from YouTube


Thank you!


She is a queen


My head might explode if I saw Gypsy and Tricia together in the same room shrieking and carrying on. How dreadful


I honestly would love to watch that lol


Gypsy needs to be very careful about what she says in interviews. Law enforcement has not forgotten her and she needs to play it cool.


Yes, who's Trisha?


Trisha Paytas, a YouTuber who I don’t know much about other than hearing she was problematic in the past herself.