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Idk what they were smoking on with that trailer because the actual game does NOT look like that. They started off on the wrong foot here, marketing wise…


I'm reminded of the backlash with the first trailer or Dragon Age: Origins where they had Manson's "The New Shit" playing. Everyone was like "WTF is this?" But at least they showed in-game footage in that one. I agree that it's weird to have this trailer that is so tonally different.


DAI also had a licensed song in its trailers and it was weird then too.


See I actually quite liked the What a wonderful world trailer for Inquisition. It really gave a dark tone to it.


That's not the one I was referring to. "Heroes" also has a darker connotation to it. As the long is about two lovers under constant threat of annihilation.


Idk the new shit trailer was fire


I cannot find the damned screenshots anywhere, not even in game informers website. Can someone link pls?


There are some shots on the Steam store page


Thanks! That was much easier to find


[Here](https://x.com/ZoggyWoggyPoggy/status/1799885559441326249?t=w9NM2yblSbbAUeNAqxwLHA&s=19) is a twitter link to two of the screen shots from the game informer site.


Ty. That looks very similar to the trailer, no? People were saying it looks different but to me it’s very similar on an art direction level


At a guess? They gave the trailer to an external marketing team and told them to focus on the character intros and gave them some descriptions to play off of. There were some very Inquisition-y looking parts to it though, particularly the elven ruins scene. The marketing trailers for the other games had a similar amount of cheese and played on TV many times leading up to the games release. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised or if it’s just a product of today’s gamer rage culture at anything and everything.


I wasn’t coming at the trailer with the perspective of wanting to rage at it. I was just disappointed that this is the tone they decided to launch the marketing campaign with, especially if it doesn’t align with what the final product is supposed be. With that being said, I’m the type that gets annoyed whenever licensed music is used to score game trailers, so maybe you’re right and I’m just a hater, lol.


Oh no that wasn’t meant to be directed at you or calling you a rager. I was just taking a guess at why this trailer probably is like every other dragon age trailer in terms of its tone vs the game.


That’s fair enough. It must be working on people if they keep going back to that well.


Gameplay trailer is out in 2 days, people will forget about the cinematic trailer afterwards


True but a lot of people will see the xbox trailer and won’t see the gameplay trailer, so they still fucked up if they scared off people with the xbox reveal


The thing is the people who won't see the gameplay are not going to hate the reveal like fans of the series are. Everyone I have talked to who has not played the previous games have said the trailer looks good.


Only public opinion matters. Turn on an extension for dislikes for youtube. 28k likes, 121k dislikes. The gameplay trailer has to be untouchable to even have a chance of erasing the stink at this point. I don't have hope.


Your anecdotal evidence alone isn’t any more generalisable than mine. My friends who haven’t played the other games thought it looked like a shitty Overwatch wannabe. 


The actual worst thing about the new gradual drip of marketing in the form of "trailer release announcement trailer" etc is that this sub spends as much time critiquing/pretending to be experts of marketing as they do pretending to be experts of game design.


I feel like in the context of them changing the title to put more focus on your party rather than the antagonist, the goal of the trailer makes more sense. They’re trying to introduce the party members in a fun and flashy way. Some of the font and text choices did give it a live service vibe, but I still thought it accomplished its goal pretty well.


I legitimately thought that this was a Dragon Age battle arena game until the title drop. I can see your point regarding the trailer’s focus, even if I don’t necessarily agree with the tone used to convey that.


I think a lot of it is the way the text is presented, feels like it's for phones. Like you see a splash ad for this on tiktok or something.


Sounds like classic EA to me, they've done this before on many different games, remember Battlefield 5 and how much of a marketing shit show that was after Battlefield 1's trailer was incredible years before? The cycle continues.


Yea screenshots on Steam look pretty awesome too. The trailer is just awfully done


those screenshots came from the first trailer. I think they're waiting for the gameplay reveal to post more


Oh ok i did not know that thanks


To be honest... this screenshot still looks a little cartoony to me. And a lot of what matters is stuff being "in-motion". The animations were also exceptionally cartoony. I'm devastated. I hope the gameplay trailer is a saving grace.


