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I don't think any hardware currently on market will do 4k 120fps when it comes out... so you'd be better off waiting 2 years THEN building šŸ˜…


And when it comes out, you know every website from I buy power to Dell will have promotion saying ā€œyes this game can play grand theft auto six at Maxā€


4090 and 14900k would prob do it


Absolutely not - the 4090 already struggles at 4K with the highest end 2023 titles (by struggle I mean 60-ish fps, we're talking 120). Also, safe to assume GTA VI's PC version will have extra graphical features such as more robust ray tracing or even path tracing. So, no, a 4090 won't max it out at 4K 120fps.


Which is why you wait for 5090 this year. And then 6090 in 2027.


4090 becomes cheap with 5090.


What hardware do you think the GTA devs use? Must be beefy.


itā€™s not like they have access to something thatā€™s stronger than a 4090


Username checks out.


Depends on the team. The graphics team is probably fully equipped, whereas the UI team doesn't need all that power. That's usually how video game companies work


You have no idea what you are talking about


The 4090 canā€™t handle Jedi survivor at 4k 60fps stable.


exactly there is no way any hardware right now will run it at those specs, best to save for 2 years because the parts youā€™ll end up needed for that will be like $5k lmao


They can easily do atleast 60fps 4k tho


You really have no clue how pcs work do you?




That's the right Answer, when you buy a console you should consider what other exclusive games to get with it. For PCs by the time GTA gets ported on PC the parts you need to run it at 4k will either be a lot cheaper or there are more powerful parts available.


Iā€™ve been a console gamer my whole life. Finally got into PC gaming and Im absolutely upset I didnā€™t do it sooner. You have way more access with no limits. Performance is better and with cross play being a growing thing you can still play with your console friends most of the time. I havenā€™t touched my Xbox since I started PC gaming. The first time playing a modded game will have you looking up mods for hours to enhance the experience. Itā€™s crazy how much more fun youā€™ll have. Iā€™m playing GTA on PC now with Keyboard and mouse and Iā€™m having more fun for some reason. Plus like others say you can use it for more. Sometimes Iā€™ll have videos up playing while playing games still. I was playing a game once and while waiting just had the football game playing in another window while I waited. You can do whateverā€¦people say most use it for gaming but I mean at the end of the day itā€™s whatever you will use it for. Trust me manā€¦go the pc routeā€¦.you will love it. Also I wanna add you donā€™t even have to spend much with so many budget builds. Also guess what if you want to play controller with some gamesā€¦then the PS and Xbox controllers are Bluetooth and can connect to the pc and be used as well.


*I did the opposite, kinda* Didn't switch from PC to Console but rather bought myself a PS5 for the downstairs living room in hopes of a more relaxed couch gaming session and a simplified gaming experience. Fair to say, I ended up drilling a couple of holes and a 30m HDMI cable to the downstairs TV because the console experience is, in all honesty, extremely lackluster, disappointing and surprisingly expensive. I absolutely understand why consoles are so popular. Low entry cost and extraordinary simple plug&play. If all they're looking for is to give their teenage kid a quick gaming experience or just care about Fifa and CoD, more power to them. But just this little willingness to put in a little more effort into getting used to a PC and admittedly for a graphically similar or better experience about double the PS5 purchase price your're getting a sooooo much better experience it's not even fair to compare.


PCs are a higher upfront cost, but lower long term cost. Games are often cheaper on PC, and more frequently go on sale. You also donā€™t need to pay for online gameplay, so youā€™re saving like $15 bucks every month just from that. PCs can also be upgraded piecemeal as needed, which helps lower costs when you upgrade. The main reason consoles are sold so cheap is because the game companies know they can get more money out of you further down the road.


Consoles even sold at a loss or at cost on purpose. You're exactly right.


I donā€™t like how irritating it is to target and shoot with a controller. Itā€™s so much more precise with a mouse. I wish Red Dead 1 was ported to PC, playing it on series X now and itā€™s frustrating getting precision headshots unless you use auto-aim lameness


It's crazy how anyone who has ever owned a console and switched to PC will have this experience, and yet console natives will just say this isn't true. It's like god damn flat earthers.


I have both and like both for different reasons, the plug-n-play aspect of consoles is really nice but the freedom that a high end PC has is also awesome.


