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I have 3 weekly quests that require the Joker, who I don’t have. So I either have to pay money to buy him or miss out on my weekly rewards.


I'm shocked there's no "skip" button or something like that.


"*Marketing & Sales would like you to remove the "Skip" button. They feel it might impact revenue*" -- Player First Games executives, probably.


Wait till you get to the rift quests where you not only need a certain character unlocked you also are required to buy a ski. To complete the mission.


I played for the first time yesterday, overall I thought it was pretty fun but at the end of the day, it kinda just made me wish I could play Smash with good net code... probably not a unique take. It does blow my mind that there is no way at all to test characters before you buy them. I was able to earn enough of the currency to unlock a character but I have no idea who I would want to buy. I can only test the handful that they have temporarily unlocked. If these are on a weekly rotation... I'm probably going to lose interest in the game before I get the chance to pick a character I want to main. And making it impossible to fully complete Rifts ("story mode" vs. AI) without playing with a friend... unless they change some things quickly, I can't imagine playing for very long.


Read(tweeted by main dev) that you can play any character in training mode next patch.


And this is after a relaunch?


Maybe they shouldn't have fucked it up in the first place then because as someone who hasn't even played the game the only thing I'm hearing about is this and other poorly received changes with the most recent patch. Not exactly making me want to give it a shot.


At least play the game first before getting mad about it.


That's kind of my point.  I don't want to play the game any more whereas previously I was a bit curious based on how the community response was during beta. Seeing this type of response instead makes that interest disappear.  And to be honest there's so many other games I can spend my time on that without that interest why would I try this free or not?


Does it cost money?


No, it's free.


rivals 2 is coming out soon


>play Smash with good net code Rivals of Aether?


Sadly, I don't see it have lasting potential due to the horrible changes all around. I am shocked that this is a serious step back from the first time it was released. The changes range from gameplay that feels slow and sluggish (like you're running and punching in a dream) to an extremely greedy monetization system (locking characters in local play and training mode for example). Hell, you can't even unlock Jason unless you buy the battlepass (you can get him outside the battlepass in the future apparently). See this post from the [Multiversus subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1d2tccz/everything_that_changed_for_the_worse_from_the/): **Gameplay**: No more grounded neutral air. The camera zooms in far too often. No leaderboards. No after-battle report aka "damage done" "ringouts" You can't see who accepted/declined a rematch. **Modes**: No more Co-op VS AI No offline play No FFA mode with items **Training**: You can no longer play as characters you don't own in local play and training You can't change your controller settings in the training room anymore More full loading screens when changing settings / start positions No advanced tutorial mode No "grid" training map **Economy / Progression**: No more cheaper characters (e.g. Garnet, Taz) for 1500 - every character is 3-6k No non-Gleamium skins (you used to earn skins, now they're going to cost at least $15USD a pop). No more battle pass xp after every match. We can only level up the battle pass from challenges now. No "toast back" if someone toasts you after you've left the post-match screen. You HAVE to use your character tickets if you got them (presumably also battle pass tickets), you can't choose to pay character currency or gleamium. **Settings:** No ability to swap neutral and side attacks Can't remove or lower buffering of inputs Can't change the game's language in the settings Can't manually select your server location


Having no offline play for a fighting game is just insane. That alone kills any chance of local scenes and tournaments for the game.


WB is on a roll with all these shitty decisions lately. first SSKTJL will become vaporware due to being online only, but now they've guaranteed that multiversus will as well. why would I download it if I know that the whole thing is designed to not last, or respect my time, from the start?


I think you've gotten abandonware and vaporware mixed up. Vaporware is something like Beyond Good & Evil 2


abandonware is usually old games that arent sold anymore because the publisher no longer exists or holds the IP rights. I figured that vaporware was more accurate because SSKTJL is a new game and will literally disappear.


Vaporware implies the game is still (and will potentially forever be) in development. Since KTJL released it'll be something like abandonware someday soon


Maybe I'm being pedantic, but vaporware is a product that is announced but never actually makes it into consumers hands, not a product that is fully released and then abandoned after it fails in the market. *Duke Nukem Forever* was considered vaporware for nearly a decade before Gearbox bought it and shoved it out the door. *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* could become the [Juicero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juicero) of video games if they do end up shutting it down.


