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That colourway has been synonymous with Miami for long before Instagram used it in their logo.


Palm trees in the background, classic 80s Miami style sunset gradient: Instagram!


Some people don't realize colour gradients have been around well...as long as colours loo


This is the correct answer. It's sad to see posts like this from humans probably too young to remember vice city.


Or vice city stories


or Miami Vice.


Chips Edit: nvm that was Cali. _facepalm_


While you're correct and it's obviously more resembling to Vice City, maybe what OP thought was also a Rockstar thought, just a small easter egg, or maybe just a coincidence that Instagram decided to use the Sunset Gradient for their logo.




Miami, Vice City, and the various vaporwave/80s/retro aesthetics.


Blue could be lighter. Like the Miami heats gradient jersey. Electric blue into hot pink.


Yeah and vice city was shot through with that vaporwave aesthetic. I think it's more about nightlife too as it's a kind of pink twilight


I swear ya’ll are actually going through a psychosis at this point


this is the state of this sub since the trailer. i swear ppl are thinking like "what bs i can post today to hype people more" some of you will be utterly disappointed with this game


If this is how they react to one trailer, imagine how they’ll react to trailer 2 and a full on gameplay trailer. At this rate we’ll be seeing these “speculative” posts for years after the games release 💀


That's how it was for 5 too.


5 still has ongoing conspiracy theories to this day surrounding the mount chiliad mystery. See [https://www.reddit.com/r/chiliadmystery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chiliadmystery/)


Really don't see a reason why have to be anal about it. Just Let the people have their fun...


idk it triggers me for some reason


> some of you will be utterly disappointed with this game Yep. GTA V was host to a whole load of ridiculous and BS speculation, much of which didn't come true. People need to manage their expectations. I am fully expecting GTA VI to be GTA V cross-bred with RDR2 and with a significant graphical uplift. That's it. And that's absolutely fine if it's what people want, because Rockstar do it well and Rockstar know their audience. The leaks suggested nothing particularly spicy or innovative. You can already carry dead animal bodies over your shoulder in RDR2, you've been able to take human shields or blindly fire over your shoulder in the original Gears of War from 2006, you've been able to go prone in games from the late 1990s, and the rumoured features around security cameras have been in the current Hitman games since 2016. The only things that are 'new' will be new only to GTA and not to gaming.


man you are so pessimistic who cares if the individual features have been in games before when you put all of these together it will most likely make an amazing game, I agree this post is dumb but damn




Gta 6 info withdrawals


Bro trust me there are exactly 6 clouds and 12 cars in this random shot in the trailer, the next one is dropping in June 12 trust me


This is easily the dumbest gta6 post I seen here all year long so far. You’d think this is a Bikram Yoga sub with all the stretches that are on here


Going through a psychosis lol but yeah this sub is just absurd, only here for once the game is released


This is what 3,844 days does to a mf


Scraping the barrel


Same thing happened with the lead up to Cyberpunk. Not saying GTA will have the same fate though.


Meh, people are looking forward to the game, let them make their crackpot theories and have fun speculating about stuff like this. It's not like it hurts anyone.


I can't blame them. It's been 12 years since last GTA. Ofc we've got great RDR2 in the meantime but not everybody must be fun of western.


Or you are just reading way too much into it. Most common is that the VI is just from Vice name and the color depicts famous vice/miami sunset, the colors of the logo apparently match the opening scene in trailer 1.




How is using a similar color palate plagiarizing?


>Most common is that the VI is just from Vice name fucking stop


There is violet color in the Miami's sunset?


You’ll see some wild sunsets in Florida. This past October, every sunset had the sky purple. Like a lavender purple. It’s cool but not too unusual for the sunsets to be all kinds of oranges, reds, purples, blues, and pinks.


[Absolutely](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/b3/3c/68b33c467c1747560f9c452ac243c3db.jpg), some of the most beautiful sunsets in, the world imo, are in FL. Also it is amazing seeing a rocket launch at sunset, with the sun making the smoke trail glow like fire, it is really incredible. Not to even mention the just-after-sunset launches, with the crazy plasma [bursts](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/de/TwilightPhenom.jpg).