Same, I have both and like both. Plug and play convenience is fantastic. But the ginormous library that steam opens up also great. As it turns out, the games I play on PC are mostly pixel graphics anyway


You can go pretty far with steam big picture mode fwiw


Comparing with flat earth is a lil bit insane bro its just a plastic box to go pew pew at the screen. And there are people who do switch to console from PC and enjoy the experience too, me being one.


Console is better for cost


It's just the convenience of standard functionality. PC is inherently going to lead to problems, you can find endless threads about "can't even launch, way to go [dev]" on every release. Consoles are uniform. It's three times more expensive to build a pc, and countless hours of tinkering, for a difference that isn't going to be worth it to most sane people. It won't be long before devs are purposely setting games to 35 fps for artistic reasons.


>countless hours of tinkering 12 year old me had about 3 hours of tinkering building it >Endless threads about games not running on release Just wait 1 day for someone to make a patch or play something else?? You console heads seem to think this is an issue, I've never even seen anyone with this issue ever. >3 times more expensive to build a PC 200$ 1080ti, 200$ cpu 100$ motherboard idk like 300-400$ for the other stuff That's 2x at most for better or same quality. And this gives you endless options in games and software. It's like leaving the cave in the allegory of the cave. >35 fps for "artistic reasons" What a dumb ass statement lmao.


You just seem salty there are drawbacks to PC and can't handle it, as someone who literally has a PC a PS5 and an XBOX, they are right, a console will usually have the guarantee to run a game, on PC that just isn't the case because of the variety so not everything is optimised, Overall PC is better but blindly defending it out of some weird hate of consoles is just a joke..


I used to be console only, but got a PC and feel like playing with keyboard and mouse is better than controller. Plus, I aim way better with it than joy sticks.


Iā€™m trying to spend as little money as possible on my setup. Im also liable to fuck the whole thing up on account of my monkey brain. It looks awesome, but I am POOR šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll admit that


Aiming with a mouse is so much precise and satisfying. Iā€™ll only use a controller for racing games.


yeah man i always hated on PC gamers until i got one


I'm waiting for PC, obviously.


450$ vs 3500$ why is this even a comparison? Edit after 13 hours: lol the PC neckbeards are raging hard šŸ˜‚


Cause emulators alone should bridge that gap. Pcā€™s are practically unlimited potential. Also, who tf needs $3500 to play games?? Thatā€™s a ludicrous pc for just gaming


He had to up the price enough to make it sound like a reasonable argument.


Well op would need to for one if he is targeting 4k 120, and since thats what the post is about 3500 isn't crazy at all, the 4090 alone is most of that.


Because a pc is far more than something you play games on. Edit: You donā€˜t need 3,5k to match a consoles performance.


Yet most people who are buying pcs for gaming are using it primarily for gaming. You can use consoles for YouTube and shit too and you got your phone for mostly anything else. Unless youā€™re creating things or just really want top quality gaming then consoles are fine.


exactly. i mean checking mails and websides of course is better on PC.. but its definitly not a "must have" for simple everyday stuff. edit: and i have a high end PC too btw. so i'm not biased or something.


I also have a high end pc so I feel you.


Ps5 doesn't even have a browser lol


There are other devices where you can wank in front of.


If only there were some sort of device I could browse the web on. Like a mobile computer šŸ¤”


It could possibly even fit in your pocket, and maybe one day be able to make a phone call, when technology advances.


Yes that is right. But even within ā€žgamingā€œ the pc is capable of doing much more than a console, like creating and using macros, playing on several monitors, having higher frame rates, more games, modding games etc. (just to name a few).. If you prefer console over pc, there is nothing wrong with it. But trying to tell us that there is no comparison between the two platforms? Just no.


$900 for my build and it plays āœØmostāœØ games better than my buddies Series X he paid what $500 for? And in the next 2-5 years heā€™ll likely buy yet another $500 console. Then again a few years after that. Then again after that. My PC is pretty much set until next gen games. Only thing I really need is a new CPU.


I donā€™t think you understand how technology works. Your pc is also going to need to be upgraded by then and console life cycles are way longer than that.


A 1080ti and some 200$ cpu will run any game at 1080p 144hrz for like the next 5 years. Just because you have the option to upgrade, doesn't mean you have too.


No but consoles do 4k at 60 for around the same price and will last just as long. Again I HAVE a pc and am not saying one is better than the other itā€™s literally situational.


