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This is advanced even to a native because of the subject matter. Insane.


I don't know if it's the fact that I have ADHD, but I'm having a hard time following the text. The terminology is not weird, we know what "σύστημα ψύξης and "πυρηνικός αντιδραστήρας" are, but... The subject of the text itself is too specific and quite specialised. If you're still learning a language, unless this is your specialisation and you work/study this subject, then this is way too much for B2. For C1 I'm not sure, but because it's so specialised I just think it's a bad text when it comes to people who are learning and/or not familiar with the subject matter. Also because the same words are being used over and over again, it's throwing me off. My head starts treating it like it's a tongue twister and I can't focus on one thing.


I disagree. Strongly, indeed its about a specific scientific topic but it’s done in a very simplistic way that renders the text easy to understand. B2 imo


I agree. B2.


Part of its hardness is the unnecessarily complex grammar it uses with secondary sentences making comprehension in any language difficult. Or for example using διατηρείται twice in the same sentence. All in all it's informative, but not well written.


This is definitely beyond the B2 level capacity due to the vocabulary which is certainly advanced. In my opinion ,as a Greek native working as a TEFL , I would say it's C1 level.


What’s a tefl?


Teacher of English as a Foreign Language


Isn't it "toefl"?


This is a certificate.


As a Greek native: I don't think the vocabulary is extremely difficult, In terms of English language, should a B2-C1 student know the words "coolant" "reactor" "core" "rod" "thermal" "density"? I think he should. It seems like the text avoids the more technical words like fission "σχάση" , oscillation "ταλάντωση" , exothermic "εξωθερμη", half life "Χρόνος ημιζωής" that usually pop up when discussing reactors. It seems like the text is not so well written although Im not sure this can be avoided, since in example the "emergency core cooling system" "συστημα ψυξης πυρηνα εκτακτης αναγκης" is a mouthful, and also there is no way, if not familiar with reactor operation, to discern if you mean "emergency cooling system for a reactor core" r or "cooling system for an emergency reactor core" Im at a loss.


As a native Greek and a Greek Tutor I can tell you this is INSANELY difficult for a non native. Obviously because of the vocabulary but also the grammar. Specially the extensive use of genitive case. Unfortunately, in my opinion, even books for teaching Greek to foreigners are not doing a great job categorising what grammar and vocab should be taught in each level. I've seen some official B2 tests for Greek Competency and it blew my mind how difficult they were. They do need to put more effort and research in categorising the levels properly and more realistically.


Hi OP, what is this for? I keep seeing you posting in different language subreddits and Im really curious as to what this is?


Από αυτό που διάβασα είναι ο τρόπος λειτουργείας του συστήματος ασφαλείας ενώς πυρηνικού αντιδραστήρα.


Definitely above B2.


It’s a quite specific subject, ppl don’t use terminology & language like that daily. That’s why it seems to me more like C1.


I wouldn’t say this text can be classified into a specific level. For sure it’s a complex text and demands advanced language comprehension but not so due to the language used but due to the fact that it uses words associated with the specific terminology of “core cooling”. Level classification of a text is more about the complexity of the vocabulary grammar and syntax of the text. Not even a native speaker could completely grasp the point of the text. When it comes to reading comprehension the text should be something that the average person would come by in their daily life just with a complexity adjusted to the level eg. B1,B2 etc


I'm not gonna comment on vocabulary since I'm a native and don't really know what counts as B2 or C1, but... The grammar. It is really weird. It seems to bend over backwards to be a word-for-word translation to Greek, instead of being an explanation in Greek. Repeating information, unnecessary words, wrong articles and generally no "flow". You'd never write like this in Greek. It's like reading a machine translated Chinese manual - I had to back up and start over some lines to be able to parse out the meaning of the text.


Terminology and subject matter is not really too difficult, however keep in mind this is a horribly horribly written piece of text, with unnecessarily long sentences, and very sparse punctuation.


Why are all the language subs being spammed with this? This, of all things.


This is poorly written, and it’s difficult to understand even if you don’t take into account the nuclear physics terminology. The second paragraph is one big sentence without one full stop. You can’t follow the meaning of this and it’s a really bad teaching and/or examining paradigm


thats insane difficult for everybody. Most of the people in Greece can barely read it,and most important comprehend it.


Ignore this guy, most Greeks can easily read and understand it. Go back to school


My Japanese is N5 so alot of unknown kanji. The text seems fine, but some words might be hard to understand cause of the matter discussed in the text. It's difficulty is closer to C1 I think.


There is nuclear terminology involved so it's as advanced as it gets


I would say that, even though the text is specialized in something uncommon for a normal person, the "hard to understand" words are repeated very often in normal life on TV and other forms of media that people would already know what they mean OR worst case scenario, they can understand by reading the rest of the text. I can say with confidence that even people with more than enough knowledge to know the meaning of all these words and more, they cannot write the text as well as this one is written. Whoever wrote this spent a lot of time doing it.


Nah, there are some technical terms but they're relatively simple ones that even a middle schooler should have knowledge of. A C1 student should be able to read this without much issue, a B2 might find some unknown words.


It lacks variety. Certain words are repeated an absurd amount of times. Also it lacks articles for some reason? Although the text focuses on a complex subject, a middleschooler should be able to comprehend it.


I’d say this is B2/C1… probably more towards C1. The vocab isn’t anything too extreme, but there are some words that cannot be easily understood (since this is also a scientific topic), and there are some more complex grammatical structures, which need some extra effort to comprehend.


Seeing OP’s other posts, I will assume he works as a translator or - more likely - on translation software. The text is clear and run of the mill. No literature awards but typical as a science text. It’s not remotely easy for a non native, as it requires not only perfect language grasp but also specialization on translating physics/mechanics/science. The structure is correct but the amount of specialized terms they will need to know, requires proficiency. A native with even a rudimentary science background will fully understand this text.


As a native I say it’s kinda difficult ngl


I am native Greek. This text is about what children learn in physics lesson in high school. 15 16 years old . Just for comparison 😉 Definitely not b2 .


A 8 year old can read this, although he will not understand the technical stuff. Excluding terminology is very simplistically written.


As a Greek native, I have no idea what a B1-C1 speakers ability is supposed to be like


I am a Greek native speaker and this seems a bit complex for even the average Greek native layman. A lot of technical vocabulary and repetition.


It's a bad text. In fact it looks like it's not original. It rather seems to be a poor attempt at a translation from a source in another language.


It's a really demanding text because of the subject matter. Honestly if you can understand that entirely I'd put you in C2.


As a native, the terminology isn't hard for me but the text still feels... unwieldy.


Rank it as this, does it have 3 line sentence with full stop? C2. It has one 2 line sentence and then it is simpler lines in a paragraph? B2 This one, it can be taught in engineering language universities as C1 but it is useless to learn nuclear engineering in Greek as there are no nuclear technology in Greek.. Contentwise better not to use it anyway.


Most Greeks commenting here are non-native, or still at school. Text is simple to understand and easy to read. I'm actually surprised it is written so well It requires basic nuclear knowledge to comprehend it though