> SSKTJL will become vaporware incorrect usage of "vaporware", just fyi.


They're actually insane. I realized that when they looked at Suicide Squad and its performance, looked at Hogwarts: Legacy and its performance and ended up deciding that AAA console games are volatile and to pivot to more F2P and mobile live-service games. Making good games and putting IPs into the correct genre instead of forcing them into (poorly executed) live-service attempts is the takeaway there, not switching to F2P and mobile.. Just hope that HL2 gets greenlit, Avalanche deserves to make it after doing so well with the first one.


There's no offline play even for consoles?


it's there but you can't use every character unless you've bought them all


Gotcha, I can see how that can be annoying for tournaments and things.


iirc sc2 was online for pvp so they would get a cut of local tournaments, as sc1 was very big but they weren't really getting anything besides some sales


That was my personal biggest issue with the first release. I can’t believe they didn’t change it


There is offline bear! But it just unlock everything by default.


This is the first fighting game I’ve noticed has TOO many buffer frames. Playing Arya stark and she’s doing shit I input like 3 seconds ago it’s insane.


I'm jealous if you've never buffered air dodged to your death in Smash Ultimate.


I didn't realize how much slower it was from the first release until I rewatched some old gameplay videos. I feel like on top of slowing the game down they stripped certain characters of some fun aspects they had.


People who didn't actually play the "beta" were tricked because a bulk of the marketing for the game literally slowed down the gameplay to make it easier to market during the "beta". So they hop on now and go "this is basically what the game looked like before". Or they are just so blind to what they are doing in the video game that their opinions don't matter, but I like to be charitable.


> Hell, you can't even unlock Jason unless you buy the battlepass I was about to call you a liar for this as I just got Jason, but it seems I got the premium battle pass for free due to being a returning player. That kind of sucks.


He's only battle pass exclusive for the duration of the battle pass, then he's unlockable like any other character. Still pretty weak, but decidedly less weak than battle pass exclusive forever


This is going to be awful because if a season lasts for 2-4 months and you wanted to play a new character, that could be months where you can't play that character unless you shell out whatever the battle pass costs, which is likely substantially more than the price of a character.


He is a liar. Jason can be bought after the battlepass is done.


I was actually pretty excited for the re-launch but that gameplay felt atrocious compared to the first time, uninstalled so fast.


I don't know why these smash bros clones can't get the gameplay right when HAL did it perfect back in like, 1999.


The gameplay in the new version is far closer to Smash than the open beta was.


Is it? The open beta felt more smash like to me this one feels slow and clunky which I wouldn't describe any Smash game as except maybe the original.


The open beta where you canceled out of every single move with dodge and could sit in the air for 20 seconds felt like Smash to you? Weird. Last time I played Smash, the characters had actual weight to them and you couldn't spam air dodge and two air specials during a single jump. Maybe they changed that since I last played though.


I mean most people complaining about this, probably haven't played Smash more than a very basic level, or at a party with friends a handful of times. But yeah, the original Beta release was incredibly spammy and fast, felt nothing like Smash, you had characters spamming moves constantly, just to animation cancel them with a dodge. The new gameplay actually feels like you have some weight behind your attacks, and that you can actually punish people when they wiff things, instead of them just spamming their 50th dodge cancel.


You got to understand most people on this subreddit don’t actually play games and instead write essays about games based on other people playing them. This version is much closer to smash but that would mean you would of had to play both games


> when HAL did it perfect back in like, 1999. Let's not act like they've been perfect every time. Remember tripping?


Project M--now there's the smash formula perfected.


I'm not huge on how Smash plays after melee, I thought 64 was the best one


Rivals of Aether feels great but that's pretty much the only one I've played that manages to come close.


Disagree, both Multiversus and especially Rivals have better gameplay than any of the Smash games


Feels fine to me, game is no longer a Dodgey chase fest. I'm having fun


That camera issue is ***really fucking obvious***. I was doing their dumb little singleplayer mode and it was like they wanted me to recreate the character model from scratch with how close up it got. Really obnoxious stuff, no idea why they did that lmao.