Nice, sunsets suck here where I live


It’s not so much even the sunset, sometimes it’s just the sky or clouds. It’s not something anyone should expect anyone else to know so idk why people are downvoting you for that.


i think the logo is just a representation of the cities. IV is set in New York City, the concrete jungle which is very often depicted as dark and grimey, look at Spiderman for example. V is set in Los Angeles, which is Hollywood and often associated with the american dream and rich celebrities, hence the highly elegant and bourgeoisie style lettering. VI is set in Miami, that has historically had a very big party summer vibe to it, from their own game, Vice City, Scarface to even Narcos, the city is described the portrayed as lively and crazy.


GTA V's logo is supposed to be heavily inspired by the dollar bill. So it really it is about moneh.


I mean isn't that obvious? At least for me lol. It also portrays each game's overall tone and atmosphere


we need another dark entry smhh 😒


Gta 7 in Carcer city confirmed11!!1!1!1!1!1!1


GTA 8 in Gotham city confirmed


gta 8


Carcer city confirmed?


we ain't making to year 2100


I would actually love this


Who wouldn't


There is a **slim** chance that GTA6 would be dark. Sometimes at least. EDIT: dark is very subjective too. IMO the gta6 trailer is dark. The sheer idiocity, negligence, consumerism, narcissism of people in it. Repellent. What about GTA4 darker than that? Because Niko tells cool stories about war every 5 seconds? One of Niko's quotes explains why he hates people, because "creatures who did it (war crimes ) have no soul", and I don't think that a lot of people in the trailer have a soul either. As dark as GTA4


It'd be a great contrast for it to be a dark story in a very bright and fun location. One time I thought too deeply about GTA 4, how Niko is in a big and busy city where life goes on and he could've done better things since arriving but, by the end of the game, he's unsatisfied and has very few people left in his life (and a big loss if Roman dies). Probably not intended by the writers but I felt that was quite a contrast.


Never felt like that about him. He came to the city for revenge, not for "better things". And it's quite spot on for a character like him, a vet of pointless war. It's like libido and mortido you know, he would never could make a better life for himself because death is far more important for him than life.


hmm who knows tbh, just by looking at the gta6 trailer it looks like rags to riches so they can definitely step in different directions. i just hope it’s steps in directions other than money like drugs, guns etc. edit: i think that’s why gta4 is so interesting,the way r* stepped there toes in the drug scene and building a lil story around it. in gta5 i feel like using Trevor or Franklin (Franklin the most) they could’ve stepped into the drug scene a lil bit more but i hope they get more creative with this story and try out different story developments.


I think it’s gonna be darker than gta v


least insane fan on this sub


Or it's neon because it's based on Miami. They wouldn't plagiarize an existing brand.


Again, how is this plagiarism? If using a similar color palate is plagiarism, then the entirety of graphic design would be in the gutter


>They wouldn't plagiarize an existing brand. They have done it in the games though...


Made in game parodies, not made another company their logo


It would be a color palette reference not ripping off the actual logo.




Noooo!! I want another edgelord le epic sigma male Zack Snyder-style gritty grimdark GTA so i can feel like a big mature boy! Not like GTA V which is for CHILDREN! Stories are only good if and only if they are dark and gritty. No EXCEPTIONS!


Took the words out my mouth Mfs these days are obsessed with stories being nothing but gritty, dark edgefests


not disagreeing that a lot of the fans are annoying but tbf, GTA 5 is one of the most over the top, non serious, dumb-fun kinda games ever. there's not anything inherently wrong with a light story but GTA 5 was *so* much of that with so *little* of the serious moments, it doesnt really scratch the itch of anybody wanting to relate to, or feel for, a character, because of how little it took itself serious. To have a GTA game with all of the fun, insane, over the top elements of GTA5, like if you weren't in story mode its a lot more lighthearted for casual play, mixed with a more serious tone in the story like GTA4 would be kinda perfect GTA 5 to me relied too hard on the lighthearted stuff, I would love to have the best of both worlds in 6. You can't blame people for wanting a change of pace


God I so feel this. The gta 4 fanbase is ultra cringe.


That color scheme has been associated with Miami before any of us were alive. I am a patient man, but I hope we get trailer two soon so you guys regain some sanity.


I feel like it's a curve. Sanity starts out at default levels and when the trailer drops the curve peaks high then a month later the sanity levels go to lower than before.


It's more likely that it's because those colors are used a lot in Miami used to depict Miami.


Yeah you're tripping.


