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bro majored in yapping


learn how to format and maybe i’ll consider it


Sir I will take “Graffiti as a Crime” if I want to


Lmao does Professor Beck teach that class? I had a professor who taught a CJ class and he was researching graffiti/ was really into it.


Let me know about those classes that will magically make my debt go away, maybe if we start doing well enough our government will take notes!


Not me taking a Watercolor class:


They have watercolor classes???


Yes! It's available for those in the Arts College.


Oh I’m a business student


I can resonate with your opinion but art history, serial killers, and water color are all so interesting. Why not have or advocate for taking some interesting electives? There are different things to learn about the world. I really feel like in the end, it’s about the major you choose and if you garnered any experience during your time there so you have a job/offers lined up.


How to “choose classes that will relieve your debt?”


To play devils advocate I think they mean classes that teach a skill you can turn around and use to start a side hustle or career out of.


Lol sure


What in the world


There are three ways to make money. Your body is one of them. Models, athletes, surgeons: people who have unusual, well-developed physical talents. Bear in mind that if a job can be replaced by a well-programed robot, it probably will in your lifetime. The second is social power. Relationships. The ability to listen to and respond with emotional intelligence and context to another human being. Psychologists, priests, artists. Salesmen. Police officers. Journalists. Marketers. Much harder to replace with a computer. The third is knowledge, where superior understanding of a problem and its solutions wins the day. Lawyers. Doctors. Scientists. Engineers. A discipline that creates new information and new knowledge can't easily be automated away. The problem with "working with your hands" is that eventually you run out of hands. There's a top to your earnings, defined by how many hours you have to work in a day and the number of other people ready to do the work. College is where you learn to be adaptable.




glad to hear that instrumental analysis WILL pay off🙌🏾


Yup, I always try to pick electives that can aid in my future plans. CS major but take business classes when I can since I plan to start a business one day rather than living as an employee lol Also, I've never been in debt. Student loans are stupid in my opinion, I just added 2 extra years for university instead so I can pay out of pocket while also applying for scholarships. I got one that paid for full tuition for the first 2 years.