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ain’t reading all that but congrats man or sorry that happened to you


“incredibly high performing individual” you can’t be serious.


I bet bro has a high IQ to watch Rick and Morty


Do you want a medal or something


Not you making another post to make yourself feel better 😂😂a fucking narcissist 😭


This gotta be satire/trolling because I refuse to believe someone unironically has their head this far up their ass.


I just saw their last post lol. OP trying to prove something but no one cares


Idk why they wanna seem like a saint so bad...let's be honest: none of what they said is remotely impressive...it's just normal and the bare minimum.


Literally, like it takes no effort to NOT drink


do you drink?


No, bc I don’t want to. And literally all it took was for me to not go to my local liquor store and not buy some alcohol. It’s not some revelation or super difficult thing to do unless your an alcoholic.


Exactly, it's literally not a big feat to not start drinking. And drinking isn't even bad anyway, and people who become dependent on alcohol need support anyway. Nothing special about not sipping a beer so idk why this person thinks they're the most different person at gsu for doing the absolute bare minimum.


Class of 27 in the midst of a real identity crisis by the look of this sub


I’m blaming Andrew Tate and the leftover vaccuum for some of these egotistical assholes


what is egotistical about this post


i don’t get why this was even a post.. nobody here wants a PSA on why drinking/smoking is bad, we aren’t 5 years old lmfao. OP also slides in a humble brag at the end to connect her life to not needing to drink or smoke, like bruh how cringe can this get 💀


wake up babe new copypasta just dropped


Good for you. I’m a double major with a 4.0 and a full time internship and I don’t do drugs. I know people doing more and/or performing better and they consume various substances. I don’t judge them for their decisions. My point is, swallow your pride, accept that people operate differently and the world is versed, and move on. This is your second post bashing people, is this necessary? Not once do you ask why people use the substances or what they’re going through, you just inflate your ego while draining the validation of others. It’s an asshole move, and honestly, I’d rather know youre a good human who occasionally drinks or smokes instead of a negative Nancy who’s sober. An asshole is disliked sober or intoxicated.


"good human" is subjective and differs between cultures


Exactly my point, but what’s universal in all cultures is bashing on others and putting yourself in a pedestal is frowned upon. If you’re succeeding, succeed for yourself and enjoy your blessings. No need to be negative or insinuate negativity towards others who don’t share the same cultural values.


pick me ! pick me !


you should spread that wealth and help out us poor people (heaven forbid) so we can get on a better path in life 🙏🏻


I'm agnostic, was a figure of speech


op have you heard of sarcasm


Good grief, take this aspiring New York times best seller to a publisher or sum man


Feel like I just ate an entire nothing burger with a large side of preaching pickles. Hey kid, cmere, huff a little bit of copeium with me... Plenty of people don't smoke or drink here, as much as you'd like to think it, this doesn't make you special bud. Thank you mother for giving me the whole spiel I didn't know I needed on the effects of drugs and alcohol on the mind, the GSU awareness modules and 18 years of continuous slamming of drug awareness and anti alcohol material just wasn't enough. This post will probably end my chronic alcoholism. I'll also wear ear plugs when I go to the club now (???). This is a university sub. No need to toot your own choo choo whistle of preachy greatness and superiority. With everything I just read the only advice I have to you is to never seek out membership on a debate team.


OP has someone picked you yet? Also post is giving me massive Rory Gilmore vibes, do you want a cookie for being born rich??






I am sure there’s more GSU students who don’t smoke and drink. There’s a lot of religious Muslim kids who don’t.. Especially the Hijabi girls that go here. 😅 The stereotype of being a GSU student and drinking and smoking is a big stretch. Also I can’t believe u go to GSU despite having such rich parents. I’d probably go to GT if I had that privilege.


Both GSU and GT are free to in-state students with passable grades. I only applied to GSU while in high school since I didn't have the grades then to get into tech. I never bothered attempting to transfer though as I am fine with it here.


