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**Best I can do is Misha** (All I have gotten, I wish I was exaggerating)


Oh man. I'm so sorry. If I didn't already have Jingliu I would consider building him for ice coverage. I still don't have a wind, lightning, or physical DPS


Eh, If i get Ruan Mei I won’t mind, I can make a Misha premium team now with his E6 (Got her, clearly my love of Cats and cakes (especially carrot cake with icing on the thicker side) resonates with her)


All I got was Xueyis (not that I mind but GIVE ME E6 GALLAGHER) I'm pulling for E1 RM with whatever I got left anyways so yeah


I can't math. Pulled him 4 times, not 3.


You got Ruan Mei? I'd start dumping rolls for her if you did. Chances at E6 Gallagher while also buffing the shit outta your new E2 FF. idk if I'd go past E1 Ruan Mei for E6 Gall tho, but E0 for sure and E1 at a stretch.


Was fortunate to get Ruan mei e0 on her first banner. I'm all out of tickets so I'll cross my fingers for another 4star selector event to get Gallagher to e6.


Have you already done the current one? (also, e1 Ruan mei is very good, solid investment)


I've cleared the bird game event already. That got me Gallagher's E1. I'll admit ruan mei's E1 is quite good. Firefly is the only limited character I pulled for eidolons. Generally, I pull for new limited characters and possibly their lightcone if I don't have a good alternative.


Quick question: Jingliu, ruan Mei, bronya and Gallagher is good team to run??


Sounds good to me. I use a similar team but have the luxury of fu xuan for better Jingliu crit rate.


Just use the Origami Bird Clash 4* selector


That's how I got e1


Now that I look at it, only Lynx and Misha are under E6 for my 4 stars. Poor Lynx sitting at E3 despite going hard on her rate up banners.


I pulled Acheron, Firefly and Ruan Mei and my Gallagher is still only at E5 and i got two of those from events.


I feel you. Let's pray for another 4star selector.


I've gotten e1 firefly but Gallagher made sure to not appear not even on his previous banner and this one too. How many pulls is it gonna take to get him now bruh.