I thought the "4k" at 60 was like the shittiest 4k ever


Nope. Itā€™s not quite ā€œtrue 4kā€ I guess but like to even do true 4k at 60 on a pc youā€™re going to have to spend way more. Basically just do what you want and have the money for who cares?


šŸ˜‚ my PC will not NEED to be upgraded before then. Will I upgrade it before then? Maybe just depends on what kind of deals pop up and if I feel like dealing with opening it all up and changing whatever it is out. Sure I have my 360 and sure it works. But I canā€™t play Starfield on it. Meanwhile I can play Starfield on a 2018 Ryzen 5 2600x CPU and a 1070Ti (thatā€™s the base requirements for the game). So you need to buy a new console to play Starfield but I can play it on a mid level PC thatā€™s 2 years older than the PS5/SS/SX. You have pros and cons of both. Consoles have far too much E-waste, non upgradable, they force you to buy a new one every few years (if you want to play new games that is), they are limited as to what you can do. You donā€™t get true 4K 60FPS, in fact most bigger games now are going to run at 30FPS in 4K. Along with on top of all that anyone who truthfully believes a console is better than a PC in anyway other than price point is actually insane. But Iā€™d also rather upgrade my GPU for $600 than to buy a Series X for $100 cheaper. Why? Because itā€™s more bang for my buck. To each their own. I know plenty of people who just simply donā€™t need a PC cause all they do is game. So great buy the console then. But Iā€™m sorry my Series S doesnā€™t run adobe photoshop, premiere pro, FL studio, reaper, I canā€™t use CAD programs on it to make blueprints or just to see how something would look if I built it a certain way. Canā€™t use dev programs. Oh yea, I get free online multiplayer, games generally cost less, custom peripherals, modding. So generally, Iā€™d say for a few hundred more dollars you get a way better ROI IF you arenā€™t just using it for gaming.


And you are going to change your entire pc in two years or maybe 3 ... Are we still doing this stupid war ? Stop it ...


I never got the point of multiple monitors. Takes up way too much space and is a shit ton of money


First of all, that is just one of the many advantages. Secondly: I donā€˜t know if you are refering to multiple monitors in general, or in gaming. If you mean in general: Multiple monitors are extremely helpful when it comes to working on your pc. At one point you just have too many windows and tabs opened it to be easy. At that point multiple monitors come in very handy. If you mean for gaming: I donā€˜t fully understand it either. The ultra wide experience can be pretty breathtaking and does give you an advantage in comp games due to the higher fov. But ultra wide can easily be achieved by one ultra wide monitor. And also: a multiple monitor setup doesnā€˜t have to take up as much space as you think. (You can also stack them)


dude i'm talking about the price. 4K@120fps is expensiiiiive. why not just go with a slightly cheaper PC and buy a PS5 too?...


You do not need 4k for a computer. You need *at most* 2k for an absolute beast of a computer that will run almost any game at 120+


Actually you can match and surpass a PlayStation for little more than what the PlayStation costs. And when you go the pc way, you can swap old stuff with new. But... You can also mod and you have waaaaaay more freedom with a pc. Especially PlayStation is like Apple, extremely locked and hard to support.


You will not make a 4k capable PC for the price of a PS5. And why is there always some dumb shit Redditor on these threads? This claim always devolves into "yeah but if you browse facebook marketplace for individual components for a year, you get a great deal. Only idiots buy MSRP". Thinking PCs are modular is also dumb as shit. Your PSU will need replacement as power requirements go up, your Mobo will need replacing for compatibility issues, and the case will need replacing if you aim for compact sizing.


PS5 isn't even 4K capable


Yes, you can do that. No problem, even. And you just mentioned yourself why PC is the intelligent choice: modularity and upgradeability. That said, you cannot compare like that since the PC will offer so much more. And it will run on your tv in your living room, with a controller, too. Even though the pc is in another room. There is ZERO reason to buy a console in 2024 and there wasn't in 2013 either.


I built my PC for about 1500 ā‚¬ and I think it exceeds the PC5's specs in every aspect


I dontā€˜t know your specs. But at those costs (assuming you didnā€˜t overpay) it surely does.


