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TL,DR: Wear OS 4 will be the first to bring Gmail and Calendar apps. Honestly these apps should have been available from the get go, seeing as though Outlook has been here pretty much since the start


as a non-WearOS user (but optimistic observer lol), I'm surprised this wasn't a thing until now


Lots of essential stuff is still missing too, e.g. Google podcasts doesn't exist on wearOS. It's honestly a bit embarassing.


It is even more embarrasing when you look how many apps were on the 1.5 version of android wear, but are now missing on WearOS 3.0


It's understandable though. Wear OS 3.0 was an entirely new OS based heavily on Samsung's Tizen. It wasn't just an incremental update.


I don't think it's understandable at all for a company as big as Google to take this long to make those apps for their own smartwatch os.


Google Podcast is about to be sent to the graveyard and replaced with YouTube Music.


Honestly I've given up on it anyway. It always tries to download stuff over Bluetooth which takes 15 minutes or inevitably fails, unless you disable watch Bluetooth. It's such a cumbersome process I'd rather just bring my phone with me on a run.


I have the option for podcasts on YT music on my phone, but not my watch. I hope they add that option, if they're not going to add Goggle podcasts.


...and Outlook has sucked from the start.


Same.... Did they say when it'll be out ?


the article mentions August this year! i hope they do up a decent interface for google calendar as well ![img](emote|t5_j6cc2|2171)


As others also said, I really don't understand at all why these apps and all other standard apps weren't/aren't available from the beginning. Why do they need to make it depending on Wear OS 4?


Because Google loves to be in control of the gs they don't have to be? Look at manifest 3 blocking the use of so many types of adblock, YouTube implementing adblock detection, making file extensions into TLDs to scare people away from using those file types and towards using Google approved things or better yet, a Google product instead. Google wants so Google does and Google is getting more and more greedy and controlling as years go on.


This is good news, but wow is that article very poorly written.


It reads like it was written in a different language and poorly translated to english. Someone hasn't learned how to use ChatGPT to produce well-written and eloquent text.


Yeah, I went through some of his other articles because I thought I recognized his name. I did. They are all written in very poorly translated English. I usually see that name and skip it. It's rarely new news. Just poorly regurgitated crap I've read elsewhere already.


I've seen better stuff in high school newspapers.


Probably written by an AI


Great news, horrible writing.


About bloody time


Finally, sometimes i need those 6 digit code to log in


Just fyi both of those things have reasonable workarounds. With google assistant I can add calendar appointments and ask it what's on my calendar. The Samsung calendar app also syncs with gmail. I can also compose and send emails using google assistant. And I can use Samsung Internet Browser to access the gmail web app, which is fairly usable with zoom mode and voice typing.


Does anyone know of workarounds to get Google chat notifications currently?


Why is this a big deal? I receive notifications for both and can read them just fine on my GW4 right now


Try sending an email or browsing your emails? Google assistant can send emails as a workaround... I've not tried that myself. I agree, notifications are enough for me, but others might use it more than me.


Has been announced by Google some months ago, I'll be happy both when they arrive. Good!


Google has harmed their own eco system, as well as Samsung's, by delaying stuff like this.


No thank you. I already removed all Google apps via ADB commands. 😁


That had more downvotes than either one of us expected, lol. You're using a Google operating system. The irony here is almost Morristte-like.


Well, since there is no alternative, I have to use it. There are Google free Androids versions out there like GrapheneOS or Iode. And no, Apple is not better. It's even worse. I liked the Samsung watches with Tizen. They worked perfectly and had more useful apps than WearOS does. And they were Google free. But most people are like sheeps. No own opinion. They do and say what the companies dictate to them and even defend these companies. 😄


I still need Google chat lol