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I'm in a situation right now myself on xbox, a player who wants to 1v1 me is really aggressive and doesnt understand that I dont 1v1.


I always text ppl on my phone when this happens. A good “you done lil bro?” Will stop em


I’ve found that tends to aggravate them much more


Yeah then they just call you bad at the game


I am bad at the game, so what? Not much street cred killing someone with no interest in trying to kill you


Ain’t no street cred in general


Good point lol


Seems like he was interested tho he has 12 kills on em he’s just a sore loser


Im really bad at PvP in GTA. The mechanics just blow. Meet me in COD however...


i say lil sis but that works to


you could take about 25 seconds to just join a new session


How’s he supposed to know you don’t 1v1? 🤣


I ended up in a public lobby all by myself for a while and some dude ended up in there with me. He send me a message asking to pvp. I didn’t oblige because I was working on stuff but was the most respectful any player has ever been towards me while still wanting to kill me. Most of the time it’s the kind of nonsense we’re all use to.


Call them maidenless, it works


Kill him 1x and LEAVE


“doesn’t understand I don’t wanna 1v1” what game do you think you’re playing lmfao gta will never give you a break ju




This is why I just play in private rooms. These kinds of people frustrate me


This is why I end up playing on closed game sessions every single time


You could’ve moved to another session. But you seemed to have enjoyed the battle with him, since you stayed in same session with him for hours.


Seems to me he started losing and all of sudden didn’t wanna 1v1 anymore 🤣it became a problem once he couldn’t have his way


I spawned in a session the other day and not even 5 secs later I was killed. So I went for revenge and the guy left the session when I got close to him


that happened to me in rdo i just loaded in and i got hit by a explosive bullet then i shot back they complain about me griefing like what


I guess I’ve been getting lucky? People leave me alone


someone destroyed my 1mil shipment once and left 2 seconds later


When this happens I text them “pls daddy” and they reply laughing and stop haha


You look like a tryhard so he was probably thinking he's helping the lobby 😁


I was wearing a suit and some goofy glasses, thats tryhard?


In this world unless you ware something colourful or silly your considered tryhard




Why is he so... wide?


I have a really wide monitor and it makes things stretch, I find it funny to spin my camera when in a car and it gets longer and then fatter lmao


Why am i laughing so hard at this


Probably bc my character is dressed funky lmao


I apologize I thought your pic was the character on the right my bad


I should've made it a little bit clearer


Yeah my b bro


He’s been eating as he goes during the Cluckin Bell raid.


put a shirt on nigga (i’m joking lol)




Well what u waiting for? Bust them puppies out!


Guy on the right looks like a try hard


Dude, you're looking at the wrong guy, your score's always on the left


If your running a tryhard skin in 2024 your pretty much asking to die, in the kill feed every day I see people with accounts with such skins dying consistently. Doesn't matter if your a griefer or not, your gonna be forced to find a new skin for public games. Even my buddy who's trash at combat and hardly kills anyone gets spawn tagged periodically over a skin


I was wearing a suit and some goofy glasses, thats tryhard?


Hey man that’s pretty hard ngl


Man I js wanna look cool n I keep getting pounded from behind bc of it


Does a checkered shirt, cyan track pants and cowboy hat count?


i will genuinely never understand the point of 1v1s in gta. let alone a 1v1 in gta in 2024


It can be difficult to walk away from a scrap but it probably took this guy a while to find someone who would fight back. PVP is a big part of the game for some people and you cared enough to get 12 kills in, many wouldn’t have even responded to getting randomly killed in the first place. ‘Non-toxic’ GTA is just doing the same heists over and over or cruising around in vehicles. Gets boring quick!


Literally GTA In a nutshell


It took this guy hours to get 20 kills on you? Damn he must be really bad. I had a guy trying to get me for 3 hours once and he could only get me twice. I was throwing the same dirt he was throwing at me, I was just better at it. He ended up getting the input bug and closing his game before he could get up. (except I insisted to him that it was a rage quit) Its ridiculous the lengths people will go to to grief you even when you never wanted a fight.


it’s taken people over 3 hours to get a single kill on me like i play the game they try to attack me i farm them with the sparrow then go afk to make dinner and they just wait for me to come out or leave


Ever hear o finding a new session…


If running a goods missions for whatever business you own in a public lobby, if you feel like you’re about to get griefed just quickly exit to another session and all your goods should still be intact.


I was doing some random mission then got camped by a guy shooting me with MK2 explosive rounds... I went afk came back to being killed for a 16th time and then he disconnected. I got my mission done then he was back for another 5 kills before I swaped servers. No clue who they were as they just picked l me out in a full lobby where everyone was minding their own business. Some people are just like that. I play on public servers until I get camped on then I stay in friends only mode until I log out 5hours later. Enjoy the fun stuff until someone takes advantage of it.


