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Damn we had a whole adventure in this small map


And it felt huge


I remember feeling proud as a little kid knowing where I was on the map without looking. I now realize how easy that truly was.


Man I miss playing games till morning, now it feels like a chore to play games maybe I’m just old or sad


>old or sad Why not both?


Both of them in this economy?


Imo, like all things with aging, there's a possibility of being jaded or glossing over things with time. Countering that is all about finding a spark of passion, a different perspective. The mind is like a maze the older I get the more complex it gets and easier it becomes to get "lost" in certain parts, if that makes sense. For me, it's all about learning how to find my ways back. A positive psychedelic experience helps too or so I've heard


Nah games just suck ass now adays


Yeah remember how I spent my childhood exploring all the alleyways and secret corners


Keeping in mind that cars weren't as fast as they are in V adding to the illusion that the map felt larger.


exactly, i always see people talking about how big a game world is but nobody ever brings up the speed(s) at which the player character moves as part of the illusion.


I think New Vegas feels big because you move really slow


New Vegas was tiny in comparison to 4, in 4 it felt like it took decades to walk from sanctuary to diamond city, you can reach the strip in New Vegas within the first hour


That walk across the commonwealth never disappoints


Technically that’s true, and it seems like a great ide…SHITSHITSHIT IM BEING FUCKED UP BY A RADSCORADORE and you’re dead. Welcome to the Mohave wasteland mothafuckas


The first playthrough of nv pissed me off, either take the shortest path and get messed up by cazadors and deathclaws or run around the entire map to get there, alternatively kill an ncr soldier and use his uniform to get on the metro


I knew this city like the back of my hand. Didn't even need to use the map and it's the only GTA I've gotten 100%. Love it.


It was the first one that I got 100% with as well. I did GTA III until like 95-97% GTA San Andreas - 100% GTA V - 100% Red Dead Redemption - 100% RDR2 - 95.4% and still going.


I just got 100% for RDR2


Nice. Well done. I have one small step for man, one giant leap for gameplay hours left to get there.


I did that not long back, going back to pick every herb all over again nearly broke me lol


LA Noire?


Loved that story. Never even finished the game. I was a great clue finder but shitty lie detector I guess. I never remember getting a perfect rating on a case


I don't think the lie detector part was your fault, the acting wasn't really good enough to give the lie mechanics any worth. It doesn't matter that the facial capture was unique and better than what was available at the time if the acting sucks.


It's a boring and repetitive game. If the devs got another chance, I'm sure they could've made a masterpiece, but R* shut them down so.


Nice, I'm working on my first, GTA IV complete edition. I'm like 60% lol.


I missed out on GTA IV. I didn't play it when it came out but would play it over at my friend's house a few years after release. I love the way they did Liberty City and I feel like Nico would be one of my favorite protagonists, but it just missed me. I need to go back and play the story. I'll probably want to shoot for 100% with it.


I had it on 360 back in the day and got it cheap on Steam last month so decided to give it a shot. It was a fun ride with the main game, definitely better than I remember, and now I'm playing the Lost and Damned for the first time which is very cool because you get to see the story from another perspective.


I'm missing out on the GTA Episodes. Haven't played Ballad Of Gay Tony, Lost and The Damned..none of em


Well you should if you get the chance, best 5 bucks I've ever spent.


I'm getting it tonight. We're still snowed in here where I'm at in the states so imma find something to keep me occupied.


My first (and so far only) GTA 100%. With the rest I’m always at 90-95% and don’t have the heart to do the “chores” (typically hidden items).




I wasn't trying to impress but thanks for the comparison! =D


Who claimed this to be impressive? Dude was just stating a fact 😂




Eat a Weiner


No, *you* eat a wiener!


A hotdogs does sound pretty good right about now...


How do you get yours?


Vienna beef, tomato, onion, relish, pickle, sport peppers, celery salt, sesame seed bun


You're being like a gnark right now... you're being so gnarkilleptic... very clean


Slurp wiener wiener cock diner🏆


Boooooo gnarkilleptic. Boooooooooo




It isn't actual Vice City map, it's a remake made in some other game like Cities Skylines.


