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Thank you for creating this post as my fold 5 only opens to no more than 178.5-179 degrees.I was wondering if others had the same problem. The worst thing is that the new hinge doesn't allow more pressure to open completely flat like fold 4. I can still see part of the samsung logo when I unfold it. Unfortunately, this is within the tolerance for guaranteed unfolding.


I wouldn't force it open all the way. I would verify with the floor model in the Samsung experience store and make them DOA it and send you a replacement.... The Hinges are known to fail prematurely within the year.. But that is with previous models, don't know about the 4 and the 5.... So I repeat, don't force open it to 180°.... you'll get the black line in the middle of the screen and then the rainbow colors


Are you talking about on a table or holding it? Because the cameras bulge but I assume you mean it's just not opening all the way.


I just mean holding it like if I were to put a ruler from the left side to the right, the right side seems to not be in line with left


So mine does open all the way both sides are equal from what I can tell with my ruler and level.


Lol, ruler and level... Make sure you pull out the the Milwaukee Red Stick and not the Walmart brand 😜... You guys haven't noticed that the Hinge on the fold fails prematurely? A lot of people experienced that problem with the previous models including myself... And I've knocked myself in the face a couple of times in the middle of the night while scrolling


I dropped my 4 on my face once and that was the last time I risked it lol


Yeah, I realize now that there are flexible arms that you can clamp on to your bed and move around freely and have your hands free for more productive activities lol.... or just not get hit in the face


Hmm that is strange give me a second to take my case off and look at mine.


Hmm... Is that with a case? Sometimes that can cause issue. Mine without case opens full 180. Both sides flush.


Yeah completely flat. It snaps in place open flat. Compared to my fold 4 it's really flat lol


The hinge should completely disappear and the two back parts of the phone should almost touch with no visible gap when unfolded. My fold 4 had unfolding problem twice. First after 5 or 6 months then again 5 months later. The 2nd time I was offered to get a full refund. I was hopping they fixed the issue with fold 5. OP, for how long did you own the phone?


I just bought the phone a few days ago. When you say you offered a refund was that through samsung care+?


Normal warranty in Australia. I was told at the store that if the same fault happen twice you can ask for an exchange or refund. Also it was purchased as a Friends and Family deal(of Samsung staff). 50% off MSRP. So the refund might have been less costly than parts and labour to Samsung.


Its normal almost open flat being aprox 179° and not 180.


It should open 180°..... maybe 180.5°.......fold 4 i had was 180°... after few weeks 178.....after few months sometimes stuck at 30° and later before i sent it was stuck at 175° and white lines on display....2nd fold 4 locked 180° better than first one and could even stay at 181°... after few weeks again same shit... hinge brush adhesive fail... stuck at 178°.....got f5 but have the popping noise pressing near middle /crease of the fold 5 ....waiting for display to fail and get replacement....too bad the phone isnt durable enough and samsung copied apple and didnt really innovate since fold 3...getting the honor magic v2 till maybe till fold 6 ultra comes out![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Mine appears to open to 180


I've had mine a few days before release and mine still opens 180°


Mine is the same way. Almost fully flat but like a degree or two off. I wouldn't suggest forcing it flat as that would probably damage your phone. For me I can't really tell that it doesn't open fully flat when using it so it doesn't bother me unless I'm looking for it.


I've had that on my fold 2 and they replaced it for free of charge they cleaned the hinge, changed batteries and interior screen. London Samsung at Oxford Circus Never happened on my fold 3 and it's not showing signs of it happening to my fold 5 just yet either


I understand you would like to open it all the way but c'mon does it really matter? I stop unfolding when I feel resistance


They haven't updated the Fold5 support info but I assume this applies to it as well: https://preview.redd.it/cuw01gwut1tb1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762bc79acf5a1cdebd74e8103beb358e5b1e861a Unless it is outside these manufacturer tolerances, they will not repair/replace your phone.