Just leave the lobby dude, don’t let this azzhole hinder your progress. By staying you are letting him squeeze your neck with his hands, by leaving he no longer exists in your world. Leaving doesn’t mean you “lose” it means you have more important shit to do than allow him to waste your time


Some people have no lives. My arch enemy is like 40-0 since I just set my controller down and smoked, he apparently found it fun to kill me over and over while I was doing nothing lol You just can't convince me there is something worthwhile in that activity.


I don’t, bruh this game is about thieving and killing and doing all the horrible shit we can’t irl Tf you mad about? Bros just playing the game. turn on passive i guess?


The reason I got a cheat engine was to use it against griefers and my friends. Outside of that I rarely use it and I don't bother people with it unless they're being pricks


I have a money glitch on ps5/Xbox that you can use to get revenge with some oribital cannon fun if you're interested 😂


I feel like we should keep their nicknames public so that folks know who to avoid or report right away


It was kevin_GOD_12


*writing down on the notepad.. Last time I had a toxic mf, he was cursing all my kids and grandkids with cancer for retaliating on his toxic bs


What an ass


Switch lobbies goofy


I always text them “omg please no you’re so scary” and then they magically stop


As a grown ass man I'm stunned how other adults find this "fun" it's just truly astonishing


People who are bullies irl are bullies online as well


I refuse to believe adults do this on gta




What did you do to him …. U generally on hunt down assholes who kill me while afk


I'm honestly not sure what I did, maybe he hates cargo missions


Sounds like you gotta git gud




You let him greif you for hours. You can just hop.


What’s a try hard skin? I buy clothes and do shit to accessories for my dumb ass charavter


some people think it’s cool


Looks like you did alright


you don’t gotta lie bro😭


Lol I’ve seen much worse


This happens regularly to my friends and I. We either try and lobby hop a few lobbies to lose them or we use their own cheap tactics against them


This is when you pull the sticky bomb tunnel strat


Dude you can always join a new lobby


Join a new session smh


For hours you stayed in the session after knowing a try hard was coming at you. Just change the session


And you are baiting him by fighting back? What are you expecting to achieve posting this? Just switch sessions…


I love the logic here: “wearing a suit means you’re begging for death”. Some people do CEO missions and want to dress like a CEO. WHO KNEW?!


Switch lobby…


I had one follow me around sometimes. He just wanted someone to play with. He had one of those dirt bike suits with the helmet and the mask. He didn’t act like a tryhard he was just riding around on a enduro not bothering anyone. I invited him to my ceo and he helped me in some contact missions and I did the casino heist with him. I like going in loud I tried stealth and the AI always detects me even the npcs cant see or hear me.


I got one message from the guy, was in Spanish and it said like son of the neighbours bitch idk what he meant lmao


If I get a message like that I block them. I know some Spanish and if the message is negative like that I block them. If a message is positive i’ll read the words I can understand and i’ll ask if they speak english because my Spanish isn’t very good. I’ll talk to them in english and talk for a little bit and play a few missions with them if they want to.


You get popped by MinecraftkidTNT?


No, kevin_GOD_12


had a dude blow up my mc goods, then proceeded to follow me into another lobby, then messaged me saying "where are you going."




Invite only session


Start a new session


I stopped 1v1ing in 2017


I only go in public lobbies to sell my acid lab or my night club, once im done it's right back to invite only, lol


Change lobbies, Broheim


Leave? Find a new server? Like why are you crying it's a pvp game


I stopped playing a long time ago it's seems like those types of players don't have anything else to do with there time then to harass low level players


People still play this game?


gta is like that now and has been for the last few yrs


I just hate how they rely on snipers and explosives


Quick join a job, then cancel, then turn on passive mode


I remember back on 360 I would kill toxic people, usually when I’m up by 2 I make them chase me across the map then switched lobbies.


I was one one of the dumb setup missions, and this dude in a jet was just hammering me, and it was like he was invincible. He kept lagging, and it was just lag out of the way if I lined up a shot……said “fuck this shit” and left


Just leave session lmaoo


lol that’s not toxic, your playing a game centered around people killing each other hahahahahaha


i was up like 100-40 on some guy and he kept griefing me and my friends he just wouldn’t leave he kept going passive running away then coming back


You can spawn into a lobby in online and in less than 5 minutes you will be nuked by some dickhead on a mk2. This game is extremely toxic


You can do everything that you can do in a public in a private lobby now. Like seriously it's like people WANT to get killed over and over. Just jump to a new session like how hard is that?


Most I've killed a random was 69-45. We were going for hrs and hrs killing eachother. Both agreed to end it at 69 cause funny number.