I think it's from the Sims


Yeah this distinctly looks like the Sims 3


Vice City was the first map I downloaded for sims 3


Yep, this looks nothing like Skylines


Yeah but it’s the literal layout of it.




Yeah, the bridge north of that starfish? island has an overpass you need to drive under when you’re on the west mainland. Conveniently missing!


Rockstar is going to milk GTA 6 for ten years, so a big map that will take a while to get old is almost necessary


Likely longer than that.


I kinda disagree with a smaller map idea, it becomes pretty apparent after a while it's small I think YouTubers did really good work at promoting "smaller map with much more activities idea", why can't we have bigger map and more activities as well i think part of reason why we felt this map big back then because we were kids i guess.


Console limitations force devs to pick one or the other (I assume). You either make a small yet very dense map with a lot of things going on, or a big map with less things going on. Who wouldn't love a massive map that's incredibly dense? This is why gta v hardly had any interiors you could walk into.


It's not just console limitations, it's also pc limitations. Not everyone has the money to afford a high end gaming rig, so even pc games need to be limited if they want to make the most money off sales. If they only cater to high end rigs, they won't sell as many copies.


Just pull a starfield and say “just get a 4090”


And the performance is still dodgy as fuck. Yay!


Haha, true. Just get rich what's the problem?


In all seriousness though, rockstar optimized most of their games decently well


Didn't they delay the PC ports for RDR2 and GTA V so they had time to optimize it? Or am I wrong on that?


Either way, good job for their honesty




Bbbbbbut……… skyrim


Skyrim is a great example. It's a living world with tons going on, but it's a much smaller map than even gtav. It feels big because compromises (no super cars, flying motorcycles, or aircraft) were made to make it as immersive as possible with what it had.


Also every Skyrim interior has a loading screen


I just wonder if the map size ive seen online for skyrim includes the interiors of the buildings and caves.


Skyrim smaller than GTA V? Now you have to be bullshitting… 🤔 Well… OK, but given that Skyrim has both Saltytime (ahem, Solstheim) and Skyrim, it’s about the same *size* as GTA V, but about 50% as dense… BUT, all the interiors, including big dwemer ruins and Blackreach, Soul cairn and the like… Skyrim is huge, I’d be willing to say bigger than GTA V. And yes I have been playing both for past 10+ years…


Animations, lighting, textures and sheer fidelity are all areas which rockstar focused on more than Bethesda. These things use the resources of your console. Skyrim is a great game, but on ps3 I think it looks bad when put side to side with gtav. Just as gtav looks bad when put up next to a very linear and story-driven game like the last of us on ps3. Each developer has different priorities, but most will try to push hardware to its limits in one way or another.


Yes, I agree; basic vanilla Skyrim VS GTA V, GTA V looks better… but you gotta admit, Skyrim *is way bigger*, or at least feels like it is, than GTA V. I mean it for real, Solstheim included Skyrim has way too much space to move in, ans even more underground. That, and there are lots of environmental storytelling (guess rhat’s why they use so many times one actor, eh?), you can bet they had quite a few designers…


I hope new consoles have better capabilities


They do. The Xbox Series X (even the less powerful Series S) and the PS5 are both far more powerful than any console to exist before them as well as many low-to-mid-end PCs.


I was curious if one x is stronger than series s... It has 1tb and also has 4k. The only pro I see with a series s is that it has an ssd


The Series S is stronger than the One X. https://www.windowscentral.com/xbox-series-s-more-powerful-xbox-one-x


thank u


Agreed! I don’t understand why people hate on the fan made “country” maps. We’re going to live in this map for 15 years. I want it to be as big as possible. And yes, you can have a big map *with* interiors. That’s not an excuse.


Exactly, after gta 6 we won't have new gta game for a while.


You can, but what is being given up when you do? Pedestrian ai? Graphical fidelity? It's a balancing act that I hope rockstar can perfect for gta vi. Rdr2 showed how capable the ps4 and xo were at creating immersive open worlds with many of those features, but I don't think we are at the point of creating country sized maps with the ps5 and xsx.


