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She could have just stayed off social media, no?


This is an interesting idea. Apparently the answer is no. We all just need to change our views, let her lie unchecked, and fall in love with her. The problem is not Gypsy; the problem is all of us. (Severe sarcasm.)


the best thing she could have done when she was freed was disappear and seek mental help. but she just kept making things worse for herself.


When everything causes you so much stress, maybe you're the problem. Idk.


She can never take accountability. No social media didn't ruin her relationship. The fact that she is a manipulative sex addict(in my opinion) now that could be it ? She is gross, and if she ever did any therapy, I sure can't tell. Not once can she take accountability. She even blamed the damn dog for her abandoning it. Well, Pixie liked Ryan better. Oh boo hoo! What a full pg shit nutcase.


I’m no Ryan fan by any means, but man am I glad that he is the one who kept Pixie. Even a new little happy, excitable and friendly puppy could see Gypsy for who she really was. Makes me sad to think about what that sweet little puppy was all exposed to living with Gypsy. I have no doubt Gypsy was jealous and resented Pixie for taking attention away from her and for Pixie not being 100% infatuated with her very presence.


100% spot on


Wait! I think she’s got a sexual addiction too. I don’t have any evidence to back it up but it makes sense to me. She’s definitely a bed hopper. What makes you think she’s a sex addict? I’ve been wanting to say it for so long. But thought I’d be shot down.


The fact hypersexualisation is a symptom of her micro deletion


Well that makes sense now!!


She had that sex kink, and she was doing all that stuff with that guy Dan, meeting in hotels for sex. Having sex at the convention and the movies. She is all over her husband when she gets out bragging about his dick of all things. Now she is hopped up on Ken. Lol, I am glad you saw my comment and also voiced your opinion as well. I am no expert by any means, but it definitely looks that way.


She’s like those dogs that hump your leg all of the time. And she’ll do in a room full of people with a stupid ass grin.




See this stuff makes this situation even more insane. How was she able to meet dudes and boink but not dial 911?


You’re not wrong. Back to more research about micro-deletion for me. That is wild af (pun intended) Edit: autocorrect corrected an unnecessary word, again. How the heck did it get tree from research?


Yes, I have to look more into micro deletion as well. I don't think Gypsy wanted that info out there. I'm so glad that it was released by Fancy Macelli. I haven't really watched her except once, and idk she would do much better if she didn't get so pissed off, lol.


I think shes just hyper sexual. She’s claimed to have been molested by I think her grandpa or someone in her close family. If you look up their response to her claims, it’s 110% believable. He said “she was the one to start touching him, wouldn’t stop, and basically started it”. Maybe not that exact line, but I’m pretty sure that’s very close to what he said about the touching part. So he basically admitted to it and blamed her. A child. So gross and fucked up. I feel for her in that aspect, and that explains a lot of her behavior. Abuse can often result in extremes (of course not always), and she ended up on the more compulsive, overactive side of that. You can see it in her behavior for sure, and I absolutely don’t think she’s lying about that from his comments. It was immediately obvious and very credible to me. I will give her that. It adds another layer to everything and is pretty easy to see in how she acts. I think her mom was likely molested as well. ETA the link to his comments https://people.com/gypsy-rose-blanchard-accuses-grandfather-sexual-abuse-8422002


Oh come on! The only stress in her marriage was her husband trying to keep her out of another man's bed.


She can take her shoulder pads and piss off.


She is so gross.


What a heinous human


It stressed her out cuz she's getting exposed


All she does is complain. Poor me, i’m the victim, wah wah..


And they let her do it. I haven’t seen her checked with the facts; NOT ONCE. That’s like the press smiling at OJ and saying “Nicole was so awwwfuulll!” At least you kept in line by beating the shit outta her!


She will do anything but admit that she was the problem and she was only with Ryan because Ken didn’t want her.


This is EXACTLY what she does. Over and over. And nobody checks her. She’s defending CHEATING ; and blaming it in the attention she needs to survive. What an absolute C*NT.


girl please... log off


She’s such a moron. Poor me everything. Dumbass gaslighting moron.


I think also texting your ex behind his back may also cause stress on a marriage.


No. That is not Gypsy’s fault. That is Ryan’s fault for “being too controlling.” ETA - sarcasm


Excuses Annabelle. Excuses.


What blows my damn mind is this girl had a contract for this show prior to being released, the entire film crew was at her home the day she was released. How in the world does someone who committed the things she has able to get a tv contract?!???? She could’ve not went on social media that’s a “stress” she added. We all knew Ken was never gone from her life and if she thinks Ken is going to stay he isn’t cause he wouldn’t of left the first time.


Wasn’t she on social media less when she was with Ryan?


Maybe she was on less, but I think I remember hearing that he had a lot to do with setting up the various SM accounts for her prior to her release from prison.


She wasn’t trolling people as hard, it seemed like.


