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We forget a thousand things every day, we will forget this one too


I won’t until I hear what he actually means. Personal beef maybe?


he said in his recent streams that there is plans on doing a cross over event of GTA 5 actors and RDR2 actors at a games convention or something, i wonder how thats going to go now that ned said he doesn't like bens performance lmao


People need to go read what he said. He said he has no problem with the actor and has respect for the performance, but it just wasn’t for him.


He tried to backtrack and made an attempt. He’s still saying the first thing he said. He doesn’t like the performance. Having respect for it doesn’t mean a thing. Why doesn’t he like his performance? lol Edit: grammar


He never backtracked he just clarified that it wasn’t personal. He just didn’t like the performance and whether he gives his reasons why or not, it’s so strange to me that people are getting so worked up. He’s a VA so I’m sure he has personal tastes that may differ from what other deem a good performance. He even mentioned that he dislikes some of his own previous performances as well. I just find it wild that people are hounding and personally attacking Ned Luke over his own opinion on a well liked character.


>it’s so strange to me that people are getting so worked up. Unwritten rule of showbiz is you don't talk shit about other artists in your field. Even if it's an honest opinion, it comes off as an insult and it can burn bridges for future prospects. I'm not saying what he said was wrong or meanspirited, just that it was unwise of him to say it on his official account


Cuz he won’t say WHYhe doesn’t like it. “I just don’t” is a valid reason but also a reason that makes you seem petty


It’s just very, odd and seems like an attack. It was extremely unnecessary.


Yeah, I really agree with you.


😉 I see what you did there


you’re a good kid, arthur morgan


A good kid? A "good kid"? Why? Does he donate money to the box? No. He sits on his ass all day outside of the camp, hunting and doing side missions while ignoring the main quest. If that's our standard for goodness... then no wonder this gang is screwed


And what about Dutch?


What about Dutch? Hey. He didn't have that advantages this kid has. By the time he was his age. He already been in jail cell twice.


He robbed banks he ran whores he smuggled sheep


And he considers these achievements?


These were the opportunities he had, atleast he took em


what a sick joke


You think this is bad? This? This chicanery?


Let it aaaaaall out.


You're a bad kid, Dutch


Nice avatar




Ned has always been one with the jokes, he has to be joking


You're a not a good kid Benjamin


He isn’t — he expands on it later comparing this to not liking Al Pacino… lmao I’ll be the be the first to say it Ned Luke is a pretentious asshole who thinks too highly of himself and his acting, his story of how he got the part has always rubbed me the wrong way dude just seems up his own ass. And no I’m not saying this off the back of just this incident, this is something I’ve felt for a while but knew not to mention it due to the love he gets. Fuck it now, the dude is showing he’s real side. Bitter !


how did he get the role


I guess it was the weather


i dont believe he is an asshole since you know we dont know the guy


I use to know him but I forgot


one of a thousand things you forgot that day


same goes for him being the nicest guy ever :p


is anyone actually out here calling him the nicest guy ever ?


no lol but the comment goes both ways and on reddit some things aren’t so obvious to others


he didn't even say he was bad. he said he doesn't like it. everyone has unpopular or even misguided opinions. that doesn't make him an asshole some redditors need to socialize more


Not liking a character makes you pretentious? I love Dutch be lets be real.. HE SUCKS! He literally makes NO SENSE and is just straight up delusional lmao some of the dialogue in that game at camp is TRASH too. Ned Luke just like everyone else has his opinions lol why insult him just because you disagree?


they wrote Michael as Ned so all the voice lines and Mocap was just Ned chillin around his house smokin cigars on the couch with his shitty son and wife who hates him lmao It was a joke y’all jeez !!


Don’t forget the daughter who also hates him for “ruining her life” while doing what any father would do when their daughter is selling her body to be in TV 😂


I’m not basing my comments on the Dutch stuff I’m just allowing the Dutch stuff to give me comfort in expressing my opinion which I’ve had for over a year now. I’ve watched him stream and I don’t like him or his performance.


