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Sure that totally makes sense, it just sounds a bit formal. So it depends on the "tone" you wanna go with. If formal then what u wrote is perfect. If u wanna go with less formal u can write smth like that : "Hi mom/mother and dad/father" = Γειά/Γειά σου μαμά/μητέρα και μπαμπά/πατέρα. Or Dear parents = Αγαπητοί γονείς


A small correction in what you wrote: It should be κύριε και κυρία (vocative case since you're directly addressing them). I would address them with their first names though or something informal like the other person suggested, unless you know they prefer formal address. You can also skip the 'dear so and so' in a Christmas card, I think. Start simply with 'Σας ευχόμαστε ... '/ 'We wish you ...'


Cause of the relationship you have with them, id suggest something less formal but still respectful like: Αγαπητοί μας γονείς, insert dads name και insert moms name


I second that, it sounds respectful without being overly formal, it’s a nice start for a letter or card.