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Thank you for your interest in posting at /r/GYM. Unfortunately, your post was removed for not meeting one or more of our guidelines for progress pictures. * **No Selfies:** A selfie is a single image/images/video taken at the same time which do not illustrate progress. Progress pictures show change in some aspect of your physique, like muscle growth or weight loss. **For the purposes of this rule, shots of a body part asking about "what's this mark?" or "how do I improve my lats/chest/delts/whatever-body-part?" and similar fall under this heading.** * **Content Requirements:** Failure to provide these details may lead to your post being removed. Pictures must be at least 3 months apart and have dates in the title of the post, along with starting and ending weight, and age. Details about your diet and exercise regiment are often helpful and are recommended. * **Appropriate Attire:** *If under the age of 18 years old you must be fully clothed.* Shirtless/underwear/swimsuit pictures are not acceptable. Please note that even if you are *currently* over 18, this rule still applies and pictures of yourself as a minor are still unacceptable. * **Frequent Reposting:** We prefer that people allow a little time between progress picture posts, especially if they are identical or near-identical. This helps keep content fresh and interesting for everyone. * **Must be flaired as Progress Picture(s)** *Typical Progression of Mod Action:* * **Strike 1:** Warning and removal * **Strike 2:** 30 day ban * **Strike 3:** Permaban