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Don't. The inner screen is about to break, the crease has developed micro cracks.


mine has has those for 1.5 years. I don't think they are a death-sentence necessarily They do very slowly get worse though. I basically don't notice them with the screen on though


Don’t get it if you say you’re poor. It’s used and will most likely have issues within a year. These phones are recommended to have insurance. Resist the temptation.


Don't do it unless you have a decent amount of disposable income. My Fold 4 died after 18 months, fortunately it was under Samsung Care. The replacement no longer has that service, so I'm replacing it with a 6 when it comes out, not because the replacement is failing, it's so that I can get another 18 months of Care+.


I'm replacing my fold 4 when the 6 comes out. The wifi toggle broke on it after a update and won't turn on at all.


The wifi toggle is related to the inner screen cable that failing, I got the same problem but luckily I still have warranty+careplus so I got it fixed in 3 days, if you're in australia just send it to samsung store+your proof of purchase then everything is good to go


Odd. Then how come it worked fine right before I updated it but after I updated it it broke. My Bluetooth works fine. You think samsung will still accept it for trade in?


You know you can always buy more care+ coverage...


Not in Australia when the Fold 4 ran out of Care+. It was only added for the Fold 5.


Weird, I have my fold 3 still with no damage but through the Samsung members app I was able to get more coverage here in the US.


Don't. The battery life on brand new 3's was absolutely abysmal.


Hey I'm on a refurbished 3. I can nearly get through a full day if I don't use it for 8 of the hours I'm at work.




Can confirm. I'm on a 2 year old 3 and I pretty much always carry a power bank or a charger.


Not mine it has good battery life


Dang, what's the secret? How long have you had it?


Add all apps not used on deep sleep turn off 5g


Then you must barely use it.


No. Getting a fold isn't worth it if you can't afford it. And these are phones you *need* some kind of protection cover for. Expecially older models. There's no guarantee this phone will last a long time. you'll end up having to fork out more for a replacement. Repair is out of the question for you.


Unfortunately folds haven't been very reliable until the fold 5 or later. Relative to how reliable they are compared to regular phones. This one you posted already has a failing inner screen.


No, if you can't afford new folds (or at the very least gently used and fairly new ones) then you also can't afford to deal with them wearing out or having defects. This fold is already on its last legs. Now, I do want to bring up another way you might be able to justify getting a fold - what cellular carrier are you on? If you're on a mainstream US carrier (ATT, Tmobile, Verizon) then you're overpaying for your cellular service, and probably substantially. Look into MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators), they essentially rent the towers of the major providers using bandwidth that the big providers don't need, and then sell that bandwidth to you for a dramatically discounted price. I cut my monthly phone bill from $35 to $20 (and I had a *really cheap* ATT plan, $35 was my portion of an 8-line family plan) and got mobile hotspot support as a bonus (my family's plan didn't include hotspot). You can potentially save even more than that - cheapest decent plan I've seen was Tello's 5gb/100 call minutes/unlimited text plan for $10/month. Saving potentially hundreds a year means year means you can invest that back into a nicer phone - that's what I did. I wouldn't say I'm poor exactly, but I'm not far above Washington's minimum wage so keeping an eye on my budget is important, and this let me justify buying a fold. The service you get from an MVNO isn't *identical* mind you, but the only differences I've noticed are that I get my speed throttled for a few more minutes a month (not a big deal, 99% of the time it's fine) and also the particular MVNO I picked is on Tmobile's towers which have acceptable coverage in my area rather than excellent. Tmobile MVNOs tend to be the cheapest, I've found. I can vouch for Mint and Tello as good options. I've been on Mint for about 16 months now, no issues with it - spent a year of that time on their $15/month plan and the 5gb allotment wasn't *quite* enough for me, though one really nice thing is that when you're past your monthly limit they don't cut you off or add a surcharge - they just throttle your speeds for the rest of the month. Tello, I only used it for a month when I was transitioning from my iPhone XR to my Fold 4 (carried both phones on me for a while), so long term I don't have any input but that one month had no issues. I don't know what you spend on your current provider, and if you're already on an MVNO I guess this isn't any help. But this is how I justified buying a fold. I got my Fold 4 secondhand last year, when the model was only a year old, for $600. I've also saved enough money to justify trading in my 4 for a new 6.


Has anyone told you yet? Yeah Don't lol I got 2 Fold 4's that were treated with great care for a year and a half, now neither will connect to WiFi and one won't even connect to a network making it virtually worthless.


If you are looking for a fold on the cheaper side. Keep an eye on best buy's website. Once in a while the folds get liquidated. Folding phones are sadly one of the few products I would never buy used.