I’d like to add on this from the perspective of someone who’s done game development as a hobby, you can create massive worlds like that, but the issues comes into play of the editor itself. Even with Unreal Engine 5 we’re still heavily limited to how big the map can be before it begins to blowout the memory and CPU/GPU processing. But despite that discrepancy, it’s done as level based design, where we load in X map/level when player reaches Y border, and iirc there’s been a few MMORPGs that go to push that by mixing procedural design with multi-level maps so they can make the most out of the mechanics and graphics without ultimately restricting “how big” a single map can be


Why do we have to give something up? Why is that the mentality? I don’t think it will actually be a country, I just don’t understand fans who claim to prefer a small map. I hope Leonida is just one of many states that Rockstar adds to the GTA6 universe.


I agree, rockstar will absolutely deliver on making leonida another icon where I'll spend hundreds of hours. Nobody wants a small map, they just want the many aspects that come with a small map such as very realistic ai or highly detailed interiors, etc.


Bc we know these companies they not about to do all that work for that amount of money. With what you and others are asking for we’re talking about a $150 price tag w a $50 online subscription fee that knowing how Take Two operates would be monthly. They stopped making games that are cool and are for the fans year ago it’s all about money solely just that


Bro you’re just making up numbers


Dude you yap so much without noticing how much effort needs to be put into these games. If you think they can just make a large-ass map with w interiors while maintaining the quality, I dare you to make a functional game which can keep me hooked for 10 minutes. Just 10 minutes. Maybe then you will understand how much work is put into these games.


I agree. Only the studio with the biggest video game budget of all time and a track record of making huge interactive maps could make something like that!


it is possible but not rn and if it were to happen the following things would occur 1. current hardware wouldnt be able to run such games with ease 2. extensive pressure on devs leading to an unfinished game 3. a high price tag, this isnt a charity and the money put in needs to have returns 4. all these results would result in massive losses potentially causing the studio to shut down


a big map with interiors is going to put a lot of pressure on the devs. They would have to give interiors to thousands of places in a country sized map. This wouldn't let devs focus on other aspects of the game, causing it to flop.


Dude, this GTA6. There is already a lot of pressure on the devs.


That just further supports my claim. You don't pile more pressure on devs who are already expected to make a revolutionary game which changes gaming forever.


GTA6 *will* be a revolutionary game. Rockstar is known for huge lively worlds and hoping for a small map is such a weird thing that fans do.


I want the map to be one room. That’s it.


Finally someone is being creative


I don’t get it either. It’s annoying but I guess it came from some YouTuber and nobody can form their own opinion anymore.


No one's hoping for a small map. It's just realistically not possible to have a country size map with interiors without having the game be complete shit in this day and age.


What a boring perspective Obviously it won’t be the size of a country, but it’s very realistic for Rockstar to include multiple states over time


Well, the "boring perspective" is the reality pal


Yeah, have a bigger map with more space in-between those same amount of activities.


Because it would be incredibly heavy for everyone, for developers and for players. Devs would need to think of a lot more activities to introduce, try to not make it repetitive and to balance the amount of things to do and interesting place to visit. And if devs just go full Ubisoft style and fill up the map with thousands of the same activities we got since Far Cry 3, players will bore out of it Test Drive Unlimited 1, the first online free-roam kinda MMO racing and driving game, had a massive map, you would take almost an hour going around the whole island. And I can assure you 90% of the whole map is just blank. It had a massive map, and there are lots of races to do of various kinds, with enough space to let you try every car you want. But it still felt empty.


Far Cry 6 was large and had tons of stuff to do. RDR2 was also large and had endless things to do. I’m not seeing where you are going.


Both of those games are so old, lol


Just think of Cool Boarders 3 on the PS1. It had so much potential. I loved that game.


I was disappointed in the map upon release. The GTA3 map had 3 distinctly different islands, each with very different topographies and also very distinct personalities. The original vice city map was 1/3rd empty beach and the whole map was flat. There were no huge cliffs to jump off of, or steep streets to get airtime on. It was just boring. (Before some idiot says, "well it was based on miami and miami is flat." Yeah, but the designers made that choice. That could have chosen to add steeper terrain and they didn't.)


