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Go wherever you personally feel the safest. Most people don't watch each other in the bathrooms and I'd say GSU is pretty good about being respectful. When I've gone to the rec center bathroom/locker room most people just keep their head down as usual. There is also a single stall changing room/bathroom down at the pool i believe.


The Rex has a gender neutral restroom that includes a shower and it’s wheelchair accessible down the hallway from the women’s room on the pool level


If u feel uncomfy, go to the top where the track is those bathrooms are always empty!


You should be fine. But if you're not comfortable changing in the locker room, you can always just go into a bathroom stall and change there. I'm not trans, but that's what I do


No disrespect but wtf is trans ftm y’all lgbtq niggas have a update every year


I'm so sorry these comments are bigoted as hell. I'm trans too and I think it may be best to change in a unisex bathroom in a different building near there. I think the closest unisex bathroom is in classroom south first floor near the auditorium but if that's too far, you can always do what I do and change in the woman's room since as someone whos assigned female at birth, it's safer (there are bathroom stalls inside and shower stalls in there too if you don't wanna change out in the open) (Plus the women at gsu usually are much more accepting than the cis men here 😥 from my experience at least)


The closest one is actually in the rec center, though it’s a little bit hidden away. You need to go all the way down to the pool entrance and there will be a wooden door right before entering the pool!


Ftm isn’t an issue. MtF is where you get problems lol




How the hell is that comment transphobic?


It’s a double standard. Men typically don’t care if someone is trans in a male space. But women tend to care a lot more. I mean, you have a term for them called TERF.


If u are born a woman, woman’s room, if born a man, men’s room


I see many here are triggered but if anyone just went to the locker room they identify with its sex then wouldn't that open the door for harassers and give them an excuse?


how do you go to college and still be a caveman


Go to the one based on the sex you're born with not the one you identify as. That's how it should be for everyone in my opinion.






You seem to care enough since you're here.


Im bouta go on a rant cause I cant sleep, but seriously this is a thought I had. We have bathrooms pretty much on every floor of every building. Why dont we find a way to become the first institution to have FtM and MtF bathrooms? That way they cant accuse anyone of being predatory and we wont get sexually or physically assaulted. If it catches on at other places, maybe we can take away that grip they have on us. Just make the bathrooms on the top floor of each building trans bathrooms. Is it convenient? No, but its more convenient than waiting for a single stall or gettin hit with a sex offender registry.


Those already exist, they’re called unisex bathrooms


I feel like personally it others trans people. Unisex are definitely a good option but they’ll be open to everyone not just trans people. I feel like if a trans person goes to the bathroom they identify with then we should all just mind our own business until someone decides to be creepy, cis or trans


That’s gonna cost money and and time to get it in place.


Not really, its legit a sign switch. The bathrooms are already there its just designating those specific two in a building as trans bathrooms


This is a dumb idea and it's less inclusive than the current setup. Not every trans person hops right to the other side of the binary anyway. And also, people shouldn't have to out themselves just to go to the bathroom. They should simply be able to go wherever is safest for them. The concept of a unisex single stall bathroom is much better, and multiple of those exist. I'd be happy to see even more with the substantial amount of the student population who would benefit. Anyone can use those. People should just be able to use the bathroom they feel the safest in, period.


Yeah I looked at this again sober and realized it was dumb 😂😂😂


i get it ahaha sometimes my brain goes on tangents too and then i'm like wait... nahhhh