>No offline play LMAO. Dead in the water.


Holy shit those are some egregious omissions. Won't be touching this game for a long while.


It seriously sounds like they literally just remade the game and ended up with something wore.


Biggest problem for me: can't switch characters between rematches in PvP anymore.


The slowed down gameplay feels like an awful band-aid fix. Some of the laggier moves don't even visually feel like you are supposed to stare at them for as long as you do. Combined with the other bullshit I'll just wait for Rivals 2 instead. And I was sort of excited for the 2v2 focus too.


Don't lie about Jason being locked. After the season pass you can buy him with fighter currency. 


That's not lying because he currently is locked. I edited the post to say that after the season pass you can buy him with fighter currency, but the fact that he is locked that way to begin with is so dumb lmao


The game didnt even have local play before


Unfortunately, I think I'm already done playing this game. The "beta" from 2022 had its problems, but at least the gameplay was solid fun. Of course, there was the borderline unethical bait and switch where they suddenly shut Multiversus down, gaslit everyone into believing it was always intended to be a "beta", and promised to return later (and it being a "beta" certainly didn't stop them from raking in the microtransactions that whole damn time). But even after all of that frustration, I was honestly glad they were going to take a year or two to really finetune the game and build out some other features. The idea of Multiversus's promising foundation being turned into a full fledged experience was actually pretty exciting. And I'm sickened to say that the product we got yesterday is absolutely void of any substantial improvement. In fact, they've only gone and made the gameplay feel sluggish and the entire experience treadmill a greedy, shameless, predatory heap of shit that would make mobile games blush with envy. \* No actual Character progression. The Perk system is even more underbaked than it was in the beta (with them straight up removing some characters perks, giving everyone less options), and they don't make enough of a gameplay difference to actual invest in. There is absolutely no reason to play with a character and go down their experience track. You unlock absolutely nothing of worth; not even a single skin (because god forbid they actually let us earn skins through gameplay). \* Battle Pass progression is locked to Dailies and Weeklies. That's right, you can't grind Battlepass ranks just by playing the game. Nope. You only make progress through checking off their rudimentary Daily and Weekly missions. Well, guess what... I completed all of my weeklies last night after about 2.5 hours. And I completed all of my Dailies this morning in about 45 minutes. So... I guess I'm done playing for the day? There's literally no in-game incentive to play PvP after you finish your Dailies. Finishing matches only earns you Character XP (which, again from my point above, is basically pointless). \* Rifts are a horrid slog. Of course, it wouldn't be a Games as a Service game without a slew of limited time FOMO event tracks. Most of them involve playing through Rifts, a PvE mode basically set up like Smash Bros Ultimate's spirit battles. Get to the end of the track, beat a boss, go back through on a higher difficulty. But higher difficulties are locked behind having a high enough Gem Score, which is another RNG grind to level them up (**oh, but you better believe you can purchase Gem XP in the store with real money!!**) \* The local tournament scene is dead on arrival, since you can't play all the fighters in offline mode (like you could in the beta). Unlocking characters takes a butt-load of in-game currency. Yes, they give you a nice chunk of it right away for launch week (just enough to maybe buy one character and get you hooked), but you quickly realize that the currency dries up really quick once your weeklies are done, giving players no choice but to fork over real cash if they want to play with another hero in the roster. Because (yet again) there is no way to grind for this currency in realtime. Playing PvP nets you nothing and means nothing. \* A huge lack of other features. No new gamemodes, no leaderboards, no scores after the match ends (something they removed from the beta), no ranked mode... I feel like I'm on repeat, but there is no actual incentive to play this game. \* I already hear you guys typing away. "BACK IN MY DAY, WE USED TO PLAY GAMES BECAUSE THEY WERE FUN, NOT BECAUSE YOU GOT A REWARD." Look, everything that I said above would be somewhat ignorable if the gameplay was good. Yes, if your gameplay is just straight up amazing, you don't need to bombard your players with XP and loot and whatnot; just playing the game is reward enough. And I'm very very saddened to say that the gameplay itself is not only mediocre, but it's actively worse than the beta. They slowed down the pace and added in a ridiculous amount of buffer frames between moves, to the point where extending your gameplan to anything beyond buttonmashing is pointless. Oh, and on top of everything I just said, Multiversus didn't honor the characters I owned in the Beta (despite promising they would). I'm still missing some skins for Wonder Woman and I'm straight up missing Batman and Harley Quinn from my roster, despite having unlocked them previously. And if you were one of the suckers who bought Gold (the cosmetic currency in the Beta), sorry to say that you got duped out of your cash. I don't need to keep beating a dead horse. I was very excited for what Multiversus could become with enough time to bake properly. And what we got is just a microtransaction bloated joke of a game that actively punishes the player who wants to sit down and play their game. It's been 24 hours and it's already time for me to uninstall, which makes me very sad.


