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Yeah, like corps generally use liberal talking points to fluff up their stuff in real life. Ima wait until the game comes out before getting needlessly outraged.


We are literally creating hell on earth but it's fine becasue we are sooooooo inclusive.


There is a /r/circlebroke2 thread right now showing how people are uncritically meming about these lines to mock SJWs and PC culture, so whatever critque Id might have intended, it is being lost on their audience who dont bother to go beyond surface examination and are just parroting these lines uncritically.


They aren't meming about these lines, they're predicting that progressives will lose their shit over them. I'd like to not prove them right. Hell, farther down in the comments people are more worried about alt-righters latching onto that language. I think that'd be a great thing, then ID can come out and tell them how fucked up they are, and the alt-right looks just as bad as when they started hand-wringing over Wolfenstein.


Loadsa Money. It’s [Loadsa Money](https://youtu.be/ULeDlxa3gyc). A British sketch character created to satirize thatchers England. Turns out, the character was loved by both political sides. The left saw it for its intended satire while the right identified with the character. People saw what they wanted to see in Loadsa Money.


I can see this being like Fight Club where the point was to mock what reactionaries later adopt. A corporate tool saying these obviously evil monsters are not demons and giving an incredibly condescending PC term instead is like the epitome of white liberal corporate nonsense just as we saw white progressives defending Alex Jones. I think that's the point.


They are so desperate for a win that they will latch on to anything, don't worry about it.


DOOM has always been, ultimately, anti-corporate in the same way that a lot of 90's/80's sci-fi was. If they do go down a road of pandering to the right, it'll be a major betrayal of the game's origins and tone.


I think if anything this is more of that anti corporatism. It reads much more like mocking corporate PR and HR talk rather than punching left.


I agree, but its not uncommon for right-wingers to use anti-corporatism to make their ideas seem more palatable. Hell, this was Donald Trump's most common (arguably only) slight-of-hand trick during his presidential campaign, tying corporations and corporate politicians to HR departments to increased representation for women and minorities & social justice in general. And for what its worth Jordan Peterson does this from time to time as well. This isn't to say anti-corporatism is a right wing position or that the left should embrace corporations; far from it. But anti-corporatism and reactionary politics are not as incompatible as some leftists want them to be.


the left is actually openly embracing corporate governance in their own way (the right is too at times). when people say things like "they're a private company, they can ban you" i just hear "i love corporate governance of thought." lets embrace mainstream social media becoming the thought police and pushing moderates into spaces where they are likely to be radicalized.


This is an extremely uncharitable interpretation of what leftists are saying. At best you're mashing leftists and liberals together and then acting like there's some kind of monolithic viewpoint despite the massive internal contradictions there. I think you'll find that most leftists, [including myself,](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/951z9n/facebook_bans_alex_jones_over_hate_speech/e3pxf5k/?context=3) are not fans of the power Facebook and others hold to regulate the kind of opinions that are permissible. But when someone says that drag queens deserve to be burned alive (which is what got Alex Jones banned, by the way) and regularly spreads racist slander towards innocent people, then any platform that hosts his content is now culpable for the damage he causes. Recognizing propaganda for what it is isn't corporate governance of thought, and presenting it otherwise is Peak Liberalism. But then again I should know better then to expect a good take from someone who thinks drugs are degenerate (and for that matter, uses the word degenerate). One more thing: >lets embrace mainstream social media becoming the thought police and pushing moderates into spaces where they are likely to be radicalized. Firstly, in what universe is Alex Jones a moderate. Secondly, good. I want people to be radicalized.




I fixed the post.


For future reference, the only reason we saw this is that this thread is moderated. If you really want to be sure mods know you fixed a post, message us by using the "message the moderators" link over to the right.


Understood. I will say though, it's a bit weird having to put an 'np' link on your own comment.


I know, but automod doesn't know you're posting your own comment. And we need automod!




I think it mostly comes down to who you think it's mocking. If you see it as mocking the idea then yeah it's a little shit, if you see it as mocking the speaker for making the argument then it's jus funny


Yep, I sincerely hope that that's the angle they are aiming for. It's just that these sorts of jokes are really easy to misconstrue as something political and reactionary rather than something making fun of the UAC corporate culture in-universe.


God damn, that trailer looks amazing.


issa 25 minute video you need to point this stuff out all I'm seeing is that I want to buy the new DOOM game.


I really enjoyed the gameplay of the 2016 DOOM, but if there is a pattern to this, and not just random joking around, then I can manage perfectly fine with not buying this one.


I never played DOOM for gripping commentary so I'll likely buy it regardless, the people who put this in the game are already getting paid for it and i can't take that money away from them, that's my hot take on it. it would have to be pretty overt and *really* liken demons to PoC or some shit to convince me any dialogue in the game would matter. i still don't know what happened in DOOM 2016's story.


Sounds more like a riff on the trend - I remember it most from the 1990s, but its always had champions - of dealing with things through word magic while often ignoring the actual *problem*. Most folks in wheelchairs I know care less about being called disabled, or handicapped, or crippled than they do about being allowed to work if they can and having a good access ramp at the places they go to. It's the same error that says, if nobody uses the n-word *racism is cured forever!* The right make fun of it because treating subaltern groups with any kind of respect is a hilarious idea. Leftists can and should also find this kind of talk hilarious... because its usually skin-deep at most, and that's the tack I see here.