In his YouTube play throughs he comes across sometimes as being a bit of an ass but enough people love watching him play they donate money to him just to play GTA


Never liked Michaels character, and Ned is alright but yea dude is very pretentious and egotistical. Almost like he became a god from being in GTAV or something 🤣


This how bullshit starts. One person says something negative and gets a handful of upvotes then suddenly a bunch of you mfs pile with the “yeah what an asshole he sure is pretentious and thinks he’s a god.” Stfu. You don’t know this man lol


That's the vibe I'm getting from this too.


Like he’s not a piece of shit or anything like that, just a bit of an arrogant douchebag.


Why is this pissing people off so much? Like it's not really a big deal if he didn't like the character lol.


Cause you cant have a negative opinion on things everyone loves remember


Especially on twitter


Reddit when someone else has an opinion opposite of theirs:


He also dissed the guy on the rights performance which is just completely unprofessional


He’s not saying he doesn’t like Benjamin Byron Davis personally, he’s just saying he doesn’t like the performance. I completely disagree with him but he’s entitled to his opinion.


You're look at this WAY too deep. It doesn't mean anything


No it's not. You can dislike a performance without it being "unprofessional". I don't agree with him (in the fucking slightest) but he's more than welcome to have that opinion. In no way is he a bad guy or any other negative word for having it.


thank finally a logical point people on twitter swear he’s evil for what he said


An actor is not just his performance and you implying so is far worse than what Ned said. Every actor in the history of the world has faced critique of their work, and that is a good thing.


How is that a diss? He just said he didn't like the character or the performance, even if he isn't joking, who really cares lol we're all adults with different opinions


"Completely unprofessional" what the fuck does that have to do with you? Are you in that profession? I'll never understand why everyone crawls with this argument over not liking someome.


What does saying to "dislike" something have to do with dissing?


He’s famous so he’s not allowed to have opinions that differ from Stans


Saying Benjamin Byron Davis' performance is bad is terrible opinion. Dutch is one of the greatest, if not **the greatest** antagonists Rockstar have, and his performance as Dutch is one of the best of all Rockstar actors.


Thats just an opinion though


It's a terrible opinion. Can you explain what an opinion of a persons performance would include? Because in no way did Benjamin Byron Davis perform badly. He's not sloppy, he doesn't say his lines badly, he's not inconsistent.


When he said performance I assume he meant the act in general of Dutch. Not Byron’s ability to act. Or he would have said he doesn’t like Byron… He said he didn’t like the character. Tbh neither did I because he didn’t take me to fucking Tahiti 😂


> When he said performance I assume he meant the act in general of Dutch Dutch isn't giving a performance. Dutch is the character. Benjamin Byron Davis is giving the performance, and Ned Luke separating the character from the performance only means that he didn't like something Benjamin Byron Davis did.




Lol it’s worrisome that people even care this much about this. It changes nothing. Is RDR2 unplayable now because someone had an opinion?


Having a negative opinion about something thats popular, makes every good thing they've done irrelevant. They're LICHRERLY hitler


Me personally it doesn’t piss me off and I’m a fan of Ned Luke but it’s an odd opinion to have. It seems like it’s coming from a place of ego but I’m making assumptions. He’s entitled to his opinions but he’s wrong.


I think it's more about not liking the performance right? That's a direct shot at the actor no longer the character. Hate to break it to Ned but Dutch was a better performed character and overall more interfering character than Michael in every way


I love you Ned but I gotta say Dutch had a better performance than Michael


How about you suck my cock!


"HUH?! "




best scene in the game


Giving his opinion


Having an opinion, and some people are acting like children and throwing tantrums over it.


Through the years I have learned to keep my opinions to myself because some people will literaly lose their shit and have their brain implode if they hear an opinion different from theirs and saying they are throwing a tantrum like childrrn is an understatement.


Irony is the purpose of social media is to let someone share an opinion and people defeat that purpose 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agreed. And imo its because some people are so ignorant and so small minded that anything that challanges their way of thinking is wrong and the only way to "prove they are right" is screaming it lounder, throwing tantrums even resorting to violence Source:my parents, peers and social media.


that is exactly why I do share my opinions 1. make a comment 2. go to sleep 3. wake up 4. have a laugh at cry babies 5. go about your life it's so funny how so many people online think one of my many reddit accounts is my entire existence when you take too long to comment it's because you are running out of arguments. when you stop responding is because you lost the argument. or when I type more than 5 lines it's because I'm obsessed. I love the fact that people keep making assumptions about me while I'm out there meeting my family, having a job interview, watching a move, playing games etc


I like GTA 5


GTA 5 is the best GTA.