> There's literally no in-game incentive to play PvP after you finish your Dailies. Except playing the game and having fun.


Good job not actually reading what he said


Thanks! I think the gameplay is an improvement over the beta, which is one of the few things that went well with this game. So for me, there is plenty of incentive. Doesn't mean I want the game to be less predatory than it currently is, and fix the fucking camera issue.


> Of course, there was the borderline unethical bait and switch where they suddenly shut Multiversus down,  Would you rather they have kept it running with almost no players? I spent a bunch of money in the beta, and I’m glad they shut it down because I’d rather have a game people are actually playing. 


This game will die very quickly with the changes they made. It's heavily monetized, it takes forever to unlock characters. They also fucked with the camera zoom for no reason. Perks are still in the game, they suck. Every progression track gives generic perk currency... Wow thanks. The game wants you to login everyday and claim rewards but doesn't reward you for playing more. Another game ruined by suits.


It’s crazy how they took this game off for 2 years and this shit is what they came back with. Was much better before


Man as a long time Smash Player , the beta proved that they could have a potential contender. Rivals of Aether has been the only other platform fighter (on pc) I played and stuck to for more than 200 hrs. They really messed up though. A competitive scene really drives a fighting game, especially if you already have a casual player base. Players First/WB really went out of their way to squash any potential of a proper competitive local scene. Between characters remaining locked in local play and training, the mass slow down of gameplay, changing battle pass xp to be challenge only (making players more likely to only finish challenges and drop out, like wtf why would a casual player keep playing for no real gains??) and the ridiculous PvE mode that quickly gets impossible to solo. At this rate I’ll just expect to see the Death of a Game video next year on this one :/


Tried it. Surprisingly solid fighter in there. I like what I've played. Good animation. Controls. Netcode works. The trouble is everything around it is a monetization hellhole. If I could pay a retail price and have all characters, the ability to unlock new skins, and cut out the 9000 different battle passes, types of xp, and currency, I'd see myself play it. But everything outside of matches is awful. Not auto detecting/configuring a controller is also weird for a big name release these days. Also not sure why you wouldn't use the IP/character music for the stages? If you're going to use the Get Swifty stage, why you would not add the song? Or at least the music.


Played it for 30 mins. They lied about Agent Smith. He's locked behind some bullshit tasks. The game still feels slow as fuck. Uninstalled already.


When did they lie about this? As far as I've seen, Agent Smith was never said to be available at launch and he's releasing later in the season. The Rift event is something you can do to unlock him early and for free.


When did they lie? And they slowed down the game it was waaaayyy faster in beta. There's no way beta felt slow to you


I've been enjoying playing it a lot with my friend who also played the beta, I'm personally enjoying the slower pace and a lot of the perks that got removed were mobility and dodge ones, which has made the game a lot less mashy and whiffs can be punished easier. But yeah the monetisation for the rift mode seems intentionally exploitative but unfortunately PFG is beholden to WB games but I'm happy they made a pve mode to keep it out of the PvP.


And hopefully it doesn't keep those numbers up because the game is honestly atrocious. If you want a good fighting game just play Granblue Versus Rising or Street Fighter 6. Sure they aren't the same type of fighters, but they are good.