What’s the difference y’all like the toxic call of duty but y’all don’t like the toxic gta 5 online game it’s always been like that


Didn’t seem to bother yu that much if yu stayed in the same session and even seems that yu participated a bit it became a problem once yu started losing or what?


Go passive or solo


Just switch lobbies or block him ?




It only gets concerning when the player who destroys your Cargo, follows you into other sessions. Had a Guy like that during the peak 360 days for GtaO. Followed me into 3 different sessions, then followed me into Black Ops 2. I got off soon after, and the next time I played my account was hacked. Idek what he did to my Xbox either. The Notification Bar at the Top was now Red and Black at the Bottom, and it kept displaying adfly links. Funnily enough, I got his Gamertag, Called into Xbox support for 11 hours, and got everything fixed. Hell they even told me to send in my Xbox for Repairs for free! They returned it with a 3 month warranty even as I wasn't able to play with my Xbox for a Year, and I had spent money on the full year's worth of service while they tried to fix my issue. It's why I don't buy long term subscriptions anymore, and I pay month to month.


It only gets concerning when the player who destroys your Cargo, follows you into other sessions. Had a Guy like that during the peak 360 days for GtaO. Followed me into 3 different sessions, then followed me into Black Ops 2. I got off soon after, and the next time I played my account was hacked. Idek what he did to my Xbox either. The Notification Bar at the Top was now Red and Black at the Bottom, and it kept displaying adfly links. Funnily enough, I got his Gamertag, Called into Xbox support for 11 hours, and got everything fixed. Hell they even told me to send in my Xbox for Repairs for free! They returned it with a 3 month warranty even as I wasn't able to play with my Xbox for a Year, and I had spent money on the full year's worth of service while they tried to fix my issue. It's why I don't buy long term subscriptions anymore, and I pay month to month.


The best revenge is living a good life. Just switch lobbies play invite only with cool people. What's he gaining really? You don't need to be caught up in his perceived failures.


100% the online aspect is toxic and horrible. I imagine it’s a bunch of unsupervised 13 year olds every time I join a lobby because I’m either obliterated as soon as I spawn or I get fucked with every time I’m trying to do something; even if it’s just me buying clothes and driving around. I’m always in passive mode unless I’m in an invite only sesh


100% the online aspect is toxic and horrible. I imagine it’s a bunch of unsupervised 13 year olds every time I join a lobby because I’m either obliterated as soon as I spawn or I get fucked with every time I’m trying to do something; even if it’s just me buying clothes and driving around. I’m always in passive mode unless I’m in an invite only sesh


I imagine its like the cafeteria in a mental hospital, it can be normal sometimes but then people will fling shit and food around


Thank God I quit this shit game it's literally fat shut ins larping as these try hards tryna ruin your day


I joined a lobby and one guy was there and as I was trying to do the gooch thing the guy in the lobby messages me saying This is my lobby °^° I'll kill you if you don't leave and proceeded to kill me and follow me around as I said shoo shoo I was just trying to do the gooch .Then we fought a little as he used explosives to win each time annoyingly then I left cause this is irritating .


Same thing happened to me. He was destroying me online but when we 1v1 in a private lobby I beat him and got super butt hurt. lol.


Just change lobbies


Literally was doing a car meet at lscustoms yesterday and some dickhead on a mk2 nuked the few of us that were doing the meet


you could always leave the session


I say just find a new session. I was once trying to join another kids lobby but for that to work I had to friend him and have him friend me back and I didn't wanna lobby hop until I found him and no I didn't add him as friend and visa versa. If they really wanna lobby hop to find you then damn but you can always do friend's only session for heist prep or cargo source missions, etc. goodluck and God bless🔥🗣️🙏


Leave the lobby


Sorry I was bored


Why not go into passive mode or you know what get a group of buddies together and start a invite only lobby much easier to make money and chill with friends


Just block em. No need to make a whole post lol.


I stopped playing gta 5, 5 years ago, because of childish mf'ers who legit spam kill you, then wait at that exact hospital you respond from and keep doing it before you get a chance to defend yourself.




“The game was rigged from the start”


so many ways to just avoid it entirely.