So you spent all day yesterday acting like you were smarter than me when you did terribly in high school lmao. I graduated with Honors and took gifted and AP classes, and have a degree but you think you’re more academically accomplished than me because I smoke weed? Look in the mirror bro, you only made it this far because you have rich parents


They are free? Especially when ur parents have such high income?? 😃


Hope scholarship is purely GPA based


Yeah but it won’t be enough to cover GT tuitions. U will still need more money one way or the other.


Doesn't hope cover 100% for any georgia public college now?


No that’s Zell Miller.


https://www.wtoc.com/2023/04/06/state-budget-change-means-hope-scholarship-now-covers-100-tuition/?outputType=amp Hope covers 100% for me now at state


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“I have no real problems in life” yeah we can tell…


Their post REEKS of, for lack of better word, privilege


I appreciate the commitment to the bit. Nice shitpost


Obvious troll and they're still biting lmao


This is gold


what is blood yappin about 💀


you’re a loser have some fun cut loose


i have lots of fun, trust


why did u delete your old comment


Sir this is Wendy’s


bro what


I got me a taaaaall sprite, pour lean in it like it ain't nun yuhhh


What’s going on with this chick? Edit: just to add on, mentioning another post talking shit about people doing drugs. If it doesn’t affect you, don’t be a dick about it. To each their own.


Since March, newbie, try 20 years


Impressive that you never felt the temptation


Of course, it’s only natural


Nice I haven't drink and smoke before and I'm 21. I also haven't had my first kiss and still a virgin :P


Ok I dont believe the kiss part


It's true I haven't had my first kiss.


Nice, I've been sober my whole life, don't even know what alcohol taste like nor have I ever smoked anything. Gotta stay healthy.




thankyou for making this, i was wondering what user TheFantasticAnimal’s opinions were on drinking and doing recreational substances. i’m glad i can finally be at peace now, knowing there is such a high value student on my campus!!! idk what i would’ve done without you making this post


Wha is dude yappin on abt


Good for you op for being sober. I don't know if this is off-topic but as someone who does not drink or smoke, SOME people I know drink and smoke due to environmental, and financial issues, and have this co-dependency on alcohol and smoking to function/handle traumatic and tuff life situations. They simply have not had a life where they can appreciate life's finer things and enjoy life and they can not afford therapy.


it's sad that many people feel they need alcohol and drugs in their lives


That isn't true. Actually, some help with rational though and concentration t such as nicotine. Now I'm not saying to smoke just to be when you make false statements it just makes pepole think about how most of this stuff is propaganda and racism. Especially in Marijuanas case. Also it feels like your kinda stuck up about it. If you truly cared beyond yourself... well you don't so nvm.


I agree with you man, don’t listen to the haters, I used to run an IPA company with some of my pledge brothers and I went to an event to promote it, it got late and I was still sober, we weren’t allowed to get drunk since we were selling. Some guy who drank our Green Apple Hops 16oz drink, slashed the tires of my brother’s car, it was an Aston Martin. After that, I backed away from the company a bit and started going to clubs late at night sober, I did this every day for weeks and the things I seen, I never wanna see it again. Now, my brothers are successful and doing well, I’m working on some other coding back end things and I feel so much smarter without drinking, I get what you say us higher intellect individuals need to stick together. Edit: One of my ex-business partners got fired because he was going to AA meetings and selling the drinks




Can someone translate?




somebody can say the same thing about you with whatever vice or hobby you have Kudos to you. Long as you aren’t obnoxious about your path in life


I gotta say this is pretty high quality trolling lmao. But fr you should probably pull the stick out of your ass and stop whinging about other people so much. You’ll be happier that way


Dawg imma keep it real withchu, your life aint a book. NO BODY ASKED




Hey, some of us gotta cope somehow. I got ptsd, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts; so if bacardi and runtz helps me sleep, then I say lemme sleep. You know what, take the marta over to the west end, walk around for about 3 hours, and then tell me how much you love being sober. And jokes on you, I got a 142 tested IQ, graduated with honors, and was top in my statistics class. Im also an athlete.


I don’t either but literally No one cares lol just do u bro


corny asf


You need a drink damn you care to fucking much