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Value is made up question and demand. Like always. Now you ask why there is a lot of people looking for it and not many around. The answer is this: First came ruby and sapphire. (Then fire red and leaf green.) Then emerald. Back then, why buy emerald when you already have sapphire or ruby? That's a really expensive DLC. Not many did that. Looking back. Let's say now you wanted to play gen 3, why prefer sapphire over emerald if they are the same game but emerald has more, including a copy clitch? If all 3 had the same value no one would buy ruby or sapphire. So they don't have the same value... If there were only collectors around sapphire and ruby would be cheaper then emerald because there more of them around. Because there's also people that play them and they prefer emerald it bumps the price up even further


Lol 150 results for "Pokemon Emerald Authentic" on ebay. In every game store I go to. Rare game my ass, Nintendo fans do anything to justify asinine prices.


I never said it's rare. It's just more ruby and sapphire made, less people wanting ruby sapphire and more want emerald. So supply and demand make emerald more expensive. But I don't think you know how search engines work. If you search "authentic pokemon emerald" every sale pops up with those words. If my sale is "fake pokemon emerald not authentic" it will just pop up in your searches because the words are there.


I think this is pretty spot-on. Same for Yellow. The third game was typically the "definitive edition" of each generation. At the time, it sold fewer copies, because it was basically just an upgrade of something you already had, so there was less motivation to buy. Now, though, if you went to experience a generation for the first time, you'll want to play the "best" version that gen had to offer. So, low supply, high demand.


Ah supply and demand are the right English words. Forgot haha..


Yeah that makes a lot of sense, I never would have expected it to be as much as it is though wow. Should have kept a better eye on my copy of the game, it’s special to me so I’m just gonna have to buy another


Maybe conciser a Everdrive for that amount of money


I know this is a topic of a long time ago but damn, I still have an og copy. Glad to know its so valuable.


People tend to forget how few copies of Emerald are out there. It was the least produced Game Boy Advance Pokemon game, second only to Crystal for GBC. Red/Blue/Green - 31.05 million copies. Yellow - 14.64 million copies. Gold/Silver - 23.73 million copies. Crystal - 6.39 million copies. Ruby/Sapphire - 16.22 million copies. Fire Red/Leaf Green - 12.00 million copies. Emerald - 7.06 million copies. Crystal and Emerald both are through the roof because there is half of the quantity available. Both are 2x the price of other authentic titles simply because the availability is half, at least mathematically. Some people prefer the other titles and some people prefer Crystal/Emerald but the fact of the matter is there's just not many copies because people didn't buy them and it drives the prices up now. Yeah, Crystal and Emerald are the more desirable versions but are GSC/RBY/FRLG/RS not desirable as well? They're all vintage Pokemon. I think the price has less to do with overwhelming demand for Crystal/Emerald and more to do with the fact that there's as much demand for ALL Pokemon vintage games and there's nowhere near the amount of supply for Crystal/Emerald.


Wow i did not realize how little copies of emerald (or crystal) were sold compared to the first 2 games! I figured it would be less but i didnt realize how much less. That does makes a lot of sense though. Thank you for the info!


Had the most content and was the last pokemon gba game


Got to catch them all


Like $200 now 🫠


I think it’s popularity plus/ because being the latest Pokémon game of the Game Boy era. Just like in the Porsche fandom the 993 gets hyped for being aircooled… don’t know if that comparison makes sense to you…


I thought all porsches b4 the 993 were aircooled aswell


That's the point. The 993 has a certain allure because it's the last one. I don't actually know cars, I'm just assuming that's the case because then the analogy makes sense.


What makes it so expensive? You idiots that pay for it and make these games ridiculous prices. Like all the collectors that say they don't collect too.show off, they collect for them, that the money means nothing....... Yet the very same people do nothing but make YouTube videos, showing off their collection, bragging about the price of each game..... it is utterly pathetic


Why you commenting on a post from a year ago? lmao obviously collectors contribute to that, the supply and demand makes the prices. Old spin off Pokémon games are really expensive because they weren’t nearly as popular so they’re harder to find bc there’s less of them in circulation. The third games of each generation are usually higher for the same reason, much less people are going to buy a slightly different iteration of the same game so theres less of them out there. No complaints from me there thats just how it works. My confusion comes because because the difference between emerald and its ruby and sapphire counterpart is so insanely different, much more than the difference between other games like platinum and pearl/diamond. And the the difference in sales between those sets of games is comparable too, so the fact that emerald is so much more doesnt make a lot of sense to me. I believe its one of the most expensive main series games to get an authentic physical copy of, along with crystal and the heart gold/soul silver games Also, obviously the entire point of collecting is to be proud and show off ur collection. It brings people enjoyment. If i just wanted to play the game id emulate it or buy a bootleg copy. I paid that much for a reason. I understand its somewhat pointless, but all collecting is sort of pointless, its just meaningful to the people and community that collects.


I looked up the price recently because of a local game shop selling it for twice the price of ruby. I thought they were just being stingy! Guess I should keep my emerald ❤️


9 months later, and clean copies go for ~200


I’m on Amazon rn looking for a decently priced copy, I’m only seeing $300+ USD for Emerald, while RS/FRLG are only about $125-$150.


I said screw it because I just wanted to play and got one of these https://www.retrogamingstores.com/pokemon-emerald-gameboy-advance


Wait that’s legit? Looked a bit sketchy.


Tbh seems like a skec website did you get the game in good condition?


I got everything fine


pretty sure you got a fake copy tbh, there's no way they'd sell it for that cheap. could we see some photos please?


I may have got it for cheap, but it works great. Not looking to go broke collecting games




Your comparison is bad. What you're really saying is "I'd rather have 3 overpriced shiny rocks than 100 shiny rocks that look and function the exact same as the overpriced shiny rocks." A bootleg copy of a game that plays exactly the same as an original copy is totally fine. Sure, I personally would prefer to have an original copy, but saying that someone's collection "means nothing" if it contains bootleg games is what actually means nothing. Now, if they try to turn around and sell that bootleg copy as if it were an original, that would be shitty. But they're clearly not doing that.


Your collection means nothing then. I'd rather have 3 diamonds than 100 rocks


At least as of today, the listing's description says "independent reissued" which pretty clearly indicates that it's not authentic.