I was once in a 1v1 with some try hard. It ended up being 4-50. I gave up, stood still and went to make food and he was still going when i got back😭😂😭😂


Child/teen with too much free time and no constructive hobby to fill it with moment


I usually just go private lobby. Not the best PvP player. I like the money


We don't know the whole story. You could have destroyed his cargo. You could have gotten a cheap kill on him. You could have blown up his fave car. We don't know. Getting revenge isn't toxic. Looking on the other side of things, you continued to fight him instead of leaving for another lobby so this is really on you.


you sound like a bitch that is all gta 4 use to be was killing


sounds like a bitch that’s all gta 4 use to be


Someone did this to me in a supercar so I died and placed proxmines all around he stopped then 😆


Settings -> Online -> find new session Edit: what may at first seem like taking the easy way out it actually probably hurts them more since now they have to find someone else to mess with


Pro tip: join another session


best thing you can do is get one more kill on them and leave immediately after. Happened to me were apparently 4 dudes ended up being all buddy buddy with eachother and started ganging up on me while grinding airfrieght. I ended up spawning in a parking garage and cleared them out 1 by 1 while going down each lower level. Felt like John wick. Immediately after I switched to a new lobby cause it really doesn't get much better than that. Have the recording too.


this is the equivalent of getting cyberbullied but you don't get off the computer. You couldn't just find a new session or invite only? Pffft yall make it harder than it has to be. Venting all yalls problems on reddit like anyone us gaf.


Fr i was just sitting in a parking spot in front of the casino texting a friend to do some heists. All of a sudden i hear people screaming and looked up and then i blew up. Dude out of nowhere blew me up for no reason.


It’s literally part of the game. Suck it up and get better or hop servers.


join a new fuckin lobby😭


Just... leave...


I just act like I’m going to fight em, I talk hella shit and say pull up and RIGHT when they are near me… BOOM passive mode 😂😂😂😂 they get so angry I’ve had mfs message me for days after on PS5


Im happy to know that I whoop ass in way better game sthan this now


i remember people complained about not being able to 1v1 people very easily in fallout 76, but that’s actually one of the things i LIKE about that game. i don’t play gta online because i don’t find it fun to just be killed by random people.


U can turn on passive mode


Enable passive, or go to the creator mode from online tab then when you go back to join online start an invite only so you can still register as a CEO and do heists etc, or I find new lobbies lol


Had a griefer using god mode on PS5 last night somehow. Nothing would kill him, and he was toxic AF.


I am in passive mode 99% of the time.


Yup! Exactly what I’ve been saying. My advice, go to a private game. Or if you want to heist, hang out at your pad on call.


I like to think these guys work at your local Walmart or McDonald's and are so frustrated with life and everything around them that they need to go home and fire up GTA just to kill players. It keeps their temper down so they don't beat their wives..... If they had any.


You’re the one who entertained him for 4 hours you’re just as guilty lmfao


The game is full of people on government money playing at home all day


My recommendation. Never engage in idiots. They want your attention. I send them Merryweather when they attack me. After that I go invisible. If they’re still harassing me I go passive mode and watch them 3-5 minutes then they lose interest and move on. If you have a super psycho who is harassing a whole lobby report and text all other people in the lobby he killed to report him as well. This takes way less time than fighting these low lives for hours and giving them what they want. Attention. So don’t do it!


Ngl I will do this only when I'm killed for no reason then I just don't stop


Figure out how to get them to blow up your car and the accumulattive total of them constantly killing and blowing up your car should land them in a bad sport lobby sticking them with cheater and people like them, your welcome


skill issue🚬


you dont understand being followed and stalked by modders for months and nothing to do about it


why didnt you just leave?


There's litterally zero point to playing this game online anymore since they fixed the NAT Test thing. Haven't touched it. Won't touch it.


Y’all be in public lobbies? Damn once Invite only came out ain’t ever been in a public lobby since 2022


Um I do that to people who shoot at me or kill me first I tend to retaliate that way but did you do something to make them turn or mind your own business?


There will always be that one guy in the lobby that thinks he’s better than everyone lmao😂


Why would you stay in the lobby just find another one


We like to fuck and we like pain


It’s GTA.. it’s been toxic and the opposite since GTA IV


Main reason I avoid this game like the plague. (So WhY aRe YoU iN tHe SuB tHeN?) Because I wanna be? 😂


lol this is why you never go in public lobbys, i only ever go there to sell cargo for that demand bonus thing and maybe to mess around


It’s weird because like I’ve been on both ends honestly & griefing with my brother while fun, got boring & was just like try hard, I just wanna drive around LS, and then I get mf nuked & it’s like well damn😅


Looks like u guys were playing together


Imagine playing gta 5 in 2024💀


That's why I only play in private servers. Well that and because I really wanted story mode dlc but all we got was online content so I treat it like single player content. Sure it takes forever to make a buck but at least I don't get massive headaches caused by other players.


I am that guy that chases people around🙋‍♂️ It's fun. But yes I know I'm a asshole...


Well if ur gonna make a post Everytime that happens u will have alot it's GTA lol


Imagine they made servers/lobbies for 25+ year olds that required ID verification in order to join. Wouldn't stop all the bullshit surely, but I bet it would still be night and day.