Iā€™d sure hope so given you spent almost 3x the price of PS5 for it.


about 1000 would work, no peripherals included


Yeah but good luck finding a pc that runs gta 6 at 4k 30 for 500$


$500? What about the 4k tv?


The one we all already bought in 2018?


That wasnā€˜t my point lol For many people, buying a pc is the better option, despite the higher price. (Due to the reasons I listed earlier).


No you dont meed 3.5k. But you can buy a console and office desktop for less than it costs to build a PC that is same spec as a console. Source....have built a high end pc, own a series x and own a basic PC for web and mail.


I see your point. But why would you want to split up all your activities to two devices? The pc is more ā€œcompleteā€ in that sense. Therefore one reason for the higher price. Also: There are non-gaming tasks that still requiere high end in a pc. Your ā€œsolutionā€ doesnā€™t cover these. (I mean things like video editing + rendering, 3D modeling etc.)


That's assuming you do any of that stuff, which majority of people don't lol


Those were just some examples of one argument. My point is just to prove the guy wrong, who was trying to depict the whole pc - console war as ā€žno comparisonā€œ


I have a roughly $900 build. Runs 2K easy, can run 4K. Average out at 60FPS on WZ. But this PC will also outlast consoles, is much more useful, is upgradable and customizable. So between every console Iā€™ve ever bought. Iā€™d say my PC is a 90% decrease in cost. Effectively over time that is, and I can do whatever I want with it versus just playing a game.


WC Ryzen 7 1700, WC 2060 super, msi x470 gaming plus, 32gb ram (Corsair I believe) 650W EVGA PSU, and various SSDS and a large HDD. Cheap cyberpowerpc case. My new CPU (Ryzen 7 5800x3d) was supposed to be in a minute ago so Iā€™m waiting on a refund, but nonetheless my current one only bottlenecks on graphics heavy games. Even then not that bad of a bottleneck. So I donā€™t mind it all to much. But also weā€™ve done a lot of custom bs to this computer to make it run better than it should. Benefits of having a buddy who knows his shit wayyyy better than I lol. But nonetheless, Iā€™ll take PC over console anyday. Considering I do far more than game on it.


A console lasts like 6-8 years usually, is your initial build going to last that long with no upgrades?


More than likely. Considering I still have a gaming laptop from over 10 years ago that works fine. Yes your console may last 6-8 years. But thatā€™s if you wanna play 4-8yo games strictly. Almost nobody keeps a console for that long. Pretty much every console user upgrades the second a new gen drops. Which is an incredible amount of E-waste


You can get a pc for less than $3500, but the main thing is PC does more things than a console. More programs, more access, steam, mods, can be used for various things. Ps5 is good for exclusives and people hooking up their console to their tv instead of a PC.


having a PC that runs 4K@120fps, as mentioned in the post, will cost you 2K$ at least.


2k is not 3.5k.


I mean he did say at least


You donā€™t have to spend 3500 dollars, maybe a third or 40% of that amount. I understand that itā€™s still way more than a console but letā€™s not misrepresent


For 4k@120fps in the probably most demanding game of all time? Good luck


Yes, cause of dlss


$1900 for my new pc that I've been playing Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart on maxed out at 60 FPS 4K with ray tracing. It also does sound production, video editing, all my work stuff, full web browsing. That's why, dumbass. But also GTA will likely be 60fps just without raytracing.


Cool story.


Because you pulled those numbers out of your ass? There's no PS5 model for under 500 and you don't even need close to 3500 to build a PC that exceeds a PS5. And considering I can upgrade a PC much more cheaply then I can buy the next generation console, it would be a piss poor argument even if that was the case.




"exactly" as if yall even have a gaming pc or know how to build one


Literally almost everyone has one these days and my 13 year old brother built his own dude you arenā€™t special so calm down with that ā€œPC master raceā€ attitude bullshit.


I like how you refer to your brother building one rather than you. Also, no, not really, moist people don't have a gaming pc, usually just a ppc for school or work at the least. Don't know what you're pulling out of your ass. And it's easy to build a pc for sure, just a YouTube video, I'm just saying it takes dumbasses like you who still can't finish one with that.


1) a PC with PS5 performance costs much less; 2) a PC will make you save money in others ways, like free online and cheaper games; 3) a PC ages better and lasts longer 4) a PC isn't only about playing: if you buy a console, you still need a PC; if you buy a PC, you don't need a console


1. he is talking about 4k@120fps 2. not everyone needs online gaming 3. in this context its clearly about playing GTA6


I have an Asus laptop for something like 700ā‚¬ and I can play RDR2 with great graphics. I also have the game on PS4 and it looks way better on my laptop.