Possibly. For social media to take up 40% of the GTA 6 reveal trailer indicates that it's going to be very important in the game. I was so surprised to see how much social media was featured.


GTA is a satire of the US. The core theme of each HD game especially is based around a central satirical theme. GTA IV was how the American dream is a lie. GTA V was the superficiality of America. GTA VI will be the social media obsessed America.


I hate social media, it’s mostly annoying and a waste of time. Before you call me a hypocrite I know reddit is social media but I’m referring to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I use reddit for specific interests around certain topics. I hope their implementation of social media won’t be annoying because I play games to get away from shit like that. I dislike how it was used in Watch Dogs 2, where the aim of the game was to gain followers. I hope it’s completely different in GTA 6. It’s crazy how we’ve had so many leaks but none of us know what role social media will play other than it being an important part of the game


Yeah I don’t think it’s that deep.


I think the comments are missing one thing , i think op meant the game is prolly focusing more on the social media aspect and that would play an important role in the game just from the trailer alone


I mean yeah, it’s pretty obvious they’re focusing more on social media. It was used heavily in the trailer. No one with eyes is “missing” that. OP is suggesting that Rockstar chose the color of the VI logo to match up with the color scheme of the instagram logo… That’s why the comments are the way they are.


I hope not. Ppl who live for SM are toxic, self centered, and mostly clueless on life functions. End rant.


While your characterization of (most) social media users is pretty accurate, it’s also what makes them perfect for a game series that thrives on parodying real life.


Good point


Hey thats what GTA is about , mocking the real world! And im all in for it


definitely a contender for dumbest theory of the day! congrats and nice find


Fr and it’s only 6AM where I live 💀 thought we’d be spared longer than that


this sub went down the drain after the trailer analysis was done


it's that colour gradient cause it's miami


I liked the GTA IV semi piss filter environment, had a more cinematic appeal to it.


I think social media will play a part in this gta but not like you’re making it out to be. You’re reading a bit too much into it but given the trailer and the way the NPC’s acted Rockstar is probably going for the massive social change where people are constantly on their phone posting stuff. We’ll probably hear NPC’s talking about “check out my (fill in the blank parody social media) page” or “have you seen my latest post” or “go like my video/picture”


That texture is called intaglio


This is something that I actually never thought about


GTA 6 about to be a Gen Z “prankster” social media influencer simulator.


Didn’t think about that tbh


This makes too much sense and i don't dislike it as it could open the doors for a lot of different type of missions.


thats actually genius


It signifies a return to the good times of the 80s.


nice idea, scarface story impressions for GTA but Nah


This is a pretty solid discovery!! This game is going to be actually all about social media and stuff.


Not instagram more like women because of Miami’s sexualisation with them. Which explains the Lucia and Jason couple. And makes more sense if it’s Guns, Money & Women.


I never thought of gta 6 like that, that’s a clever way to put it


The world has changed in the last 11 years after GTA 5 came out so it makes sense to make the theme of GTA 6 about Social Media.


The color looks more like what sunsets look like in south Florida (opinion from a resident)


GTA IV story was so good. I wish GTA took more serious approach. Atleast Mafia IV which is in production most likely will be dark and serious


Yeah man, Miami don’t exist


Sen set


In the earnest hope that we find ourselves not ensconced within the timeline or chronological unfolding whereupon the narrative of 'Grand Theft Auto VI' is predominantly concerned with the rigours of social justice and the dismantlement of patriarchal hierarchies, one might express a fervent wish.


Look im looking forward for this game too but some of y'all need to relax.




Brings to mind the Styx song "Too Much Time on My Hands" for some reason. I wonder why.


It's more likely that it's because those colors are used in Miami a lot and used to depict Miami.


Or neon colored sunsets... You know.


Don’t hurt yourself reaching like that


It’s clearly a sunset gradient 🤦🏾‍♂️


I just realized


least insane GTA fan


Just a coincidence , got nothing to do with social media at all.


Or maybe, get this, it represents a sunset on the Miami coastline? You people need to stop over analyzing every little detail about this game. We get it you’re excited. We all are. But for real


I’m unfollowing this sub it’s getting on my nerves


That color has represented Miami, Miami Beach, etc. For decades


Not related to anything about this post, but, man, I wish GTA4 was playable on PS5


I don't buy this. I don't think social media can ever be the centre of a GTA game. The presence of social media doesn't say anything about the game the same way heists defined V and the dark and gritty tone defined IV.