Ok, really guys? This is about as offensive as [Curb Your Enthusiasm](https://youtu.be/mPzjbXgaVOk). Can nobody chuckle at a joke at "their side" anymore? At all? We're not exactly disproving stereotypes here.


Jokes are quite literally acts of aggression, discourse meant to maintain and reinforce hierarchies. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/6078247/Humour-is-an-act-of-aggression.html This is why you never punch down. Not laughing at racist dogwhistles comparing properly naming peoples' races, ethnicities, genders, and sexualities to ignoring a demonic invasion by hellbeasts or shrugging off jokes about cultural assimilation and miscegenation being compared to a demonic invasion by hellbeasts is kind of part of the whole being on my side thing. I mean, sure, you could just laugh if you accept the premise. But you're accepting the premise. So you're saying... you accept the premise.


Who is Doom punching down at here?




For the first one, people who aren't considered "normal" by society and want to define who they are using their own language.


The first comment was definitely an obnoxious, pandering joke, but I will say that I thought the 2nd one was more of a pun. "Melting pot" -> all of Earth is actually on fire


I hesitate to say it's intentional. Yeah it's kinda weird, but it does kind of go with the corporate speak of the last game. That and Hugo Martin just seems like a nice guy. Especially in that noclip documentary.


The first one just seems like an edgy joke. I don’t think it’s purposefully trying to be anti-immigration, the game is literally about a demon invasion, it’s right wing cunts who equate immigration to invasion


off topic, but do they pay people to cheer at every little thing? or pump something into the air at these shows?


They just fill it with their biggest fanboys so that everyone in the audience loves everything they do.


it's a convention specifically for Bethesda products. people who pay for that are the prime audience to squeal at everything.




I'm sorry but in this day and age especially, trying to be 'controversial' by echoing ethno nationalist propaganda shouldn't be handwaved away as just pointless edgyness.


You could say that Wolfenstein 2 was trying to be controversial but the buzz that it created wasn't anything anyone that isn't a Nazi should be bothered by. The fact that chuds reacted so vehemently against the joke just shows how too close to home the joke hits. The content in this new Doom game isn't just marketing, it's part of the game. It was an intentional choice on the part of the writer(s) to contrast right-wing parodies of pro-immigrant and "politically correct" rhetoric with earth being being ravaged by invading demons. I can't chalk this up to just cynical controversy mongering when the writers apparently thought it serves the story itself, and anyone that's played Doom 2016 knows they actually care about the story.


And this shift in "tone of the context" seems especially odd to me as I took the 2016 version to be an allegory to environmentalism, or rather, you know, corporations abusing the evironment. And yes it did use some rather heavy handed writing to get this point across, and my initial reaction to hearing these clips was the same, too on the nose, if they're making a point, whatever it is. I dunno, we'll have to see what is actually going on. I'm not giving them a pass, but at the same time, I'll reserve my judgment. But so far it has gotten me thinking that I'd rather not they proceed any further along this path.


i never paid attention to the story in DOOM 2016, would you say there's a possible link between what's going on on earth and the ending of 2016? i'm thinking there's just gotta be a reason they're unabashedly parodying the rhetoric.


>i'm thinking there's just gotta be a reason they're unabashedly parodying the rhetoric. Well one of the reasons could be that they think comparing immigration to demons invading the earth is funny, which is why this is being discussed right now.


saying "there has to be a reason" usually implies a "valid" reason.


Ah you didn't really make it clear in this context though.


So my second thought here was along the lines of "Oh god, we're going to have to have the DEMOLITION MAN discussion again, aren't we?" (first thought being "Hmm... yeah, I can see that as being an issue, especially given id Software's own background as having been founded by explicitly libertarian or libertarian-friendly men.")


Before any reactionary moron throws a temper tantrum over this, no one here is advocating banning, censorship, or any other Jack Thompson-style nonsense. If we were, we would be in favor of banning Wolfenstein II: The New Order for having the Nazis as the bad guys, like you losers were.


I think dog-whistle is the correct way to put it. In a game operating on so many layers of irony it's easy to rationalize that the jokes are really about X or Y (see: top post in this thread), but it's obvious that a certain element is going to see it as pwning the libs.


I'm having trouble reading this as intentional dog whistling to bigots, but the fact that bigots take it as dog whistling should give ID pause. I hope they remove those lines from the final product.


This is incredibly disappointing. Reminds me of the Cole Hammels F.A.G.S. Modern Warfare bullshit that happened 10 years ago. Just like then, I'll refuse to pick up the game if this is the angle they are going to push. But after seeing this, I'm willing to bet that their soon to be tired-ass marketing tagline is going to end up being MEGA and they are all going to pat themselves on the back, thinking they were oh-so clever....