Hah! I knew it! I wanted to make a post about this but I'll just comment in here lol. I didn't listen to this video. I had it on mute. But I was watching her body language. After seeing many many of her gross social media videos that she posted while lying in bed. Or sitting and whatever. 🤮 Either on this sub or the GRB Skeptic Sub (I didn't know this one existed until joining the other lol) or from YouTube videos. (I'm old and this app is my only social media lol). And seeing how much or how often she fucking licks her lips! 🤮 (I'm sorry Mods for cussing. Idk if it's allowed lol) Idk if she had ever mentioned why, in her "poor me" kind of tone. After watching a few YouTube channels yesterday about new Gyp drama, then remembering any of the interviews of hers I watched when she was still in and released from prison. Before I realized she was a monster and flipped my opinion. I just now noticed that she licks her lips WAY LESS during interviews. Than she does when she makes her gross social media videos fishing for sympathy! I wonder if she licks her lips less during interviews. Because she's trying to think of appropriate responses to appear more mature etc etc!? I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before in here. I'm not always on reddit. I was just excited about my revelation and had to share it LOL.


Spot on. They must have practiced this spiel /act 1,000 times. Gypsy doesn’t talk like that. ETA :spelling/clarification


her lizard tongue drives me insane!


OMG, there's almost 12 minutes of this nonsense. I suffered through it, barely. Here are some more gems, for anybody who might need a reminder of how insufferable she is or just doesn't want to listen to her or give her a click: -Ken is her "free pony" running through the fields with her, they're just two "free spirits". 🤮 -On "hard days" like her mother's "um, birthday", she calls Ken and they say a prayer for Dee Dee together. Ken "calms that part of \[Gypsy\] that might feel..." (noticeable pause as the sociopath searches for a fitting phrase, since guilt is a foreign concept to her) "...like I don't know what to feel in the moment." -Rhinoplasty was a choice that she "got to make as a free woman", whereas she never would have "dreamed" of "being able to" get her nose done when living with her mom or in prison. She also blabs about coloring her hair, meanwhile smirking and smiling now that her mom's no longer here to stop her from showing off who she is via her nose job and dyed hair -- and giggles in delight about doing whatever she wants without having to ask permission. ("I don't get in trouble for expressing my personality.") -Direct (abbreviated) quote: "My mom didn't want me to wear makeup...so now, coming out? Hit up Sephora...and spend a LOT of money there!" (evil cackle) -Now she's "doing all these makeup tutorials". -"I always have to remind myself that yes, I'm a victim of Munchausen by Proxy. But I'm also a survivor of it. Like, I don't like the term victim." Sure, ~~Jan~~ Gypsy. -"I'm a little ball of everything." -Gypsy doesn't like being labeled either a victim or perpetrator and likes being "just Gypsy". -She's a "normal person" who cleans up dog poop and mows the lawn "like the next person". -When she came out of prison, she didn't think anybody had any expectations of her, but she's "now getting a little clarity that I do have a fan base, and it is a little bit of a younger fan base". Gypsy tells all her fans that she knows her fame stemmed from a "crime" and "that was not okay" and "I'm not excusing my actions from...you know, eight and a half years ago." (yeah, you could have just stopped at 'actions', Gypsy) -"What I do want Gen Z to take away from who I am today is a hope for a better future." (blah blah about personal growth) "So if there are fans out there watching, that's what I want to be known for." -Her final, profound quote (after referencing all the meanies who want to bring her down): "The one thing you have is your voice. And how you use that is up to you."


Disgusting babbling. In one post (Lifetime clip) she says she wanted a nose job since she was 10. In this clip, it’s 16. WHY DOES NOBODY EVER CONFRONT HER LIES?? She’s not an influencer that said a bad word in a stream; she planned and executed her MOTHER after scamming sick kids, charities, neighbors, and friends. 🤥🤥🤥


I fucking hate her mannerisms. The way she jerks her head around, the lip licking, the beady eyed squints. Welp, if trump managed to get convicted today maybe I’ll soften my heart and allow hope that she’ll get what she deserves one day.


I'm still in shock. I don't like the guy at all but I really thought they wouldn't convict... somehow he would weasle out. But now what? This is literal US history. A convicted felon was our president, a convicted felon is running for president! What in the fuck is happening in this world! Lol


It's idiocracy, Mike Judge was right.


Being a felon ain’t illegal! -Kieffer Delp


And people will still vote for him. It's mind boggling


I had someone ask me if it's legal for him to run... and I honestly don't know. I feel like that shouldn't be allowed but it's not like this has ever come up before.


Gypsy is doing nothing but continuing what she started during her trial: play the victim and not take accountability.


She put herself there.. right? Right?🙄🙄🙄


i used to support her but now these couple of months all she does is scream "i'm a victim plz don't bully me i make mistakes" like God all she does is complain about shit and she can't ever take responsibility for her actions my god. being her partner/friend has got to be so stressful 😣


Ughhhhhh that hair flip has me writhing in cringe and disgust.


I'd be stressed too if I was like her 


My god she thinks she’s a Kardashians


That god awful lip licking is so nasty