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Turning point? Apple put it on the shelf and we are languishing in the obscure corners of extreme camping and makings calls home from oil drilling rigs…what is this upcoming catalyst?


Monetarization of „iPhone to Sat“-functionality. Upcoming Messaging to Sat. I’m pretty sure that call and internet connection via Sat will follow


I hope you’re right, no sense selling now ✌️


I remember some dude on here was like you can't watch video through satellites in the sky on your phone when people were guessing the Apple teasers before their annual event. What does everyone think now?


I don‘t understand what you‘re trying to say🫠


When everyone was speculating what the meaning of the outdoors and the sky in one of the Apple teasers like 1 year or 2 years ago. Some were thinking of the possibility of streaming video through satellite connection. And some dude on here was like it's not possible and he spit some mumbo jumbo about why it's not possible. I'm asking whether that dude can be wrong.


Yes i‘m pretty sure that guy is wrong about it. There are for sure several problems that are need to get solved, but on the long run this could be the feature. Apple would be a huge competitor for AT&T/Verizon….and it would make so much sense for them. 250 Mio iPhones/year. 250 Mio User for their „Apple Connect“-Service


No that guy is not wrong Source: I am that guy


*Mr Monroe joined the chat*


Spacemobile has made video calls from their sats, you're definitely wrong, probably not about globalstar though. Edit: Yes most people would rather keep their Verizon/ATT contract and pay an addition 2-10 a month for broadband service anywhere through spacemobile. I personally don't think anyone would care to only use wifi and then the ability to text anywhere. People answer calls when they aren't around wifi all the time, people browse the internet in their car/ubers/doctors office or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong, I guess we will see in the not too distant future


That’s correct There’s no demand anyway But consider this: if you have WiFi at home, and you have WiFi at work, and WiFi at the coffee shop… and you can text via satellite anywhere that’s not one of those three places… would you keep your $80 a month Verizon contract?


Sell it or parish


Been holding bags for almost a decade. My only hope is a squeeze chain reaction when one or more meme stonks finally squeeze 🚀