LCS is better than 5


GTA 4 is way better than GTA 5. You probably wouldn't know nothing about that though since the only GTA games you've heard of are San Andreas and 5


Bro, shut the fuck up. Let me have my opinion. I’ve played 4, BOGT, LATD, SA, VC and 5. I prefer 5.


Honestly, I had more fun playing 5. And isn’t that games are for. I mean I love the story to 4, but gta 5 was more memorable for me


Yeah 5 is definitely a good game. I'll never disagree with that




Let them have their opinions


Let me give my own, then






The irony in this comment thread about letting people have other opinions and then shitting on people who say gta5 isn’t the best gta


I didn't shit on him, I just said no. But a lotta folk are mad because I have my own opinion and it's not the same as theirs.


red dead sub reddit going crazy, its an joke and they can't take it


No it’s not lol


Nah they’re acting like he killed someone because he didn’t care for their Messiah


no offense the guy on twitter asked question and he got answered


What are you on about? So far I've seen a grand total of 1 post about it over there. Which was a clear joke.


It’s funny because the person who asked him even agrees everyone is overreacting.


I'm so fucking glad I left that goddamn sub


To be fair, Dutch is pretty insufferable towards the end.


ned is likely talking about dutch's character and people ain't getting context


If that's the case, then I'd agree. But Ben's performance, the writing and depth to Dutch's character development is undeniably well made. For me, his best moment of his performance is Dutch's last scene in RDR1. The way he delivered that line is just haunting and understandable. Also the last scene with him and Arthur is another one of the greats, done with just facial and vocal expressions.


Same i agree the cast of red dead did amazing job at bringing all those characters to life, but if Ned doesn't like it, then it's his own personal opinion i don't know what to say more


"Don't like the character **or the performance**" It's a clear distinction. Who is giving the performance?


tbh i stopped keeping up with him when he said that he didn’t care about ai art being unethical and then got mad when people made ai versions of his voice.


Ok he did not like the character, completely fine everyone is free to give their opinions But he didn't like the performance too ?? What?


Still an opinion.


A poo poo one


It's an opinion that the whole game probably sucked balls even before release.


character sure i can understand but prformance?! Dutch was played perfectly to the tiniest details


People are blowing this out of proportion this is no different than liking an actors performance in one movie but not liking it in another, it’s just his opinion and people shouldn’t get mad or rude about it 🤷‍♂️


they ask him for his opinion and then get upset that he expressed an opinion


Yes but ben is objectively amazing full stop


That’s true but ned never said he wasn’t ned never slandered this man


I'm sorry I love gta 5s story and preformences but every single character in the camp in rdr2 is better acted and written then 95% of gta 5 including Michael. He has. Right to his opinions but my opinion is his take is utter fucken dogshit.


That’s wild, I can understand not liking the character but his performance was immaculate.


“giving his opinion.” But other people are “throwing a tantrum” because they’re also giving their opinion…?


the streamer fame getting to him


So if anybody went online and expressed the same opinion wtf does that mean?


Yeah it was a good thing he started streaming otherwise no one would ever know who he is, not like he played a main character in the biggest piece of entertainment on the planet or anything


Why can’t Ned Luke have his own opinions? Rockstar fans are so weird


My opinion is that his opinion is bullshit. Is that not allowed or do you only like opinions you agree with? Red Dead Redemption is known for having some of the greatest performances in all of gaming. RDR2 frequently regarded as the best singleplayer story of all time, and that extends to its actors and the actors performance. To call out another actors performance, when that performance is part of the greatest story of all time, is petty and bitter. It is also unnecessary and completely unprofessional to shit talk other people for no reason.