I don’t really get the severity of the style complaints. Sure, the tone of trailer was a bit too comical and modern, but that’s just typical commercial marketing in games. Visually i think it looks good, but it is a departure. Not really like DA has had a consistent style for any two games. To be honest I don’t see how that’s the concern, i’m way more worried about the quality of writing, dialogue, and quests. Which is Bioware’s defining characteristic, and something they’ve failed at a lot recently. Only seeing some of the actual game will give us any insight on that.


I’ll be honest and say that the games have always been rooted deeply in realism (for the time of the releases of each game), and secondly very serious and dark in tone. The cartooniness alone isn’t the issue - it’s the fact they’ve completely delivered something anathema to the origins of the series You’re right about the gameplay being the most important thing , but this is a huge red flag.


Serious and dark in tone? Dragon Age has had sarcastic and funny dialogue tree options all the way through when speaking with other characters. I'm sure the story will be just as epic as always but the person to person dialogue has always had a cheekiness to it, if you wanted it to.


Dragon Age Origins has moments of levity but is extremely grim for the most part. Even DA2 is pretty dark, though the comedy is turned up a bit. Inquisition isn't super dark like the first two but also takes it self pretty seriously the vast majority of the time.


I think we have different ideas of what realism is lol. The first one was darker and relatively humble in art style, DA2 was already called cartoony when it came out, and Inquisition went full high fantasy. It’s definitely a big pivot, maybe the biggest, but even the key art leading up to this reveal was more out there.


The original screenshots and such of Solas with the wolf were inline with the art style’s original progression throughout the years. The teaser with the red lyrium was also appropriately themed. This came out of nowhere. Totally tone deaf. And DA2 was certainly more high fidelity than DA:o, and had a very distinctive art style approach to armor and the Qunari, but it was not leaning more cartoony over the original. And the marketing was also not totally different from the game itself. My biggest fear is that the marketing will represent the final product because it would be the wrong direction.


This is exactly how I feel too. Even the previous trailer that announced the summer 2024 trailer/marketing looked in line with the previous style of the games. I’m just waiting for the gameplay trailer and hoping this was just a case of really bad marketing


I just can't get over how much Dragon Age has lost its identity since Origins. I keep hoping this series can go back to what it was, but it just seems slim at this point.


I don't know, this new Dragon Age looks way too much like all those hero shooters that we are getting nowadays


That's because they took the tone of those games and applied it to Dragon Age. Instead of characters genuinely fearing the Darkspawn and the Fade they seem to actively want "more asses to kick."


The most fair I can give it is that in a conversation between Varric and Harding, at least the former, they'd be okay with regarding Darkspawn and Fade demons as more asses to kick, even if 90%+ of people wouldn't.


Yes, Varic is a seasoned ""veteran " at this point in the series and Harding was one of the most experienced people in the inquisition by the end of da:i. And of course the grey warden won't be afraid of darkspawn haha.


In Dragon Age Origins the wardens are the only major faction that is deathly afraid of the darkspawn and the blight so I don't agree at all.


They were afraid of *the blight*, **not** the darkspawn. There's a rather big difference there. Unless you mean at the very beginning, where there's that knight. But he was established as being in well over his head.


I think the point is, they don't take either lightly.


Did this get greenlit when the Avengers came out? That’s the vibe I’m getting.


What I liked about Dragon Age (2 and Inquisition) is how unique their elf and qunari faces were. Elves were cat like almost. Now they return to generic looking faces that copy human faces. They lost their personality and now they are just humans with extra attributes. We have a human with horns, an asian woman with pointy ears and a black man with pointy ears. Congratulations.


Imma finally accept that the dark fantasy world that Dragon Age Origins gave me a decade ago was just a one off thing. EA really killed this studio lmao


How long can people blame EA for things like that when it is blatantly clear that Bioware is just washed up? EA didn't kill Bioware, Bioware killed Bioware.




That is patently false though. Anthem, for example, is 100% Biowares fault. https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964 Same with Andromeda. That game was made in 6 months. EA offered more time, Bioware declined. EA is one of the most hands-off publishers, and developers generally like them for that, yet they always get the blame when fiascos like Respawn sabotage themselves happen. Bioware is just incredibly washed up.


Actual game looks much more like Inquisition than the trailer. Looks great, hope they knock it out of the park!