Like you need 3500 dollars for a PC build


Every pc game is free


PC is going to last you much longer than a console. Before you know it, the next generation of consoles is out, and your PC still runs the games fine for years.


the 6700xt is only 300 dollars.


And it will handle gta 6 in 4k@120fps? Probably not.


it's the console equivalent lol. it has frame generation and upscaling as well.


Yes i know? But the post mentioned 4k@120fps for the PC.


Because a PS5 doesnā€™t even do 1440p native, let alone 4K lol.


are you high? PS5 supports 1440p for like two years now. and a lot of games are running on 1440p@60fps or even (upscaled) 4k@60fps which is quite nice for a 450$ machine. \+ the ps5 pro is coming and will be twice as powerful.


Wait, who said that the ps5 pro will be twice as powerful?


leaks, hardware analysts, insiders \+ the ps4 pro was more than double the power of the ps4..


It can **output** 1440p, it can **output** 4k, it canā€™t play games at 1440p, let alone 4K. At most itā€™ll be 1080p60 upscaled to whatever your resolution is on performance mode lol in light games. So? It still wonā€™t do 4k natively, maybe 1440p30 in light games.


Sry. Nioh 2 on resolution mode runs at locked 4k and 60 fps. I know that isn't a native next gen game, but still also god of war ragnarok runs at native 4k also on resolution mode, so idk where you pulled next gen consoles can't run native 4k from More games that run native 4k Edit: other games that do native 4k Elden ring Armored core https://www.google.comhttps://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fassets-prd.ignimgs.com%2F2022%2F11%2F03%2Ffgm-6-zuoaexpp1-1667481794505.jpg&tbnid=Av8liLkEFQ2KfM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ign.com%2Farticles%2Fgod-of-war-ragnarok-graphics-modes-revealed-for-ps5-ps4-pro-and-ps4&docid=vpPijMrAYg_10M&w=3840&h=2160&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm6%2F4


so again... hogwarts legacy, for example, a modern and demanding game, is running at 1440p@60fps on performance mode. GOW ragnarock 1440p-2160p dynamic @ locket 60fps. dead island 2 1728p @ 60fps. should i continue?


because you over exaggerated to make it make more sense to yourself. good pc build will only run you around 1k, will last for years, and will outperform the next 3 gens of consoles.


Because pc has no limits imposed by sony/microsoft? Also you can definitely get a pc for 450ā‚¬ that could run gta6, a console is pretty much just a pc you know


Wdym 30fps on PS5. It has 60 and in some games even up to 120.




Itā€™s laughable how they think the PS5 does true 1440p, let alone 4K.


I've heard that it's kinda like "fake 4k" or something like that, but honestly I don't care. 4k or not, those games look amazing on PS5 and I prefer frames over graphics anyway


What youā€™re talking about is likely upscaling. PC users can do this also if they want to sacrifice some of the visual detail to increase fps. I agree though, if my PC didnā€™t get 144fps while playing, Iā€™d use upscaling to get it there because thatā€™s more important to me playing first person shooters.


i think most people just donā€™t careā€¦


It can run games in 4k. But itā€™s a very short and AAA heavy list.




There are a lot of games that run in 4K and since when is it not okay to use upscaling? If itā€™s DLSS itā€™s fine? Shaming people because they game on a 399$ console. Really classy. And which PC can deliver similar performance for 399$? With controller and high speed storage included?


Tons of games where its natively above or at 1440p with 60fps. The UE5 games push it hard and I think drop down below 1080p for 60fps with FSR and stuff. 4K is for 30fps and mostly native or dynamic res this gen. Ps4 pro used checkboarding for 4k bur I think they just use dsr nowadays, not sure. Also those same games perform like ass on PC too. Itā€™s not like itā€™s cheap to run Alan Wake 2 natively at 1440p or 4k for 60fps


Please elaborate.


Cool, IDC.


