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I've heard this many times over the years for it to get beaten down. Mudrick selling a huge stake doesn't help either.


Did you mean to say partner with AT&T rather than Verizon? I've been holding GSAT since .33cents when jeep and some lamb farmers over in England signed contracts. Just wondering if I missed something.


Asts partnered with both ATT and verizon


I hope you’re right!


I’m loading up on gsat shares… they are making the right moves it will take time for analysts to see in their next earnings perhaps the deal with Walmart shows in the results


even with all the great things happening for them, and they are great.. if the stock is $1 after all this, there’s a reason it’s $1 my personal opinion is that it’s being intentionally held down. if you feel like loading up go ahead it’s cheap risk. but don’t get emotionally invested. trade around a core position if you can. don’t expect anything but disappointment


Agreed, it will go once revenue grows. That’s what matters


Revenues don't matter. Look at ASTS. ZERO revenue and stock price skyrocket on "ATT partenrship" news. The stock price of Globalstar is being intentionally held down for upcoming Apple takeover. This will happen as soon as all hurdles with FCC are cleared and spectrum licenses get renewed.


Apple has a warrant to buy ~3% of gsat at a share price of $1.01 https://investors.globalstar.com/node/14431/html


If this is true then being intentionally held down for an eventual takeover would mean that the takeover price won't be substantial from such low levels.


On the contrary. They want to buy as many shares a possible at a discount, so they can pay/justify top dollar to Jay Monroe. Also, If you look at Paul Jacobs share incentive package, it goes up to $10 per share for the whole thing. He would have never agreed to this if he knew he was only getting a couple bucks.


Well his yearly salary is half a million. He isn't hurting right now. Seeing ASTS who has how many satellites up and running almost go up 400 percent in the last month or two is depressing. A bit tired of seeing the same old story with globalstar despite the assets in spectrum which should be extremely valuable. Also has it crossed anyone's mind that the option to exercise the warrants at $1 for apple would precede a reverse split?


watching the ASTS share price is depressing indeed. Regardless, I have no doubt that our time is around the corner and it will be epic!


Why would Apple even need to buy out gsat at this point when they own 80 percent of their spectrum? It's like they gave gsat free satellites for the use of their spectrum and gsat has the remaining 20 percent for their own projects.... The more I think about it the more I think this apple deal is sucking gsat dry.


Stockholm Syndrome


1. Remember GSAT is based out in Louisiana. Are ya’ll not familiar with the “Big Easy”? It’s moving molasses like but it’ll get there. 2. Apple is their own ecosystem and everything in their walled garden they want ultimate control. They will acquire GSAT later than sooner I think. 3. Verizon made a big deal out of the ASTS announcement and we are here looking silly on the sidelines. But I suggest that’s because it was the biggest news Verizon has to offer hence it was publicized and made ASTS shoot up. They have nothing else. 4. If Apple made one commercial or ad online to publicize what a big fuckkn deal this SOS satellite is to the iPhone and made one mention of GSAT, we’d be all farming cattle’s or walking thru our glorious fields of wheat. 5. I just bought 100 shares at 1.07 Valhalla awaits gentlemen.


The day Apple steps into becoming the carrier provider is the day I cancel my T-Mobile account and go with Apple. Cut out the middle-man.


Short Interest is at $350m… pretty loaded. All we really have to do is buy more shares at the $1 range and watch it squeeze up to $5-$10 🤷🏽‍♂️


Short interest is only like 4-5% of the float... it's not anywhere near squeeze territory. This thing will only move when it gets constant revenue


Bingo. Company needs revenue, significant revenue. Company needs profits to move the share price. Otherwise any uptick on any positive news will get beaten down by shorts as it has over the years.


I might be wrong on the exact $ figure, but Apple has warrants with $1.00 strike price. Until those are expired or exercised, the price is pretty much anchored to that floor


Looks like we will be there soon...


Gsat is a doomed company took a lot of peoples money and never looked back . Stay away ..