I really don’t think social media will play THAT big of a role in this game. I think it was used a lot in the trailer just as a clever and modern way for rockstar to show off their new game. I think it will be there, but not be a major part of the story.


That color had a Miami vibe before you and Instagram existed


Snapmatic is already the instagram brand in game and the colors are different


no its for miami


Funny how the ski mask/m4 combo was only used for one mission lol


there’s def still gonna be a lot of heists. gta was huge before that but it’s kinda been put as a pinnacle of heist and theft action games. if they barely focused there’d be some people confused


R☆ needs to drop trailer 2 seriously 💀


I hope he’s right , i love scrolling instagram these days 💀💀


GTA Vice City predicted Instagram


Bro it’s not that deep. Gloomy New York City, lively west coast, and neon is just for southern Florida.


No…. Miami….


Those colors have been associated with Miami since the early 1980’s. This has been more so the case in recent years with the rise of that whole 1980’s Vaporwave “aesthetic” or whatever


i don't get this? i think the color is more inspired by the Tom Petty album or the sunset of Miami, not the Instagram logo, like what???


seems to be the case because theres a big focus on social media in the trailer


Showing some serious lead brain.


Huge reach


Money was non-existent in GTA5. In order to actually make money you had to save it all and invest it. I reallly hated that part of the story line. Never feeling like I could spend money because of how much you lose by not investing it for big gains at the end.


It takes inspiration from the Florida sunset not Instagram. If you’ve ever been to south Florida the sunsets look just like this. The color also kinda represents what vice city is (colorful and vibrant) as well so it works both ways.


What being absolutely starved of content does to a fanbase




Mean, we will doing in game content, sending out and sharing to consumers, playing like-dislikes minigames, so GTAVI will be consumer simulation.


Yeah you right, this time GTA focused at equality and inclusivity. instagram-glamorous-gender fluid


We said the same thing about the Super Bowl and look what happened 😂


i like how everything else was something vague and 6 is so much more specific like a logo of this specific app


The opening frames of the GTA 6 trailer shows the same colour pallete and has palm trees in it just like the logo and OP watched it and thought "is this logo based on Instagram?"


I hope the game’s focus is on doing crimes


Oh good lord


Huge reach. These are Miami-esque colors first and foremost. Has nothing to do with Instagram dude


think that’s enough internet for the day


Yeah, take a break.


Hindsight can make anything seem "gotcha". You are reaching with all of these.


Get some sleep


Have you ever seen sunset?


Nobody tell OP what colors we associate neon lightning with...


these colours are miami, 80s and neon colours reflecting the spirit of that period. It has nothing to do with Instagram. As in the previous vice city game, we will see plenty of references such as miami vice, goodfellas, scarface.


The color is a sunset pallete which is associated with Florida


The gta 6 logo just represents miami/vice city.


Idk if it’s reading too see but it’s plausible, GTA V logo def synonymous to $$$


That's their Miami gradient


**Miami vice has left the chat**


I can almost guarantee that’s not what they were going for


Reaching with the last one. That’s just a Miami theme color scheme.


I think that's a very simple, textbook example of a coincidence.


The IV logo was made the way it was to be more 3d than the III logo to symbolize the HD nature of the game


I think it represents miami. And even for the other 2 its matches more towards the graphical aspects of the game then money or darkness.


I always thought the V was red


Until now




The numbers Mason, what do they mean?!


Idk y’all shitting on it but this lowkey passes the vibe check


This is the most asinine analysis I’ve seen in a while


Really really hope you’re wrong about this


I think it's a solid theory. Don't listen to these guys.


Can we count this as a low effort post?


this is so dumb




Someone needs to tell OP about vaporwave


Not the same color palette


Who's upvoting this shit?


This has to be the most dogshit assumption…


They commit crimes for internet clout


Such a reach. Get off Reddit


Lobotomy post




why are the comments so pressed bro damn, it does look like the instagram logo, were they going for that? probably not, but we're sitting on one trailer we can talk about right now like let's have a little bit of fun. "yo guys i think this part of the trailer might hint at-" "Yeah, this is real fuckin stupid pal, please get professional help. This subreddit has gone to absolute SHIT! 😡"