Bro stop shilling so hard for Dutch’s actor he won’t notice you


The difference is you're being a jackass when you share your opinion, and all Ned said was "didn't like the performance"


OK fake ass Big Smoke


Good God I know these comments are a few months old but they're honestly embarrassing. You're acting like he said "this guy is fucking shit he did a horrible job." Like, it's one thing to disagree with him, but you're taking "i didn't like the performance" as a personal insult akin to outright slandering people. Nobody is "shit talking" anyone. You can recognize someone's talent while still not personally liking a performance, because ultimately, whether or not you like it is subjective, regardless of how well-received it is by others. And sometimes it really is as simple as "I don't like it because I don't like it, i can't explain why." ["I didn't say the performance was not good. I said I didn't like the performance, and I didn't. I'm not going to say I loved something I didn't just because I loved the game, which I did."](https://x.com/ned_luke/status/1759971909997908242) ["I have huge respect for the performance...I just didn't like it. Is that really that difficult for y'all to understand? I can totally understand why people loved it as well. I'm just not one of those people. Me being an actor has nothing to do with it."](https://x.com/ned_luke/status/1759977764919157085) I don't know how it's so hard to understand that not liking something is not the same as saying it is objectively bad, and definitely not the same thing as insulting someone. It's not the same exact thing, but I don't like Star Wars. It's just not my thing. That doesn't mean I don't respect the fact it is a huge part of society that has shaped it to the point that "Star Wars Day" is a widely known thing. And it doesn't mean I think it's objectively bad. Clearly it isn't, since so many people love it. But I don't like it. Same with art. There are plenty of art styles I don't like. But me saying "I don't like their art style" is not me saying they're a shit artist, or even that their art style is bad. It's just not for me. I just don't like it personally. That's all. It's an opinion. Not a judgment on anyone. There are plenty of people who don't like performances that are widely regarded as excellent performances, and there always will be. And a lot of those people recognize that there is a reason so many people enjoy the performances, it just doesn't do it for them. It's disingenuous as fuck to pretend that one simple tweet saying "i didn't like the character or performance" is an attack on anyone. People don't have an issue with people disagreeing with Ned. They have an issue with putting words into his mouth and completely blowing it all out of proportion to insult him over his opinion.


I see it as more directed at specifically the character and performance and not the voice actor. Don’t get me wrong Benjamin Byron Davis did a tremendous job but even I felt at times it was cartoonish which after saying it out loud might’ve been the point. Arthur’s redemption runs parallel to Dutch’s decent into insanity imo


Looks like he's stating his opinion. What's wrong with that?


Dutch is better and better acted than Michael. Ben has range, elegant sociopath to deranged cult leader


Hes expressing his opinion, not that deep.


I don’t like Dutch for what he did, but the performance is one of the best for sure.


Ben Davis did a much better performance as Dutch than Ned Luke as Michael imo


What u smoking boah?


He's smoking factzz


#Stop the presses! Someone has a different or controversial opinion! Not sure why it is a newsworthy issue that someone doesn’t like a character or a performance by an actor. People need to get their life priorities straight. Hopefully people will learn to mind their business going forward.


Didn’t like the character I’m sure it’s not personal


How can someone like the character? I mean he evolves into a psychopath and snitch. The performance of the actor is good but the character itself from arthurs point of view? Nah. No sympathy unless he brings us to Tahiti


There's two ways you can look at "liking" a character. In the way you infer, it's more like you would be the character's friend, but in the other way, you can like a character in an artistic sense, such as admiring a really well written or fleshed out character. People love Darth Vader even though he's basically space Hitler


Hahaha (last sentence) yeah true. I was only viewing it the one way


Ned just needs some GODDAMN FAITH.


He doesn’t like his plan


No room to talk...


You people are freaking out over nothing r/rockstar too


Looks maxing lol


Ned Luke: "I got caught up in the money, the power"


Plot twist, Benjamin is a tennis coach


He’s entitled to his opinion. My option is that his opinion sucks. I think I’ll survive Ned Luke not liking a video game character tho.


Eh I thought everyone involved did a fantastic job personally. Up there with last of us 1 in terms of the feels it gave me, which is rare from a game.


“Dutch hater!” -Goldmember


If videogames had the cultural capital that films do, Dutch would be considered one of the greatest performances of all time...