The ps5 pro comes this year I think and bet it will have higher frames than ps5 4k It says ps5 pro will be twice as powerful




I read in an article about it, after all the ps5 is a few years old now so hardware is cheaper and wouldnā€™t surprise me


switch to performance mode if you want 60fps gameplay


There's no way in hell GTA 6 is going to have a 60fps performance mode. This is a big open-world game with a bunch of stuff going on in it, you can't just bump down the resolution to fix the FPS hit from that. Rockstar likes to squeeze everything they can get out of these consoles by targeting 30fps. The reason most PS5 games have been getting performance modes is because none of them have really pushed the console to its limits yet, they've all been linear games or enhanced PS4 games. GTA will be different, everyone will whine at first but will ultimately accept it because it's GTA.


Yea I donā€™t see a 60fps mode personally. People are saying stuff like itā€™s way more common for 60fps modes now, rockstar doesnā€™t want to disappoint us, etc. but I just canā€™t see it. Rockstar pushes limits. Pushing limits and doubling your fps are not exactly synonymous.


Yeah best case scenario is that we get a 40fps mode with lower resolution. I've seen some PS5 games with that setting, wouldn't be a bad compromise. 60fps mode would be a longshot though.


Yea honestly 40 Iā€™m good with. The difference between 30 and 40 is larger than 50 and 60 imo. Idk, Iā€™m a pc player and love high fps but I had no complaints playing rdr2 on an Xbox one.


Dudeā€¦ itā€™s gonna be 30 FPS. People need to get over this hurdle for the graphical fidelity theyā€™re going for Edit: have any of you played Rockstar games before? Itā€™ll be 30 FPS lol


Gonna? The PS5 has been out for 3 years and most of its games have 60fps modes lol.


Most games arenā€™t gta 6. actually 0 games are gta 6. Nothing pushes the consoles to their full limits currently. Rockstar will not sacrifice fidelity and features for extra frames. Itā€™s just not something they do. Especially when they know new consoles will come a couple years after release and take care of that problem for them anyway. These games are meant to last a long time. If thereā€™s a choice between adding an immersive feature or an extra 3 fps, theyā€™re adding the feature.


Performance modes were not a thing for any of Rockstar's previous games, however they've shown with the trilogy, GTA V, and RDR1 that they're perfectly willing to have 60fps modes for their games. ​ In a day and age where most games allow you to pick between graphics and performance, I don't see much of a reason why Rockstar would suddenly stop doing that.


We are talking about GTA 6 on PS5 in 2025... it's gonna be 30 fps


Why would it be? I don't think anybody is going to complain about having a 1080p/1440p mode with worse graphics if it's at 60fps.


We'll see when the game comes out. I highly doubt they won't do 60fps. Look at other games like Star Wars Jedi Survivor or A Plague Tale Requiem. They didn't have 60fps to begin with, but the community criticized them enough for them to add a 60fps mode afterwards. So even if they don't add 60fps at the beginning, they will eventually do it anyway. And I can only speak for myself, but I'd always prefer 60 frames over graphical fidelity. Stuff like raytracing and 4k are nice to have, but it doesn't make the game 10x more beautiful, it's only small differences. But the difference between 30 and 60 frames is so high, it literally hurts your eyes playing 30 if you've played on 60 before. It's like night and day.


Imagine waiting two more years for a game just so you can be snobby about consoles


iā€™ll stick with pc, iā€™ll just wait


There needs to be a whole subreddit of PC idiots who still think modern day consoles are only capable of running 30fps


In all fairness consoles only do 4k@30fps for gta or 1080@60. This is a gta sub. I am a console player and not biased. Even with those two things, i much rather play gta on console due to better updates and less hackers.


why even play at 4k? the game isn't even detailed enough to use the 4K properly. You can already see pretty much every pixel in a texture on 1080p


It actually does look much better than youā€™d think


Less aliasing, more detail, 1080p also looks worse on higher resolution displays than it does on a 1080p display


you can see every pixel in a texture at a certain distance. 4k will extend that distance.


nope. gta 5 for example is running at 4k@60fps. okay the resolution is upscaled. but the majority wont see a difference anyway.


But GTA V running at a native 4K@60fps isnā€™t that big of a feat considering itā€™s like 10 years old.


its still as demanding than a lot of modern games. i mean an RTX 3070 for example cant handle gta 5 at native 4k and 60fps for example.


