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GSU gotta stop marketing that it's for everyone if it only benefits people who do finance/marketing.


Yeah they're usually a waste of time for people outside of finance, sales/marketing, or humanities. Learned the hard way last year.


Had a whole damn suit and a new fade just for this. Im disappointed too


AND THE FACT THAT THEY BE SAYING YOU HAVE TO DRESS PROFESSIONAL FOR THIS OR YOU WONT BE ALLOWED IN, and I see mfs wearing hoodies, converses, regular clothing ! Waste of my damn TIMEEEEE


Oh you saw me there


Dam, you got me


Tech market is hell right now. Hard for anyone to get a job in tech


TRUE , but that’s not even the issue just don’t put on the website they accepting all/some majors when that’s untrue. I went to the vivint booth because on the site it said they did computer majors etc, and he says “we want you all to walk door to door and try to sale our product” I was so upset 😭


I was kicking myself for not going as a senior, but now I don’t feel so bad. 🙃


honestly the career fair is targeted mostly towards business majors, all other majors may have one or two booths if you’re lucky.


It’s the fact they had a career fair for business majors like 2 weeks ago , and then this career fair for “all majors” and it was still only business 😭😭


There’s going to be another fair for art and film majors if anyone’s interested. April 18th.


Yes please!! What’s the info?


I don’t know much about it but from what I was told the fair is specifically for film and art majors. It’s supposed to be on April 18th. That’s all the information I got so far.


At least I've found the post where I can share my frustrations with the career fair. :3


Please share them below 😭 I will agree with every single thing


Was planning on rescheduling my shift. Thank God, I did not


Coca Cola and BMW have internships


they never have anything for my major ijbol


RCB career fair was also full of sales/ marketing and real estate. I understand the tech market is hell right now but still they should be marketing to smaller tech firms also.


Fr, not a lot of tech related stuff. I don’t know if I will be able to find anything full time for now so might have to do contract work or internships during graduate school.


Hey, I figure I'm a little late to this post but what would your guy's opinions be on a tech/sciences career fair? I'm the Co-President of the Programming Club and have been toying with the idea of running something like this with the CS Department, Natural Science Department, Spotlight, etc. But I want to know if that something people would be interested in Any feedback helps, thanks in advance


I’m definitely interested, I didn’t even know there’s a programming club at gsu


Unfortunately it kinda died out after COVID and now I'm trying to essentially start it up again We are on PIN and all of our links are there if your interested in joining


They need something with sports majors


yep, gsu only cares about helping their business majors set up a career during and after their time there. fuck all for any other major


That's disappointing. There are so many employers in Georgia that hire students with skills from social sciences, public health, and certainly computer information technology. It seems like a missed opportunity that they didn't invite a broader array of companies/employers


even then, they usual dont have enough empolyers at these career fairs for public health


For public health, it always was too general but also only focused on one or two hospital companies and the rest are government companies... all in total 5 or 6 companies and up to 100 students registering...