I agree with just about everyone else - foldable phones are cool, expensive, and lack durability. They are suited for early adopters who are comfortable spending $1500 on a phone every year or so. Everybody else should stay away.


If you're poor, you don't buy a luxury device. It's pretty simple. Save up


You can find unlocked fold 4s on eBay for 150-200 more


Do you bought from that website before?


It's eBay


Ask for the imei before you buy from the net and check is it clean ot blacklisted


I bought a brand new fold 3 a year and some change ago. Over that past couple of months the as audio has stopped working completely. Started with b only working unfolded to not working at all. Turned out it's a super common issue as the audio cable wraps around the hinge and goes bad. I wouldn't touch a used fold 3 honestly.


Buying a Fold 3 today will probably make you even poorer and even ... sad Mine just died weeks ago ... just FYI ... 🙏 Or it has to be a new one with at least 1 year of warranty (screen, hinge and battery) ❗️


If a crease has formed, the UTG is broken. Only a matter of time before the screen dies.


If you're poor, I would think twice than to cop a phone right now tbh lol.


Folds are for ballers. Stick with regular phones for now


The screen is cracked


I bought a Fold 3 from this seller on eBay for $170 that has no vibration and is locked to ATT. It is supposed to be here tomorrow or Tuesday. My plan is to trade it in on a Fold 6 or Oneplus Open. Will post back and let you know if phone is as described


I'm still working my Fold 3, going strong


Okay so judging by the title……. WHY? If money is a worry, why attempt to purchase something you seriously don’t NEED? Only purchase something if there’s an actual need and if whatever you purchase, make sure it’s giving you real value aside from “oh it looks cool, it can do this…” I’m not trying to be a dick here, I’m trying to help you be realistic and logical. If you don’t actually NEED it, it’s just something you WANT, please don’t get it when money is tight, I hate seeing that shit. I’m a financial advisor and the title of your post screamed out “I’m making a bad decision.”


Leave those alone. Please take this advice


If you are poor, don't do this. Older gen folds will start developing issues on the crease that most likely will end up with a dead screen. Also, not carrier unlocked, make sure it's not blacklisted and fully paid for


not to sound like an asshole, but the fold is not for poor people. espcially anything older than the 4. ive seen so many posts of the f2 and f3 screens randomly cracking and samsung giving all excuses not to honor the repair. i think this is prob still happening with the f4 and f5, just much less.. i suggest dont buy it at all or at least go after f5 during the holidays when prices will drop.


I would recommend you save and plan to buy around a holiday that way the price drops some. What is in your capabilities to do but used would be bad. I used my fold to read but it died recently. Once they drop the 6 I’ll probably go for a 5 unless they have the stylus built in on the 6.


Just to let you know, I received a Fold 3 from this seller. It was just as described. I got it really fast too. Now I have to decide which phone to trade it in for. The Fold 6 or the Oneplus Open.


Do you like it quite a bit? Is the crease in the middle noticeable if yours has one?


No crease in the middle but it does not have vibration and the seller was upfront about that in his listing. It is ATT so I can't use. I can get $650 trading it in on a OnePlus Open. Not sure what the Fold 6 trade in will net. I had the Fold 4 before which went belly up on me. I sold that for what I paid for this Fold 3. The Fold 4 seems to be the worst as far as reliability.


Cracks in the crease is like getting cancer


From experience, any Fold 3 at that price will have the cracking along the middle developing. I still bought one just to see if I like the form factor; I think it's worth it for that, but if you don't have $300 to blow on something that might break and remain useless, then you shouldn't. Just wait for the new fold to come out and troll deal forums like Slickdeals to see when stores start offloading old foldable product. Around four months ago or so Best Buy offloaded a ton of new and 'used' Fold4s for like 400, and Best Buy 'used' meant that they cut open the box to sell the product for cheap since retailers are typically forced to abide by an MSRP.


This phones break by themselfs, dont buy one if you cant afford another one


Don't, If having to buy a new phone when your $1500 phone explodes doesn't appeal to you.


They have exploded?


No they haven't. The only Samsung phone that did was the note 7..


Oh why did they say that then lol


I think they meant 'explode' in the sense that the phone/screen will die in an instant - might be putting words in OPs mouth though. Because that phone in the picture has deep micro-cracking all down the crease.


I see


Yes "explode" as in open phone and screen snaps in half.




I had a Fold 3, and the screen protector spontaneously peeled in the middle. From the sound I thought the screen had split in half. I'm on a Pixel Fold today, but I would never recommend a folding phone 1) used 2) without insurance. While my folding phone is my main computer, and I love it, I don't think I could ever recommend them to anyone.