Where did you get that idea? Of course it can. At higher settings and higher fps than a console. https://youtu.be/Jrglnd_FHk0?si=qQEyH8qeSicSLJk7


I was mistaken. I meant 1440p upscaled to 4k and not 1080p. Its the best setting to play as native 4k@30 looks very bad. They do turn down graphic settings to reach that as 4k@30 does have much better graphics


Fidelity mode, which is most of the time 4k @ 30fps, does almost every time have at least max settings. Look it up. Hogwarts legacy for example.


Not as much as the idiots who take it literally and not as an exaggeration to make a point. The point is PC will always be superior to console for the simple fact of being upgradable.


1) consoles are cheaper 2) there is very likely going to be a PS5 Pro which will be a nice middle ground for 4k at 60 3) this is a Rockstar game. if you ever want to play them online on PC then LOL enjoy the modders or just lock yourself in solo sessions all the time sure, you'd have mods and those special RP servers their games have on PC but then you have to wait another year or so, likely not get treated the same content wise as the consoles, hope the game is properly optimized for PC and spend alot more money


Positives and negatives. Yes GTAO modders can ruin public lobbies on occasion, but occurrences have really been far and few between. Also worth noting all the modded multiplayer available on PC, like GTAO roleplay servers


Vanilla GTA:O is total ass and hackers actually made it more fun because they give free money and save you from having to mindless grind for hundreds of hours. Then you can focus on playing with friends in private lobbies.


Mid range gpuā€™s from 2 years ago already outperform it on the graphics from so to get a equal performance to a ps5 isnā€™t going to cost an arm and a leg


Ryzen 5 5600x $150 Rx 6750xt $380 DDR4 3200mhz 32gb $55 Surpasses ps5


Or buy an xbox series s for $200 less


I want to play the game at launch so Iā€™ll be grabbing it on console. I donā€™t mind 30FPS on ā€˜qualityā€™ mode that single player games tend to have nowadays.


What is so tough about waiting, there's thousands of other games available.


You do have a year and some months before gta releases. Plenty of time for ps5 pro or new pc hardware to come out. Save now and get a console or pc before the release


Well gta6 is gonna be delayed on pc anyhow, other games tho


I'm sure you'll get back the money you paid for the ps5 in 2 years lol


we dont even know if it'll have a 60 fps mode... maybe not - but its pretty standard these days. but does it relaly matter if its 1440p upscaled or "true" 4k? i've not enjoyed my games any less


GTA 6 for PC might come out by the time you finished saving up.


Xbox Series X. Cheaper than a PC and more powerful than a PS5(and also cheaper than a PS5, too.) Best of both worlds.


Wait for PS5 Pro. for GTA 6 you might be waiting longer than 2 years on PC, because thereā€™s a chance it will delayed on console.


Rent a PS5?


The game will 10000% play at 2k 60FPS at a minimum.


you mean at max?..


As long as you knew what I meant lol.


Bold of you to think the PS5 does native 4K lol. It doesnā€™t even do 1440p native. For the people saying itā€™ll do 4K30, itā€™s more like 1080p30 upscaled to ā€œ4Kā€.


And evidently upscaled 4K is good enough lol. If the end result is good then it doesn't really matter how they achieved it. I absolutely do not understand the dislike for upscaling, things like DLSS have gotten so good that I basically always use them when available.




Modern consoles do in fact use FSR, it's even explicitly labelled sometimes.




I think the PS4 does too but I'm not 100% sure. The game I know of that labels FSR is RDR1, which is a port to just PS4, and that has an FSR option, but I played it on PS4, and the port has a 60fps toggle that's only visible on PS5, so I'm not sure if FSR is the same.


Gta 6 is gonna do 60fps not sure why you guys think otherwise or is that just cope from PC bros


Or just wait for PS5 pro


One world. Mods.


idk man I would count mods as a separate world




PC, long lasting




Consoles are not cheaper it's all a corporate game in the long run they are going to be penny penching you for every dime you have. Best to invest in a pc and have it all. That's why TT is not putting out the game on pc so they can milk all these console people...šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


All these console merchants in the comments LMAO




ā‚¬500 or ā‚¬3500 for an additional 60fps.


You donā€™t need to pay to play online on PC


I'm never buying another console.




If youā€™re gonna build a 4K@120hz PC, your budget isnā€™t tight.


The PS5.


Paying to play online šŸ’€


Buy xbox series s y good pc


PlayStation nation baby