I think there's a balance to be had. You don't want a small map like Vice City or GTA3 because it will be quickly fixed and limit the fun, but large empty maps like in San Andreas and GTAV are too large. In my opinion, GTAIV was the perfect lap. It wasn't huge and every inch of it was populated with structures and interesting things to find that added to the world instead of just being endless desert or countryside. It was expansive enough and varied enough that you can still discover things years later. GTAV bragged about being the biggest map in the series, but it was mostly empty and lacked incentivev to be explored fully.


SA was not Empty, It was filled with locations and was Diverse as hell with 3 cities and many towns


It’s not proof though is it. This Vice City was acceptable for a PS2 game, it would be way too small on any generation after that.


Well look at how big the San Andreas map was 2 years later


And how small it seems without the PS2 limitations


Yeah fr it’s way bigger than iv and feels like half of it


The scale of games changed with technology. That’s the simplest way to explain. Nostalgia really does play tricks on ya


Vice City Stories , Man


either this or San Andreas. Seriously, the San Andreas map feel somehow larger than V's Los Santos, and its barely even a quarter of its size.


GTA SA's map is bigger than V's Los Santos but its smaller than GTA V's entire map


Relatable but beach that size nah


The thing that makes the 3D games so special is that they knew how to work with the limitations that they had, like the maps are small but they feel huge like San Andreas on PS2 feels as big as GTA V, even though it’s way smaller because of the draw distance and the density of the map. Something that is immediately stripped with the Deluxe editions taking that away.


I mean, it DOES. A lot of people criticized this game because of how small the map was


Video killed the radio star...


Honestly crazy this was enough looking back


It felt so big and real back in the day


GTA: Key West


It does. Nobody would have fun if the gta6 map would be this small. Lol


No shit 💀


Sooooo many hours......


My second home (10 y.o. - 30 y.o.)


lol vice city seemed big back in the day


In fact I almost feel like I started to have less fun as the maps got bigger thinking how great 3/VC were


This is my favourite GTA till date.


I like the direction of gta 6, but they should have released at least a trailer with the original music. That would have hit different


I always hated how big that damn beach was. Tons of wasted space


I wish we had PS2 ports.of GTA.directors cut. GTA2. Both gta londons GTA3. GTA Vice city Gta liberty city story Gta vice city stories GTA San Andreas special edition. For the new consoles. All they have to do is add a high-definition. Texture, and that's it. Do not change nothing else. The The original ones are getting hard to find and overrated prices on ebay


Crazy how much of my childhood I spent in this small map lol


Loved driving around there, with the radio. Man what memories have I made from my favorite GTA


That beach felt so insanely massive


They were the best of times


I’m currently playing Vice City Stories on ps3 and yes I agree it’s a beautiful map and it doesn’t feel small at all.




Great! Let me show this to my wife!


I remember thinking that map was massive


Size does matter if you fell to sea at the side of the airport in VCS...


I was just playing VC on my steam deck few minutes ago and thinking that even though I’m looking forward to VI being set in VC, the idea of the huge map and density etc as opposed to original VC makes me anxious. It might be that I’m in my 30s and I know the feeling I had when I was 13 and playing VC for the first time with my cousin can’t be replicated


innit. I quite enjoyed the games more when they had smaller maps for some reason. maybe it was because I wasn't pressured to explore alot or do alot in the game which is boring in a way, its also nostalgic:D


This is the thing right... Small maps and their layouts become familiar to your head, you play the game enough to know where you're going without pausing to look at the map. They have a personality because of that. The larger maps lose that density, but they also take longer to familiarise and I guess you lose out on the fluidity of the experience a little bit. I've always enjoyed games with smaller maps because they're memorable, pretty much most of them. It's what made Spyro an iconic game, the old CoD's iconic. I honestly wouldn't mind a GTA spin-off if they committed to smaller maps like this and released them between the major games (the numbered ones).


You are out of touch


You're outta time


But I'm outta my head when you're not around.


Back then this was freakin huge


Smaller map with more detail. Like, more accessible and explorable buildings, with more interactions. It was a bit frustrating that only a few convenience stores and gas stations in GTA5 were just filler with no purpose. So in my view, it’s not big vs small, just less filler please.


