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Dude you are far more likely to have someone see you working out come over and help you with form or just to chat. We all start somewhere. It doesnt matter how fit you currently are, we are all in there to improve. If you need a gym bro I got you depending on time


As far as stamina, that can be built upstairs on the track (along with Endurance). Eight laps around is a mile. nobody will care what you lift as long as you aren’t misusing the equipment. here’s a link to programs made by r/Fitness https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


Here's my tip as someone who usually goes, I don't fucking care how much you lift just don't look at me or else I'll get embarrassed. My routine was shoulder, chest, ab, and leg, then walk for 30 minutes inclining 10, or run/sprint for 30 minutes. The method is up to you and how many times will be just your limit.


Try not to feel too embarrassed. Everyone starts somewhere and the fact you are doing something is already better than nothing. Try going around to the different machines and trying them out, and just see which ones are enjoyable for you. Most machines have a picture tutorial you can consult or look up a video on how to use them. I’m a beginner as well, and I just have 1 day for arms, 1 for core, and 1 for legs. Do what feels right for you and don’t worry what others think.


It seems like you're looking for cardio exercise if you want to build your stamina. Cardio is an exercise that moves your entire body and is good for losing weight and having more energy. The treadmill is the best place for you to start, but you can also use the stair climber, elliptical, and more. They are all on the floor where you get in, and there are plenty of machines. The biggest con of the gym at GSU is that it's small and usually crowded. Depending on the time of day you go there, a lot of the equipment will have people on it. Especially the treadmills. Outside of that, I would suggest bringing a reusable bottle of water. And don't push yourself too hard! You don't know your limits. And don't compare yourself to others. Focus on yourself. And think of the whole process at the gym as a marathon, not a race.