Just as an addendum: Although I am well aware that the Doom series has never been known as a masterwork of progressive ideology expressed in an interactive medium, I'm quite comfortable with being cautious in regards to the political messaging that could be hidden inside. Still, seeing these two jokes hidden inside of a 20 minute trailer does rub me the wrong way. Before I spend $60-$100 on a game, I'll wait for the reviews beforehand. As far as we know, these could just end up being dumb, edgy one-off jokes, or examples of a shitty running theme that's expanded throughout the game. But I am serious that if the tagline is Make Earth Great Again, that the marketing team should mass resign in shame. Not because it's "offensive", but it's would probably be the most low effort marketing slogan ever.


Make Hell Yours Again.


Well, never thought that taking the stance of,"Hey, maybe I shouldn't support a company that compares immigrants to sub-human demons, even as a joke", would infuriate so many people, but here we are.


This game is a giant panderfest to reactionary twatwaffles lmao. RIP Id


literally where are you seeing this, all i'm seeing is a 25 minute video with just doom gameplay, this is a pretty bad post unless i'm just missing everything.


If you seriously need timestamps in order to believe me, here you go: Quote 1: [https://youtu.be/CGq8Ee2gOe4?t=682](https://youtu.be/CGq8Ee2gOe4?t=682) Quote 2: [https://youtu.be/CGq8Ee2gOe4?t=766](https://youtu.be/CGq8Ee2gOe4?t=766)


of course i was hard pressed to believe, i got wrapped up in the primary content of the video, why would i be on the lookout for 2 comments that are inconsequential in the grand scheme of the video that are pretty silent over everything else, especially when you started from minute 5, and the comments you're referring to come 6 and 7 minutes later? now that i actually see the shit though, i think the melting pot comment is funny since they're being invaded by demons and all, it makes sense. nobody gets offended when people call NY the melting pot of the US, it's true. don't know if they're trying to be intentionally controversial though, much like with Wolfenstein 2. it's actual dialogue in the game and not touched up marketing.


Wolfenstein's devs were being intentional, it was the publisher Bethesda playing a game of CYA by distancing themselves from the developers' repeated and clear political positions with regard to white supremacy and the alt-right. Again, Bethesda isn't involved here. This actually looks like ID entertainment specifically going after the Left's pillars through a flaccid critique of corporate sensitivity culture using very loud dogwhistles comparing cultural assimilation to a demonic invasion and criticizing political correctness. I wouldn't be surprised if the game is sprinkled with this to boost controversy and their underperforming sales last time by targeting disaffected white dudes.


Aight, well, pepper some proof or something into that comment of yours. Make it credible. I know that *I* don't believe a word here.


Yeah there's a bunch of em strewn throughout the gameplay, and they're written with the same sarcastic tone that those hyperventilating /pol/ copypastas are written in too. It'd be one thing if there was just a couple of lines like that but this seems intentional on the part of the writers.




Even though violent 80s movies may have purported themselves to be apolitical, they still could have political values baked within them. Slasher movies often portrayed their victims as being "deserving" in some way because they were women having sex, doing drugs, and doing other things that the religious right, which just so happened to be in power at the time, were vehemently against. Of course this always has to come with the disclaimer that you can enjoy these movies regardless, but the values are there and it's not a coincidence they matched up with the political ethos of the time.


Yeah, and I think yours is an insightful comment. I don't think that they're apolitical, except superficially. But there's a certain streak (to my mind at least) of trying to shoot for just cheap irony, and this Doom business reminded of that, especially since the game was modeled after these films after all. I especially agree with your last point. Sure, give me an Arnie flick any time, but let's not claim they're not problematic.


>But there's a certain streak (to my mind at least) of trying to shoot for just cheap irony This is definitely possible but given how popular the "invading immigrants" trope is among reactionary gamers, I can't discount the other possibility either. Hopefully this is just an anomaly within the larger picture of the game and they were just making jokes for the sake of making jokes, but even so it's not necessarily the best look, especially with the political climate of the past few years.


Intentionally dogwhistling anti-immigration propaganda by juxtaposing pro-immigrant rhetoric with vistas of a destroyed and demon infested Earth. Yeah, sure.




"... immigrants invading the West?" Yeah, that's totally not xenophobic at all from a West supremacist. /s




Exactly! Columbus, his crew, and the entirety of the Mayflower should have been slaughtered like the vermin they were. Go back to The_Dorito's kiddy table, sweetie. This is grown-up time.




> Except the crew of the mayflower came and built a country that had nothing existing previously. *Wow*.


I know. Isn't it *adorable* how Redditors think they're capable of contributing to grown-up discussions? He can't even be bothered to proofread his nonsense before posting, or at least edit it.


You'd think he'd at least want to read *Lies My Teacher Told Me* before parroting his whitewashed elementary school textbook version of history as fact to make his argument. "What the LIBERAL EDUCATION SYSTEM taught you is WRONG!" seems quite up their alley. Though I guess they probably dropped Loewen's books like hot potatoes once they realized he was going to be harsher on the US than the schools.


And the salty downvotes are just the icing on the cake. Salted caramel iced chocolate cake could make dealing with this nonsense worth it, come to think of it.


Modern scholarship [disagrees](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110321134617.htm). Do your homework, kiddo. Whites are invaders and an infestation, nothing more. It's never okay to be white.