Dutch losing it and drowning that guy in the swamp is one of the best voice acted performances I've ever heard, what's this guy even talking about?


He is a person with his own opinions, just like everyone else.


It’s called having an opinion. Please touch some grass 💀also…Ned has been playing the IDGAF game for years lol. Love that for him!❤️


Whoa 💀


Oh no he has a different opinion 😤 who cares??😂


Dutch is one of my favorite villains. I know he's cartoony at the end but i like villains that need some examination. Honestly the worst villains are pure evil for the sake of it. They are fucking boring.




Ned was Arthur Morgan just like the rest of us while playing


Voicing his personal opinion? We’re still allowed to have those, right? Right??


And I cannot stress this enough………… ??


Aw hell no


He’s having an opinion. It’s not that deep


Big deal he doesn’t like Dutch


People aren't allowed to have opinions in this day and age. Smdh.


He’s becoming Australian if ykyk


Bro definitely auditioned and didn’t get it


I get it. Dutch sounds the same like all the time, compared to Arthur. Personally after Luke 6 playthroughs, over 200 hours easily for me. Arthur is like a Senoir in HS who has a younger brother named Dutch who is about to enter high school. Dutch has some great lines and monologs but after hearing it multiple times... Arthur just seems like he is really there but then again you could use the "Dutch isn't himself during the games... the Blackwater job changed him so he was basically in the background while his new self tried to cope with what he did to that innocent woman in blackwater and then later in Guarma with the old lady. Dutch was suffering from multiple person disorder..." I can see. Ith ways honestly but I do agree that it was a clear difference from Arthur and Ducth performance wise, line delivery and depth of feeling felt


I wanna get mad at him but dude can’t be blamed for his opinion


Why doesn't he like dutch? Is he stupid?


I can respect his opinion but I at least wish he explained why he didn't like the character or the performance.


maybe its just his opinion


well, atleast ben has more roles in video game industry than ned. won’t be surprised why ned luke said those things🤭


Second one - Dan Bilzerian one year in McDonald's.


I've seen dudes that look exactly like Ned at the gas station asking for money for cigarettes and lottery tickets. Dude's lucky he has a voice for voice acting.


Oh noooo. He has an opinion!!! Everyone get into snowflake mode!!!




This is almost similar to what Steven Ogg the voice actor who did Trevor who got very annoyed with people saying he's a "Cartoon character"


person has an opinion oh no whatever will we do with our lives ![gif](giphy|7JaT70OLOHWOcpRiCV|downsized)


Bro just doesn't like Dutch, he's allowed to dislike things right?


it's his fucking personal opinion stfu, I love Dutch, but everyone is entitled to its own opinion


Crazy when when you consider Dutch was a far better character than Michael


its his opinion, its not like he attacked Byron personally, he just said he didnt enjoy the performance and the character.


> he just said he didnt enjoy the performance and the character Who is giving the performance, and what is wrong with it?


Oh no! He has an opinion!


Ik its his opinion but i still dont understand how could someone think that


It's probably because Dutch was a well written character where his was a 1 dimensional snore fest.


Why are people flipping over this? It's okay to not like something. Saying it publicly, especially to a well-estabilished VA with an actual good performance in Red Dead is weird and unprofessional, but it's not something outrageous.


Ned Luke 🤝DarkViperAU


Oof. Liking/disliking a character is much different from liking/disliking the performance. You can hate Joffrey(the character from Game of Thrones), but it is undeniable that Jack Gleeson gave a phenomenal performance. You can gate Dutch(the character) because he is a bad guy who betrays Arthur, but it is undeniable that Benjamin Byron Davis gave a phenomenal performance. To outright say a person gave a bad performance because you don't like the character is extremely unprofessional and objectively wrong. Lost a lot of respect for Ned Luke here.


Expressing his opinion??




Michael learning how to troll like his son 😂


Michael is tied for ‘least favorite gta playable character’ with Trevor. We all have opinions, but mine are right.


No surprise he doesn’t like rdr2 and he thinks gta 4 is slow and boring. He also thinks Michael is the goat gta character and 5 is the best gta lol


His character sucks worse then Dutch wtf lol


I hate Michael’s character even more now