And how do you know that? You work at Bioware?


No, he just clicked the link. 


How can one learn this sorcery!?


I clicked the link, and it shows nothing other than 5 paragraphs about subscribing to game informer. If you're referring to the single header screenshot... That doesn't show the "actual game" at all.


Did you open the article and look at the picture on top


Oh yeah because a single screenshot gives so much knowledge


I mean it offers contrast to the trailer we got lol


They've posted a screenshot of the game for the upcoming Game Informer article. You can find it on the GI site or just on twitter.


BioWare has been posting tons of screenshots of the game [on social media](https://x.com/dragonage/status/1799970679204573206?s=46), there’s also people who’ve play tested the game over the years (BioWare a thing called a community council composed of non employees) vouching for the difference in tone between the trailer and the game.


The marketing tells me that they want to get people off Fornite and COD to be successful. The gaming market has changed tremendously though, how many boomers that played DA:O are out there for major success? EA greens it this project like 5+ years ago when that was kind of a dying genre with dwindling sales…… ……then BG3 came out and showed there actually is an appetite for deep rich RPGs, as long as you make a good game. I bet if this was greenlight today, they might’ve even gone with an actual dragon age origins 2. BG3 sold like 10 million copies.


I see alot of people are still trying to cope with "wait for the game it would be 100% different!"...thats behavior is why hamster thing is so popular :/


Screenshot looks way different here compared to the trailer. https://www.gameinformer.com/sites/default/files/styles/full/public/2024/06/06/0273b8e4/367_reveal_hero.jpg


dunno about "way different", it still looks cartoony. Also it's characters posing, don't be naive to think this didn't go through some editing (colour, tone, w.e) for the marketing.


I think you need to go look at the trailer again. There are lots of places where you can pause the video and get a shot with the same art style.


Yeah the trailer seems quite inconsistent with the style tbh. The necromancer and the qunari look like they're in a different game from the elf, so I think we just need to wait for the gameplay reveal on Tuesday.


Way different? It’s the same.


There were several moments in the trailer that had this sort of style.




Not really?


Yeah seriously, no idea what's going on with this game whether their promotional material has such drastically different art styles. I'm really hoping it looks more like this cover. The trailer we saw today looks way too cartoonish to take seriously.


Do go watch the trailer again thays the ex act same lol


lmao no it doesn't. It still looks like a flourescent-colourful 2020 hero shooter. Edit: How is this being downvoted are you all looking at the photo. Bright pink and bold green are [a very 2020-era trend that go with Hero shooters](https://youtu.be/TwEU5X2pYSk?t=251). We're just missing Cyan. Those aren't typical RPG colour palletes, they're modern fortnite/overwatch/valorant -etc Disney-esque AAA-live-service colour palletes.


People jumping to conclusions and declaring something is dead before after a few seconds? Smart


I think you're crazy if you're trying to argue that we shouldn't take the art direction of an official trailer at face-value.


People said it looked like crap, not that it's dead. It's an opinion people are allowed to have.


What Bioware has done to its IPs is just the greatest tragedy of gaming. This still looks terrible and nothing like Dragon Age. Edit: I will add, whoever thinks any of the screenshots somehow save it from the trailer's art direction are coping. This still looks like a hero shooter.


They most likely outsourced a different studio to the cinematic. The trailer itself looked okay but just didn't suit dragon age. Most likely just bad communication between bioware and this studio


I bet Veilguard is actually the live service iteration of the game which was assumed to be cancelled. This is the only explanation of the suicide-squad-marvel-fortnite-whatever-bullshit this is.


is the black guy in the front supposed to be the warden from the trailer? am I crazy or did trailer warden had elf ears? like if it's supposed to be the same person they fucking look completely different. lol what is going on


The character in the screenshot is the custom player character Rook. The Warden in the trailer is a different character.


It looks decent, but one look at it's community, and you don't want to touch it. Non-stop sex and sex and blind praise.


Pretty sure the community is shitting on the trailer right now. Not exactly blind praise


Then you didn't seen Their discord.


I'm sure if you search hard enough on the internet you can find weird sex obsessed communities for any game. For something like BG3 you don't have to go any further than the subreddit. Or you can just make your own choices about what games to play.