To me, it felt like at different times the map felt bigger in different places. I might be misremembering, but I recently started the definitive version, so I'm interested to see if it feels the same.


Me personally, know liberty city better than where I live


Small is shit. Liberty city was so small, airplanes couldn’t fly. Granted, the dense urban environment made up for it. Size matters. The map can’t be big enough.


reminds me of an old 2013 roblox survival map 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Please crop the image.


holy crap it looks so tiny but seemed so huge back in the day


I disagree. Map always felt small and you could navigate it very quickly.


me playing vice city (my first gta game) for the first time and reading the comments on this is crazy 😭 like it's not as huge as other games ive played (botw, totk for example) but it doesnt feel small by any means are later gta games really that much bigger?


vice city will always be special to me 🤍


I am playing this game right now on my tablet and it doesn’t feel that small.


My favorite part was the middle island with the mansions 😭 memories


why not crop the black top and bottom? lol anyways its kinda crazy the city is basically just 2 roads on 2 islands


This map was the worst of the franchise


GTA 3 was definitely worse


I disagree, it’s the smallest but has the most unique vibe of any gta game, it almost feels like manhunt in a way. Such an eerie, creepy atmosphere that no other gta has


4 had it


Nah. GTA 3's map had more variety and felt like actual City. The buildings also were more detailed and not like Vice City's blocks with texture on them. Plus all the tunnels and train tracks made 3's map feel bigger than the map of Vice City


I prefer it over Liberty City


Low key, you’re right, but the game that took place in it, and the atmosphere it had, made up for that imo.


Still better than gta 5 map


Crazy It’s probably really the worst out of all 3d games from them either vc or gta 3


I would take vice over liberty city in terms of where its based on but i have to admit that gta 3's map was better then Vice City. Somehow they made a smaller map after 3.


Damn bro. Why did you get down voted so hard? The gta 5 fanboys are after you. I agree with you 101%


I always get downvotted in this sub im used to it




Gta 5 map had alot of potential but its boring the whole countryside was terrible i mean gta san andreas had more little towns and a better forest


Could've made the desert half the size then add Las Venturas instead. I'm sure from a development standpoint it's easier said than done tbf


You also have to think this was ps3 and 360 they were making this game for, maybe two cities was just too much


Why do I not recognize the airport part?


cus there were no missions there after crossing the security check


could you even get there at all?


oh wait I remember it now. It was all fenced off. I’m stupid. It’s been a long time lol


Small is also not good but i agree that after a centain point, it becomes more of a burden than fun. I loved AC Odyssey, it one of the most beautiful maps I've played but the map was so incredibly big that i basically had a mental block and could never finish the game because i was just doing nothing but running around the entire time.


That's a Sims 3 World mod though.


Eh, despite GTA VC easier being the better game GTA 3s map ages better thanks to it's larger map (by useful land area). And now today GTA 4 is a great game, but it's map holds it back where GTA SA holds up better. Even as great as GTA 5 is, the map has less interiors and variety than GTA SA had, so GTA SA feels bigger. In basic it depends on what they do with the map, but it wouldn't exactly make sense to go smaller than SA, even with better details.


someone told me that people hated the map when vice city first came out falling it too flat


It's about the motion in the ocean ..... The bodies of water in florida are filled with 🦈🐊


San Andreas is a better example imo, personally I wasn't the biggest fan of this map


Ngl I always hated how linear this map felt. Vice city is a good game but It’s my least favorite map for sure.


Never liked VC map. Love the game anyways


No way…


This is literally a Sims 3 map


Kinda does lmao. Rockstar is known for pushing boundaries so a small map just wouldn't make sense. Also OG Vice City's map feels super dated imo partly because of its size.


It felt big at first but it got small. And ultimately i hated being stuck in the 80s. I suppose its a generational thing. I dont have a problem being stuck in the 90s for San Andreas and even being able to see the whole it still feels pretty big.


It does that is way too small


This is shit


Worst map in the gta series, just a maze


God small maps suck. I never liked VC map


OP, we all know who uses this phrase ;)