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It's complete opposite to me. Mine has become smooth and polished. Camera is improved too. Base S21 Exynos. Before I hated the gestures and stutters. After 2 years of suffering now it feels like flagship phone.


damn. 🥲 glad to hear! well at least we know some ppl are still winning on the s21


same, my s21+ exynos had some stuttering at 120hz but after the update it feels super smooth, the phone heats up a lot less now when I play games and saves me more battery life during gaming (tho using it to watch youtube and stuff feels like it dies a little faster)


Same. Runs the best it ever has. Base snapdragon


i also use base s21 exynos..but it needs lot of light to take good photos and camera app is very laggy...takes very foggy photos in morning and evening


Wish I was having that experience. I have the base s21 snapdragon and the camera is awful. Phone lags and freezes sometimes. Battery is terrible but it's 3 years old so that's expected.


Install GoodLock and Camera ~~Settings~~ Assistant. You'll thank me for the former alone. In Camera ~~Settings~~ Assistant, alter some settings here catered to your needs (image softening, prioritize speed/quality etc). edit: Correct app name


What settings would you recommend changing and how?


For me; * Softening: off * Auto lense: on * Quick tap shutter: on * Capture Speed: Priotize quality In the Camera settings itself, Advanced Picture options; enable High efficiency pictures (HEIC).


this is really helpful, thank you!


Reboot your device once a week


My S21+ still runs like it's new. Runs great and rarely hiccups.


I agree. S21 plus user here, camera quality has become terrible after the new OS update, feels like mid range phone camera now. Also phone doesn't feel snappy as before. Infact I even did a factory reset after receiving the update.


also s21+ exy user here. I have no problems. Id say camera is even better now that we can tone down the processing.


S21 Plus user here, too. Unlucky, after I changed the device's CSC to Verizon to receive the OneUI 6.0, the phone become a nightmare. I have serious issues with camera, gaming and even everyday use. The camera would randomly jumps back to the lock screen while taking a night shot, and the video recording would stops unexpectedly. During video playback on Youtube, it would randomly goes into Picture-in-picture mode. While gaming, it would repeatly freeze the frame and input every 5-6 seconds. I think I'm gonna factory reset it.


S21 Plus user here. Unlucky, after I changed the device's CSC to Verizon to receive the OneUI 6.0, the phone become a nightmare. I have serious issues with camera, gaming and even everyday use. The camera would randomly jumps back to the lock screen while taking a night shot, and the video recording would stops unexpectedly. During video playback on Youtube, it would randomly goes into Picture-in-picture mode. While gaming, it would repeatly freeze the frame and input every 5-6 seconds. I think I'm gonna factory reset it.


S21+ here. Was the last update the cause? I updated about 2 days ago, and all seemed OK until this morning when I woke up and somehow my phone restarted itself for the first time ever (no, auto restart is not switched on). And now it just freezes for multiple seconds in some places. Before this morning, I never had any performance issues. It's almost like it's on some extreme form of power saving or something.


I have same issue with the same phone We need solution 


I found what was happening on my phone - this may not be the same for everyone. Try this: - Go to Settings - Security and Privacy - Tap on App Security - Tap on App Protection - If it's on, tap on Scan Phone (if it's off, turn it on first) - Look for apps without logos that look unfamiliar and search what they are for I saw 4 apps with "NeverGiveUp" in the name, and one called "BlueSeaShore". I searched google and found nothing about it. Checked my wife's (same) phone and her phone doesn't have these, which is good enough for me. Uninstalled them and all is back to normal!


I don't update my phone. Honestly , I've had phones go from being supern to laggy pieces of shit with all the updates they send out. My phone working like a charm without the updates. Updates are known to slow down phones by adding new shit. So over time it will slow down your phone. I just don't want to risk it, because you can't even revert the updates.


same mindset!! at least when I was still on iOS oh well 😅


I would recommend to wipe the cache partition as well. I've updated my S21 Exynos to OneUI 6.0 and it felt really laggy in the first boot but after I wiped the cache, it works as a charm


thanks. I've been wiping cache since every update


My s21 base model is sluggish too every update something screws up. The original snapdragon 888 is already really slow after a year it came out for this phone it can't kinda keep up with new games especially COD warzone. 20-30ish FPS on the ultra the biggest hardware difference is RAM 12 vs 8 GB


cod warzone doesnt run on any phone, all androids struggle cause its soo poorly optimized. My friends red magic 8 pro with 8gen 2 runs the game like shit compared to ios.


i know.. seen alls the videos and comments on tiktok, the games needs more then 16gb of ram on a phone although minimum says 8 which is BS, no way it will run on my se 2020


it will, runs smooth 60 fps on my ipad mini 5 with a12 bionic. although it has texture issues. but the resolution itself is great. it would probably take like 2 months for it to achieve a really stable state of performance in android. seeing the trends of warzone on pc


Meh the base S21 camera has always felt like a mid-range phones camera to me.


Same boat here, i notice a dip in quality when it comes to camera, but the UI is way smoother now except the control center, i dont like it


People may not agree with me but.. You need to do a complete "reset to factory" on the phone after some large updates. It's burdensome, but it needs to be done.


Nope. Never done that since Galaxy S2. Never had a problem.


I mean overall since the last major One UI update, my S21U is a lot less zippy, many stutters here and there when doing a lot with the phone


Agreed. Feel like I'm using s21 in 2021. Maybe much worse than when they came out. The telephoto was so crap that's really annoying. And the phone just stuck on the home page this morning. I had to restart the phone. I only had this issue before the one ui 5 update.