I'd say Tekken 8 is it, but Harada still won't do shit for anyone, AKA fix the fact that people can just plug in ranked to ruin the matchmaking integrity forever. The best 3D FGC franchise, and even after 7 blew up they still couldn't be asked. Shame really


7 had the exact same issue until they fixed it btw


I know platform fighters and traditional fighting games don't always get along but there are plenty of players that enjoy both, myself included. last year there wasn't much going on in my fighting game world so I was excited to play this with some friends for a few hours now I don't see a world where I put down street fighter 6 to play multiversus instead lol


> If you want a good fighting game just play Granblue Versus Rising or Street Fighter 6. Sure they aren't the same type of fighters, but they are good. Rivals 2 is also looking solid so far, so waiting for that is also an option for people strictly wanting a platform fighter.


Those games are entirely unappealing. I just want a platform fighter I can play with characters I know, without buying into Nintendo’s abusive online services  


I’ll get street fighter when we can block the skins other people use; our house is big on “don’t objectify women” so Cammie is keeping that one off my ps5


You can do that already. I think it came with the Aki update or whenever outfit 3 released.


You already can do that.


You can force skins on your opponent which is good for blanka for e.g. cause the blanka chan costume to me is just deceptive sometimes


I rarely comment on Reddit. You’re fucking weird man.


Looks like you can already do that. Next excuse?


Haha gotta be a bit.


Im an absolute beginner but i'm pretty sure i played against bot when i played 2vs2. When i stopped moving they just ran into me.




Never played games where this is normal practice. Instant scum game for me.


Never played games where this is normal practice. Instant scum game for me.


It seems like youd be able to earn enough currency to unlock each battlepass for free once you buy the first one but im yet to understand how grindy that will be. Just started playing yesterday and i have banana guard, jason and rick unlocked, feels like an alright start to me


I know I'm a niche but can anyone confirm how close to melee does this feels?


Feels very slow and sluggish compared to melee IMO idk if it's cause it re-released or what. It doesn't feel as good as the first time so maybe after some tweaks it will feel better but if you are a melee player on the fence I would say you probably won't like it at the moment. It also is balanced for team play so some character match ups feel atrocious.


It definitely feels more like melee/smash compared to the original beta release that was incredibly spammy/fast, but it's still definitely it's own thing, and it's still pretty focused on 2v2 play it seems.


feels absolutely awful compared to melee. it makes Brawl feel fast paced. If you’re a Melee head looking for a new game, join the Rivals 2 kickstarter and play on the beta weekends. It has much better physics and the animations/camera are much better than this game


Closer than the beta, I really think people just love to complain these days. Game is no longer a spazzy Dodge fest, and feels fine to play. They need to sort out launch servers, but the fun base game is there.


These are my feelings as well. The game has been overhauled and people are complaining that it feels different to them after only playing for a couple of hours. It didn't take much time for me to get used to the changes and the game felt great and I feel like other people just aren't giving themselves enough time to actually get good at the new engine. That or people just can't let go of the spammy attack and dodge strategies that worked too well in the open beta


Finally! A sane person on these threads. The art of enjoying things is slowly dying


The game is nothing like melee. It has more in common with Brawlhalla.


The beta was close to melee. The new release is slower and more like the recent Smash games. Artificial lag between inputs.


Just play it and judge it yourself 


Or you could answer his question


It's a free game. No excuse not to try it.


Data caps maybe


It looks/feels like playing Smash 64 at half speed.


I tried it yesterday and honestly? Quit after a few matches. Lots of weird movesets that feel sluggish, the rift challenges felt weirdly balanced and nothing felt satiafying to punch  The UI is also a mess. Everything is cluttered with challenges, points, events, gems, etc. They revealed the Joker, Jazon and Agent Smith, but only one of those seems to unlock with the battlepass, there's a weird way to unlock Smith early and no idea about Joker,  didn't care enough to read every menu. It also forced me into a tutorial I could not skip, and that's a sin to me in 2024. 


Anyone else has a solid 3 second lag the start of every game regardless of it being pvp or pve? Playing on Xbox series x.